The Sinner Unleashed (L.A. Sinners MC Book 2)

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The Sinner Unleashed (L.A. Sinners MC Book 2) Page 1

by J. L. Leslie

  Copyright 2019. J.L. Leslie. All rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes, promotions, authorized giveaways or teasers only.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


  I want to first of all, dedicate this book to my mom, like I do all of my books. She is who always supported me in my writing, and I dedicate all of my words to her. I miss her each and every day!

  A special thanks to my husband and kids for allowing me to go into my writing cave and also for their love and support! Also, to my sister for listening to my ideas and never complaining! You’re the best! I love you all!

  A special thanks to my PA, Amber Feist, for being my friend and sounding board! For always helping me find the perfect cover and for reading my words!

  To my fan group, J.L. Leslie’s Lovelies, for being the best fan group an author could ever ask for! Thank you!

  To my street team, J.L. Leslie’s Pimpin’ Peeps, you are the most amazing street team! Thank you for always sharing my work!

  To my ARC team, thank you so much for reading my words! It amazes me each day that people take the time to read what I write and sometimes actually enjoy it!

  A very special thank you to my beta readers! I so enjoy your feedback and comments! You make this journey so much easier for me! Thank you!

  Last, but not least, a special thanks to Veronique Poirier with V Designs for making such an amazing cover for me! My vision for the cover was brought to life!

  The Sinner Unleashed

  Chapter One


  I lean back against my headboard, placing a cigarette between my lips. I reach over to my nightstand for a lighter and Sabrina moans as she stretches. She’s getting a little too fucking comfortable in my bed, my life, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to put her out of either. Not even when she invites others to take part.

  Reid, a fellow club member, gets up and begins rustling around for his clothes. I light my cigarette and take a long drag as Reid walks out of my room, his jeans undone, and his t-shirt tossed over his shoulder.

  He’s never one to turn down a good time. I can’t say I blame him, considering that Sabrina is down for anything. It’s one of the things that drew me to her to begin with, way back when I was a Ryker.

  She was always so bold, never afraid to go after what she wanted, not ashamed of her sexuality. She was accepted for who she was with the Rykers, and there hasn’t been much difference now that I’m a Sinner. She fits right in.

  I peek over at her, lying on her side now, her leg curled over mine. Her once red hair is now black with purple streaks through it. She surprised me with it like this the day I received my Sinners’ cut, somehow trying to make the day about her and her new look. I have no idea what possessed her to change her hair, but it’s her hair. She can do whatever the fuck she wants with it.

  I take another drag of my cigarette, blowing the smoke upward as I exhale. I drop my hand down to my lap, and my eyes are instantly drawn to the “R” tattooed on my wrist. I rub it with my thumb before glancing up at my new cut.

  I haven’t been an official Sinner for long. I put in my time as a prospect for them, starting over from the very bottom. I was the fucking vice president for the Rykers in Verdana, so lowering myself to become a prospect for a different club was a humbling experience for me.

  I washed bikes, cleaned the clubhouse, and ran errands. I did jobs too, dangerous jobs, but always got the shit end of the deal when they were over. Clean-up duty is not my favorite thing in the world. The bodies stink to high heaven, and it’s a scent that stays on you even after you’ve scrubbed yourself raw in the shower.

  I suppose it could be worse. I could have run off to San Diego to join the Rykers’ chapter there and been under leadership that I didn’t agree with it after Cal Harrelson, the president of the Rykers, was killed.

  His father, Thad, was the president of that chapter and although he was killed, another man stepped into his position and his values were the same as Thad’s. Same rules, same type of leader.

  Not that I always agreed with Cal. I respected him, but I didn’t always agree with him. That’s part of club life.

  The same goes for Lucien. He’s done a damn good job as the Sinners’ president, but some decisions he’s made are questionable. For example, not retaliating against Hell’s Fury, the club his old lady is a member of.

  Can we say pussy whipped?

  Sure, I bet it was a difficult pill to swallow to find out that the woman he was fucking was in a rival club and one hellbent on getting revenge on our club. I didn’t expect it out of Harper, but I won’t say that I’m surprised. Nothing in this fucking world surprises me anymore. At twenty-eight, I’ve seen a lot of awful shit and become numb to it.

  “Did you nut?” Sabrina asks, sitting up and taking the cigarette from my lips.

  She climbs over me, straddling my lap and stroking my dick with one hand while she holds my cigarette with the other. What she’s doing feels good, but I’m not in the mood. Hell, I wasn’t in the mood when she brought Reid to our room and suggested we have a little fun, but I thought I would enjoy it. It might get me out of the pissy mood I’ve been in lately.

  Tonight wasn’t our first night sharing a bed with Reid, so I pretty much let him take the reins. He wanted her ass, so I took her cunt. She came, I didn’t. Oh fucking well. Shit happens. I haven’t nutted in over a fucking month.

  I tell myself it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with a certain smartass brunette. Mackenzie Salizar might have made me come harder than any woman I’ve ever been with, but she’s still the fucking enemy.

