Hunting Mila

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Hunting Mila Page 8

by Melissa Schroeder

  “You think Hunter talks too much?” Masters asked.

  “He talks constantly, mostly about what I’m doing wrong, or how I’m screwing everything up.”

  “I do not.”

  “No one ever complains about Hunter talking too much. In fact, it’s usually the opposite.” Masters’s remarks were ignored by both of them.

  She took a step closer to Hunter. Damn, she was brave. Smiling inwardly, he took a deep breath and enjoyed the clean feminine scent of her. “Yes, you do. You complain more than some old biddy. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were a hundred years old.”

  “You know,” he said, enjoying the heat of temper flowing through him, “I have no idea just how you heard my complaints since you never shut up.”

  She rose to her tiptoes, bringing her face within inches when he lowered his. “I do not talk too much. And I don’t screw things up.”

  Her voice was lowered in a threatening manner, and God help him, a shot of lust threaded into his anger. He could tell by the darkening of her eyes that she felt it, too.

  “Maybe I should take care of Mila, and you go on ahead, Hunter.”

  Without looking at Masters they both said, “Shut up.”

  “Hey, I do outrank you, Mila.”

  She shot Masters a nasty look. “Butt out, Robbie.”

  Hunter took one last deep breath, then stepped away. “We don’t have time for this. Masters here says that we’re supposed to get to Sindlestar where they’re going to debrief you.”

  She frowned at him again. “Don’t either of you know what’s going on?”

  “No. The file gave us little to no info on what they wanted you to do.”

  “Did Harris give you an indication what it was about?” Masters asked her.

  “No. In fact, she acted a little confused and said they had kept her out of the loop on this one.” Mila shrugged. “She said it must be pretty big if she wasn’t briefed on it.”

  Masters chuckled. “Yeah, Harris likes to think she knows everything. But it is odd. I guess we’ll find out when we get there. I’ll meet you all down at the dock.”

  He left without another word. Mila opened her mouth to argue, but Hunter wasn’t having any of it. He slid his arm around her waist, lifted her closer, and silenced her arguments with his mouth.

  As usual, a blast of heat shot through him. His mind spun as her tongue slipped into his mouth. By the time he set her on her feet they were both shaking.

  “We don’t have time for this,” he said and was appalled when his voice shook. He cleared his throat.

  She threaded her hands through her hair. When she spoke, her voice wasn’t any steadier than his.

  “No. No, we don’t. But I really want to.”

  He groaned. “You’re a dangerous woman.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  * * * * *

  The ship Robbie flew was one of the best in the fleet. Mila knew it was part of his cover as a gunrunner. Most people thought he made a fortune selling weapons illegally, and to keep the story up while on assignment, Robbie was lucky enough to get the best of everything. Including the ship. It had all the bells and whistles and hauled ass like nothing she’d ever been on before.

  The moment they were airborne and cruising, Hunter disappeared to contact his father. She figured he wanted to be sure her mother didn’t worry. So sweet, even though he was still being a pain in the ass. Before he left Robbie and her alone, he gave Robbie a nasty look, and gave her a quick, hard kiss and a pat on the ass.

  She would have yelled at him if her head hadn’t been spinning and her hormones singing. By the time she had her wits again, he was gone.

  “You and Hunter, huh?”

  She slanted Robbie a look. He looked the same as when she’d met him all those years ago, except for a few laugh lines around his green eyes. In fact, those made him even more attractive, which was Robbie’s luck. He always landed on his feet no matter what the situation.

  “Don’t start, Robbie. I’m not in the mood.”

  To escape his curious study, she walked to the galley for a snack. She found some water and dried fruit by the time he finally joined her.

  “I take it you don’t want to talk about it.”

  She snorted. “Really, why would you guess that? I mean, I always talk over my present lover with my ex-lovers.”

  When he didn’t reply, she looked at him.

  “It is just that the two of you are exactly alike.”

  “Are you on drugs? We’re nothing alike.”

