Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 11] Roman Treachery

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Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 11] Roman Treachery Page 7

by Griff Hosker

  Prisoners meant slaves and the money would be shared out amongst the turma. Marcus nodded and then gestured towards Vibius. “That was bravely done Sextus.”

  “He was lucky sir.” Then he added grudgingly, “I was impressed with his accuracy though. If the others are as good then we might have a good turma again.”

  The dead carters were placed in the cement wagon while the dead Brigante were stripped of weapons and left as a reminder to others of the perils of stealing from Rome. The century awaiting the wagons a few miles from Eboracum were delighted that it was escorted by the ala. Marcus disappointed the centurion by telling him that they would have to escort the wagons in without the aid of the ala. Sextus asked, “Are we not going into Eboracum then sir?”

  “No Sextus, the prefect is still out there bandit hunting and I do not want to waste a turma of cavalry doing what the caligae can do equally well. But you can take the prisoners in to the slave market. Take Scanlan with you and then meet me at my brother’s farm.”

  Sextus went off happily. He would manage to get a beaker of ale at least at The Saddle. “Come on gormless. Let’s see how fast these bandits can run.” Giving one rope to Scanlan and taking the other, the gruff chosen man began to trot towards the distant fortress.

  Marcus rode over to Vibius who was still flushed with both his success and the excitement of the skirmish. “You did well Vibius but remember there are thirty other troopers to aid you. It was a little reckless. We were coming to your aid.”

  “I know sir, sorry but it just seemed the right thing to do.”

  “Do not get me wrong Vibius it is what I would have done when I was your age but when you get a little older you realise the dangers in being isolated amongst enemies.”

  “The men say that you were an Explorate when you were younger. You hid amongst the enemy.” It was a statement which required both an explanation and an answer.

  “True Vibius but that was different. We were hidden in plain sight. We dressed as the people dressed.” He gestured at their uniform. “We did not look as different as you do. Tell me Vibius, you are a well trained youth, why did you wait so long to join.”

  “What you really mean sir is where did I learn to throw so well?”

  Marcus could see that talking to Vibius was different from talking to the other recruits. He had a maturity about him which was lacking in the other youths. “Not just the weapon work but the riding as well. You look to have had some military training and I can hear from your voice that you have been well educated.”

  “My family had money and I was given every opportunity to better myself but my parents and the rest of my family were taken by the plague which visited us and I found that my father’s business dealings were not as sound as they might have been. I was left with a small amount of money.” He shrugged. “Had I been a citizen then I might have contemplated joining the legionary cavalry but as I was not I chose Marcus’ Horse.”

  “You had heard of us, in the south?”

  “Your fame is known throughout the land and besides my family was of the same tribe as the prefect and it seemed fitting somehow that I should be a warrior with the nearest thing to a chief that I could.”

  Before Marcus could reply, his horse’s ears pricked. He held up his hand, “Stand to!”

  A trooper from the Fourth Turma appeared from the nearby copse. “Sir.”

  “I take it your turma is close by Septimus?”

  “Sir! The prefect has managed to recover the wagons and we are taking them to Eboracum.” He pointed behind him where the line of wagons could be seen.

  “Good. Carry on with your scouting duties. Turma, ho!”

  The column of riders quickly closed up with the rest of the ala. When Marcus had reported their success he said to Livius. “With your permission sir I will head for my brother’s farm. Drugi promised me a couple of trackers.”

  “Good. I will keep your turma with me and we will meet you in Eboracum when you have secured your men.” He smiled at his young decurion.”It will give you the opportunity to spend a night with your wife. I am aware that you have not had leave for quite a while.”

  “She understands sir. And my mother knows how it works.”

  Chapter 6

  Marcus could see that his brother had heeded his warning about the Brigante and his workers were deepening the ditch which surrounded the huts. The men waved at Marcus as he rode through the thick oaken gate. Ailis watched her youngest son as he dismounted; he was the image of his father. Decius was more like his mother in the face but his body was far bigger than his little brother. It was stranger that the brothers could be so different and yet, inside, they were still the same. They had never fallen out and there were no sibling jealousies. She and Gaius had been lucky, she knew that. “Frann, your husband is here.”

