The Pussy Trap 3

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The Pussy Trap 3 Page 14

by Death by Temptation (retail) (epub)

  “I’ll have somebody pick you up at the McDonalds in Brooklyn on Fulton.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  She emerged from the stall and then ran some water over her face. Deborah fixed her clothes, put on her coat, and headed to the door.

  When Deborah emerged from the bathroom, she saw the cab pulling to the front door. She walked past security and straight out the door.

  Settling into her seat, she breathed a sigh of relief. Tyquan had just wrote a check his ass couldn’t cash.

  - 26 -

  Happy Birthday

  Night and Goldie had become inseparable. Rain had just about given up on him. Whenever he was home, he was distant and cold. Tonight; would be no different.

  “When am I going to see you again?” Rain asked as she watched him pack his bag.

  “You know not to ask me those types of questions,” Night shot back, moving around the room double-checking to make sure he was not leaving anything.

  “I can’t do this shit any more. Don’t ask you shit. Don’t expect shit. What the fuck are we doin’?”

  “Look, I don’t have time for this shit. You got everything you need. I’m taking care of business. I will see you soon.”

  “You think I’m with you because you take care of me? I can get any nigga to take care of me. I need you, Night. The Night I am used to, not this stranger that climbs in and out of my bed every other week.”

  Night took in heavy air, but did not entertain her tantrum. “I understand that you have obligations to the organization.

  And I never stand in the way of that. But you’re not honoring the code KoKo set up. She said take care of home. And our shit is falling apart,” she yelled.

  “Don’t yell in my fucking house,” he tranquilly ordered.

  “I don’t even know why I’m talking to you.” She folded her arms and shook her head in disgust. “Leave the money on the nightstand. Oh yeah, and I know. Call your pimp KoKo if I need anything,” she sarcastically stated as she tried to walk out the room.

  Night walked up behind her, and when she turned she was met by a very angry man. Night barked, “Don’t you ever, in your life disrespect me. You are in my world because I let you in it. Do I care about you? Yes. Are you replaceable? Definitely. You don’t want for shit. You drive my cars, you laying in my bed and spending my money. The only responsibility you have is fuck me good and don’t stress me the fuck out. Now you always come through on number one, but you are violating number two.”

  Night looked down at her, seeing in her eyes that the shock of the hour had become grievous. “I need you to act like you got some sense. And don’t make me come outta character.” He stood there for a few seconds, turned and grabbed his bag and headed to the door.

  “Night, I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight with you.” She came up behind him.

  Reluctantly, Night turned and embraced her. He needed to make sure that regardless of the new love he had fallen into with Goldie, that he not fuck-up what he had with Rain. KoKo was clear about not creating any new enemies. Plus, Rain had rode for him, and he had love for her, but was no longer in love with her. He just needed some time before he could end it.

  “I’m sorry, too. Hang in there. It’s almost over.”

  Rain took his statement literally; she knew she had lost Night. She just needed to ride it out until something else came her way.

  Surprise Party . . .

  It was a week before Night’s birthday, and Goldie wanted to give him something nice. She booked an Ocean Room in the Revel Hotel in Atlantic City and an evening full of surprises.

  Goldie had him picked up from New York in a limo and brought straight to the hotel. His evening started with a massage, and dinner that consisted of lobster tails, shrimp scampi, a baked potato with sour cream, and for dessert, chocolate cake with mousse in the middle drizzled with hot fudge.

  When he returned to his room, a small bottle of Jack Daniels, a shot glass with his name on it, and three blunts were waiting. Night smiled and poured himself a drink. He took it to the head and then another.

  Lighting his blunt, he walked over to the window. He pulled back the curtains and looked out at the black sky touching the ocean. The stars twinkled and shined like they were put in the sky just for him.

  Sitting back on the L shaped sofa, he puffed and enjoyed the view. Totally relaxed, he placed the call.

  “What’s up, ma? Where you at?” he asked.

