Acts of Mercy

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Acts of Mercy Page 7

by Ciara Graves

  “I got the Fed out, and we bolted.”

  “You went back for him?” she asked curiously.

  “He was actually on the way out—what? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “No reason. Just not like you to take someone else into consideration,” she commented.

  “Not like I purposely want anyone to get hurt,” I snapped, then shook my head, hating how on edge I was. “Sorry. That was harsh.”

  “Yeah, but I deserved it. You’re a good person, Mercy, it’s just… you don’t always seem to show it. Or want to. But this demon, you got him out of there. A Fed no less. Sounds like you had quite the night.”

  “The explosion… it happened again,” I whispered, no longer wanting my tea.

  Gigi patted my hand. “It was a situation of high emotional stress. It’s understandable.”

  “Yeah. But if it happened somewhere not with a ton of people I didn’t mind hurting? What then?” My fingers brushed along the scar, tingling suddenly with power. Mom’s scream ricocheted around my mind again, and the bright flash of white burned my eyes.


  “Sorry.” My hand fell back to my lap as I wondered how much longer I’d be able to keep up this façade of being stronger than I was.

  “You have to stop doubting yourself at some point,” she warned with a stern look. “And stop letting Damian get to you.”

  “Oh just wait, it gets better,” I muttered.

  I’d left out what happened when Liam was confronted about the fangs and what not. Gigi nearly tipped her tea over when I mentioned it. And for the first time ever, she looked scared.


  “Sorry, it’s just… stories I was told when I was a kid,” she said with a nervous laugh. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  I waited for her to go on and tell me more, but when she didn’t, I dropped it. For now. “Damian came by this morning, and after threatening me up and down, he agreed to give me more time to track Liam down again.”

  “How much?”

  Cringing, I said, “A week… and he wants me to use the Fed.”

  “What? Has he lost his mind?” she yelled.

  “Sadly, no. If that Fed finds out too much about me, I’m going to be screwed.”

  “Then you make sure he doesn’t. Or… or you run.”

  “Thought about it. You and I both know the chances of my actually getting away are slim to nonexistent. Damian will find me, and he’ll kill me, or send some asshole to do it. I will not be brought down by another bounty hunter.”

  She drained her tea, pressed her hands flat to the table, and rose to a stand. “Well, then, I guess I don’t have a choice, but to help save your ass.”

  “Gigi, this might get dangerous.”

  “When aren’t our lives dangerous?” she shot back. “What do you need from me?”

  One of these days, I would have to find a way to pay her back for all the shit she did for me for free. And without even asking for a favor in return. “I need to get close to this Fed first, without him knowing I’m around.”

  “I can do that. What else?”

  “We need to track Liam.”

  “That is going to be harder. You don’t happen to have anything of his, do you?”

  I was going to say no, but as much as I was ashamed to say it, I hadn’t taken a shower yet since getting back from the ball. Damian’s visit this morning threw me off, and I’d hurried out of my apartment as fast as I could in case he decided to pop in for another visit. On my feet, and shoving my shirt aside, I nodded to my shoulder.

  “I’m confused. Did you take his arm or something?”

  “He kissed my shoulder. I washed my face and hands, but—oh, stop giving me that look, alright? You’re the one that told me to be flirty, so I was flirty! He got a little handsy and—will you stop laughing,” I added annoyed to find her cackling. “I fail to see what’s funny about this.”

  “Your first contact with a male in years happens to be an evil mage. Leave it to you to keep it interesting.” She went to her worktable, picked up a sapphire, and rubbed it over the spot I indicated, giggling every few seconds. “This will take a day or so. I’ll whip up that other charm first, and you can go vent your anger on the Fed.”

  The sapphire glowed as she set it down, then went to work on creating a charm that would change my appearance, so I could track down the Fed and figure out who he was. Then I could think of the best way to approach him with my proposition. Not like I could waltz into the Fed building and offer my services. I’m sure he’d have me arrested on the spot. Or his partner would.

  Something told me if I was going to be dealing with him, I’d have to suffer with her, too. Yeah, considering today was a Friday, it sure as hell felt like a Monday that was never going to end.

  The waiter brought me another cup of coffee, and I winked at him. I’d been sitting at his table for three hours, outside in the chilly October air, right across from the Fed building. I’d gotten here around noon and planned on waiting at this very table until the demon emerged. If I missed him today, I’d lose my chance at finding him until Monday and lose two days in the process.

  Tracking down Liam was of the utmost importance, but there was no way to track him on my own unless I went back into Sector 13. Or the Underground. That was for later tonight when there’d be more of my acquaintances out roaming around. That, and I was not in the mood to deal with any of them just yet. My fists were still too shaky to make any hits worthwhile.

  A chill wind kicked up, and I pulled my coat tighter around my body.

  The charm for my face would last until tonight. Or until I removed it.

  I would sit out here all afternoon and evening if I had to.

  Chapter 7


  All day long, I waited for Nor to call us into his office.

