The Pussy Trap 3

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The Pussy Trap 3 Page 12

by Death by Temptation (retail) (epub)

  “In my world, soft will get you killed.”

  “Well, tonight you’re in Rock’s world. Do you.” He reached over and kissed her forehead. “I’ma get you some pajamas and get the spare room ready for you.” He stood to leave the room.

  “Thank you.” KoKo grabbed his hand.

  “I told you. I got your back.” He squeezed her hand, and then he went to prepare the room.

  KoKo finished her blunt and plotted her next move. Her first trip would be to her son. Then she was going to shake up Kayson’s whole world.

  - 21 -

  Just What She Needed

  Goldie had gotten cozy with the detective after the upside-down blow job she did on him. Within a week his gums were bumping so hard it sounded like his

  teeth were chattering every time he opened his mouth. She was confident that in no time she would have all the information that KoKo needed. Goldie was seated comfortably in her salon chair getting a manicure when she received a call from Night.

  “What you doin’?” His voice smoothly caressed her eardrum.

  “Hey, you. I’m getting my nails done. What’s up with you?”

  “I was about to go to lunch. You wanna join me?”

  “Hell yeah, my stomach was just starting to talk shit,” she said. They both chuckled.

  “Where you at?”

  “I’m downtown, but I have my car.”

  “No worries, I got your brother with me. He can hold on to it until we get back.”

  “Okay. He knows where I am. See you soon.” She disconnected the call.

  Night picked up Goldie, and they were on their way to one of her favorite spots, The Floataway Cafe. Night sat comfortably in his chair staring into Goldie’s eyes. It wasn’t only that she was beautiful. She was challenging to his intellect and always about that hustle. No doubt, his woman Rain was a good woman, but she needed to be kept. Goldie had her own shit, and with her, he could share his dark side and then be gentle at the same time.

  “What are you thinking about?” Goldie asked. She placed her mouth on the straw and sucked softly, looking up at him.

  “Nothing much. Just tossing a few things around,” he responded, picking his drink up and taking it to the head.

  “Thank you for lunch. I needed that. I have so much going on, and you know KoKo be on my ass. I love her to death, but can’t nobody keep up with her. Damn, do the bitch sleep?” she joked.

  “No,” Night stated without blinking an eye. “KoKo is built different than all of us. She has a different fire under her pot. She has hustle in her blood. She has been doing this shit since her father’s nut sac.” He paused. “I think if she couldn’t rule, it would kill her.”

  “Let me ask you something. I heard rumors about her husband. Was he really all that they say he was?”

  “More. That was the last of a dying breed. Love that nigga till the death of me,” Night said, looking her square in the eyes.

  “That’s what’s up.”

  Just when she was about to ask another question, her cell phone went off. “Pardon me for a minute. I have to take this. Hello,” she said just above a whisper.

  Night watched her body language as she turned from a woman into a little girl.

  “Yes. I know, bu—Okay dad. I’ll be right there.” She disconnected the call and stared at the table.

  “You all right?”

  Goldie just nodded, because if she said a word the tears she fought so hard to keep back might fall at a rapid pace and never stop.

  “Can you take me down the SWATS?” she asked as she rose to her feet. “Let me go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

  Night frowned. Whoever had just made Goldie feel the way she felt had just made themselves an enemy.

  Goldie and Night went straight to an ATM and then jumped on I-20 headed to Southwest Atlanta. They drove in silence to her father’s house, and when they pulled up he could see the anguish all over her face. She stared at the raggedy screen door and filthy windows, dreading the interaction that would take place on the other side of the door.

  She got out the car and walked down the cracked-up walkway. His wretched dog barked from his stationary position tied to a tree with a heavy link chain. The stench of dog shit hit her nose; her stomach felt sick.

  Goldie looked up to see her father standing in the doorway with a dirty white T-shirt and a pair of filthy brown cutoff pants. She walked up on the porch and was greeted with a face full of smoke. He held his pipe firm in hand.

  “What took you so long?” he asked as Goldie passed him and took a seat right next to the door.

  Her father looked out at Night and spat a wad of brown colored phlegm. He let the door close as he stood in front of Goldie and started his shit.

  Night watched her lower her head and listened to him degrade her. He went on and on about how she was nothing but a disappointment, and if she ever missed bringing him his money, she could forget she had a father.

  Once he was done, Goldie passed him the money and then left.

  Her dad stood in the doorway yelling, “Yeah, go ahead and make that money. Make sure you jiggle their balls while you suck that dick.” He started to laugh, but coughed that nasty smoker’s cough. Hawking up some more phlegm, he spat on the ground, and then turned, letting the screen door slam shut.

  Goldie fought to hold back the tears as she reached the passenger side of the car. Night’s nostrils flared as heat surged through his body.

  When she got in the car, she put on her seat belt and sunk into her seat. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just get me as far away from here as possible.” She folded her arms and turned toward the window as he drove off.

  As Night turned from one street to the next, he plotted and planned. He had been hanging with Goldie for the last couple weeks and had built a soft spot for her in his heart. The fact that she was hurting was also tearing him up inside.

