St. Amelia's Kiss

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St. Amelia's Kiss Page 7

by Jamie Conner

  She tried not to fidget as she stood, in front of the seated guests, along with the other members of the wedding party. The dew from the grass was seeping into her open-toe flat sandals and the moisture was making her feet slip around in her shoes.

  What we won't do for friends, she thought as she and everyone else waited patiently for the ceremony to continue.

  At least she hadn't been forced to wear some frilly taffeta dress. She flashed back to the poofy sleeved gowns that Darlene and Greta — now seated in the front row — had selected when she'd been one of their bridesmaids. Brandi resisted the temptation to glare at them coldly. You'd think after eons of not being able to legally marry, lesbian couples would have at least developed better taste in bridal wear.

  Fortunately, Sofia and Renee had allowed each person in their wedding party to select their own attire. The brides — more specifically Sophia — still had the final say of course, but they were pretty lenient as long as the outfit fit within their color scheme and didn't outshine the dress Sophia was wearing.

  Brandi had chosen to wear a simple linen pants suit. It was a pale blue — one of the Spring colors in the wedding palate — and since the weather was warm, she'd decided to wear the suit's vest without the jacket on top. The seamstress that tailored her clothes had made it fit perfectly. It hugged her slender frame and muscles of her exposed back flexed sleekly in tribute to the torture she paid her fitness trainer to inflict on her three times a week.

  From her position on Renee's side of the altar she scanned the audience as everyone waited for the signal that the ceremony was about to begin. Renee's mother sat in the front row dabbing a handkerchief at the corner of her eyes and Sophia's two older sisters bounced up and down out of their seats taking pictures of anything that looked even mildly interesting. A few rows back Yolanda winked at Brandi and shimmied she shoulders, a clear invitation for Brandi to meet her on the dance floor later. Brandi just kept scanning the crowd. She wasn't conscious of looking for anyone in particular until she saw her.


  Brandi swallowed hard as her eyes followed Megan to her seat in the front. She was wearing a pale pink dress made of a fabric that clung to her curves beautifully. Brandi traced the path of the fabric that crisscrossed Megan's full breasts creating a neckline that Brandi wanted to plunge into. She licked her lips unconsciously as she imagined herself kissing her way down the v-shaped opening in search of the nipples that lay on either side.

  Brandi got so caught up in the thought of it that she was sure that the flame she felt between her legs was glowing like a neon sign. She shifted the bouquet of flowers she was holding to a position below her waist.

  Thankfully before her imagination had time to go any further the white-robed minister took her place at the center of the gazebo. A violinist seated to the far right began to play a soft instrumental piece in harmony with the elderly female pianist on the far left.

  Guests turned in their seats to get a better glimpse of Renee's dog, Pepper, sauntering down the aisle wearing a blue bow tie and carrying tiny flower-filled baskets strapped to each side of his body like a donkey pack.

  Dog people, Brandi thought to herself and shook her head.

  When Pepper made it to the end of the aisle he walked up to the gazebo and flopped down next to the minister's feet spilling the flower petals and causing a ripple of giggles to flow through the crowd.

  Once people settled down again the woman at the piano began to play the intro to a familiar show tune. Everyone stood as Renee and Sophia moved down parallel aisles swaying to the music as they walked. Sophia's sisters — who were both singers — belted out the lyrics to I'll Cover You from the musical Rent.

  Brandi could hardly believe the exuberance of the elderly pianist. She put her whole body into her playing as she pounded on the black and white keys. By the end of the song, everyone in attendance was swaying to the music — some practically dancing in the aisles.

  It took several minutes for things to settle down enough for the minister to be heard over the commotion.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate love," she said enthusiastically.

  There was raucous applause.

  "The brides have chosen to recite their own wedding vows," she continued.

  She handed the mic to Sophia who gushed about her love for Renee with her usual exuberance and flair. When she was finished she handed the mic to Renee.