  And all day long, he neglected to do so, leaving me fuming at my desk, sensing Iris’s eyes on me. Her desk was right across from mine. I kept my gaze averted from her. My work sat untouched on my desk, reports unfiled, and unmoved. My mind kept going back to last night and what happened.

  And the bounty hunter. Her cold blue eyes haunted me in my sleep. For once something different entered my sleep instead of what usually was there waiting to torment me. No, not just her eyes. The dream started out simply enough. I’d been dancing with Iris, but then her face shifted into that of the bounty hunter. I’d spun her around and around the ballroom as chaos erupted around us, but neither of us cared. Then she’d come in closer, and I was granted a second opportunity to kiss her. Until the dream suddenly ended with her body pressed to mine.

  This morning when I awoke, the notion of going to the Underground alone to see if I could find her was almost enough to make me call into work to say I was going to be late. But my gut told me she wouldn’t be out in the open.

  So I came to the office and endured an hour of listening to Iris trying to talk to me again. Wanting to know what was going on with me. Why I’d said what I did last night. Then when she began to ask about the bounty hunter, I abruptly got up and went to fetch myself coffee, waiting for her to get the hint.

  By four in the afternoon, my anger had me ready to barge into Nor’s office when his voice sounded from his office.

  “Rafael, Iris, my office. Now.”

  “Bout bloody time,” I muttered and violently pushed back from my desk.

  “Are you going to talk to me at all?” Iris asked, falling in line beside me.

  In answer to her question, I said nothing and merely walked into Nor’s office.

  He asked Iris to shut the door. Once it was closed, he motioned us to the small conference table in his office, though he remained standing.

  “Simplest version possible, tell me what happened last night. I’ve been getting calls all day long from the reapers saying we were illegally in their residence and instigated a mass panic, injured quite a few of their guests. Oh, and lest I forget, that we caused significant damage to
their home. Rafael? Explanation for what should have been a simple snatch and grab?”

  Leaning back in my chair, I crossed my arms and glowered at Iris. “Why don’t you ask her?”

  Nor’s brow rose. “Iris?”

  “It’s not my fault. That woman who was with Liam ruined everything,” she snapped.

  I scoffed.

  She scowled. “It’s true so don’t you dare sit there and blame this shit on me.”

  “You’re the one who decided to go off on your own!” I shot back then shifted my glare to Nor. “And when were you going to tell me she was coming back? Or you planned on sending her along as backup?”

  Nor’s brow rose even higher.

  I added a hasty, “Sir.”

  “You two worked together when she was here last time. What’s the issue?”

  My jaw clenched painfully. “Issue? The issue is we cannot work together.”

  “You don’t have a choice.”


  Nor folded his hands on the table, eyeing me hard. “You’re leaving me no choice. You refuse to work with anyone else I assign you, so I’m going to make you work with your old partner. If nothing else, at least I know Iris can handle herself around you.”

  “And nearly get herself killed because she’s too worried about impressing me.”

  Iris huffed, shaking her head and muttering about obnoxious demons under her breath.

  Nor scolded us both and asked for one of us to tell him exactly what happened.

  When Iris simply continued to glare, I ran through the night from start to finish, leaving out any unnecessary details. When I got to the part about finding Iris with Liam, unconscious, Nor frowned in disappointment, but waved for me to go on. I told him about Liam’s strange fangs and the woman.

  “Who was she?” Nor asked. “This bounty hunter I keep hearing about?”

  “No,” I replied, hiding my surprise at my lie. “I’m not sure who she was, but she was after him. Had gotten close to getting him, then ran off after the chaos at the house erupted.”

  “Is she a threat?”

  “Unknown, sir,” I said.

  “Fine. Keep an eye out for her. Liam Manchester is on the loose, and we need him found and brought here ASAP. Rafael, Iris, you both are going to stay on this case and work together to track him down. You will work together,” he repeated, emphasizing each word. “Understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” Iris said immediately.

  I considered arguing, but from the way Nor eyed me, arguing was not an option, not this time.

  “If you insist, sir.”

  “Good. I’ll take care of the reapers. I suggest you two get a move on investigating any more known associates of Liam Manchester. See if you can find out why he’s not exactly normal anymore. Someone must know something.”

  Iris stood and made for the door, but I stayed right where I was.

  She gave me a look. “You coming?”

  “I need a word with the boss first.”

  She frowned, but left, slamming the door behind her, leaving me alone with a disgruntled Nor.

  “If you’re going to yell at me for bringing her back, get it over with. I have a mountain of paperwork to get through.”

  “You—wait, you brought her back?”

  “I told you, at some point, you would have to open up to someone, and in all the time I’ve known you, Iris is the only person I’ve seen you associate with. At all.”

  “I talk to others,” I muttered.

  He laughed.

  “You do realize we dated, and it did not end well?’

  “Yes, as much as you all seem to think I don’t notice things, I know very well what occurred between you two. I suggest you grow up and get over it. She is your partner for this case. It’ll be good for you to work together again. Who knows? Maybe the time apart will turn out to be good for you.”

  “I think I hate you right now.”

