Trois: Episode 3: An MMF Romance (Trois Serial)

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Trois: Episode 3: An MMF Romance (Trois Serial) Page 2

by Brill Harper

  “Look what you’re making us do, Penelope. Are you sure you don’t want to be a good girl?” Shane asks, playing good cop, I guess.

  We don’t have a safe word or anything since this is not something any of us planned. So, I guess we’re winging it. “If you tell me you’ll be a good girl and put on some panties, I’ll let you up,” I say.

  This is it. She’s going to push off my lap and move out. Hating me, thinking I’m a kinky asshole.

  “You can’t make me wear panties,” she answers, her voice strong and bratty as fuck.

  She wants this.

  The sound of my hand slapping her tender skin pulls out a moan from all three of us. Her skin pinkens instantly. My cock thrusts against the zipper of my pants, and I’m sure she feels it beneath her. I stroke over her ass with a gentle touch as she gasps.

  That was so fucking good.

  “Spank her again, big daddy,” Shane says, sitting in the chair across from us and pulling out his cock.

  Fuck, I wish I could pull mine out. But I don’t think I have the control I need to not slide it into her pussy balls deep. She arches her back, pushing against my hand like she wants another one. So I give her more. My palm connects, landing hard several times, until she’s pink and tender. I’m distracted by a groan from Shane. When I look up, I can’t help but watch him jack it right in front of us. We make eye contact, and I slap her again, connecting to my best friend in a way we never have before. He nods.

  We’re filthy, dirty sons of bitches.

  “Look at what you’re making Shane do, Penelope. Now we’re going to be so late,” I growl.

  She turns her head and looks up at him, and I give her another smack. This one a little lower, on her thighs. She groans, the sound so throaty and sexy I almost come in my pants. Jesus, Shane’s eyes are blazing heat.

  I squeeze one of those cheeks tightly in my hand. “You’re a little brat, baby girl. Your sweet ass is so red right now. Proof of how naughty you are.” I dip my hand lower, drenching my fingers in her wetness. “You’re so fucking wet. Only naughty girls get so fucking wet when they get punished. Are you going to come?”

  Her eyes are still locked on Shane’s dark and horny gaze. “No.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I ease my finger into her slippery pussy. She whimpers and bucks on my lap, and Shane starts frapping furiously. “I think you’re going to come. I think you like getting punished, and you’re going to come all over my hand.”

  I brush my thumb on her clit and bring my other hand down on her ass hard. She cries out, humping my hand as her whole body shivers in my lap. The primal sounds she makes are hotter than any porn star. Shane groans a desperate sound, and the cum spills out of him, visible from across the room. The only sound in the room is our ragged breathing.

  Our living room is humid with the smell of sex.

  She’s still shivering. Like the other night, I pull her into me and soothe her, my balls busting to nut, but knowing she needs me. She burrows into me, shaking, but letting me give her comfort.

  I kiss her hair. “It’s all right now, Pen. You did so good. You’re so sexy. So beautiful.”

  I want to thank her for letting this happen. For trusting me to take her there. To take care of her afterward.

  Shane goes into the bathroom to clean up, and our girl finally sits up, looking so sexily disheveled I want to take her picture. “Um. That was...”

  I pull her face to mine and kiss her like I own her. Hard and demanding. “You need to go get your panties on or we’re going to be late to the party.”

  “We’re still going to the party? You didn’t...”

  Yeah. I know I didn’t. My cock is still rock hard under her ass right now. Hating me.

  “Later. When we get home.”

  “When we get home?” she asks, rising from the couch.

  “When we get home, I’m going to fuck you.” She bites her lip and blushes. “And so is Shane.”

  Chapter Three

  I’m not sure why I insisted we come to this damn Halloween party. Part of it is that it seemed like follow-through was important on that daddy game we were playing. Part of it is that Shane worked hard to put our costumes together.

  And part of it is I like watching them both sweat it out. We all know what happens later, and the tension is off the charts because of it.

  But I’m not having a good time here. The music is too loud. The smell of beer and puke is annoying. And Aylie, the coach’s daughter, just walked in.


