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Restoration Page 40

by Peter David


  Transporter officer aboard the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Elizabeth Shelby.

  Maro the Questioner

  Leader of an Eenza clan from the western tropical region of Zondar.

  Marquand II, runabout

  Replacement for the original, destroyed runabout Marquand. TheMarquand II also was destroyed, by the Dogs of War, shortly after entering service.

  Marquand, runabout

  A runabout assigned to the U.S.S. Excalibur. Si Cwan and Zak Kebron traveled aboard the Marquand to a rendezvous with the Kayven Ryin while the Excalibur was busy with another rescue. The rescue mission turned out to be a trap, and the Marquand was destroyed by Zoran, an enemy of Si Cwan. Si Cwan and Zak Kebron escaped by transporting to the Kayven Ryin.

  Maxwell, Dr.

  A physician on the staff of Dr. Selar, aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur. Maxwell’s passing resemblance to Dr. Selar’s late husband, Voltak, initially led Selar to take a dislike to him, but the difficulties were quickly resolved.

  McHenry, Mark

  Conn officer aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur, under the command of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun. McHenry is a brilliant navigator, capable of performing calculations faster than the ship’s computer. And while he’s doing that, he can also be calculating pi to the fiftieth decimal place.

  He has short-cropped red hair, blue eyes, and freckles.

  During a confrontation witnessed by Zak Kebron, Q suggested that McHenry is not what he appears to be, and might be considerably more than just a gifted human. McHenry denies Q’s insinuation, but Kebron is uncertain what to believe or whether to share his thoughts on the subject with others.

  McMurrian, Lieutenant Althea

  Ops officer of the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Shelby. Has red hair that matches Lieutenant MacGibbon’s in shade. McMurrian rarely smiles, her mouth perpetually drawn in a tight pucker. Together with MacGibbon, answers to the combined nickname “McMac.”


  The primary population center of Tulaan IV and home of The Redeemers. An inhospitable region, where the temperature rarely rises above freezing, the nights are long, and the weather is harsh. Very little vegetation grows there.


  A young girl, one of the refugees rescued by Captain Hufmin and later held hostage by Laheera of Nelkar. Meggan was rescued from captivity by the timely action of the crew of the U.S.S. Excalibur.


  Romulan soldier who fatally shot Rajari on Titan colony. Starfleet Lieutenant Soleta shot off Mekari’s hand with a phaser.

  Melkor, House of

  Family name of the expatriate Romulan criminal Rajari.

  Meyer, Security Officer

  A security officer aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur who beamed down to the planet Nelkar with Lieutenant Robin Lefler. Meyer is a slim and wiry man with blue eyes, and has a reputation as having the fastest quick-draw with a phaser on the ship.


  Star sector in which the Redeemers attempted to impose their religion on the native inhabitants. The U.S.S. Excalibur took action to thwart the Redeemers’ efforts there.


  A warlike race that chose to challenge the Redeemers, ended up in over their heads, and requested aid from the Federation, which refused to become involved in a situation the M’Gewns had instigated.


  In a parallel reality’s future, son of Rolisan philosopher Faicco the Small. Does not exist in this reality, because his ancestors and their world were destroyed by the Black Mass.

  Milos, Praestor

  Political leader of the city of Narrin. Duly elected for ten years in a row.

  Mitchell, Lieutenant Craig

  Second-in-command of engineering aboard U.S.S. Excalibur, under Burgoyne 172. Handles direct reports from engineering staff, including ensigns Beth, Torelli and Yates. Heavyset, with brownish-black hair and a thick beard. Has recently lost some weight, and plans to lose more. Known for cracking the worst jokes on the ship.

  M’k’n’zy of Calhoun

  The original, Xenexian given name of Mackenzie Calhoun, captain of the Federation Starship Excalibur.

  Mojov Station

  An independent starport facility that serves as a convenient way station to several nearby frontiers and borders.


  Son of Rheela. An impetuous young boy who idolized Tapinza, to his mother’s great concern. Encountered the marooned Captain Calhoun in the Yakaban desert, and led him back to Rheela. Was later revealed to be the true source of Rheela’s weather-affecting talents; members of their family act as catalysts for one another, and are powerless when alone.

  After his mother’s murder, he was adopted by Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, who returned with the boy to Federation space.


  Humanoid species with a strong resemblance to slugs; indigenous to the Gamma Hydrinae system. Pale complexions that show the veins under the skin. They move in an undulating fashion that makes them appear to “ooze.” Much stronger than they appear; faces are generally round, eyes are uniformly orange, noses are horizontal slits, mouths are narrow. They consider laughing out loud to be poor manners, and are not a very spiritual species. They held Morgan Lefler, a.k.a. Morgan Primus, as a prisoner for roughly five years, and traded her back to the U.S.S. Excalibur in exchange for agricultural technology and needed vaccines.


  One of the two fictional, feuding families in William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet. The Montagues’ son, Romeo, falls in love with Juliet, daughter of their rivals, the Capulets.