  She munched on her fruit, then took a swig of water.

  “Mila, I know both of you better than you know yourselves. You’re stubborn, sarcastic, and two of my best friends in the world. I just know you -- and I know him. Neither of you want long term.”

  Something cold slithered into her chest. “Yeah. You have that right.”

  He cocked his head. “No. What you didn’t want was forever with me.”

  “Robbie, you didn’t want forever with me, either. You were confused.”

  Crossing his arms he nodded. “Yeah, I have to agree with you on that one.”

  “And I was married once.”

  “Yeah, and how long did that one last?”

  Irritation lanced through her. It was hell arguing with someone who knew you too well. “He was an asshole. As are most men.”

  “But not Hunter.”

  She drew in a deep breath and was appalled when her voice caught when she said, “Not Hunter.”

  “Oh, baby, don’t.”

  The panic in his voice made her laugh. She sniffled and then fought back the tears.

  “Don’t worry, Robbie, I won’t fall apart on you, and I definitely won’t let Hunter know the truth.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “I’m in love with the jackass.”

  “Oh ... well. Why are you telling me?”

  “Because Hunter would run in the other direction if I told him.”

  He smiled. “You’re right about that one. What’re you planning on doing?”


  He opened his mouth to argue, but Hunter walked into the galley. “What’s going on?”

  She smiled at him. “Nothing. Did you get hold of your father?”

  He nodded. “Your mother was happy to hear you’re safe. She wants you home.”

  “Well, let’s get our asses in gear, find out what the hell is up on Sindlestar, and then I can get back home.”

  Chapter Eight

  The moment they stepped onto the dock on Sindlestar, the tension doubled. Hunter knew down in his gut something was very wrong. The Agency was up to something, and somehow Mila figured into it.

  He glanced at her as she settled her handgun in the holster at her side. Since he’d come upon her and Robbie talking in the galley, she’d been the same, but different. He wasn’t sure what went on between the two of them, but something had. It gnawed at his gut that they might still have feelings each other. Hunter didn’t like feeling like the fifth wheel.

  Robbie strode in front, Mila followed, and Hunter brought up the rear as they entered the customs house. They had nothing to claim, so it was relatively easy to make it through all the checkpoints. Once outside, Mila smiled.

  “I love this place,” she said, looking around.

  Hunter had to agree as he took in the tropical flowers surrounding the entrance of the station. Large, palm-like trees lined the road leading out of the lot, their purple leaves swaying in the gentle wind. The tropical scents of coconuts and jujercots filled his senses. Sindlestar was a resort planet. It had no other means to support itself, just the millions who spent a fortune to vacation there during the year. Temperate climate, white sand beaches, and every debauchery imaginable ensured the locals would never go broke. A light breeze lifted Mila’s hair. The scent of her intermingled with tropical fruits, and his body heated in response. Like a fucking stallion scenting his mare.

  Even now blood drained to
his groin. He shook his head, knowing he had to keep his wits about him. There was something going on here. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it was something tied to Mila. Something the Agency wanted to accomplish, and if she was in the way, they wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice her.

  “Where to now, Robbie?” she asked. Her voice showed no worry whatsoever. Cool, clear, as if she were asking where to shop for the latest handgun. But he knew better. He sensed her tension.

  “We’re supposed to meet an agent at the bar here and then I guess we’ll find out.”

  Once they were on their way in an autocraft provided by the Agency, Hunter tried to keep his mind on the job and off the woman in the backseat.

  “Can you think of anything the Agency would need you for?” Masters asked. “Anything about your father?”

  He sensed her stillness. “You know about my father, Hunter?”

  “Yeah.” He didn’t turn around.

  Masters smoothed over the tension. “Wainwright told him. The man never heard a rumor he doesn’t like to share.”

  Hunter looked over his shoulder at her and nodded. She sighed.