  I haven’t seen her in a few weeks, and the last time I did, I told her that Penelope was my girlfriend so she would stop hitting on me. She’s just turned eighteen, and she is Coach’s little princess. I wouldn’t make a move on her even if I wasn’t involved in this threesome thing we have going.

  But I feel strange claiming Pen as mine in public when it’s the three of us that are...together. Shane probably doesn’t care, but I do. I don’t like the thought of erasing him from our...relationship is the closest word to what we’re doing...even if it’s just in public and doesn’t affect what we do at home.

  I’m about to call a meeting with the two of them when I catch Penelope’s orange sweater in the corner of my eye. She’s talking to Jones.

  The guy she went on a date with before we all agreed to not date anyone outside the house.

  I’ve never been the jealous type before this year. But as the red haze clouds my vision, I have to count to ten. Penelope is not my possession. And she has agreed to not date anyone else right now, and I trust her. I can’t explain why my heartbeat is roaring in my ears or why I want to smash the cheap-ass pallet board college furniture in the room. Why I want to grab our girl and fuck her against the wall so everyone knows she’s mine. I mean ours.

  My eyes narrow as I start marching toward the prick.

  Shane steps into my path. “Zoinks, Fred. You look a little upset.”

  I shrug him off. “Leave it, Shane.”

  “Nope.” He directs me into the kitchen with a hard shove. Guy is strong. “You’re about to do something stupid. That’s my job, remember? You’re the smart one. I’m the impulsive one.”

  “I’m not going to—”

  “Dude, you’re my best friend. I know you better than anyone. You can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me. You’ve got the nuclear glow of testosterone around you. So chill here for a minute before you do something stupid.”

  I have to check my impulse to punch him. Which means he’s right. “Fuck,” I say. “This is not me.” The two people by the keg get their drinks and leave the room, but I still lower my voice. “This jealousy bullshit and the daddy games. I don’t even know who I am anymore.”

  “Well, lucky for you, I know what’s happening. I’ll explain it to you. The girl is under your skin.” I shoot him a look, and he shrugs. “You knew it would happen someday. The daddy games are just hot fun. You need to relax about it. College is for experimenting. Little bit isn’t the only one learning about her sexuality. You look all placid on the surface, but beneath you’ve got some hidden depths, my friend. Let your freak flag fly, I say.”

  “I spanked my little sister’s best friend!”

  Shane gets up in my space. “You need to let that ‘but she’s my littles sister’s best friend’ shit die. It’s getting old. All three of us know it doesn’t mean dick to you when you’re hard, so stop trying to guilt yourself out of this or you’re going to make her feel ashamed too.”

  I clench my jaw. That is the last thing I want. “I hate it when you’re right, douchebag.”

  “You must be unhappy a lot then.”

  We leave the kitchen together, and Aylie throws herself in my path. “Happy Halloween, Fletcher.”

  “Looking good, Aylie. I like the hot nurse thing,” Shane tells her, and I pull a face at him.

  “Just because you have a girlfriend doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t appreciate hot chicks in costumes,” he says, though I can tell he’s not r
eally paying attention to her. His eyes are on Velma across the room. Just like mine.

  “You have a girlfriend?” Aylie asks. “The same girl from last time?”

  “Yeah,” I tell her. And I mean it. Something just happens in my heart when I make eye contact with Penelope. “We’re pretty serious now.”

  Shane grabs me in a fake headlock. “My bro is a goner.”

  “Shut up, dick.” I pull away from him. “Catch you later, Aylie. We need to go home now.”

  I pull Shaggy with me across the room to where our woman is still talking to Jones. “You lost your chance, bro,” I tell him and lean down and kiss her in front of everyone. “She’s my girlfriend. You ready to go home, Penelope?”

  She chews her lip, her eyes wide, and then breaks into the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on her. “I am. I’ve been ready for a while.”

  We get just outside the door when she stops me. “I feel like I need to tell you something.”

  “Can you tell him while we walk?” Shane asks. “I’m horny as fuck, and I was told we were getting our dicks wet tonight.”