  Frann raced out with Macro, asleep, in her arms. “Will he be staying the night do you think?”

  “He is alone and I would think so. Here give me the boy and I will prepare your room.” As she took him she said, “You need to make the most of all of these moments for who knows when they may come.”

  When Macro had been put down in his grandmother’s room and the family were seated around the table Ailis felt content for the first time in a long time. She had been lucky to have lived so long and she cherished every moment that her sons were with her.

  Decius leaned back and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I do not know what we would have done had you not brought Drugi back with you. He is invaluable around the farm and he refuses to take anything from us.”

  Marcus reached over and took Frann’s hand. “Had you seen his life before you would know that the freedom he has is payment enough.”

  “Is the threat from the bandits over then brother?” Decius was a typical farmer and worried about the weather, the animals and bandits. If one threat could be eliminated he could spend all his time worrying about the other two.

  “Not yet. We have had a little success but we have not found their leaders yet. When Drugi brings me the trackers we may be able to find their lair but the land of the Brigante stretches from sea to sea.”

  Marcus awoke with Frann in his arms. The smell of her was soft and welcoming; the bed was warm and soft. This was as close to heaven as Marcus ever came. She looked up at him and snuggled in a little closer. “We have been lucky husband.”

  “I know and I treasure each moment. The next time I am home I expect that Macro will be running around like a mad thing!”

  “He does that now!” she laughed. “Your mother has given us this quiet time and she will be ready for a rest herself when you have gone back to the turma.”

  When they emerged into the main room Drugi was waiting for them, the remains of the meal he had eaten scattered on the table top. “I thought you were going to spend all day in your little nest.” The smile on his face belied the words he spoke.

  “If you had such a bird in your nest old friend then you might not leave so readily. I take it you have found my trackers?”

  “Aye they are outside.”

  “Why did you not bring them in?“ scolded Frann.

  Drugi spread his arms wide with an outraged look on his face. “They did not wish to do so! Come we will meet them.”

  When Marcus went outside he saw a youth of about fifteen summers and a dog. The youth had the tanned look, much as Drugi did, of someone who spends their days outdoors. His hair was long but clean and he had not yet begun to shave. Although he was thin Marcus could see that it was a leanness that implied fitness and not a sign of malnutrition. The dog was one of the common sheepdogs Marcus had seen on the fell sides. It was brown with sharply pricked ears; one long white sock and three short ones. At the very tip of its tail was a white spot. Its eyes watched Marcus carefully as he approached them. The decurion peered around for the second scout. “I thought you said two scouts?”

  “Can you not count Marcus? There are two.”

  “But one is a dog!”
r />   Drugi laughed, “And a better tracker you have yet to meet. This, my rude young Roman friend, is Felix.” The youth stood and gave a nod of his head. “And this is Wolf!”

  Marcus smiled apologetically. “I am sorry for my rudeness Felix, “he looked at the dog, and Wolf. “Forgive me. I can see from Drugi’s face that there is a story here. Pray continue old friend.”

  Felix’s face opened into a huge smile and Wolf wagged his tail. “Drugi is right, decurion; Wolf is the best scout you will ever meet.”

  “Well then. On with the story Drugi.”

  “Felix can tell the tale as well as any.” Drugi gestured for the boy to sit.

  The boy sat on the chair Ailis used to watch the farm workers. “I lived with my family near the high falls and we had sheep.” He pointed to Wolf. “His mother was the best sheep dog we had. When I was but five summers old the Selgovae came raiding. They stole the flock, killed Wolf’s mother and slaughtered my family.” Marcus glanced over to Drugi, a question on his face.

  “He will tell you decurion; learn patience.”