  “I have no idea. I didn’t know until a few years after his death. We were always told he died in an accident. Now, I’m not so sure.” She shrugged. “Daddy was a diplomat. And apparently he worked for the Agency when he took trips. It was how I met up with Robbie.”

  “Do you have anything of your father’s?” Masters asked.

  “Not on me. I mean, if the Agency wanted something from me, something of my father’s, wouldn’t they need to tell me? I wouldn’t know to bring it with me.”

  Uneasiness curled into his stomach, and he said, “I don’t know what it is, but I’d wager your father has something to do with this. Do you know what he handled?”

  She smiled sadly. “He was a courier like me.”

  “Don’t worry, love. We’ll figure it out.”

  Nodding, she returned her attention to the window to watch the scenery. He studied her as she frowned. Her mind was working overtime, thinking about every conversation she’d had with her father, trying to discern any hint of what this all might be about.

  As the buildings they drove past turned shabbier, Hunter’s instincts were ringing with warnings. They’d never failed him before. And now, he thought, glancing at Mila, it was more important than ever.

  * * * * *

  Cold fear slithered down her spine and settled at the base, chilling Mila. She stepped through the door to the club, her mind taking in the surroundings, and her worry increased. She’d been in some dives in her life, but nothing competed with this one.

  Techno music bounced off the walls. The stench of opius, a drug similar to opium, filled the room. She took in the other patrons and refused to shiver, to show fear. These miscreants would cut your throat, steal your money, and she thought, sliding her hand onto her holstered gun, fondle your weapon.

  She followed Robbie as he stepped past a group of mercs. The three men, all human, made some perverted comments and grunts as she passed, but when they noticed the death look Hunter shot them, all of them went silent. Biting her lip to keep from smiling, she continued on, hoping that Robbie actually knew where he was going.

  He approached the bartender. Mila tried to lean closer to hear their conversation, but the music and the murmur of conversation made it impossible. The bartender took the money Robbie offered and handed him a key.

  Masters turned and faced them. He motioned to the back of the club with his head and started off in that direction. Mila looked at Hunter, who shrugged and waited for her to follow Robbie. As they continued back, the music began to irritate, her brain pounding in rhythm. By the time they reached the room, Mila was ready to scream. She wanted this over, and for the first time in a long time, she wanted to go home.

  Robbie unlocked the door and stepped inside. As she walked past him, she sighed when she realized it was empty save for a few chairs and table. Once Hunter entered, the door slid shut and Robbie grabbed the file on the table. After slipping it into his reader, he frowned, an angry flush working up into his face.


  “What’s wrong, Robbie?”

  The door slid open to reveal Nikiraki. “What’s wrong is that your friend Robbie just realized he fucked up.”

  Chapter Nine

  Hunter cursed inwardly. He should have known. Studying Nikiraki, he realized that the years were gaining on the man. His black hair was now threaded with silver. Hunter knew the bastard regularly paid for laser surgery to keep his face unlined. But there was something in his gray eyes that told Hunter the man was on his last leg. Sweat beaded on Nikiraki’s forehead, making his light skin appear clammy.

  “So, the Agency’s little game failed.” His voice held the barest hint of his lower class London upbringing.

  “Game?” Robbie asked.

  The smile curving his lips had nothing to do with humor. “Yes. See, they know Mila has something I want. They thought to dangle her in front of me.”

  “I don’t have anything you want.” Mila said.

  His gaze roamed over her. “I could argue with that, but it isn’t all I’m interested in.”

  She shook her head. “Nikiraki, you’ve gone off the deep end. I have nothing for you.”

  “You know, I knew your father.” She stilled, and Hunter wanted to kill the bastard. He was trying to play her, and apparently, he knew her weaknesses. “He was a pretty smart man. Not smart enough to win, but intelligent enough to play the game.”

  “This has to do with my father?”

  He stepped into the room chuckling. “Yes.” His guards followed him. The door slid silently shut.

  “Yes. Your father was a pain in the ass. And he had something I wanted. I thought, well, until recently that it had gone to his grave with him. Until the rumors began to circulate.”