  When they pulled up to Goldie’s house, she exited the car, not saying a word. Night followed her into the house. He wanted to make sure she was in safe before he headed to the airport.

  “You gonna be alright?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I have grown immune to my father.” “Nobody should have to get used to that kind of pain.” “Well, I guess when you’re born with the mark of disgrace on your forehead you learn how to live with it.” She leaned against the sofa while looking into Night’s eyes, searching for his angle. It had been her experience that the only time a man was nice to her was when her legs were open.

  “You’re a beautiful woman. And you deserve respect.”

  “You heard my father. The only thing I’m good for is making that money.” As she said the words, a tear ran down her face.

  At that moment, Night felt all her agony, and all he wanted to do was take on all her burdens. He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her, fitting her firmly in his arms. The more he squeezed, the harder she cried.

  “Let that shit out.” Night held her as she cried like a baby. It had been years since she was able to release the pain that she had learned to live with. She cried for her mother dying and leaving her with this man, who instead of being a father, was more like her pimp. Sitting and waiting for her to bring in the money.

  “Why is this my life?” she asked, barely able to speak.

  “It’s not your fault. Don’t let that muthafucka define you.” Night pulled her face up, so he could look into her eyes.

  Goldie’s face was wet, and her heart was broken.

  “You’ll get through this,” Night assured her. He kissed her tenderly between her eyes. As he pulled back and their eyes met, he felt the heat between them. And it spoke loud and clear. He answered by taking her head into his hands and began kissing her lips. She had lacerations on her soul that needed to be healed, and he wanted to be the medicine she needed.

  Overcome by emotion, Goldie pulled back and looked in his eyes. “I need you to be with me tonight.” She reached for his zipper.

nbsp; “Nah, ma. Relax. Tonight. Let me take care of you. Let a real man give you what you been yearning for.”

  Night picked her up and carried her to her bedroom.

  Standing her next to the bed, he pulled her dress over her head, revealing her body. And for the first time, Goldie actually felt naked. She covered her breasts with her hands as she looked away.

  Night placed his hand under her chin and brought her face to meet his. He placed his lips to hers. She released a soft moan as chill bumps covered her body.

  “Night. Wait. What about what KoKo said?”

  “Let me worry about that. You worry about how good I’m about to feel inside you. Lie down,” he ordered.

  Goldie positioned herself in the middle of her king-sized bed, watching as Night removed his shirt and then his pants. When she saw all that dick, her heart sank to her toes.

  Sensing her hesitation, he quickly tried to calm her nerves. “Don’t worry. He lethal, but he ain’t deadly. I know how to make this nigga act right,” he assured her as he got on the bed. Taking her ankle in his hand, he began planting soft kisses up her calve and her inner thigh.

  Goldie melted with his every touch. The closer he got to her kitty, the more nervous she became.

  Night positioned himself to have all access. Kissing her sweet flower gently, he savored her flavor.

  Goldie arched her back, placing a hand on his head, and guiding him to her pleasure. She escaped with every soft lick and firm suck. Goldie let go of the day’s anxiety and pain.

  Night rose to his knees and strapped up that steel. “I’ma make you a woman tonight. Fuck the past. Let me step into your future,” he calmly stated, climbing in between her thick thighs.

  “I’m afraid to let you in.”

  “With me you safe, ma. I got you.” He began to short stroke between her slippery lips.

  “Night, don’t hurt me.”

  “You got my word,” he groaned as the passion between them pulled him deeper.

  Goldie knew exactly how to work that pussy to a nigga’s pleasure. It was like she was reading his mind. Each stroke felt different than the last. She rocked those hips to make sure he hit the right spots with every push.

  Soft moans left his lips and sank into her eardrums, putting her in a trance that took over her whole body.

  “Niiiight . . .” she whined.

  “Goldie.” He continued to stroke as her wetness covered his waist and stomach. “Fuck me,” he repeated. She grabbed his ass, forcing him further inside while her muscles gripped his thick muscle. She bit into his neck, and then she whispered in his ear, “I need it from the back.”

  Night wasted no time complying. He pulled out and watched her get into position, perching that ass up and spreading those legs wide. He admired her glistening kitty that was screaming for more. He slid back in, grabbed her waist, and fucked her close. The room quickly filled with the sounds of his thighs smacking her fat ass.

  Goldie zoned out, rotated her waist and pushed back, forcing him further inside her with every stroke. Night looked down at her smooth body as she worked his pole; she was throwing that ass and squeezing her cheeks at the same time, causing a knee-weakening suction on his dick. All he could think was, Damn, I see why KoKo put her on niggas. He fought hard not to cum, but the slippery, wet pleasure he received was fucking his head up.

  Intense contractions came on, forcing Goldie to move away from him.

  Pulling her back, he began talking shit. “Mmmm… what I’m hitting, baby? What’s that?”

  “My spot,” she moaned.

  “Don’t run. Go ahead and wet this dick,” he taunted, holding her in place and hitting that spot. Her body seized up and then began to shake.

  Goldie grabbed the pillow and buried her face as she screamed out in pleasure.

  Night went into beast mode, repeatedly beating that spot. She came over and over again. He fucked that spot until she begged him to stop.

