“Yeah, we maintaining. That nigga you were locked up with? We finally took care of the last of his crew and expanded on his territory. It was touch and go for a minute, but you know how we get down.”
“How is the supply?”
“We copped a few keys from KoKo’s boy, Wadoo, but that shit is almost gone. KoKo said a few more days, so we riding on that.”
Baseem swiveled in his chair, rubbing his chin.
“Bas, Tori is here to see you.” Chucky peeked into the office.
“Let her in. You can go get with Chuck,” Baseem told Pete. “I’ll see you in a minute.”
“Ai’ight.” Pete got up and headed to the game room.
Tori walked into the office with her tight black jeans and black shirt, as it was customary to wear black at night to the pool hall.
“Hey Baseem,” she said, walking right over to him and kissing him on the cheek.
“What’s good, ma?”
“Well”—she perched herself on the desk and crossed her legs— “I have been spending a lot of time with Savage, and I have not seen anything yet. If he’s up to something, he is very careful, because I checked that nigga’s phone and everything, and I didn’t see anything. But you know I will stay on it.”
“Nah, fall back a little. I don’t want him to know you on him like that. Plus, I need you to do something else for me.” He paused, looking into her eyes.
“Anything for you, Baseem,” she cooed. “It’s like that?”
“You already know,” Tori shot back.
“Meet me at my apartment in an hour. I need a going away present.”
“You want it wrapped, or unwrapped?”
“Unwrapped, and you know I like it wet, so feel free to start without me.” He stood up and handed her the keys and a knot of hundreds.
“See you in an hour.” She turned to walk away.
“Tonight; when you’re unable to speak or walk, blame it on them jeans,” he said real smooth.
Tori looked back and smiled on her way out the door.
Baseem sat back in his seat and thought his plan through thoroughly. He was getting some very mixed feelings about all the stuff that was going on. Although he was holding down New York, he needed to see what Night was doing in Atlanta, and maybe find out what KoKo was doing as well.
Baseem got up and checked the office over. He hit the lights, locked up, and rolled out. Once he hit the bar and left specific orders with the staff, he spoke to security. Lastly, he stopped at Chucky and Pete’s table and dropped his flight schedule in their ears.
“Tori was smiling big on her way outta here.” Chucky had to fuck with him.
“Oh shit. What happened to wifey?” Pete asked with a smirk on his face.
“She good. But a nigga just did three years. I gotta catch up.”
“You know KoKo don’t like us fucking with the help,” Chucky shot back.
“If it was up to KoKo, none of us would get no pussy. Be walking around this muthafucka with dry dicks and attitudes. Let me get outta here. I’ll see y’all in a couple of days,” Baseem said, heading to the door.
When Baseem got off the plane, he caught a cab to the hotel. Then he had Chico pick him up and show him around.
“Is this your first time down here?” Chico asked as he pulled off from the front of the Ritz-Carlton.
“Nah, me and Kayson used to come down here for that Freaknik shit back in the day.”
“Damn, I haven’t talked about that shit in a minute. Freaks use to be acting the fuck up out there.” Chico brought up some memories.
“Where we headed first?” Baseem asked, changing the subject. He was not trying to skip down memory lane.
“I’ma take you by a few trap spots. Then I’ll take you to the club. Night should be there by then.”
“Ai’ight.” He sat back and looked out the window. Baseem’s eyes bounced all over the sight of women with big colorful weaves and dudes with long shorts and sweat socks pulled up to their knees. It was funny how even though they all had the same kind of hoods, they all were filled with very different people.
After Chico took Baseem on the tour of the trap spots, he headed for Golden Paradise. They pulled into Chico’s spot and got out.
When they moved through the back entrance, Chico had to straighten a few workers out. The cook was coming out of the storage room with one of the dancers.