  “I was playing with Wolf by the falls and when I returned I found my family dead. I buried them and Wolf and I tried to follow the Selgovae but the snows came and we had to return to our burnt out home. The Roman soldiers found us seven days later. They had killed the raiders and they were heading back to the fort. They gave me the name Felix.”

  “Lucky eh?”

  Felix nodded. “They took me to their fort and I lived there for a while with Wolf. They were kind to me and we learned to help them. They had found some of the flock and we looked after them. The Gauls liked the meat. When the fort was abandoned and they were sent to the wall Wolf and I stayed around the fort for we were used to it and that is where I met Drugi.”

  Drugi nodded and continued stroking Wolf’s head. “I came across them when I was hunting and they found me.” He nodded as Marcus’ face showed the surprise that anyone had sneaked up on the master tracker. “I showed him how to hunt. Sometimes he stays with me and sometimes I visit his home but he needs a purpose in his life.”

  Felix stood. “I want to pay back the Selgovae for their murder and I owe Rome much for I would have died were it not for their kindness. I would serve you.” He looked over at Drugi. “I am Brigante and my father told me of the sword you carry. Drugi also told me of it. I would follow the sword.”

  Marcus walked over to the youth and clasped his arm. “Then I welcome you to Marcus’ Horse and you shall be my scout. Do you ride?”

  For the first time Felix looked uncomfortable. He shook his head. “I know not how.”

  “Then I shall teach you as we ride to the fort. Do you have any belongings?”

  He looked over to Drugi who said, “Just his weapons. Does he need more?” The boy held up his bow and quiver.

  “He will need a leather jerkin for our enemies do not discriminate between those with and without armour.”

  “I have one in my hut. By the time you are ready to leave I will return.”

  First we will get you a short sword and dagger. Marcus led him to the barn and, after moving a calf out of the way cleared some straw from the floor. A small trapdoor was revealed and when it was opened Felix could see that it was filled with weapons and mail shirts. The decurion took out a short sword and a dagger. He saw the question on the boy’s face. “We have collected these over the years so that when my brother and his men fight they are prepared. We will replace those weapons the next time we fight. And now to your horse.”

  Marcus took Felix to the stable. The dog did not need an instruction, he just followed the youth. In the stables Marcus went to the most gentle of the horses who were there. Marcus was the ala horse master and, like his namesake Marcus Maximunius he knew horses the way a shepherd knows his sheep. “This is Blackie. He is descended from a fine line of horses and he will carry you safely. Speak with him and breathe into his nose while I get a saddle for you.”

  Wolf had his head cocked to one side, watching Felix as he stroked Blackie and spoke with him. Marcus could see, immediately, that, Felix was one of those special people who could relate to all animals. He was another Drugi. “Here I will show you how to put the saddle on. You can ride without one, but it is more comfortable with one.” Felix was also a bright Brigante and the expression on his face showed Marcus that he would be able to do so himself in the future. Marcus led the horse out by his reins. He looped the rains over the placid horse’s mane. “Now mounting a horse is only hard the first time. Once you know it won’t move, and this one won’t trust me, then you will gain confidence. “The decurion put his hands together. “Put your foot in there, grab a handful of mane and pull yourself up.” Marcus almost laughed aloud when he saw the look of fear on Felix’s face and then he remembered when he had been taught, many years ago. Perhaps he had been as afraid then too. Felix was quite light and Marcus easily boosted him up so that he did not need to pull hard on the mane. Once he was seated he looked less afraid. Wolf still looked dubiously at the huge black horse and the boy who had raised him. “Now take the reins and kick with your heels. Make this sound.” Marcus clicked his tongue three times in quick succession. As soon as Felix obeyed him the horse set off quite calmly.

  As soon as the horse moved Wolf began to bark. Felix looked at the dog and pointing with his left hand said, in Brigante, “Stop!” The dog stopped barking but still watched carefully.

  “Now just ride around the outside of the building and become familiar with him and I will get my horse.”

