“Where is my mother and son?” KoKo asked as she hurried to the bedroom of her island home and closed the door. Panic set in when she realized they were nowhere to be found.
“Baby, he’s safe.” Kayson said into the phone.
“Kayson, please don’t play with me. Why would you move him without telling me?”
“Baby, stop tripping. I moved everybody. We got to shut shit down and change all routines. And his life is one that I am not prepared to bargain with.” “Okay, where are you?”
“I’m standing in the other room listening to you act like a fucking fool.”
KoKo turned and looked at the door. She hung up her phone and tossed it on the bed.
When she opened the door, Kayson stood there smiling.
KoKo punched him lightly in the chest. “You play too much.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t have a chance to say anything. You came right in the house and started bugging the fuck out.”
“Whatever. You know he is all I have. I can’t play when it comes to him.”
“I closed down both mansions and the pool hall. I also had your apartment on Park Avenue sold and all your shit shipped to the new location. The only thing still in business is The Lion’s Den and Golden Paradise. I made sure all the paperwork and shit was straight. And I changed all the bank accounts and moved all assets.”
KoKo stood listening to him. The reality of what was happening weighed heavy on her heart. They had spoken about moving out and doing shit different for years, but the hour had come, and she was relieved she had Kayson there to make everything happen.
“So, this is it?”
“Yes, we outta these streets, baby. We can’t go on like this.
We have to back up and let this shit blow over.”
“What are we going to do about Baseem and the crew?” “Bas is going to do the underground thing for a minute. But
he already told them they have to be big boys and girls. Night is going to most likely try to come where ever we are.”
“Damn, Kay. This shit don’t seem real.”
“I know, but that belly is real.” He looked down at KoKo’s now protruding stomach, and then reached out and rubbed it. “Yes, and it is starting to slow me down. I was so sleepy the other day, I almost yawned while I was cussing a bitch out. How gangsta is that?”
“See, that’s why I’m retiring your sexy ass.” Kayson kissed her sweet lips.
“Only for a minute. I have to keep my pimp hand strong.” She looked at her hand and turned it from side to side.
“Yeah, so you can pick up kids from school and check homework like normal mothers.” He grabbed her in his arms and walked her over to the chair, where he sat down and perched her on his lap.
“Normal? What is that?” she said, laying her head back on his shoulder.
“I don’t know, but we gonna look that shit up and try it for a little while and see what it’s all about.” He kissed her face.
“Well, as long as normal has you in it, I’ll give it a try.” She closed her eyes, enjoying being in his arms.
KoKo and Kayson sat like that for an hour talking and laughing as they stared out at the water. As the sun began to leave the sky, KoKo got up cooked, cleaned, and then gave the boss some of that hypnotic.
Wrapped in the euphoria of their little tryst, they both fell fast asleep.
- 42 -
Good Night
Stop! You so crazy.” Goldie pushed Night’s head off her stomach.
“I’m trying to hear what my son has to say,” he joked as he sat back in his seat.
“You don’t even know if it’s a boy,” Goldie said as she smiled and giggled.
Goldie and Night sat outside her house, full from their meal talking. Today was their first ultra-sound. They had heard the heartbeat, and Night was beaming.
“So, when are you going to be ready to make the move with me?” he asked.
“I am ready whenever you say it’s time. But I have to keep my house in the ‘A’. I love it down here. Plus, this is the first thing I ever owned. It means something to me,” she said as her chest filled up with pride.
“I understand. We can keep your house, but I need you in mine every day. I need to be able to wake up and see your eyes and rub your big belly.” He placed his hand on her stomach.
“Awww . . . baby.” Goldie leaned over and kissed him on his lips.
“You know I got you. You ain’t gotta worry about nothing.”
“I know.” She looked into his eyes. “I got something for you.”
Goldie reached in her pocket book to grab a gift she had for him. A car pulled up next to theirs, Goldie locked eyes with the driver and without warning, bullets blasted the windows.
Night dove on top of Goldie, covering her body with his. Just like that, the car sped off.
Goldie struggled to lift Night’s body from hers, looking around to see shattered glass everywhere. Gazing down, she saw a gaping hole in Night’s head.
Hysterical, she picked up parts of his brain and began trying to put them back in place. “Oh, God no! Please!” she cried as she rubbed her bloody hands on his face and hands.
Over and over, she screamed his name. Three men ran to the car, opened her car door, and pulled her from under Night’s dead body.
“You alright?” one of the guys asked as he began to touch her to see if she was hit. She had a few scratches from the glass, but had not been hit with one bullet.
“Save him!” she yelled out as she watched the men pull him from the car and lay him on the sidewalk.
The guy at her side grabbed his cell and dialed 911, as the other two tried to apply CPR to Night. A task that would be fruitless because he was already gone.
Goldie sat on the hot concrete and cried hard. The man grabbed her in his arms and held her tight. Her blood curdling screams were like a punch to his gut.
When the two ambulances and police cars arrived, they quickly swept her in one and Night in the other.
As they whisked them through the emergency room doors, Goldie watched as they cut Night’s clothes from his body and pressed his chest. Goldie was in a daze. It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion. Questions were being hurled at her, but her eyes stayed fixated in one direction.