  “Uh-huh,” he mumbled as he watched her body jerk every time he entered her. “Dick good, ain’t it, baby?” his voice belted out as his stroke quickened.

  “Hell yeah,” she whined. Goldie regained her composure and twerked that ass, working his dick into a frenzy.

  When Goldie felt him pick up speed and moan, she rocked into him until she knew he couldn’t take anymore. In one swift move, she pulled forward. Goldie turned to him, slid off the condom, and sucked him until he released the pressure.

  She stroked his dick and slid the head over her lips as she looked up at him. “Ain’t nothing like the taste of sweet dick after a good nut.”

  Out of breath and mesmerized, Night looked down and said, “You’re welcome, but I’m not done with that ass.” He grabbed her by the waist and flipped her upside down.

  There Goldie rested on her arms in a handstand as Night ate her pussy like he owned it.

  For the next few hours, Night removed mountains from her soul. In the morning, Goldie felt like a new person. He had said things to her that she never heard, and he did things to her that she never had done. It was official. Goldie was hooked on Night and not letting go.

  - 22 -

  Tell Me Everything

  Kayson pulled up to his house, full of uncertainty. When he walked in the mansion it was cold and dark. He went straight to their bedroom. KoKo was sitting

  up in the seating area of their bedroom watching the news. She didn’t even look in his direction.

  He moved to the closet, took his clothes off, and put on his robe. Kayson walked to KoKo’s side of the bed and sat down.

  “Why you leave?”

  “You need to deal with your bitches, because I don’t have time for bullshit. I’m going to take care of my own shit, and you do the same,” she said, looking at the television. She grabbed the remote and flipped through channels.

  “We ain’t got no separate business. All of this is ours.” “Look, I know that you do what you have to do to make

  shit happen, and I respect that. But I’m way past fighting with bitches over you.”

  “What the fuck is you talking about? The only woman in my life is you. Ain’t shit changed.” He placed his hand on her leg.

  KoKo looked at him with coldness in her eyes. “So, you can sit here and tell me you ain’t fuck that bitch?”

  “No, I did not fuck her. I’m not going lie. I had pussy when I was away from you. But you should know me by now. My love is and has always been with you.”

  “I used to know you.”

  “Do you know I love you?”

  “Yes. Bu—”

  “But what?”

  KoKo crossed her arms, and for the first time in months, she released all the emotion building up inside her. As tears ran down her face she said, “I live for this life we live. I know what needs to be done and I do it. Do I fuck up sometimes? Hell yeah. But I don’t regret the things I have done to feed my son. However, the major thing I question is my relationship with you.” KoKo paused. “Who the fuck are you? And why do you keep hurting me?”

  Her question stung his heart. He thought long and hard before answering her. “I made the ultimate sacrifice to be with you. They were never coming for me. They were coming for you.” He paused and filled his lungs with air and released it. “After you killed Raul, I was supposed to kill you.” A brief silence lingered as he gauged her feelings. “I fell in love with you. I then proceeded to go against orders and married you. That night at the party. That was an ordered hit on your life. But I traded places with you. I was willing to give my life for you and my baby.”

  “You knew I was pregnant?”

  “I’m your husband. Of course; I know when the pussy changes,” he responded, giving her a sexy smile.

  “You can’t possibly know what I have been through. How were you able to pull it off?"

  “That night we got hit, Night was in town trading money with Mr. Lu Chi. When my mother found out, she called him and they came straight to the hospital. I did die on the table twice, but they
were able to stabilize me. When Lu Chi found out, he called in some favors to get me moved. They did what they had to do, and the word was sent out that I was dead.

  Everything was settled except one contract that I am still trying to buy us out of it. I’m close, but hopefully, time won’t be against us.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “The more you know, the more danger you and Quran would have been in.”

  “So, what now?”

  “I need you to work with me on this Guyana move.”

  “I’m not working with that bitch. They’ll fuck around and snatch our freedom papers. I was ready to kill her ass.”

  “Don’t worry. I want you to work with Peppa, her brother. This shit gotta be clean. All this money is legit. I need you to remember that. I don’t want no ties to our old world with this new shit we doing. We’re going back down in a couple of days.”

  “Okay, but you have to tell me everything.”

  “I promise to tell you what I can. The rest you will have to trust me.”

  “Well, I have some shit pending. And I need to do some things also, and you will have to trust me.”

  “Don’t get fucked up,” he warned.

  “I’m not going to do anything that will disrespect you or compromise our relationship.”

  There was an eerie moment of silence. “I know what happened with my mother. We are in a fucked up game. The only thought that comforts me is that you did what you had to do.” He looked at her, gauging her mood.

  KoKo returned his gaze to feel him out. She had been avoiding this subject ever since he showed up back on the scene.

  “I found out a lot of shit while I was gone. I understand. I know that she was involved in a lot of things that created pain in your life. I’m dealing with it, and we will just leave it at that.”

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you. That was not my intent. Quran loved her, and she took good care of him. I will love her for that, but I could not live with her role in my parent’s death.”

  “I know the code. We all will pay for what we did. It’s just a matter of time.”


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