West to the Bay

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West to the Bay Page 4

by Joan Donaldson-Yarmey

  “How many canoes are going this year?” Wemple asked.

  “So far, we have enough Indians for eight.”

  “That is more than last year.”

  “Yes. The French are getting most of the furs and we have to take more goods with us. They can only carry smaller items because of the great distance they have to travel from Montreal. We can outdo them with our variety.”

  “Are you leading again?”


  “This will take at least a week to organize and bundle,” Mr. Wemple said, holding up the list.

  “That will be good.”

  “Is there anything else?”

  “I would like to look around and see if there is anything I might have missed.”

  “While you do that I will get the flour, peas, beads, and tobacco ready.”

  Little Bird walked over to stand by the scale. She watched to make sure she was given exactly the amount he had quoted. She just wanted to let him know she trusted him as much as he trusted her.

  Back at the teepee Little Bird handed her grandmother the tobacco. Patient Woman took her clay pipe from its pouch and filled it. She picked up a long slender stick, held it to the fire until it ignited and lit her pipe. She puffed contently.

  Chapter 5

  Stromness, Orkney Islands. May, 1750

  The late afternoon was cool but the town square was full when Thomas and John arrived. As many as possible of the townspeople and nearby farmers showed up at the square to watch the first meeting between the new recruits and the ship’s master.

  Thomas and John joined Francis, Richard, Henry, and the other boys already standing near the center. Some of them stood stiffly as if unsure how they should act. Thomas tried to appear nonchalant wanting to impress the people of the town with his new-found manliness, but he found it hard not to fidget.

  The crowd fell quiet when Master Givens walked up to the boys. They quickly formed a row, not looking at him as he strolled by.

  “What is your name?” he asked, when he reached the first one.

  “Henry Spence, Sir.”

  “How old are you?”

  “Sixteen, Sir.”

  “Have you ever been on a sailing ship before?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Have you been on a fishing boat?”

  “Yes, Sir, and I do not get sick.”

  “Good.” He stepped to the right and asked the next recruit. “And who are you?”

  “I’m Francis Isbister, Sir. I’m sixteen, strong and ready to work.”

  Givens nodded and looked at the next boy.

  “Richard Isbister, Sir. I am fourteen.”

  Thomas watched as Givens hesitated. Richard looked more like ten than fourteen. He was small and did not appear to have much for muscle. His face was pale and his eyes lacked the spark the other boys had.

  Francis Isbister must have noticed the look on Givens’ face because he spoke up. “He is stronger than he looks, Sir.”

  It was a few moments before Master Givens spoke to John. Thomas could see the unhappy look on his face. He still did not want John to go to the bay.

  “Your name?”

  “John Kirke, Sir.”

  “How old are you?”

  “Fifteen, Sir.”

  “Are you sure you want to go?”

  “Yes, Master Givens.”

  Thomas stood with his shoulders back and his head up. Although he had known Master Givens for a few years, this was different. He wanted to impress the man with his new, grown-up attitude. He just hoped that his shaking knees would not give him away.

  “I am Thomas Gunn,” he answered in reply to the question.


  “Fifteen. I have lived on a farm all my life and I am not afraid of work.”

  Givens smiled for the first time. “That is good because you are going to need all the advantages you can get.”

  When Givens had finished meeting the rest of the boys he stood back.

  “You have a tough voyage ahead of you. The ocean is not always kind to ships and travelers, and you may have to help in a time of trouble. But that is not for you to worry about now. Enjoy your last few days here and tell your parents they are invited to dine with me in two night’s time on board the ship. You will be expected to be there, too.”

  A cheer went up from the crowd. This was the signal to start the festivities. The arrival of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s supply ships in the spring was the highlight of the Stromness year and a cause for great celebrations. A makeshift band started to play and the dancing began.

  Thomas saw old Mrs. Webb go up to Master Givens. She gently laid her hand on his arm to get his attention.

  “Excuse me, Master,” she said, in a soft voice. “But do you have any mail for me?”

  “No, madam. I do not.”

  She sighed and her shoulders bent in disappointment. “Thank you,” she said, and shuffled away.

  Thomas watched her go. Every year she came to the square to ask the same question, and every year she received the same answer. Everyone in town knew her story. Her only son had left for the bay ten years ago, promising to write her and tell her about his life and to send her money when he could. But she had never heard from him again. Master Givens had asked the Hudson’s Bay Factor at York Factory about the boy. The Factor informed him the recruit had frozen to death during an exploratory trip into the northlands. Although Givens had told the mother the news on his next stop, she refused to believe him and was still waiting for a letter.

  “I hope that is not my mother in a few years,” John whispered in Thomas’ ear.

  Thomas could think of nothing to say in reply and he was glad when some townspeople he knew came over to slap them on the back and congratulate them. Through the evening more congratulations were offered and soon his and John’s chests were swollen by the sudden respect they were receiving. Until this day they had just been two boys, but now they were two men about to embark on a special journey.

  The band played in the square and they watched some of the dancers.

  “I dare you to dance with Polly,” Thomas said to John. “I know you are sweet on her.”