  Frann and Ailis had come from the kitchen when Wolf had barked. Drugi strode into the yard with the leather jerkin. “You ride well Felix. Talk to him as you do with Wolf and he will become your friend too.”

  When they disappeared around the back of the farm Ailis asked Drugi, “Is he alone in the world then?”

  ”He is and he lived with just his pup for seven days, just him and the dog with the snows around. I do not know what would have happened if the Gauls had not found him. The Allfather watches over him I think.”

  “Well someone does.” She put her hand on the huge man’s arm, “and I think that you watch over him too Drugi.”

  “I will never have a son but Felix is the son I would wish to have had.”

  Felix appeared around the corner of the building with a huge grin on his face and Wolf trotting quietly behind him. While Drugi gave the jerkin to Felix, Marcus gave his mother a hug, his wife and son a kiss. He watched Felix don the jerkin which would give him some protection in combat and then clasped Drugi’s arm. “Stay close to the farm old friend until we had rid the land of these bandits. I have a feeling that they mean ill to folks like us.”

  Drugi gave a slight bow, “I will my friend.” He nodded to Felix. “As I know you will care for the boy.”

  Marcus nodded and sprang easily on to the back of his horse. He put his arms out and Frann handed him Macro. He held tightly to his son and they trotted around the yard; Macro giggling and squealing with delight. When he gave him back to Frann the child let out a wail. “Thank you husband! He cries and you go.”

  Marcus shrugged apologetically. “Send to Nanna and ask her has she a small pony. It is time my son learned to ride!”

  As they rode down the road towards Eboracum Felix asked, “How could you ride without using your hands? Why did you not fall off?”

  “You use your knees to guide it and you become one with the horse. You will learn and when you scout you will not use your horse but it is easier for you to ride when we are on patrol for we cover great distances.” He looked down at Felix. “The weapons I gave you , you will need to keep them sharp and use them to protect yourself.”

  “I want to hurt the Selgovae who killed my family.”

  “Felix when we join the ala you will have to obey orders. You must know this and promise that you will do so or you can return to Drugi now. We fight all Rome’s enemies, not just yours.”

  “I am sorry decurion. I will obey orders. I promise.�
� The intense look on the boy’s face told Marcus that he spoke the truth.

  It was dusk by the time they entered the fort. Marcus did not know who was more surprised, the sentries who stared at the wild boy and his dog, or Felix who had never seen a building made of stone before. Marcus nodded to the optio. “This is Felix my new scout.”

  The optio grinned; he had known the ala for years. “So they have replaced old Gaelwyn at last.”

  “I do not think we can ever replace Uncle Gaelwyn. Ride on Felix.”

  As they approached the barracks Marcus saw Felix’s eyes drawn to the standard which stood outside the Principia. He pointed at it, “Decurion what is that?”

  Marcus smiled, he had anticipated this moment all the way from the farm. “That Felix is the standard of the ala, it is the Wolf. Your dog is coming home.”

  Felix nodded. “Now I know that this was meant to be.”

  Appius Serjanus read the reports again. According to the engineers who had surveyed the land on the west coast, there were huge copper deposits as well as granite and slate. There was also the hint of gold. He had been a perfect aide to the Governor and dealt with the tiresome paperwork. It had only cost him a few late nights to copy down the report but he had scaled back the potential. When he showed it to the Governor he would volunteer to oversee the development of the mines. He would ensure that the miners and the officer who extracted the ore would report directly to him. His father had been right; this was a rich land with potential for someone with a shrewd brain and the courage to take action. All he now needed was to engage men whom he could trust. Despite all of his plans and strategies the young patrician still could not get the lovely Vibia from his mind and his thoughts. Every time he saw her around the Governor’s residence, which was frequently, he found himself intoxicated by her perfume and drawn to her fluttering green eyes. He knew that she was toying with him but he could not help himself. He was just grateful that his rival, the young decurion was kept busy, out on patrol with the hard worked ala.


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