  "I know I promised to write my own vows," Renee began.

  Brandi saw Sophia's left eyebrow raise and then she squinted her as if she was sending Renee a telepathic message informing her how much trouble she'd be in if she hadn't followed instructions.

  "But I just couldn't find the perfect words to express how much I love you… until I read something last night."

  Sophia's eyes shot open wide. "Last night?" she mouthed.

  A few in the crowd giggle, but most people knew Sophia well enough to be more than a little scared for Renee's well-being.

  Renee just smiled and looked over her shoulder toward Megan.

  All eyes followed Megan as she stepped up to the microphone Sophia's sisters had just used and Gerard, the artist, who'd been hired to do drawings of the guests placed a music stand in front of Megan.

  Brandi watched her as she opened a bright pink folder and placed it on the music stand. She adjusted the microphone and cleared her throat. She looked a little nervous. Brandi could see her breathing deeply like she was trying to calm her nerves — the action made her chest heave under the smooth fabric of her dress.

  "Sophia, this is for you from your beloved bride." Megan cleared her throat and began.

  "I watched you from a distance, searching for the courage to speak.

  I tried to convince myself that your beauty and your grace were within my reach,

  but you floated in a universe far from my own.

  When your name danced in my ears it left behind traces of hope that one day,

  maybe one day…

  Was hope enough to bring you to me?

  Or was the cost one far greater?"

  Brandi found herself lost in Megan's words. As she painted the beautiful image of one person loving another from afar Brandi thought back to the night Renee first saw Sophia. It was just like Megan described. Renee didn't think she was in the same league as Sophia and it had taken her three vodka tonics and forty-five minutes before she'd found the courage to walk up to Sophia and introduce herself. The rest, as they say, was history. Brandi couldn't help but wonder if anyone would ever feel that way about her.

  By the time Megan finished reading the poem tears were streaming down Sophia's cheeks — and pooling in the eyes of most in attendance. Renee wiped her finger across her bride's face and the minister proclaimed her final words.

  "With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you united in love."


  Brandi shoved a bite of wedding cake into her mouth hoping the sugar rush would fill the deep craving she was feeling inside. Renee and Sophia were walking around the room thanking their guests for coming and enjoying the giddy euphoria of being newly married.

  Megan was standing in the corner surrounded by several people enjoying a euphoria of her own. Her poem had been a big hit and it seemed everyone in the room wanted to tell her so. Brandi watched as different people came up to her to hug her or shake her hand.

  When the crowd thinned, Brandi made her way over to the corner where Megan was standing.

  "That was really awesome, Megan. You're an incredible writer."

  "Thanks," Megan said softly.

  "People like the poem so much you might have stumbled into a side business writing wedding vows."

  Megan laughed, but something about her demeanor made Brandi think she felt uncomfortable talking about all the attention she was getting.

  Brandi was about to change the subject when the elderly pianist rushed up to Megan and grabbed her hands.

  "De beaux mots!
De beaux mots!" she kept repeating.

  "She thinks your words are beautiful," Gerard said as he joined the little group. "I had to translate your poem into French for her but it obviously didn't lose anything in the translation."

  As Megan turned to thank the woman Brandi attempted to slip away from the conversation but Gerard stopped her.

  "Hey, why don't I get a sketch of the two of you since you were both in the wedding party?"

  "Uh, sure," Brandi said awkwardly. "That is if it's okay with you?" She didn't want to force Megan to pose with her.

  "I… I guess it's fine," Megan said with a very unsure voice.

  "Good!" Gerard said.

  Maybe Megan's hesitance was lost in her American accent.

  "Now step closer together. Come on now, put your arms around each other and smile. This is a festive occasion!"

  Brandi gently reached her arm around Megan's waist, but Megan kept her hands in front of her clutching the folder that contained her poem. Their bodies were so close together that Brandi could feel Megan inhaling and exhaling. Because of their height difference, it took everything Brandi had not to glance down at Megan's ample cleavage.