  He really is insensitive sometimes. “Shut up, Shane. What is it, Pen?”

  “Remember how you told me to put panties on before we came to the party tonight?”

  I look around to make sure no one else can hear what’s meant only for our ears. “Yes.”

  She shakes her head slowly. “I didn’t do it.”

  “Little bit, you fucking minx,” Shane says.

  My muscles tighten, and my blood heats up. Just like she knew it would. “You’re bare under that little skirt?”

  She nods like she’s ashamed, but she’s not. She’s so not.

  “You’re a little prick tease, aren’t you?”

  She looks down at her shoes and bites her lip coyly. “I’m sorry.”

  But the little smirk painted on her face tells me differently. I grab her roughly and bring her around to the side of the house where the party is still happening. I push her into the wall between two overgrown bushes, and her face is lit up with excitement. Fuck. She’s getting off on this.

  Just like the rest of us.

  “Are you wet? Does it make that little pussy cream to think that any guy there could have seen what’s mine?” I shove my hand up her skirt. Her lips are slippery and hot. “Spread your legs,” I tell her, holding up her skirt. “Show us that bad little pussy that’s causing so much trouble tonight.”

  I have never spoken to a girl the way I do to Penelope. I never thought I would speak that way to anyone. But it heightens everything we feel. Ratchets the tension. Giving her lessons about guys has taught me more about myself than I expected to learn.

  I can only see the shadows of her face from the streetlights, but I know she’s blushing as she opens her legs for us. I step to the side, her skirt bunched in my hand and tell my best friend, “Shane, get down there and fuck her with your tongue.”

  Not needing to be told twice, Shane drops to his knees and buries his head in her cunt. I kiss her, swallowing her cries of pleasure as he brings her to a quick orgasm while the back of her ass is probably scraping against the brick siding. God, I want to sink into her. But not here. Not yet.

  Shane pulls back and makes a big show of wiping his mouth. “Well, we sure showed her, didn’t we?”

  Yeah. The two of us standing here in the dark with rock-hard dicks, and our naughty girlfriend just got a screaming orgasm. I’m sure she feels suitably chastened.

  Shane places an almost sweet kiss on her mound, and I let go of the damn skirt. I like the look in his eyes when he finds one of her hands and kisses her fingers. Shane’s always been so closed off. Never wanted a real girlfriend. Just someone to fuck, never someone to care about. I’m the only person in his life that he ever trusted. That he cares about.

  And now, there’s her. I think she’s opening him up to new things that aren’t just about daddy games. It makes my heart beat stronger.

  Whatever this is between us, the three of us, is good in ways I don’t think any of us counted on.

  But this damn brat is losing her cherry tonight, so help me God.

  “I hope you’re not tired, Penelope.”

  Chapter Four

  When we get home, I send Penelope into the bathroom to take a hot bath. I go into my room and find Shane in there, lighting all our storm candles. Every flat surface is glowing and he’s in his underwear.

  There are rose petals on my bed and wine glasses on my nightstand. Another of his planned productions. Where do you even get rose petals? Do they sell them in stores? Do you have to buy roses and pluck the petals off? Is this like arts and crafts?

  I raise my eyebrows at him.

  He holds his arms out wide. “Dude, she’s a virgin. She deserves some romance.”

  “I don’t disagree. I’m just surprised you thought it out so far. I’ve never even seen you take a girl on a real date.” He doesn’t see the same girl more than a couple times. He claims more than two booty calls crosses lines and hurts feelings. He loves women, a lot, and doesn’t like to hurt their feelings. He’s just sort of fucked up about caring for one more than the rest.

  “Penelope deserves it.” He finds one candle he hasn’t lit yet before he makes a face at me. “Are you going to wear that outfit to seduce her? I’m not really sure Fred is the sexiest cartoon dude. She might like Captain Caveman. Or maybe one from the League of Justice. All the chicks are talking about Aquaman right now, though I never saw that one coming. Anyway, Fred isn’t chickbait.”

  I roll my eyes. “You think? I was coming in here to change when I found you planning a honeymoon or something in my bedroom.”