Nurses picked and probed at her, but she didn’t feel a thing.
She was numb from head to toe.
“What is your name, ma’am?” the nurse asked for the tenth time.
When Goldie still didn’t answer, she reached in her pocketbook and pulled out her wallet.
“Geneva, can you hear me?” the nurse asked, repeating what she read off her license.
Goldie still didn’t say a word. Slowly, she looked down at her purse, reached inside, and pulled out the ultra-sound picture and again became hysterical. “Nooooo!” she yelled at the top of her lungs. Her voice caused pain to the soul of everyone within earshot.
The nurse grabbed her and held her tight. She knew her pain. She had seen it too many times. That feeling that cannot be cured with words or time.
“Let it out. I understand.” The nurse put her hand on Goldie’s head and brought it to her shoulder.
“Whyyyyy!” Goldie yelled out, causing her voice to crack. The stress in her cry brought tears to even the cop’s eyes.
Chico walked through the doors asking questions and looking around. He was pointed in Goldie’s direction.
Standing right by her, he placed his hand on her back. “Goldie, I’m here,” he said as comforting as he could.
Goldie had cried so much that there were no more tears, only sound.
With glossy, puffy, red eyes, she tried to focus on Chico. “They killed him,” she said. The reality of her words caused her to shake and scream.
Chico began to breathe heavy as he felt tears threaten to flee his eyes. He brought his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes.
Goldie fell over on him and repeated, “Make them pay.
Please make them pay.”
“I got you. On my kids I got you.” He held her head on his chest as a single tear rolled down his cheek.
After an hour, the doctors came out and handed Goldie everything in Night’s pockets.
Chico and the crew came to attention as the doctor delivered the news that they had already known.
“We did everything we could.”
Every one became uncomfortable as rage filled their hearts.
Goldie, now depleted of all tears, just looked up at him as she processed his words.
“Come on, ma. I called KoKo. She’s going to meet us at the house,” Chico said, trying to bring Goldie to her feet.
Goldie wanted to stand but couldn’t. She was totally exhausted, mind, body, and soul.
“Yo, go get the car.” He tossed the keys to Paco. He grabbed them in the air and moved out the doors.
“I got you. Just hold on to me.” Chico picked Goldie up and cradled her in his arms like a child.
Goldie put her arms around his neck and whispered, “Make them pay.”
“I promise,” he said, walking out the exit to the car.
Everyone was sitting in Goldie’s living room plotting and planning when they heard the bell ring. Then a series of knocks followed. They all grabbed their guns and moved through the house. Chico peeked out the window to see it was KoKo and a tall nigga with a hood over his head.
Chico moved to the door, opened it up, and KoKo walked in with the man trailing behind her.
“Hey, ma. You good?”
“Where is Goldie?” KoKo got right to the point.
“She’s in the living room,” he said, closing the door and then looking out the curtain.
KoKo walked into the living room scanning the room to see who was all in attendance. Then her eyes settled on Goldie. She was sitting on the couch covered in blood and staring off into space.
KoKo went over to her and sat on the coffee table. “Goldie? I’m here,” she said in the softest voice she could form.
“KoKo, they killed him.”
“Who killed him? Did you see who did it?” Goldie looked at her and then blanked out again.
Kayson pulled his hood back and sat next to KoKo. “Goldie, I need you to tell me everything you remember,” he asked, trying to remain calm on the outside. However, on the inside was a burning fire, fueled with anger and hate.
“Goldie, we need you to try and remember. We gotta go get them niggas,” KoKo said, her voice raising a few octaves.
The sound of KoKo’s voice brought Goldie out of her trance. She looked back and forth at KoKo and Kayson and mumbled, “Diablo. That bitch looked right at me.”
KoKo’s heart skipped a beat as her mind tried to make sure her ears just heard what they heard.
Kayson stood up. “I’ll be back.” KoKo followed Kayson to the door.
“Hold up, KoKo. Let me ride on this one,” Chico said as he moved behind her.
“Nah, y’all stay here and keep her safe.”
“Hold up. You gonna let him go ride on this nigga without us?” Brian, Goldie’s brother said with a puzzled look on his face as he pointed his thumb at Kayson. “We don’t even know him. We got this.”
Kayson stopped in his tracks. Turning, he looked at ol’ boy with those piercing hazel eyes and it was on. “Muthafucka, do you know who the fuck I am?” he barked, moving toward him.
Brian wanted to speak, but the power in Kayson’s eyes paralyzed his thoughts.
“That nigga you consider a friend is my brother. This shit is way past business and personal. It’s about family. My fucking family!” Kayson’s voice reverberated throughout the room as he looked around, catching every man’s eye. “Ain’t nobody handling this shit but me!” he yelled, causing even the air to quiver. “Y’all niggas already dropped the fucking ball. My nigga laying on a cold fucking slab! Stay the fuck outta my way and do whatever she tell you.” Kayson looked around the room, praying for some discord. He was ready to make something bleed. All he needed was an open invitation, and he was going to step in and act the fuck up.
