Trois: Episode 3: An MMF Romance (Trois Serial)

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Trois: Episode 3: An MMF Romance (Trois Serial) Page 5

by Brill Harper

  “Fuck. This is like freshman year at the dorm. Laying in a twin bed next to you and being weird because I didn’t want you to know my dick was hard. Remember the first time we just admitted we needed to stroke the weasel?”

  “That was so awkward.”

  “Until it wasn’t.”

  Until it wasn’t.

  I have no idea if other guys just did it with their roommates in the same room. It was pretty difficult to find privacy ever that year. And when it got to be too much, we just...handled our problems. Literally. And after the first time, it wasn’t as awkward. We just...did it when we needed to. “It seems like a long time ago, but it’s only been two years. A lot’s changed.”

  He hisses out a breath. “Yeah. But what hasn’t changed is I still need to come.”

  “So do it.”



  Something about knowing he has his hand on his dick makes me even harder. The idea of Shane jacking off, the idea of our girl just down the hall, so close yet so far from where we want her...need simmers under my skin and my hand skates below my waistband. “Do you think she’s doing the same thing? Trying to be quiet with her finger on her clit thinking of us?”

  “Oh, fuck. I love that little button-clit. Fuck.” His voice is raspy. The way it gets when he’s fucking her.

  I love the sounds he makes when he’s getting close to filling her up. The way he grunts like he’s more animal than human. Sometimes, I make him slow down, tell him he has to wait. And hell if he doesn’t do what I say. Jesus. I’m getting off on him, aren’t I? She’s not even in the room, and I want to be part of his orgasm.

  When I close my eyes, I can see his dick. I know exactly what it looks like. The color of it. How it looks soft. How is looks hard. How it looks after he pulls out of Penelope and he’s coated from all three of us.

  For one second, I think of turning on the light. Of watching him fist his cock.

  I know this isn’t normal best friend stuff, but so many lines have been crossed already.

  I can hear the slide of his palm on his dick. My eyes roll back in my head.

  “Is talking about her making you hotter, Shane?” I prompt. “I’ve seen how much pre-cum you make, your hand is probably wet underneath the covers right now, isn’t it?”

  He makes a strained noise. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I want to bring him there. My own cock is throbbing in my hand as he grunts.

  “You know, I love watching you fuck her. The way her pussy gets all puffy around your dick.” I close my eyes. I can smell him. “Switch hands. Don’t come yet.”

  “Fuck, Fletch,” he growls, but I know he does what I tell him to do. He always does. “I watch you too. You really stretch her man. Your big, fat horsecock. God, I’m going to—”

  “Not yet.”

  “When are you going to let me? Shit. I need to come.”

  “Not—” A triangle of light on the wall interrupts my demand.

  “Guys?” Penelope whispers from the doorway.

  I sit up. “Baby, what are you doing in here?”

  “Jenna’s asleep. Your parents are asleep.” She closes the door behind her. My eyes adjust to the darkness again, but I can clearly tell she’s taking off her top. “I need you. Both. Now.”

  Chapter Eight

  “If Jenna figures out where you are...”

  She pulls back my covers, and I hear Shane rustling to get out of his bed. My cock is standing at attention. Pleading for attention from her. “Looks like you need me too.”

  Shane gets behind her and wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her into him. “We were just talking about your sweet pussy. What it looks like all full of our cocks.”

  “This is a bad idea.” The consequences are huge for her. And me. But more for her.

  “You love all my bad ideas, bro,” Shane says. “Little bit, why don’t you tongue kiss that big, bad cock of his and remind him why this is the best idea ever.”

  She climbs onto the bed on her knees, and Shane turns on a low light. He prefers light when we fuck. He likes to watch. I like to watch. And Penelope is fascinated by everything we do in bed, so she likes to watch too.

  She eases over my cock slowly, her wide eyes on mine. I try to keep watching as her soft lips touch the base of my shaft. I want to maintain the eye contact as she watches my face. But the pleasure is too fucking good, and I moan as my eyes slam shut and my head drops to the pillow.

  "Are you sure you don’t want to send me back to my room?" she whispers

  I could feel that whisper tickling across the skin of my balls. I open my eyes and see her other hand is working Shane’s shaft.

  She pulls away to lean over to Shane, her lips sliding down his length to his pubic hair in one damn fluid motion.

  She’s gotten so good at this.

  "Oh, fuck yes." Shane says. "Take it all. It's all just for you, Penelope. Both of us are hard because of you." Her hand grips me harder when he says that.

  "Do you like fucking my mouth?" she asks him when she pulls off.

  "You know I do," he tells her. "I could fuck your mouth all night until morning. But, there's another cock you've made all hard too. Can’t forget about our boy Fletch."

  Penelope leans over me, sinking all the way to the base of my dick. I feel her tongue work against the bottom of my shaft and something tight presses against my tip.

  Her throat. God damn.

  She makes three more trips along my saliva-coated dick before she pulls away to give Shane the same treatment. She trades between us a few more times. I watch Shane fuck her mouth when it’s his turn.

  I love the way he watches her. He really is completely in awe of her. She looks at me, her lips wrapped tightly around his shaft, and I don’t care how perverted I am, I love watching the two of them. I love making eye contact with her when he’s in her mouth. My dick twitches greedily.

  Shane’s blue eyes meet mine, and he tilts his head a moment. For once I can’t read his thoughts. He pops out of her mouth, and she comes back to my aching cock.