  "That's perfect," Gerard exclaimed as his hand flew quickly around the page of his sketchbook.

  After a few minutes, he tore the page off and held it out so Megan and Brandi could see it.

  "Well, isn't that lovely!" a voice rang out from behind them.


  "Don't the two of you just make the cutest couple?" she said looking over their shoulders and smiling.

  Brandi looked down at the drawing. She didn't disagree but she certainly wasn't going to admit it to Sophia.

  "Come on ladies," Sophia said grabbing both Brandi and Megan by the hand. "It's time for the bride to throw the bouquet!"

  Brandi pulled her arm away quickly. She had absolutely no desire to participate in the age-old tradition.

  "Oh. So you want to catch the garter then," Sophia proclaimed with determination as she looked back at Brandi. "Suit yourself. Renee!" she called out. "Your best woman in over here."

  Brandi dropped her head. There was no escaping once Sophia had put her mind to something.

  After Renee removed Sophia's garter, two groups of woman gathered, one to catch the garter and one to catch the bouquet.

  Brandi gave Renee a cold stare that she hoped her friend understood to mean 'don't you dare throw that thing in my direction,' but when Renee looked away quickly Brandi was struck with the realization that something else was afoot.

  "One!" Renee shouted with her back to her part of the crowd.

  "Two!" Sophia responded standing in front of the second group on the other side of the room.

  "Three!" echoed in unison.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Brandi saw Renee turn in her direction and aim the garter — in a slingshot motion — right at her. She lifted her hands to her face — trying to keep from losing an eye — and the garter landed right in her hands.

  People around her applauded as did those in the other crowd. Renee stepped close to her with her hands lifted in an I surrender position.

  "Hey, don't be mad at me old friend. One day when your wife asks you to do something silly on your wedding day you'll understand my dilemma."

  "Alright! Can the members of the happy couple please come to the center of the room," Sophia's voice bellowed.

  Brandi turned and walked toward her voice. As she did the other part of the crowd parted and she saw Megan walking toward her with the bridal bouquet in her hands. Brandi would have been more irritated if it weren't for the fact that Megan looked absolutely gorgeous.

  "I think we've been set up," Brandi whispered to Megan when they got within earshot.

  "Ya think?" Megan responded sarcastically, but at least she was smiling. "Sophia isn't exactly subtle in her need to control things is she?"

  Brandi just shook her head.

  "DJ! Can we get some music for our couple to dance to?" Sophia called out.

  Brandi stepped closer to Megan. "Shall we?" she asked.

  "I don't think we have much of a choice. Besides, I'm a little afraid to step off the dance floor. Sophia might have sharpshooters posted around the room." She giggled and in that moment Brandi was reminded of everything she'd always loved about Megan — the cute way she smiled, her wit, and most of all her compassion when it came to dealing with crazy people.

  Brandi took one of Megan's hands into her own and placed the other on the small of Megan's back. The sound of a soft violin filled the air.

  You've got to be kidding me! Brandi thought to herself as Christina Aguilera's voice — singing the Etta James classic At Last —began to boom through the speakers. Sophia definitely wasn't one for subtlety.

  Brandi decided Megan was right. The only thing to do at this point was to go with the flow and since the feel of Megan's body pressed up against hers was hardly the worst thing in the world she decided to enjoy the moment.

  Soon the dance floor was filled with other couples, but Brandi wasn't paying them much attention. Her mind was now preoccupied with the peppermint smell of Megan's hair and the feeling of her full breast pressed up against her body.

  Brandi's heartbeat moved from matching the slow rhythm of the song to a more staccato pulse the longer their bodies touched. As much as she wanted to deny it she was grateful that Sophia's meddling had brought this moment into being.

  Far too soon for Brandi's taste, the song was over. She pulled her head back to look Megan in the eye, but she was confused by the expression that greeted her. Megan had tears in her eyes.