  “No thanks,” John answered. “Her father has already told me to stay away from her.”

  “Yes, but you are leaving in a couple of days,” Thomas said. “What difference does it make now what he says?”

  John grinned and walked over to where Polly stood with some other girls. She nodded her head and they were in the middle of the dance when Polly’s father walked over and touched John on the shoulder. He said a few words and John came back over to Thomas.

  “What did he say?” Thomas asked.

  “He told me if I wanted to get on the ship without any broken bones, I should leave Polly alone.”

  Thomas laughed and John, with a red face, joined in. Their laughter was interrupted by a commotion behind them and they turned to see two sailors yelling at each other, their fists raised. One threw a punch at the other who ducked and swung back. His fist connected with the first man’s nose, drawing blood.

  “Well, Ben, have you had enough?” the second man asked.

  Ben held his hand over his nose and glared back. Then he bent and drew a knife from his boot. “No, Silas,” he said. “But you have.”

  “Ah, Ben.” Silas sounded disappointed. “You still cannot fight fair.”

  “And you still cannot fight,” Ben said swinging the knife back and forth in front of him.

  “I am not stupid.” Silas lowered his fists. “I am not going against a man with a knife.”

  Ben roared with laughter. “I always knew you did not have the heart for a good tussle.”

  “We will meet again when the odds are more even,” Silas stated. He turned and walked away, followed by his friends.

  Ben watched him then dropped the knife back in his boot.

  “These are the men we are to sail with,” John whispered. “That Ben looks plain mean.”

us walk around a bit and say goodbye to the town,” Thomas suggested.

  They headed down the cobbled main street past the town’s businesses. Those who were not dancing, toured the streets visiting with friends, or if young lovers, holding hands and stopping in a doorway for a kiss.

  On one of the streets John suddenly nudged Thomas and pointed. “Your brother Stuart sure does fancy Francis Isbister’s sister. Look at them all dressed up.”

  Thomas looked where John was pointing. He saw Stuart and Emily walking hand-in-hand towards them. Stuart had on a gold, sleeveless waistcoat with only the buttons at his waist done up allowing the frilled front of his shirt to be seen. The cuffed, black sleeves of his greatcoat ended at his wrist while his shirt sleeves hung below. His breeches reached below his knees and his stockings were pulled up over the cuffs of them, and then turned down over the garters used to hold them in place. The metal oblong buckle on the tongue of his black pointed-toed shoes shone.

  Emily wore a wide-skirted, yellow, wrapping gown, with a rounded neckline that just barely covered her bosom. On her head was a large, straw hat with a yellow bow. Her cloak was hung over her shoulders.

  Stuart barely nodded at Thomas as they passed. Emily glanced at Thomas and then away.

  “They sure are stuck up,” John said.

  “I wonder why Stuart is so dressed up,” Thomas said, looking back at Stuart and Emily.

  “He is in love,” John said. “I just hope I never have to get that dressed up for a girl.”

  “Aw, no girl would want you even if you did,” Thomas laughed.

  * * *

  One of the rules in the Gunn household was that chores had to be done on time. It did not matter what was happening in town, the cows still needed their early morning milking and the chickens and pigs their feeding. When Thomas was called to milk the cows, he groaned. He had not come home until the band quit playing.

  Thomas walked wearily out to the barn. He yawned as he let the cows in and when he sat on the milk stool he leaned his head against the flank of the cow and closed his eyes. It took him twice as long as usual to do the milking and when he entered the house the rest of the family were already at the breakfast table.

  He strained the milk then took his place at the long table. His father sat at one end, his mother at the other. Thomas sat on his father’s left, and beside him was his sister Isabel, and then Bruce. On his father’s right was Stuart, then Molly and Harry.

  “I will wash your clothes this afternoon, Thomas,” his mother said.

  Thomas nodded.

  “I remember washing Edward’s clothes before he left,” she said wistfully. “That was four years ago. Maybe he will be coming home next year when his five year service is over.”

  “Maybe,” Thomas mumbled.

  “Be sure to write us and give us news of him,” she said. “You must promise me that.”

  “I will,” Thomas said solemnly. “I promise.” And he meant it. He knew how much his mother had looked forward to a letter from Edward and how disappointed she had been each year. He would not disappoint her like that.

  “When does the ship leave?” Bruce suddenly asked. “I want to watch it sail away.”

  “Isabel does not,” Molly giggled. “She found herself a boyfriend last night.”

  “He is not my boyfriend.” Isabel blushed. “He is just a friend.”

  “Not from the way I saw you kissing him.”

  Another giggle.

  “Are we going to meet this friend of yours?” Mary asked.

  “Yes, tell him to come around tonight,” Stuart added.

  “I cannot do that,” Isabel exclaimed, looking at her brother. “He is very shy.”

  “What is he like?” Thomas asked.

  “He is a little older than Stuart. He said he wanted to see me again this afternoon at the square.”

  “Are you going?” their father asked.

  “Yes, but only because he said I reminded him of his sister and he is lonely.”