“What the fuck is you doing?” Chico got up on him. “I was ju—”
“Nigga, don’t play with me. I know what the fuck you were doing,” Chico barked. “Get yo shit and get the fuck out! I’ll let Goldie deal with you.” He directed his anger at Pinky, one of Goldie’s best girls.
“Where the fuck is the back-door security?” Baseem asked. “Good fucking question,” Chico responded.
As soon as the words left his mouth, Big Clay came out of the same direction as the cook and Pinky, zipping up his pants. “Nigga, what the fuck?” Chico said, but before he could get
to the next thought, Baseem went into action.
He grabbed a rolling pin and beat the shit out of Big Clay. Several teeth flew out his mouth and blood splashed all over the walls. His body lie lifeless on the hard-cold floor.
Baseem stood up with the bloody wooden object in his hand and began reorganizing the whole situation.
“Chico, call the security team. Put two of your best at the front door and two at the back door, and tell them niggas they better not fuck up. Get Goldie on the phone and tell her to get over here and get these bitches straight. In the meantime, bitch, go the fuck home. Sucking dick in the closet on company time. Hurry up!” he yelled, causing her to jump. “I’m tempted to slap the shit outta you.”
Pinky eased past the angry man, heading to the dressing room.
“No, bitch. This way. You can’t get shit.” He pointed at the back door. “You need to get your shit and follow that dirty bitch out the same way.” Baseem looked at the cook, who was shaking in his shoes.
Nervously, he grabbed his backpack and headed to the door.
“The rest of you muthafuckas get to work!” he yelled at the rest of the kitchen staff.
Several members of security ran into the kitchen and paused when they saw Baseem standing there with the bloody instrument and a team member with his face bashed in.
“Y’all niggas need to step up your fucking game. What the fuck is wrong with y’all? You got the boss in the city, and the place ain’t secure. Bitches sucking security dick in the closet, and the cook got cum on his hands serving the fucking guests.” He looked in each man’s eyes.
“This better be the last time I visit this muthafucka and niggas ain’t on point. Tighten the fuck up!” he barked.
Chico was dumbfounded. He began speaking in Spanish to a few men, and they went to the back door and posted up. Then he switched to English.
“Y’all stay in the front and the rest of y’all rover.” Every one moved to their post.
Baseem looked at him. “You too comfortable. And they too comfortable with you. Separate business from family.”
Baseem handed him the rolling pin. “Clean this shit up.
Have one of them bitches take me to Night’s office.”
Chico sent for one of the girls to escort him and had the dead man cleaned up.
Baseem sat in Night’s office watching the monitor and running the events that just took place through his mind. KoKo was nowhere in sight, Night was nowhere in sight, and the place they used as common ground was as secure as a nursing home at Jell-O time.
He sat in the big leather chair behind the desk, lit a blunt, and watched the monitors.
Night pulled up and Chico ran over to him. Baseem was ready for a fall out.
Night burst in the office, Baseem swung around in the chair with the blunt dangling from his lip.
“What the fuck happened?” Night asked.
“I know that fat Spanish fucka already told you, so I won’t speak on what happened. But I will speak on what’s
about to happen.” He put his hand to his mouth, pulled the blunt out, and dapped the ashes in the ashtray on the desk.
“I’m commandeering this area. Whatever KoKo has you on is you and her business. But these niggas think we running a fucking YMCA. This is a business.”
Night just stared at Baseem for a minute to make sure he heard him right.
“Did you run that past KoKo?”
“No. And I don’t plan on it. My decision is final. I’ma have Taz come down here and help Chico out, so when you’re not around these niggas will be on point.”
“You funny as hell. I don’t take orders from you,” Night said and smiled. “You can tell KoKo whatever you need to. But you better not move Taz, and don’t get in my fucking way.” He locked eyes with Baseem.
“Let me tell you something. I know you have a brotherhood with Kayson, and I respect it to the highest degree. But me and that man go back like rocking chairs. If no one else does, I’ma make sure the shit we built don’t fall down around me while muthafuckas hold they dick,” Baseem shot back.