  "I'm sorry. I have to go," Megan said abruptly.

  She pulled away from Brandi and quickly made her way through the crowd and out the door.

  Chapter 7

  Megan sat in the far corner of the hotel patio sipping on hot black coffee waiting for her brain to register that it was morning. After running off the dance floor at the wedding reception, Megan had come back to her hotel room and tossed and turned all night without getting a wink of sleep. If it weren't for the fact that she'd bumped into Gerard as she was leaving the winery and agreed to meet him this morning she'd still be in bed with the covers pulled over her head trying to drown out thoughts of Brandi.

  Dancing with her had been electric — and terrifying. All of the feelings from a decade ago had flown to the surface and it didn't help that they were at a wedding. It was one thing to forgive Brandi for what had happened when they were kids, but there was no way Megan was going to allow her old feelings for Brandi to be reawakened. It just wasn't safe to let that happen.

  As Megan sat waiting for the coffee to do its magic, she tried to occupy her thoughts by people watching. Several of the guests from Sophia and Renee's wedding were beginning to check out of the hotel. She watched them as they rolled their bags down the street toward the parking lot near the square where taxi's and shuttles were waiting to take them back to the airport.

  A few of them noticed her in spite of the fact that she was sitting at a table tucked into the far corner of the patio. She would have gone all the way inside if it weren't for the fact that the sun felt so good on her skin. She traded a little privacy for the vitamin D boost she was getting and pleasantly nodded or waved to the women passing by. A few of them stopped to tell her again how much they'd enjoyed her poem. She thanked them graciously.

  This must be what it feels like to be a celebrity, Megan thought jokingly — grateful that her brush with fame didn't include any paparazzi snapping photos as she stuffed a second and then a third croissant down her throat.

  She was still savoring the buttery goodness when she saw something that made her full stomach turn. Brandi and the woman she'd been dancing so provocatively with at the rehearsal dinner were exiting the hotel — holding hands.

  Megan scooted her chair back into the shadows. She certainly didn't want Brandi to see her — especially after running off the dance floor last night like a crazy person.

sp; She watched as the two women stood face to face, with only a few inches between them. Megan couldn't hear what they were saying to each other, but they were looking intently into one another's eyes as if there was no one else around. She wanted to look away, but her eyes were glued to the scene. Suddenly Brandi leaned in and kissed the woman on the cheek. It was a simple gesture, but the intimacy of it was unmistakable.

  Megan felt her face turn red and she forced herself to look away. Staring down at her empty coffee cup, she wondered why Brandi's actions bothered her so much. There was nothing going on between them. They'd had one dance at the wedding reception and that was it. Why would she all of a sudden feel so jealous about Brandi kissing another woman — on the cheek no less? Still, Megan found herself wondering if Brandi had gotten her own room last night, or if she'd spent the night with the woman she was currently saying goodbye to.

  Megan sunk back in her chair as the two woman walked by the patio, but they were too engrossed in each other to even notice her sitting there.

  "Are you ready for an adventure?"

  Megan jumped at the sound of Gerard's voice.

  "Oh, hi. You startled me," she said still trying to get her heart to stop racing.

  "Hmm, mind on other things I see." Gerard's eyes looked down the street where Brandi and the woman had just passed, but he didn't say any more than that.

  "I'm ready to go," Megan said and jumped up from her chair. She hoped whatever it was Gerard wanted to show her would keep him from asking any more questions.

  Megan slipped through the patio gate and stepped out onto the street next to Gerard.

  "Now, what exactly is this all about? What is it that you had to show me this early in the morning?"

  Gerard smiled and looped his arm around Megan's and started walking.

  "Do you remember Mrs. Leroux — the pianist I introduced you to at the winery yesterday?"

  Megan nodded. "Yes, I remember her."

  "Well, she just couldn't stop talking about you when I walked her home after the ceremony was over. That's where I was coming from when I bumped into you as you were leaving the winery in such a rush."


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