  She’s in Hell’s Fury with Harper, and she’s not just a prospect or a member, she’s their damn vice president. A title I myself once held in a different life. The moment Harper told us about her club – after they stole our trucks and product – I did my own digging. I know how being pussy-whipped can blind you, so I wasn’t taking the chance that Lucien would miss something.

  We already knew Mackenzie worked for the DEA but having her be part of that club makes her an even bigger threat. She knows the ins and outs of the agency she works for and can use that to her advantage. She can’t be trusted, and as far as I’m concerned, neither can Harper.

  So, when I stopped being able to come after I fucked her, I told myself it had nothing to do with her. That she was a one-time thing and now she’s the enemy. Shit, she’s always been the enemy, and although we got our product back, promising to stay out of each other’s way, I know better than to believe they’ve forgiven us for the past.

  Too many clubs hold grudges and seek retaliation when you don’t even realize they’re coming for you. I would have my club, my Rykers, had it not been for the Sinners, their former president, may he rot in hell.

  “Come on, I know you didn’t fucking nut, so let me make you feel better,” she whines when I take my cigarette from her and dump her over onto the bed. I stand up and grab my boxer briefs from the floor.

  “You good to stay with the other girls tonight?” I ask her, letting her know my bed is not an option tonight. She can stay with the other club whores since their apartment is not far from the clubhouse. It’s not like she isn’t one of them.

  “I’m not staying here?” she questions me, somewhat pouting.

  “Not tonight.”

  She gets off my bed, walking around the room to pick up her discarded clothes. She’s pi
ssed and making it obvious by the way she’s stomping and snatching things.

  “You know, I put up with a lot of shit from Lincoln when we were in Verdana, and I haven’t asked much of you, but this whole treating me like a whore bit has to stop,” she huffs, referring to the fellow Ryker member she used to screw around with. “I may as well be your old lady.”

  “If I recall correctly, Lincoln put up with a lot of shit from you. He never knew who you were fucking around with,” I tell her. “If you don’t want to be treated like a whore, then don’t act like one. As for being my old lady, you are not old lady material, and we both fucking know that. No need in pretending otherwise.”

  Her eyes water up, but I don’t fall for this game of hers. She’s pulled it too many times. Sabrina doesn’t get offended when she’s called a whore because she knows she is one. She’s not old lady material, not that I’m looking, and she never will be.

  I stand by the door while she pretends to be upset, putting on this show of getting dressed while wiping imaginary tears. Once she’s decent, I hold the door open for her.

  “I’m not always going to be here, willing and waiting for you, Warren,” she snaps. “You’ll see.”

  I don’t give her the satisfaction of a response before closing the door behind her. Her words don’t bother me. She always comes back.


  I park my bike and walk around back to the storage unit in Donia’s backyard. To anyone passing by her home looks like any other home on this block and Donia looks like the typical woman next door. She has short brown hair and light brown eyes, with this motherly air about her that makes me feel safe.

  Donia is anything but motherly though. She’s the president of Hell’s Fury, the motorcycle club I’m in. She’s manipulative and ruthless when it comes to this club. She will do anything it takes to achieve what we came together for.

  Retaliation for the death of our loved ones.

  Every member of Hell’s Fury lost someone at the hands of the Sinners. The Hades Riders were taken out, one by one, all because of some deal gone south. All because one of the Sinners set them up. He’s dead now, but that doesn’t change the fact that our family members are gone too. We swore revenge, and we will get it.

  There was a slight bump in the road though. We were on our way to taking down the Sinners, but one of our members couldn’t go through with the task she was assigned.

  I should’ve seen it coming. Harper is only a prospect, and although she was bitter about her half brother’s death, she was too optimistic. She believed a little too much in the power of love, and that shit won her over.

  I sigh when I think of my best friend. Former best friend. It’s been weeks since I’ve spoken to her. I only catch glimpses of her as she’s coming and going from her house and most of the time that’s with her old man, Lucien McNamara. He just so happens to be the fucking president of the Sinners. Yeah, that power of love shit.

  I mostly blame myself for her being with him. I saw that she was falling for him, and although I told her she was losing control, I did nothing to stop it. Maybe there was part of me that was happy for her. In this world so full of darkness, she had finally found some light. Damn it, she deserves to be happy, and he clearly makes her happy, but it’s fucked all the same.

  She ruined everything. Her happiness cost our club dearly. We were so close to getting what we wanted, to taking them down. We had stolen their supply trucks and were on our way to crippling their operation, and she withheld vital intel. She chose him over her sisters. Chose love over her family. I can’t forgive that.

  The Sinners were successful in getting their trucks back. In return, they took down our supplier, leaving us with barely any product and down a member. The dirt on Crystal’s grave is still fresh, and as far as I’m concerned, Harper may as well be out of the club too.

  I know where her loyalty lies despite what she says. It’s impossible to have it both ways, but Donia says she can stay. She took her punishment and has the scars to prove it.

  Well, fuck her. I have my own scars.