  “I’m downstairs in the lobby. Why don’t you come down and get me?” she asked in a sexy voice.

  “I’m on my way.” Night slipped into the clothes Goldie had set out for him and headed downstairs.

  When he got to the lobby, Goldie was posted up at the bar in a yellow knee-length, form-fitting dress that snugged around her curves just right. Night smiled from ear-to-ear.

  “Why a brother got to come all the way to ‘AC’ to get him some loving?” He pulled Goldie into his arms and kissed her.

  “You won’t be complaining when you see what I got you for your birthday.”

  “Mmmm . . . how about you just give it to me? A brother ain’t laid next to nothing soft in a week.” He leaned in and kissed her neck.

  “Be patient. Trust me, you’re going to be loving a sister after tonight,” Goldie said with a sneaky grin.

  “Keep looking at me like that, and we ain’t going to make it to see your little plan through.” He held her in his arms while looking in her eyes. Goldie kissed his lips.

  “Let’s go.” They headed to the Ovation Hall for a live comedy show. Kevin Hart was gracing New Jersey with his presence, and it was the perfect gift. Goldie and Night laughed until their stomach hurt.

  When the show ended, they headed over to the Revel’s HQ Night Club to have a few drinks and dance. Goldie was pulling all her moves out on Night, who just stood there and watched the show.

  When they had exhausted all the possibilities, they decided to head upstairs.

  As they stood in the elevator, Night couldn’t keep his hands-off Goldie. Night was running his hands up the sides of her dress and kissing her repeatedly on the lips. “I’m enjoying my birthday,” he said in between kisses.

  “It’s just the beginning,” Goldie moaned, enjoying his touch and the taste of his sweet lips.

  The doors opened, and Goldie broke from his embrace, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the room. She could see that Night was definitely in fuck mode, and she didn’t want to ruin her surprise.

  “Let’s hit the shower, so I can give you the last part of your gift.”

  Night started to undress as he watched Goldie slide out her dress. When she turned, his dick was at full alert. She just needed to keep him distracted long enough to execute her plan.

  “You’re going to have to give me some before I leave this bathroom. I'm not going to be able to keep him under control much longer.” He rubbed his hands between her legs.

  “Just relax and let me work my show. You will not be disappointed.” Goldie moved his hand, washed him up, and then herself.

  Exiting the bathroom, Night was still on swoll and ready to tear something up.

  When they got to the room, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Three of the baddest bitches he ever saw stood in different places within the room. One was caramel like Goldie, but taller, wearing a white G-string and nothing else. The second female was a Spanish mami with hair to her ass. She was thick in all the right places and also wearing a G-string and nothing else, except hers was neon green. The last one was light- skinned with long pretty legs, a thin waist, and a pretty smile with gray eyes.

  The thick Spanish chick took Night by the hand and led him to the bed.

  Goldie emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a big white fluffy towel and sat in a chair across from the action. She grabbed the satellite radio remote, turned on something sexy, crossed her legs and prepared to watch the show.

  Night sat up between the huge pillows as his eyes roamed over the buffet of titties and asses
that stood before him. Each woman crawled onto the bed and began feasting on him, licking and kissing every inch of his body. Spanish Mami took his dick in her hand and then slowly into her mouth. Light- skinned and Carmel created the perfect swirl as they wrapped their bodies around each other and began kissing and caressing each other’s breasts.

  When Caramel Sister spread her wings, and Redbone went in for a taste, heat surged through his whole body.

  Night allowed his hands to wander over the smooth mounds as the women took turns pleasing him and each other. He was enjoying the show, but he was ready to slide into something hot and wet.

  “Goldie, come join me.”

  “Nah, daddy, it’s all about you. Happy birthday. Enjoy.” Goldie stayed in her seat.

  Night was in heaven. He watched Goldie through the slits of his eyes. She was smiling and enjoying the pleasure on his face.

  “Y’all watch out,” Night ordered as he motioned Goldie to come over to him.