  "Are you ready to be fucked, Velma?" he asks. "Are you ready to suck that hard dick in front of you while another drives into you from behind?"

  "Oh, fuck yeah," she moans and drops her face to my crotch.

  Shane pushes in close behind Penelope as her tongue flicks against my balls until she dives back over my shaft. She makes a mewling sound around my dick that vibrates to my fucking soul, and her mouth moves on my cock as Shane fucks her with long smooth strokes of his hips.

  I can’t believe we’re doing this in my childhood bed. What would it be like in her childhood bed? Does she have a girly room back home? With pink and lace and unicorns?

  If she does, it’s because someone else picked it out for her. My girl probably has posters of mitochondria and a chart of the elements.

  Shane picks up speed. The slap of his hips hitting hers is probably too loud. I scoop her hair in my hands and pile it on her head, so I can get a better look.

  "You're amazing, Penelope," I whisper. "And so damn beautiful."

  Shane and I both sense she’s getting tired, so he pulls back from her.

  We get her on her back, and she smiles and holds her arms out to me.

  I dropped to my knees between her spread legs, and Shane kneels at her head, his erection bobbing over her face. She arches her neck to put it in her mouth.

  I grab a pillow and hold it out to Shane. He nods at the offer and lifts her head to slide it under her neck and shoulders. “Don’t want our girl hurting herself,” he says.

  I press my lips against her swollen pussy, my nose against her brown curls. I love the way she smells and tastes. She was made to be my feast.

  I kiss. I suck. I slurp. I run the tip of my tongue between her juicy lips until I spear it deep inside her. “I love your pussy so much, Penelope. It’s all for us. You’re the best thing that ever happened to us.”

  Shane shifts around so he is sliding his di
ck across her mouth like it’s the slit of her pussy. I munch on her while I watch the incredible show.

  "I need your cock," she whispers to me. "I need to feel you in me."

  I rise above her, her juices coating my mouth and chin. “I know what you need, sweetheart.”

  "Please," she whines. "Please, fuck me."

  I toy with her, rubbing the head of my cock around her pouting pussy lips. She mewls, impatient.

  “Hush, bad girl. You’ll wake up the whole house and everyone will know what naughty things you’re doing with two boys.” She pants and slurps on Shane’s cock in response.

  “That’s a good girl. Look at you, begging for two cocks.”

  “God, I’m such a slut. Please fuck me.”

  I push inside her and lunge hard.

  “Oh, God. I love it when you do that.” She’s trying to keep her voice down, and it’s a struggle. “You’re so strong and rough. I love it.”

  Shane knee-walks back to the top of Penelope’s head. She guides his angry-looking dick back into her mouth as I thrust into her again and again. Her breasts wobble with each thrust of my hips. Shane reaches out and begins kneading her fleshy tits.

  Shane and I find our rhythm together and fuck her mouth and pussy between us as she writhes and moans and digs her heels into my back. I’m still not happy with the angle of her neck. "Turn her over."

  She rolls to her hands and knees, and I thrust into her, eager to keep my dick wet. This time she thrusts back against me as I push forward, and her ass bounces every time we collide.

  Shane grabs her head and thrusts his hips at her face as I am drawing back. I plunge forward, he draws back, and Penelope rocks back against me.

  We are perfect together. The three of us. I feel the cum brewing in my balls and know I won’t last much longer.

  "You're going to make me come, naughty girl."

  “Fill her up, Fletcher.”

  “You too, man.”

  “I’m waiting for that pussy.”

  I’m not waiting for another damn thing. I let go, trying to keep my groan inside. Staying quiet is the hardest thing ever.

  "My turn." Shane says, coming to my end.

  "Come here." Penelope says, pushing herself up. She pulls me down until I’m looking into her eyes. “I love what you do to me,” she says and kisses me, rocking into my mouth with each thrust from Shane.

  “I love you,” I tell her just as Shane shoots his load. From her shocked expression, she wasn’t prepared for my confession, but I get my hand on her clit as Shane pulls out and she goes off like a rocket. I swallow her cries, kissing her deeply.

  We don’t say anything about it while we clean up and try to put my room to rights. I know Shane heard. I know he’s not ready to admit it either. And Pen seems like she’s in a daze.

  "I'll see if the coast is clear." I offer, pulling on my pants.

  Penelope nods and pads behind me. I open the door, slowly. Looks okay. Pen stands on her tiptoes and kisses me in the doorway. “I love you, too,” she whispers.

  I feel Shane at her back, feel his face near mine as he kisses the back of her neck. This is good. Too good. Does she know he loves her too? That someday he’ll say it?

  He pushes her into me a little more, and I start getting hard again. Bad idea. We need to get her back into my sister’s room undetected.

  “What the fuck?”

  Oh, shit.

  That was not a whisper. That was loud enough to wake the house.

  And it was Jenna, my sister. In the hall. Outside my door. Hands on hips, her eyes squinted, her mouth breathing fire.


  That’s not good.

  Don’t miss Episode Four...from Shane’s point of view...coming soon (sign up for Brill’s newsletter so you don’t miss it when it releases)

  About the Author

  Brill Harper is a pseudonym. Like...a secret identity. By day she’s Clark Kent, writing romance books for young adults and grownups. By night, she’s Brill Harper writing unfailingly filthy yet super sweet books that would make her alter ego blush.

  Brill like Alpha heroes with an ooey-gooey when they fall in love. She calls them Alphamallows.

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