  She moved her hand to her weapon and panic chilled Hunter’s mind. If she tried to kill the bastard those two guards would kill her before she could even get the gun out of its holster.

  “I wouldn’t try that, Ms. Simmons. In fact, maybe you and your two friends should hand over your weapons.”

  Mila hesitated, then handed her gun over to one of the guards. Masters complied, as did Hunter, both of them handing over any visible weapons. Hunter was sure they’d be searched, but the guards stepped back, not once touching them. His uneasiness increased.

  “Now, where were we? Oh, yes. Your father. Well, we had a few dealings.” His tongue shot out over his lips. “Let’s say I got to spend his last few moments with him.”

  Hunter glanced at Mila. Her face paled, her fists curled, but nothing else showed her worry.

  “He was a brave man, but then, he got caught fucking with me. And people who fuck with me, end up getting fucked.”

  She cocked her head and said, “And why the hell do you think I care what a little piece of shit like you says?”

  Nikiraki’s smile faded. “Really, my dear. Spending time with these two must have influenced you.”

  She righted her head and then shook it. “No, I’m pretty sure that before I met either of them, I would have known you were a pissant.”

  Anger flashed over the man’s face and a flush of color rose from his neck. He glanced at Hunter. “A woman who spends her days with a bastard, letting him touch her, well, she has no taste, does she?”

  “I think you’re forgetting where you come from, Nikiraki,” Hunter said, trying to keep his attention. “Or should I call you Nick?”

  His eyes narrowed as he studied Hunter.

  “Nick?” Masters asked.

  “Yeah, see, what a lot of people don’t know is that Nikiraki is actually Nick Roarke. Bastard by birth and in personality.”

  Nikiraki’s nostrils flared and anger flashed in his eyes. “Yes, many people don’t know about that, but you do. One of the things I always hated about you was the fact you knew my background.”

  Hunter smiled, glanced at Masters, then back
at Nikiraki. “Yeah. Not many people know you’re the son of a whore.” Rage poured off Nikiraki, and Hunter decided to push him over the edge. “I wonder if she actually knew who your father was, or are you the son of one of her johns?”

  Nikiraki took a step forward, which surprised Hunter. The man didn’t do the dirty work, especially with someone who would kick his ass. He tended to only hurt those who couldn’t hurt him. As Hunter watched, the bastard got hold of himself. He stepped back and ordered his guard to take care of Hunter with the flick of his hand.

  The guard approached him, and Hunter smiled, thinking life sometimes was just too easy. The Simian raised Hunter’s weapon and struck Hunter against the jaw. Pain exploded as he fell to the floor. Mila screamed out, but Hunter tried to ignore her distress as he shook his head trying to clear his vision. He reached down to the pocket in his pant leg and retrieved his weapon.

  In the next moment, all hell broke loose. Hunter lifted his handgun and shot the fucker who’d hit him. Masters had been prepared. He pulled his weapon out and shot the other guard, who had been leveling his weapon on Hunter. Both of them turned to Mila and Nikiraki. Hunter’s blood turned cold when he saw the bastard had Mila by the throat, her handgun against her temple.

  “Ah, I see I have your attention.” The smugness in Nikiraki’s voice made Hunter want to beat the living hell out of him. “See, I could care less about you and pretty boy here. What I wanted was Mila Simmons and the information she holds.”

  Hunter couldn’t look at Mila. If he saw any fear, any pain, he’d lose control.

  “I told you I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Trying to look nonchalant, Hunter wiped away a smear of blood from his mouth. He hadn’t realized he’d been bleeding, but guessed it’d happened when he was hit. Keeping his temper cooled and his feelings disengaged was the only thing that would save Mila. He couldn’t let the fear clawing at his throat show. Nikiraki would know he had him.

  “What is it that she has, Nick? Maybe we can make a deal.”

  “Hunter?” Masters asked. “Why would you want to deal with scum like Nikiraki?”


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