Special Ops Shifters: The Complete Series Collection (Shifter Nation)

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Special Ops Shifters: The Complete Series Collection (Shifter Nation) Page 23

by Meg Ripley

  He rose from the bed and crossed the room, turning around to lean against the dresser. “I don’t want to sound like a complete ass and say yes. I mean, we both know how this works. I imagine you grew up the same way I did, with your parents and grandparents talking about how important it is to find the one person you’re meant to be with; being told never to settle for anything less because it won’t be right.”

  Leona nodded. She had been told such things, though they’d never played a prime role in her thoughts. It was an idea for a far, far distant future, one that might never even happen. Her life was all about her career and her country, and fate had a different role in that. “So you’re saying it is a problem.”

  Hudson sighed and looked down for a moment before he met her eyes again. “If things were different, then no. I mean, I’m a man and I’m a lion. I’ve been restless and shifty, knowing something’s been missing. I think on some level I knew it was a mate. There’s something nice about the idea of coming home to someone who understands you and wants to be with you. Then, you can always look at it from a business standpoint,” he continued, holding out his hand as though he were looking at a tiny world that fit in his palm. “I’m the head of a large company that’s making important strides in the world. How amazing would it be to have someone at my side, someone who has a good work ethic, who’s seen what things are like beyond the borders. Someone who’s not just after me for my money. If that was how things were, then I’d take you back to my apartment in D.C. and never let you leave.”

  She could see that feral urge in his eyes, and she had to admit she liked it, but there was much more he wasn’t saying. “Just tell me, Hudson. Don’t toy with me.”

  “I’m not trying to. It’s just that things with the Force changed a bit when you showed up looking for a job. It had never been anyone but just us guys, and now there’s a drop dead gorgeous woman in the mix. We all agreed that none of us would get involved with you.” His expression was soft and regretful as he studied her.

  “Oh. Oh, I see.” She’d thought he was just trying to find some nice way to say he really wasn’t interested in being committed right now, but thanks for all the hot sex anyway. No, this was completely different. “If we get involved, then I lose my spot on the Force.” She cursed softly under her breath, wishing she hadn’t been so stupid to let her heart rule her head in that moment of passion.

  “Or we both do.” He slowly put his shirt on now, careless of the wrinkles he’d put into it by holding it so tightly.

  “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? We could’ve avoided this.” Her mind flashed back to the way they’d held each other, the way his hands had pulled at her, the way his mouth felt against hers. It felt so right and so good, and even now she couldn’t say with absolute certainty whether or not she’d have stopped herself if she’d known the truth. Regardless, she liked to have all the facts before making any decision.

  Hudson gave a short, sarcastic bark of laughter as he took a pair of socks out of the dresser drawer. “How many reasons would you like me to list? Maybe it was because I was foolish enough to think I could control myself around you. Or maybe it was because I was in denial about actually meeting my mate. Or maybe…” He turned and launched himself at the bed.

  The next thing Leona knew, he was on top of her. His hands were on either side of her, his legs straddling hers, pinning her into place. He’s pounced on her like the giant cat he was, and she wasn’t interested in fighting him off.

  “Maybe,” he continued, “I was secretly hoping it wouldn’t matter, because you’re so fucking irresistable and I knew I’d never be able to keep my paws off you.” He kissed her softly and then stood, adjusting his pants that now had a lot less room between the legs. “You make it very difficult to concentrate, Sergeant Kirk.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” She studied him for a long moment, wishing she knew what the right decision was. “In the meantime, though, we do have a job to do. I don’t want to just cancel it all, not now that we’re finally starting to figure things out here. I say we just don’t say anything at all for now. We can worry about it when we get back to headquarters.” It would be awkward, and there was a good chance she’d find herself looking for another job, but it didn’t make sense to just stop now.

  For a moment, he looked like he was going to argue with her, but he bobbed his head. His solemn expression then turned to a grin. “I guess that’ll only help our cover, since I’m always gazing at you from across the room.”

  “You were listening!” She picked up a pillow and tossed it at him.

  “Only checking in every now and then to make sure you were safe. After all, you were right. There was no point in both of us listening to the same conversation when I could be monitoring other channels. And, of course, getting the information on the real identity of the buyer.” He tossed the pillow back on the bed.

  “Hang on.” Leona realized she was still sitting there completely naked while talking about the operations. “I’m going to take a shower and you can make the coffee. Then we can talk.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said with a mock salute before heading toward the kitchen.

  A hot shower was just what she needed to clear her head. Leona knew she had to remember no matter how good-looking Hudson was or how much influence their entwined destinies had on her, there was still plenty of work to be done. She inhaled the steam as she lathered up her body, smiling to herself as she remembered just how much Hudson had appreciated every curve. No, damn it! That was just going to get her distracted again.

  When she got out, Leona threw on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, leaving her hair down to air dry. She followed the scent of coffee into the kitchen, where Hudson was also laying plates heavy with food on the table.

  “I figured you’d be hungry,” he said, looking a little sheepish. “I know I am. We sort of skipped dinner last night.”