Kayson turned to the door. “As a matter of fact, you stay here with them and make sure they do what they gotta do.”
“I need to be with you. I gotta do it for Night,” KoKo said, apparently disappointed.
“No. This shit gotta be by my hands.” He pulled his hood over his head and walked out the door.
KoKo stood there with her hands on her hips.
“No disrespect, ma. But who the fuck is that nigga?” Brian asked.
“That’s the boss,” she said, turning to the men and taking a seat. She began assessing the situation and regrouping.
Once she had every one settled into their next move, she took Goldie upstairs, stripped her down, and put her in the shower.
Goldie just stood there allowing the water to rain on her aching body. When she looked down and saw Night’s blood running off her skin she began to cry.
KoKo rubbed the cloth over her skin trying to wash away any trace of blood. She knew just how Goldie felt. With every tear and whimper, KoKo relived the horror of her own experience.
After her shower, KoKo dressed her and forced her to eat and drink a little something. Then she put Goldie in the bed.
“Don’t worry, momma. You’ll get through it.” KoKo sat next to her and rubbed her back. Although KoKo wasn’t really the friend type, today she knew that she had to be more than a boss.
Goldie softly sniffled as she tried to doze off.
KoKo’s mind raced a mile a minute. For the first time; she was going to actually listen and hold shit down. Plus, she was tired. Tired of killing and tired of death. Tears began to fall down her face as she thought about how Night had been there for her. He held her hand every step of the way, making the journey without Kayson a much less painful. Her throat became sore as she tried to choke back the tears. Easing off the bed, she moved into the bathroom and closed the door. KoKo turned on the shower, sat on the toilet seat, and cried. Her whole body ached with sorrow. As the steam clouded the bathroom, KoKo’s mind fought back the vision of having to see Night lifeless. She hugged herself and rocked back and forth as she tried releasing some of her agony. In the past few years, she and Kayson had lost more than a few good men. They had lost their whole family. She had to admit it, she was ready to fall back and let Kayson do what he does best, lead.
- 43 -
Dance With the Devil
Kayson stalked the streets of Atlanta for hours tracking Diablo down. He had found out that she would be at a private passion party in Marietta on some kinky, orgy type shit she hosted every so often. Kayson caught a cab to Lenox Mall and grabbed a two-piece suit and some Ferragamo loafers.
He rented a room at the Renaissance Concourse Hotel near the airport to get dressed and clear his mind.
When he got out the shower, he hit the mini bar and hard, downing bottle after bottle until he couldn’t feel the agony. Night had been there for him for over fifteen years. And the one day he really needed him, he was nowhere around. Those thoughts brought back the pain of the night his uncle got killed. He didn’t know whether God was saving him or punishing him.
Once he got his thoughts together, he went into executioner mode. He cleared his mind of all happy thoughts. Kayson needed to detach himself from everything he loved and turned all his feelings cold and hateful. He wanted to do Diablo dirty and didn’t want an ounce of compassion flowing through his blood.
Kayson left his room with a slight look of malice mixed with success. His suit lay on his frame like lotion, smooth than a muthafucka. He grabbed a cab and headed to the party.
When Kayson arrived outside the house, he watched as niggas and females pulled up and piled in. He posted up by a Benz and waited for the right rat to bite.
“Damn, you fine as hell,” this high yellow chick said in a thick southern accent as she looked him up and down.
Kayson looked in her direction. “You sexy as hell your damn self,” he said, taking her by the hand
. “Come here for a minute.” He pulled her to him. “One of these niggas claiming you? Or can a nigga get close to all that ass?” he asked, looking behind her.
“Don’t no nigga claim me. I claim niggas. You look like you want to be chosen,” she spat back, trying to put her so- called game on Kayson.
“Is that right?” he asked.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Dar’chelle said, looking at him like she wanted to go to her knees right there.
“I was invited to this party by the DJ, but I really prefer private gatherings.”
“Who, Mustafah?” she asked, frowning. “That nigga swear he the shit. Look, my boy Veno invited me. Come in with me and let’s have a little fun. Then maybe later I can let you have some ice cream and cake.” She turned and brushed her ass against his dick.
Kayson allowed the Enforcer to stand up as he pulled her in place to feel that rise.
“Yeah, I’ll come with you. And later, you can come for me.” She began to blush and smile.
“Sounds like a plan.” She pressed against him a bit harder to get the full effect, before taking him by the hand and leading the way inside.
“What’s your name?” She looked over her shoulder. “Killah.”
“Damn, is it like that?” she asked as they approached the door.
“You can tell me later,” he said as they passed the bouncer. When they got inside, Kayson looked around the smoke- filled room trying to identify his target. His eyes feasted on the many small round couches full of pillows and people kissing, rubbing, smoking and drinking. There were groups of men on men and women on women, a whole mini Sodom and Gomorrah right in Georgia. There were tables full of toys and people gawking at them ready to try them out.
“Is this your first party?” Dar’chelle asked, feeling the tension in his hand.
“Like I said, I like to do my freaky shit in private.” He looked at her with an intense gaze.
“Well, let’s find somewhere real private.” “Lead the way,” he said, following behind her.
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