  She stood up, dropped her towel, and sauntered over to him. Crawling between the woman and Night, Goldie straddled his lap sliding all the way down on that pulsating rod, fast and hard. Wasting no time, she effortlessly moved her body to his desire. She sunk her teeth into his neck and bit into his flesh as his thickness tickled her spot.

  Night looked over her shoulder as the women devoured each other. Hot tongues traced nipples and legs, hips and thighs. Loud moans and pleas filled the room, as the intensity of passion and pain filled every crack and crease with steamy liquid lust.

  Goldie moved in sync with his dick’s commands until she began to tremble.

  Night held Goldie tight in his arms as she recovered. Sweaty and satisfied, Night spoke into her ear. “I love you.” “I love you too,” she moaned.

  Night and Goldie got up the next morning and caught a flight to Atlanta. Goldie had gotten a call from the detective KoKo had her on. She needed to get back to lay the groundwork for the last step of KoKo’s plan.

  Arriving safely at 2 PM, Goldie headed over to the precinct for lunch, and Night headed to make the kill of his lifetime.

  Pulling up at Goldie’s father’s house, Night surveyed the area, reached in the glove compartment, and grabbed his gun. He looked over at the house through the window at the dim light, a sign that someone may be inside.

  Emerging from the car, he closed the door gently and moved swiftly to the front porch. Testing the door, he found it to be unlocked just as he expected. Opening it slowly, he made just enough room to fit through and then closed it gently.

  Night scanned the living room and saw his helpless victim fast asleep in a dirty, tan recliner. Night moved to the middle of the dirty gray carpet and just stared at him.

  Goldie’s father began to move in his seat.

  When his eyes slowly opened, he saw the Black Night standing there with the look of death on his face. He wanted to yell out, but the hypnotic gaze beaming back at him stole his words.

  “You like degrading women?” Night asked in a calm voice. “Who are you? Why are you in my house?” he asked, squinting to get a better focus.

  “You’re the type of man that makes it hard for a real man to love his woman.”

  “Love? I hope the woman you’re talking about is not my daughter.” He chuckled. “That woman you are talking about is a whore. She fucks for money. Don’t you let her fool you. She is the worse type of woman. Sheeeitt . . . I thought you were here to talk about something important.” He pushed his chair up and planted his feet in the rug.

  “Niggas like you make it easy for me to sleep at night after killing.”

  “You disrepectfu—” he tried to say, but had to choke back his words. The bullet from Night’s gun lodged in his throat.

  The dying man’s eyes grew wide as he held his throat in agony, fighting for breath.

  “Now you don’t have to worry about the woman she is. Die, you dirty muthafucka,” Night said as he watched him gasp and wheeze. Thick blood gushed between his fingers, and his soul escaped his body.

  Night continued to watch the struggle until his body stopped twitching, and his hands fell to the side. He pulled his sleeve down, opened the door, and walked out.

  A surge of emotion flowed through Night’s body. For the first time in his life, the kill was personal and not one ounce of regret filled his conscience.

  - 27 -

  Ready to Get Dirty

  Anticipating the meeting, KoKo arrived in Georgetown Guyana a little after five in the evening. Mr. Odoo had her picked up and brought to his estate. She rode in

  silence and had already made up her mind that if some fishy shit was going on, she was going to commit her first out of the country murder.

  When the car pulled up to the mansion, KoKo’s stomach filled with butterflies. The car door opened and a hand extended. She placed her hand in the tall, dark gentleman’s hand, who gently pulled her from the vehicle and then escorted her inside.

  Trailing behind the gentleman, she was taken to a medium- sized room with huge windows, several ceiling fans, and two large navy blue couches, and a hand carved wooden coffee table.

  “Mr. Odoo will be with you in a minute.” The man bowed and then turned to walk away.

  “Thank you,” KoKo responded and took a seat.

  She looked around the room at the white sheer curtains that blew in and out the window from the nice breeze. The many paintings that adorned the walls seemed to be of family. There were older men and women, and also children. KoKo deduced that this must be an area created to honor the family.