  He points down to his briefs. “So change. I’m almost done.”

  I hesitate. We’ve dressed and undressed in the same room plenty of times—sharing a dorm room and the baseball team locker room. But this feels different.

  Which is stupid, considering. Why am I hesitating?

  “For fuck’s sake, Fletcher. Are you going to get weird about this? Do you want to take turns with her while the other one waits in the hall, or are you going to man up? You don’t have anything I haven’t seen a thousand times.”

  To make a point, I start untying the red neck scarf while daring him to look away. He doesn’t, just crosses his arms over his chest and dares me to keep going. I yank the knot aggressively. Because that’s a real show of my male prowess, yeah?

  We’ve showered next to each other. Why is this weird?

  I pull the sweater over my head and throw it on the floor and start unbuttoning the shirt beneath it slowly and with purpose. We don’t say the words, but our eyes have a conversation.

  Me: Look away first.

  Him: You look away first, asswipe.

  Me: Fine, look your fill of my hot body, dickbrain.

  Him: You want me to put on some music for you? Get you a pole? You think you’re Magic Mike now?

  I pull my pants off and now the two of us are standing here in our underwear, staring into each other’s eyes. My heart is racing a little too fast.

  “Fletch, you’re my best friend, and we’re embarking on an epic adventure together. And there’s going to be a lot of nudity. There’s bound to be some friendly fire, too. Are you going to be okay with this? I don’t want things to be weird between us.”

  I kick the clothes on the floor into a pile next to the hamper. “Truth? I don’t want to be okay with this. I want to think this is wrong. I don’t know why I’m okay. More than okay. I really like her a lot, but I’m just as into watching you with her as me. I can’t explain it. The idea of her with anyone else makes me feel homicidal, but this, the three of us doesn’t. So, yeah, I’m sure there are going to be a few lines crossed, and I’m not weirded out about it.”

  He blinks at me. That was a lot of words to basically say “fine.”

  “Cool. Me either. The most important thing about tonight is her, agreed?”

  I nod. “Agreed. And thanks for,” I gesture to the h
oneymoon suite that used to be my bedroom, “all this. She’ll like it.” And she’s the one I should be worrying about. Not myself.

  “Good. Now pick your dirty clothes up before she gets out of the bath. You’re ruining my carefully crafted aesthetic.”

  “Fucker,” I mumble as I scoop up the clothes and put them in my hamper. “I think you should go in first.”

  “Go in?”

  I make a face. He knows what I mean.

  “Oh...go in. Yeah, I don’t know. You’re the one she’s known longer. She might be more comfortable with you first. But now that I think about it, it would be kinder if I’m first. Your dick is pretty fucking big, man.”

  “It’ll fit.”

  He laughs. “You ever been with a virgin before?”

  Rachel Kellerman flashes across my mind. “Yeah. My first time was my girlfriend’s first time too.” It was awkward, but nice I guess. I mean I came. I’m pretty sure she didn’t. In fact, she cried. But after the crying, after the cuddling, I made sure she had an orgasm too.

  “I haven’t been with one.” He actually wrings his hands for a minute. I’ve never seen him wring his hands. It’s very un-Shane like to show nerves in an obvious way. He realizes what he’s doing and stops. “I don’t want to hurt her.”

  “Just go slow. Watch her face. If she’s still got a hymen, it will pinch, but only for a minute. And we’ll make sure she’s wet and ready.”

  “Her hymen? You’ve been reading health department pamphlets again? I’ve never heard anyone call it that who wasn’t middle-aged.”


  Shane nods and we hear the water from the tub start gurgling down the drain. Bathtime is nearing an end.

  “Why wouldn’t she have a hymen if she’s a virgin?” he asks me quietly.

  “According to my sources—”

  “Magazines for women.”

  “Shut it. It thins with time. Sometimes they break with fingers or toys or tampons.”

  “You could have stopped at toys. I don’t want to think about tampons.”

  I punch his arm. “You live with a woman now. You better get over your squeamish tendencies. I don’t want you crying like a girl every month.”


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