  “That is what they all say,” he snorted.

  “But he really meant it.”

  “Do not let him take any liberties with you,” Mary said. “Sailors these days cannot be trusted.”

  “Mother,” Molly said, looking pointedly at Harry. “How can you say that?”

  “Most sailors,” Mary amended.

  “You are getting too old to be waiting for a sailor to come by once a year,” Stuart said. “Why do you not start seeing one of the men from the islands?”

  “Since the Company has been taking our boys to the bay every year, there are not many left. And all of them already have girlfriends.”

  “Well, you had better find yourself a husband soon,” Stuart said.

  “Why is that?” Isabel demanded.

  Stuart grinned a bit as he announced. “Emily and I are getting married.”

  The whole table erupted into well-wishing, and questions, and back slapping. After a few seconds Stuart held up his hand. “The date is July 23 and that is all we have decided so far.”

  “Since Thomas will be gone, the two of you can have your bedroom,” Mary said. “We will move Bruce in with us.”

  “What?” Bruce gulped.

  “It will only be temporary,” Stuart said. “Just until I get a house built for us.”

  “Why can Isabel not move out of her side and in with Mother and Father, or with Molly and Harry?” Bruce demanded.

  “Because there will not be enough room with us,” Molly said.

  “Why not?”

  “I guess it is time to give our news,” Molly said shyly. “I am going to have a baby.”

  Again there were congratulations and questions. This time, though, Thomas sat back and watched. He suddenly felt a great wave of sadness. He would be missing so much. His brother’s wedding, his sister’s baby. He would be an uncle and never hear the word spoken, never see the child who would have spoken it. He had a lump in the pit of his stomach. For the first time, he understood that life would continue here without him. He had only been looking at where he was going; he had not been thinking of what he was leaving. He stood and left the room.

  That evening Thomas sat with John on the hill behind the town and stared glumly at the ship and the townspeople enjoying their second night of revelry. He did not feel the usual high spirits that went with thinking or talking about leaving home.

  “Stuart is getting married, and Molly is having a baby,” Thomas said. “And I will not be here.”

  John nodded. “I just realized how much I am going to miss my mother. I do not know what she will do now.”

  Thomas thought about Master Givens and how John had hoped he would take care of his mother. “I guess Master Givens is not going to quit his sailing and marry her, is he?”

  John shook his head.

  “Did you find out about the other family he mentioned?”

  “No. He and mother have not said much to each other since he told us about them.”

  After a few minutes of gloomy silence John stood. “What are we so miserable about?” he demanded. “We are beginning the best part of our lives and here we sit almost crying because we are leaving home. What are we, men or boys?”

  “We are men!” Thomas yelled, jumping to his feet. “We are men, and we are sailing to the New World.”

  “That we are,” John agreed, heartily. “That we are. Now let us go enjoy the celebrations with the rest of the town.”

  Chapter 6

  Thomas was in town by late afternoon. After packing, he had bathed and put on his best clothes for the dinner in the Master’s cabin on board ship. His parents were to come later and he would meet them at the ship.

  Some of the townspeople had already begun to gather at the dock. The band would not appear again until evening, but someone was playing a flute. The town was not a rich one, but the women and girls had donned their best dresses, with their whale-bone stiffened corsets laced tightly, wanting to look their best for the occasion. Many wore a small,
white cap on their heads, as was the fashion, and some went a step further and set a wide-brimmed hat on top of the cap.

  The men wore a coat over a waistcoat, breeches, buckle shoes, and three cornered hats. Some of the upper class had on powdered wigs instead of hats as a sign of their standing in the town.

  Thomas pushed his way through the crowd looking for John. They had agreed to meet at the ship. After waiting for what seemed like an hour Thomas decided to go on board. He dodged the people on the gang plank and worked his way up onto the deck. Master Givens stood on deck in white breeches and garter stockings, red waistcoat, and blue coat with gold braiding. A blue cap covered his silver hair.

  “Good evening, Thomas,” Givens said.

  “Evening, Sir.”

  “And where are your parents?”

  “They are coming later.” Thomas glanced around the deck. He and John had come during the day hoping to be able to explore below decks, but they had been turned away.

  “Would you like to look over the ship?” Givens asked.

  “May I?” Thomas asked eagerly.

  Givens nodded. “But do not touch anything.”

  Down in the wardrooms he found a public reception area with tables of biscuits and cakes lining one wall. Townspeople wandered through the rooms, sampled the cakes and biscuits, and visited with the sailors.

  Thomas had some cakes then headed for the stairway to the lower parts of the ship.

  “Wait a minute, son,” a voice called to him. “You are not allowed down there.”

  Thomas turned and recognized the sailor named Silas from the fight on the first night. “But Master Givens said I could explore the ship.”

  “I am sure he did not mean down there. Now get up on deck. The boys and parents will be coming down to eat soon.”

  Thomas returned to the deck in time to hear the cannon boom. Everyone looked out over the water to see the tops of sails. The other two ships had finally arrived. They would anchor out in the harbor until this ship had sailed, although the men on board would row to shore for their leave.


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