  “I won’t take it personally.” He sighed as he stood, walking back to his desk. “What concerns me more is what Liam Manchester has gotten himself into. If there’s some strange magic at work in Nashville, I want to know.”

  “I’ll do my best, sir,” I said, getting up.

  “And this mystery woman of yours, see that if she shows her face again, you bring her in. I want to learn what she wants with the mage. I do not like having an unknown player in the field, not now, when shit seems ready to hit the fan.”

  As I told him I would, I knew I wouldn’t.

  I exited his office, went back to my desk, and waited out the last half hour of the day.

  Iris stood as soon as I did, ready to leave. She followed me to the elevator. It was the most uncomfortable ride out of the building, and once outside, I turned right, waiting for her to leave me alone.

  “What are your plans tonight?” she asked.

  “Staying in.”

  “You can’t shut me out forever. We have a case to work together.”

  “And we’ll work it, but not tonight. If you’ll excuse me, I have some other matters to see to this evening. Goodbye, Iris.”

  Thankfully this time she took the hint and backed off.

  The rest of the walk home was peaceful and quiet. Iris would keep trying through the weekend. That’s who she was, and sadly I’d probably have to give in and meet up with her sometime, to get a good head start on the case.

  We sure weren’t going to meet at either of our places though. That was asking for trouble, and with my luck, she’d read something into it. Claim I was leading her on, showing feelings I was not actually feeling. I’d hardly felt anything real, not in years.

  And that was exactly how I wanted it to stay.

  At my apartment, I dropped my coat and messenger bag full of files on the chair by the door, locked it, then headed to my bedroom to grab some jeans and a t-shirt for a quick shower.

  Warm water poured over me. Too bad it couldn’t wash away the anxiety weighing on me now. Or the haunting images of a past I’d never be able to escape. I washed my black hair around my horns, letting steam fill the bathroom as I turned the water up, making it hotter and hotter. Standing under the spray helped keep my anger in check, and eventually, I turned the shower off and stepped out. A towel covered the mirror in here, and I was quick to dry off and dress, tugging on my tight shirt and jeans and shaking out my hair like a beast. Some days it seemed I was turning into one, especially while chasing down assholes, of late.

  But this mage, instinct told me I was wading into unknown waters without any understanding of how complicated it was about to get. Tonight, I’d glance over the files again, drink a beer, and see if there was anything I missed—

  My ears twitched at the quiet shuffle of steps.

  Walking to the kitchen, but stretching my senses, I took a deep breath in,

  The strange scent had me pausing at the fridge. My pistol was in the bedroom, but I kept a spare under the kitchen sink.

  Something about the scent was familiar and teased my nose. It wasn’t flowery by any means, but… sharp in a way. Crisp. Apples?

  The realization slammed into me, but I remained calm. Casually, I took out a beer and backed toward the sink, popping the cap off. Tossing it in the sink, I reached my other hand down, grabbing for the gun.

  “There’s no need for weapons,” a familiar voice said from the living room.

  Not about to listen to the woman who broke into my place, I aimed the revolver loaded with silver bullets at the figure standing near the windows. No lights were on, but that voice teased me. Beer in one hand and gun in the other, I slowly came around the counter. Instinct said I already knew who it was, but how had she found me or gotten in here? And why? Was she after me now? Instead of the mage?

  “Or you can aim a gun at me. That’s fine too. Mind giving me a drink at least?”

  “What’s your poison?” I found myself asking, not sure why I wasn’t yelling at her to come closer, so I could cuff her for breaking into my apartment.

  “Tequila, but I’ll take whatever you’ve got. Think we’re both going to need it.,” she replied.

  I took another three steps and with the back of my beer hand, flipped on the living room lamps.

  The woman from the reaper mansion cursed and squinted against the sudden onslaught of light.

  “You. How the hell did you get into my apartment?” I shook my head as the question I should’ve asked first popped into my head. “How did you find my apartment? Who are you?”

  “How about I get that drink then we can sit down and chat.”

  I aimed the gun at her, but all she did was arch her brow at me.

  “Seriously? Alright, tough guy. Do you want to see if I’m armed? Here,” she said, slowly removing her jacket and tossing it over the armchair. She spun around so I could see, but it did little to put me at ease. “Not armed, and if I was here to hurt you, I could’ve done it while you were in the shower.”

  Glowering at her, my eyes darted to my bathroom. “How long have you been here?”

  “How long have you been home?”

  “You followed me home?” I growled.

  She smirked.

  “I fail to see what’s amusing here. Who are you? I won’t ask again.”

  Her face, I was sure when she’d been running away from me there was a scar on her face, but it was absent. Had that all be in my head? Maybe she wasn’t the bounty hunter, after all.

  “Put the gun down, and I’ll tell you.”

  Most normal beings appeared more concerned when a gun was aimed at their head, but not her. Scar or not, this had to be the same woman. The bounty hunter. Her scent was the same beneath the heavy stench of magic. Her hair was the same. The way she moved. Her voice… so why hide her true face from me?

  “Look, I’m here because I think we can help each other, so can we just talk? Please?”


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