  She sat down to the meal, realizing he was right. They’d been so busy discovering the connection between them that they hadn’t had a thought for food. “It’s delicious. You cooked the bacon perfectly.” He’d also made scrambled eggs, toast, and a fresh fruit salad. It might not have been the most complicated meal in the world, but it was exactly what she needed, and she planned to eat all of it. “Okay. So tell me more about this buyer.”

  Hudson sat across the table from her, sliding a tablet in her direction. He’d already pulled up a few pictures of the man they’d seen on the boat. “Our friend is Husam Simmons. He’s been investigated several times for suspected terrorism, but so far, the U.S. government hasn’t officially been able to nail him on anything other than a few traffic tickets and tax evasion.”

  “Interesting name,” Leona mused. She finished with her bacon and tried the eggs. She couldn’t identify what Hudson had used to season them, but they were scrumptious.

  “Yes. Born in America, but there are some Middle Eastern influences throughout his family tree. I hate to say that profile unfortunately fits the bills of so many terrorists these days. And I couldn’t find any evidence of his relatives causing trouble. My guess is that he’s gotten involved with one of these training organizations that brainwashes them into believing they’re doing the right thing by taking out some of his fellow citizens.” Hudson frowned as he spread butter on a piece of toast. “They can shut down the borders and ban travelers from certain countries all they want, but it won’t stop these guys.”

  Leona’s chest clenched a little. It had always been a risky business to work overseas with the Army. She’d been involved in operations that she knew the military wouldn’t make public for decades, and even once they did, people still probably wouldn’t believe what had happened. But it was entirely different when it was happening on their own turf, right next to happy suburban families and their children. Children like Sophie. “So what, exactly, do you think this guy is doing with these weapons?”

  “I think he’s planning a major attack of some sort. I don’t know exactly when or
where, but I do know that Garrison has been tracking him ever since he gave me the report of the facial match. He’s stored everything in a rented facility further down the river in Southern Illinois. It’s pretty rural down there, so he probably figures nobody will notice. Until he’s ready to put on a show, that is.” Hudson got up from the table to get the jelly out of fridge.

  “Interesting.” Leona was glad to know that their comrades were keeping an eye on this guy. The two of them hadn’t had a chance to follow Husam after he’d bought the weapons from Kevin and Sean, especially once they knew his reinforcements were so close by. “Any more detailed information about who he might be working with?”

  “I’ve still got some connections with the Department of Homeland Security, so I’m waiting to hear back on that. In the meantime, we’ve tipped off the right authorities. If they do their job, Simmons won’t have a chance to use those weapons.” He put the lid back on the jelly and passed it across the table in case she wanted it.

  Leona was happy with all the protein, but a little sugar didn’t hurt, either. She absently topped her toast as she continued to scan the limited information on the tablet. “I wonder if our locals have any idea just who they’re dealing with. From the reports we went over back at Headquarters, I understood they were just selling this stuff on the streets. I bet they’d shit their pants if they found out the truth.”

  “Fortunately, no one here is turning up on any lists. That makes me feel a little better about their intentions.” He finished his breakfast and took his plate to the sink.

  “Well, we might get the chance we need to find out.” Leona almost wished there was more food, even though she didn’t need to get too full. It was just so good, and Hudson had really helped her work up an appetite. “Kim wants us to join their pride. She said she’ll just have to arrange a club meeting so everyone can vote on it.”

  Hudson finished rinsing his plate and poured a second cup of coffee. “Did she say if everyone in the neighborhood is part of the pride? I got the impression it was otherwise when we went to that block party.”

  Leona shook her head. “Not specifically, but she did mention that not everyone was like us. At first, I thought we were outed. She just meant lion shifters.” Kim seemed like such an innocent woman, and Leona had to wonder if she had any idea what her husband was up to when he left the house in the middle of the night.

  “When will this meeting take place?”

  “I imagine sometime after I give her our answer. I’m supposed to discuss our membership with my ‘husband’ and get back to her. Which brings me back to going to her place for lunch today if she’s available.” She looked at him over her coffee cup and raised one eyebrow, affecting a snobby accent. “I don’t know, darling. Do you think we’ll settle in this area permanently? Should we join their little club, or should we aim our sights a little higher? Say one of the country clubs closer to St. Louis?” They shared a laugh over the joke.

  “Call her up,” Hudson said resignedly, “and let me know what I’m supposed to wear to this meeting.”


  “You’re quiet this evening.” Leona was standing in front of the dresser, watching in the mirror as she put on a pair of dainty earrings that went nicely with the white jeans and blue sleeveless top she’d picked up at the mall that day.

  They’d both needed to go shopping, in fact, because they hadn’t brought quite enough clothing for all these social events. Hudson grunted as a response to her question as he slid into the pale yellow button-down. He didn’t really like it, but it seemed like the sort of thing that was right for the event.

  “Have the guys come up with anything else on Simmons?” She adjusted her hair before stepping out and across the hall for a pair of shoes, returning in just a few seconds. Leona had started sleeping in the master bedroom with him, but she hadn’t moved all her belongings over there yet.