  As if on cue, my phone buzzes, and when I check the screen it shows a message from Harper. I guess if you think of the devil, she knows it. I delete the message without reading it and grab a brick of cocaine off the shelf, shoving it into my bag.

  The storage unit Donia put back here holds what’s left of our product. She didn’t feel it was safe at our unit downtown now that our club has been exposed. Although the Sinners are the only club that knows of our existence, it won’t be long until the Sicarios find out who we are. For all we know, the Sinners could rat us out to them in order to get us out of their hair.

  Besides, if we don’t find another supplier soon, we’ll be out of business and won’t be able to operate anyway. We can’t make any money if we aren’t selling. We were expecting some high-ranking players, but we lost our bid to the governor to the Sinners. We still have some loyal buyers we can count on, but unfortunately, buyers can’t buy what you don’t have to sell.

  I lock up the storage unit and head over to my boyfriend’s truck. I use the term boyfriend lightly. I think he’s a little more attached than I am. We had a bit of a rough start, with him thinking that a strip club was a good place for a proper first date, but I guess I can say he’s straightened up. Well, as much as someone who’s been in prison most of his adult life can.

  I don’t know where I find these fucking losers. The DEA office where I work at was targeting him to be an informant, but he didn’t agree to work with them. I thought he could be of use to Hell’s Fury, but once I met him, I decided against bringing up the club and anything that I do with it.

  Christopher Suggs might be a hired assassin, but he honestly looks at me like I’m some sort of saint. It feels good to have someone look at me like that even if I don’t return his feelings. Maybe one day when my heart thaws out then I can try to be who he wants me to be. Until then, I have a delivery to make.

  I take a left onto Brasher Avenue and pull into the parking lot for Tammy’s Tacos. It’s a shitty little Mexican restaurant, nothing authentic about the food here, but the patrons come for what they get if they order a number thirty-two. It’s not on the menu, but anyone in the city knows Tammy serves a beef and bean taco with extra cheese and a little something extra in the wrapper. Hell’s Fury supplies the “little something extra.”

  I grab the bag off the seat of Suggs’ truck and make my way across the parking lot. I head inside, nodding and smiling at the hostess as I walk past and to Tammy’s office in the back. I open my mouth to greet her, but my words falter when I realize I’m not alone.

  I grip the strap to my bag and narrow my eyes at the asshole seated across from Tammy. I try not to notice how good his leather Sinners’ cut looks on him.

  “I apologize for interrupting, Tammy,” I say. “I’ll wait outside until you’re finished.”

  Warren Mathis, apparently no longer a bitch boy for the Sinners, turns to me and licks his lips before grinning. I know exactly what his lips are capable of. How they feel against the curve of my neck. How he likes to bite at my skin, marking me with his teeth. The dirty words that spill from them when he makes me come.

  He was a mistake. A one-time only mistake. I don’t make the same mistakes twice. Not ever. It certainly doesn’t matter how much I liked it the first time.

  Chapter Two


  Mackenzie’s gray eyes linger on my mouth a half-second too long before she looks back over to Tammy, the chubby restaurant owner. I know without a doubt, she was thinking about the way I tasted her skin. The way I bit the sensitive flesh just below her ear. The filthy words I said to her.

  “Stay,” I order, and I instantly see the way her body reacts to being told what to do. She doesn’t like it one bit, but she sure as fuck didn’t mind when I ordered her onto her knees.

  “If the two of you have business to conduct, I will leave you to it,” she says, her tone full of annoyance. “I can go grab a ta
co while I wait.”

  I stand up, towering a good foot over her smaller frame. I gaze down at her and like the way she stands her ground, staring up at me unwavering. If we were alone, I would take her against the door and fuck the attitude right out of her.

  “Actually, the business being conducted here involves you,” I inform her. “You have a delivery to make, and I’m here to oversee it.”

  “Oversee it?”

  “Yes. Since you’re delivering our product and this being new territory for all parties involved, our president decided it was best that all deliveries of our product be monitored until we can ensure that the transactions are handled properly.”

  “This isn’t your product,” she sneers, her hand gripping her bag until her knuckles whiten.

  “My apologies, Ms. Tammy,” I smile politely at the woman sitting at her desk, her focus going between Mackenzie and me, before I turn back to the woman disrespecting me in front of our client. “Any product that previously belonged to Anterio Jiminez now belongs to the Sinners. Therefore, the product in your possession belongs to the Sinners.”

  She doesn’t hesitate even a bit before replying. “We purchased the product prior to you taking over Mr. Jiminez’s business. Therefore, the product belongs to Hell’s Fury.”

  “We’ll have to agree to disagree,” I state smugly. “Now continue with your delivery. I have other meetings to attend.”

  Mackenzie pulls the bag from her shoulder and slams it down onto the desk, causing Tammy to jump. She unzips the bag and takes out a brick of cocaine. I watch her as she allows Tammy to sample the product and then demands payment before making the exchange.

  She glares at me when I cross my arms and tell her our cut is ten percent. Tammy looks slightly amused, but she doesn’t interfere.


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