Night wanted to say something to ease Baseem’s mind, but Kayson wasn’t ready for anyone to know yet. So, he had to humor him. “Yeah, ai’ight, do you,” he said. Night reached down to answer his vibrating phone.
“Night?” Goldie said, her voice cracking as if she was crying.
“What’s wrong?” he said, turning his back on Baseem. “It’s my father . . . Please come get me.”
“Where are you?” he asked as he could hear the faint sound of sirens in the background.
“In front of his house,” she mumbled through the tears. “I’m on my way.”
“Please hurry,” she begged.
Night disconnected the call and turned back to Baseem. “Is there anything else?”
“Yeah, where is KoKo?” he asked.
“Don’t you know?” Night walked out of the office.
Baseem wanted to get up and beat his ass like he did the man in the kitchen. But he needed to remain calm, so he could get the information he needed so he would be justified when he put that nigga on his ass.
He placed a few calls. An hour later he called a taxi to the airport, anxious to get back to New York and make sure everything was in place. He wanted to make sure these niggas weren’t slipping.
The taxi pulled in front of the airport, and Baseem dug around in his pocket for the money. He paid the driver as he grabbed his bag in preparation to get out. A dark green, shiny F33 BMW 4 series pulled up a few spots in front of him and out jumped KoKo. He was ready to call out her name when he saw a nigga jump out the driver’s seat and come around the car and give her a hug.
“What the fuck!” he said, both shocked and puzzled.
The man released her. They shared a few words and then she was off. Baseem watched until KoKo was inside and the man was back in the car.
“Follow that car,” he said to the driver, pushing a few hundred in the slot.
The driver stayed a safe distance from the car so as not to alert him. Baseem sat back trying to figure out what the fuck KoKo was doing. Whatever it was, he was getting ready to get right in her business. She wasn’t going to have any other choice but to tell all or risk all.
Rock pulled up to an apartment building in downtown Atlanta, turned his car over to the valet, and walked inside.
When he got into the lobby, he pulled out his cell phone and placed a call. “Hey. You on the plane?”
“Yes, why?”
“Watch your back. Someone was following me,” Rock said as he watched the cab pull off through the tinted lobby windows.
Night picked up Goldie and headed to his hotel room he had gotten to have a little privacy.
They walked into the plush suite and turned on the lights. Goldie was jumpy and shaken.
“You alright?” Night asked, trying to soften his husky voice.
She didn’t speak. Goldie just nodded back and forth. “Come sit down.” He took her by the hand and led her to
the couch. “Just try to relax. Do you want me to get you anything?”
Again; she nodded no.
Night sat back and pulled her head onto his chest and held her tight.
Goldie settled into his arms as tears rolled down her face. “He was all I had,” she mumbled.
Night choked up when he heard the pain in her voice. He didn’t know what to say or how to feel. He thought he was helping her by erasing the thing that plagued her the most, but it was the total opposite.
“You’ll be okay, ma.”
“How am I supposed to live without parents?” she said through sniffles.
“You got me,” he said, trying to ease her mind.
“He wasn’t always bad. He used to love me more than life itself. Daddy’s girl, he used to say.” Goldie tried to smile through her tears.
“When did he change?” Night asked.
“When my mother died. He was never the same. He left her for a while when she was sick and had my brother with another woman, which only made her condition worse. When he came back she was near death. He tried to manage at first, but the guilt and grief killed the best part of him.”
Night began to feel fucked up about what he had just done. “Today was supposed to be a happy day. I had a surprise
for you.”
“I’m sorry this is happening to you,” he said, realizing what she’d just said. “You had a surprise for me?”
“Yes. Today I found out I’m pregnant.” “Pregnant?” he shot back. “Sit up.”
“Yes, I saw my doctor today. I guess it’s an extra birthday present.” She tried to force a smile.