  KoKo sat back, crossed her legs, and waited.

  Ten minutes later, in walked a short East Indian man with dark skin and straight hair. He was well dressed in a pair of gray slacks and a gray silk dress shirt. There was a calm on his face that most men prayed for. His demeanor immediately put KoKo in a state of tranquility.

  “Your husband did not do justice in describing your beauty,” he stated, coming over and taking KoKo’s hand and planting a tender kiss on it. “Sorry for keeping you waiting. I had to wrap up a little business.” He apologetically smiled and took a seat across from her.

  “No problem.” KoKo smiled.

  “Thank you for meeting with me. I must first apologize on behalf of my daughter. Kayson told me of her unkind gestures. I have taken care of it, and you have my word it will not happen again.” He put both hands on his heart, and then he dropped them to his lap.

  “I appreciate your kindness. Thank you.”

  “I will get straight to the point. I know you are a busy woman.” He grabbed a small bell and rang it.

  A woman came into the room. “Yes, Mr. Odoo?” she humbly responded.

  “Please bring me something nice to drink. Will you have something?” he asked KoKo.

  “No, thank you.”

  The woman bowed then hurried to fulfill his request. “Kayson is like a son to me. I need him to help me take this

  business of mine to another level.”

  KoKo looked on and listened with a careful ear.

  “I started off a lot like him. Ambitious, hungry, and fearless. In a small amount of time I had built an empire. With that came a lot of friends, but even more enemies. The right force of hands later”—he paused and smiled— “I have more friends than I can count, and now my enemies wish they had the same favor.”

  KoKo nodded her complete understanding. Mr. Odoo was a killer just like her. And what sugar couldn’t win, hot pepper would destroy.

  “We are planning a huge move to America, exporting and importing. Your husband has invested a great amount into this move, and I need protection and movement of product.”

  “No disrespect. But what does this have to do with me?” “Glad you got to the point for me. I am an old man. I tend

  to ramble.” He paused as the maid brought in his drink. He took a few sips and then began to speak KoKo’s language, gutter.

  “I need you to make sure that if a man’s heart holds contempt, you blow his brains
out in front of his whole family, so they will never forget that we own the very air they breathe.” He dropped the peace from his face, and a dark gaze peered back at KoKo. “I need the work to be clean. My money is legit, and I need to move it and other things across the borders with precision. And I need you to help me make sure that happens.”

  “What is in this for me?” “A million on every ten.”

  “How much are we moving?”

  Mr. Odoo smiled. He saw the interest in her go way up when he spit the figure in her direction. “I was going to have you work with my daughter. But I can see that would be like gun powder and fire. So I am asking to have you work with my son. He is a better businessman than me. Plus, he has the same desire you have, kill or be killed. With the two of you together, I know our money will be safe.”

  As he said that, his son Peppa walked in. Standing about 5- feet 10-inches and 170 pounds and well put together, he appeared to be both Indian and black Guyanese.

  “This is my son, Peppa.” He will take the meeting from here. Mr. Odoo stood up. “Thank you for gracing me with your presence. I am here if you need me.” He kissed her hand and looked at his son.

  “Make this young lady feel at home. She is a very smart woman.” He patted his son on the back and exited the room.

  Peppa was amazed by her beauty, but he was not the type to pick flowers from another man’s garden. He had the highest respect for Kayson and would never disrespect his home.

  “How are you? I have heard so many great things about you,” Peppa said, also taking KoKo’s hand and kissing it.

  “That’s funny. I have never heard of you,” she said, feeling a little more on the same playing field as Peppa.

  Peppa smiled. “Straight to the point just like Kayson.” “Listen, I have already had a bad taste put in my mouth by

  a member of your family, so you will have to excuse me if I am skeptical about this whole operation you are running.”

  “I understand,” he calmly stated, enjoying her forwardness. “I need you to say some shit I can feel good about, or let


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