  It was an arrangement that Hudson felt suited them both, since they enjoyed each other’s company so much and were yet uncertain about what the future would hold for their relationship. “He’s laying low for the moment. Garrison called a while ago, all pissed off because the local authorities weren’t doing anything to raid the rented storage unit. I guess they don’t think something like that can happen in their little part of the world.”

  “We know it can happen anywhere, but not everyone has witnessed it like we have.”

  He grunted again.

  “Okay, seriously.” Leona stood in front of him now, her hands on her hips. “What’s the problem? I wouldn’t bug you like this, but we’re getting ready to go into a pretty uncertain situation. If there’s something on your mind, I’d rather know about it now instead of later.”

  He met her gaze, trying to decide how much he should tell her. There were so many thoughts going through his head, so many things to think about. He’d been on plenty of missions, both with the Army and with the Force, and he’d always been able to stay out of his own head. But there was never a woman like Leona with him, a woman that he knew he had to protect at all costs. They were a good pair, and he wouldn’t have asked for anyone else to go with him into the field, but it still made it more difficult. If it were Drake or Flint or Garrison, there would be no questions.

  Drake, Flint, and Garrison, however, were part of the problem. Hudson had seriously considered calling a couple of them in to serve as backups just in case things went south while they were at this meeting. But having them there also meant he might have to tell them what was going on between himself and Leona, and he wasn’t ready for that. He wasn’t ready for them to make a democratic decision to pull one or both of them out of Illinois and go a different route.

  He also didn’t want to bring that up to Leona. He knew keeping their secret was just as much of an issue for her as it was for him, and it wasn’t fair to throw it back in her face yet again. Still, he had to answer. “I’m just not certain about this. Don’t make that face; I’m not saying I won’t go or that we shouldn’t go. It just makes me a little apprehensive since we have proof that these people are involved in illegal affairs.”

  “You don’t strike me as the type who gets nervous.” She said it calmly and earnestly, not critically.

  “Not normally,” he admitted. “There’s just more on the line this time. Let’s go.” He led the way out to the garage.

  The drive out to the clubhouse that Kim had given Leona the address to was a quiet one. The two of them had already gone over their plan. They each had a pistol concealed in their clothing—a small measure that Flint would no doubt smirk at—and a small recording device. Whatever happened, they needed proof of it. But they’d already gone over everything, and there was little else to talk about.

  “This looks like the place,” Hudson said as he pulled up in front of a large house out by the lake. The road to get to it had been a dark and lonely one, but the double wraparound porches of the clubhouse were blazing with light. More lights lined the asphalt driveway that brought them up to a sizable parking area. Quite a few cars were already there, and they’d arrived fifteen minutes early. The rest of the pride must have been eager for things to begin.

  “Make sure you stay in character,” Hudson muttered as he put the car in park and turned off the ignition.

  “No shit.”

  Hudson got out and took her arm as they walked toward the front door. “And no matter what happens, we can’t become part of their pride. We can’t risk them getting inside our heads and finding out more information than what we’re willing to give them. It would mean putting the rest of the Force in danger, not just ourselves.”

  “I know.”

  He paused at the door, her hand still tucked in his elbow, and turned to her. “Leona, no matter what happens in here—”

  “It’ll be fine,” she said with a smile. “I know it will. Let’s do this.”

  Hudson nodded, knowing he’d been ridiculous to worry so much. Yes, he was doing this big step of their mission with the woman he was fated to
—and loved—but there was no one else in the universe he’d rather be with. He knocked on the door.

  It swung open almost instantly. “Here you are!” Kim squealed with delight as she ushered them in. “I’m so glad you came! Everyone was very excited to get together. Come on in! Kevin’s here, and Sean, and everyone else! Not Cathy, though.” She whispered this last part in Leona’s ear with a giggle.

  The clubhouse was slightly outdated, but nice. Hudson surveyed the room, noting all of the available exits. He knew Leona would be doing the same, but old habits died hard. He shook Kevin’s hand heartily when he came forward.

  “Nice to see you again, Hank! Come on in and grab a plate. We’ve got a good old-fashioned buffet going. I hope you like fried chicken.”

  “Of course.”

  The next hour or so passed by quickly and without incident. Hudson was introduced to several members of the pride that he hadn’t met at the block party. There was plenty of food and drink passed around, and he stayed fully aware of just how much he consumed. The potted plant near the couch was more drunk at the end of the evening than he was. He hoped the alcohol would influence Kevin to admit what he’d been doing, but he had no luck in that area. Hudson tried to stay as close to Leona as possible, but the women had a habit of sweeping her out of the room.

  Just when he was beginning to think it was going to be an uneventful evening, Kevin tapped a fork against his wine glass. “Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, please.” The buzz of the crowd died down as everyone turned to him. Leona appeared out of nowhere and took Hudson’s arm. “We all know why we’re gathered here tonight. We have new friends in the neighborhood, good people who we know would make a wonderful addition to our pride: Hank and Leona Talbott!”

  The attendees all cheered and applauded. Hudson gave a small wave. He expected this to be a big deal, but he didn’t like having all the attention turned on them.


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