“Damn, a baby.” Night realized she was telling him she got pregnant the night of his little private surprise party she gave him.
“I’m sorry,” Goldie said, trying to get up, sensing he was upset.
“Nah ma, you ain’t going nowhere.” He pulled her back to the seat. “I’m not upset. I’m just shocked.”
“I didn’t tell you to make you stay with me. If you don’t want it, I understand. I will do whatever you want me to do.”
“What I want you to do? What I don’t want you to do is kill my baby.” Night was conflicted, but he was damn sure not confused. This would be his first child, and he damn sure wasn’t going to let her kill it.
“Are you sure?” she asked, looking in his eyes for any sign of uncertainty.
“Yes, I’m sure.” He kissed her lips. “I got you.” He pulled her into his arms.
“You’re all I have,” she whispered, not knowing that the man in her arms took away the only family she had.
- 31 -
After leaving the island, KoKo stopped in Atlanta to see Rock for some information. He dropped her off at the airport. She then headed straight to Jersey to follow
her leads. Dutchess was a name that had come to her two different ways. In her mother’s memories, she wrote that the mysterious Dutchess was a sidepiece of the man who was involved in her father’s murder. Dutchess was also the name given to her by Fred on his deathbed. KoKo was embarking on uncovering the mystery and putting the last piece of the puzzle in place.
She pulled up to a large green house on Weequahic Avenue, praying that this would put all the things she had already gathered into perspective.
KoKo paid the cab driver and jumped out. After checking her guns, she walked up on the porch and looked around for a bell, but there was none. She rapped on the big wooden door and waited for a response. Impatient, she knocked again. KoKo stepped back and looked at the windows. She also glanced over the banister and down the alley. When she heard the locks clicking, KoKo positioned herself back in front of the door.
“Hello. How may I help you?” the tall, brown-skinned woman asked.
“Yes, is Dutchess here?” KoKo asked, looking the woman over from head to toe. She could tell Dutchess was middle aged, but she had a very youthful appearance. Her skin was flawless and her curves were
pronounced. She was dripping in labels from head to toe, even her perfume smelled expensive.
“Do I know you?” she asked, giving KoKo the same once over. Dutchess also noticed that she too was well dressed and well put together.
“You don’t know me, but we know the same people,” KoKo said.
“Okaaay . . . so you would be who?” “Ce’Asia.” KoKo looked directly in her eyes.
One of Dutchess’s eyebrows went up. She smiled. “It’s a pleasure to see you all grown up. Please come in.” She moved to the side, allowing her to pass. Dutchess looked down the street in both directions before closing the door.
KoKo walked into her living room, which was set up like an art museum with paintings of black men and women in all types of positions. African statues were in every corner, but no furniture was apparent.
“Please make yourself at home.” The woman walked into the living room, spry and confident.
KoKo looked around like, Where?
“Oh, not in here. Follow me.” She walked swiftly into the next room.
When KoKo walked in behind her, to her surprise it was set up just like the other one.
“Please forgive me. I do my art thing on Wednesdays.” Dutchess walked over to the closet and grabbed two foldout chairs and placed them in the middle of the floor.
KoKo took a seat in one, and Dutchess took a seat in the other.
“So, Miss Ce’Asia. What can I do for you?”
“I’m not sure yet. But I need to ask you a few questions, and hopefully you will be honest.”
“I will be as honest as I can. When Fred came to me and said one day you would come for answers, I almost turned him down. But because your dad was a dear friend, I couldn’t.”
“Did you know my mother?”
“I can’t say I knew her. Let’s say we shared a common interest.”
“You were fucking her man if I’m not mistaken.”
Dutchess cracked a smile. “Well, I see you are your mother’s daughter.”
KoKo didn’t change her mood or her words. She sat staring at the woman waiting for her to spill her guts.
“Well, let me paint you a picture if I may. Yes, I was involved with Sadeek, but whatever it was that he and your mother had was over by the time he met me.” She paused.
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