  World off the beaten path of Thallonian space. It has two moons. Not very advanced, with minimal space travel technology. Place to which Thallonian princess Kalinda was abducted by Zoran, and placed in the custody of a woman named Malia.

  Montos City

  Capital of the planet Montos. The land just beyond the city is not very inviting. Farther away are some small mountains and caves, which Montosian children are warned to avoid.

  Montos City, Ruling Council of

  Chief governmental body of Montos. Consists of one member, Fr’Col.


  Pale-skinned species indigenous to Montos.


  Slightly stoop-shouldered species with compound eyes and mandibles that click during speech.


  Romulan word analogous to “armageddon,” a day on which the skies of Romulus will blacken forever, and the dead will rise and rampage through the cities, taking all who lived with them into the abyss for eternity. Romulans tell their children that this day will eventually come, and for that reason it is important to remain in the good graces of departed relatives.

  Mueller, Commander Katerina

  Executive officer of the U.S.S. Excalibur, equal in rank to the first officer. Mueller commands the ship during night watch. Trim, tall, hard-bodied and athletic, dark blond hair in a severe knot, cobalt-blue eyes; a terrific rocketball player. Sports a thin scar on her left cheek, which she got while learning fencing in Heidelberg. Had a romantic relationship with Mackenzie Calhoun years prior to their assignment on Excalibur, while they served together aboard the U.S.S. Grissom.


  Name of a conquerer in the eastern province of the planet Zondar, whose birth was foretold by the prophet Ontear. The prediction resulted in thousands of children born in that province being named Muton, a consequence that led critics to accuse Ontear of crafting a self-fulfilling prophecy.


  Refuge of the Dogs of War.


  A township within the province of the same name on Yakaba. None of its buildings are higher than two stories, and are, for the most part, rather ramshackle.

  Narrin Province

  A geographic and political jurisdiction on the planet Yakaba. Was home to Rheela, Moke and Tapinza.


Homeworld of the Nelkarites, located within the former Thallonian Empire.


  The Nelkarites are a humanoid species with golden skin and no apparent hair. Their voices have a musical sort of vibrato, and some consider their appearance “angelic.”

  As a species they generally are regarded as fairly harmless, having never started any conflicts and willingly submitting to Thallonian rule. However, the Nelkarites are a scavenger race, pilfering abandoned alien technology and cobbling together their space vessels from various foreign parts, even though they don’t always understand those technologies.

  Noble House, The

  A peculiar and ancient gathering place for some of the richest and most powerful members of the Romulan Empire, it consisted of several impressive towers topped by gleaming golden domes, atop which were poised statues of great winged creatures of prey. It was located north of the Romulan capital city and Rikolet, and was said to be the true seat of Romulan political power, until Rajari, acting posthumously through Starfleet officer Soleta as his unwitting accomplice, blew it up in the late 24th century with a device triggered from the Rikolet.

  NonObservable Team

  Standard part of UFP procedure for determining a planet’s development and whether its population is ready to be approached for Federation membership. NOT teams watch the natives from hidden outposts, or, in some cases, disguise themselves as residents of the world and mingle to get a reading of how socially advanced the culture is.

  Norpin V Colony

  Wiped out in the early 24th century by unforeseen planetary hurricanes of tremendous intensity.


  Acronym for “NonObservable Team.”


  Adolescent Tellarite male, student at the Kondolf Academy. Scion of one of the most influential families in the Federation. Arrested on Liten by Starfleet officers Mark McHenry and Zak Kebron for terrorizing the local populace.


  One of two guards who protected Laheera of Nelkar. Okur also was Laheera’s lover. He died defending her during a popular uprising.

  Olivan, Sientor

  Former disciple of self-defense master Jereme. Human orphan; a childhood illness left him with minor physical tics. Considered the closest in ability to Jereme himself, he was being groomed to take over the school until he developed a streak of cruelty that prompted Jereme to expel him.

  Later traveled under the alias Rafe Viola. Thallonian ambassador Si Cwan accused Olivan/Rafe of murdering Jereme after Si Cwan’s sister, Kalinda, claimed to have witnessed the crime in a psychic vision. She later recanted, instead accusing Olivan’s son, Nikolas Viola.

  Olivan took credit for the creation of a computer virus that threatened the Federation during the “Double Helix situation” and subsequently destroyed the Starship Excalibur.


  A Dog of War, with meticulously kept dusky-red fur. Moved with assurance and swagger, and his mannerisms were big and full of confidence.


  A prophet and seer on the planet Zondar. He predicted a victor in a civil war between two Zondarian ethnic groups, resulting in the breakdown of ongoing peace talks and several decades of additional bloodshed.

  Ontear’s Realm

  A “sacred land” on the planet Zondar. Some residents of that world believe the prophet Ontear continues to reside there, even after not having been seen for centuries.

  Ookla the Mook

  A student of Jereme, at the teacher’s school on Pulva. He greeted Si Cwan and Kalinda upon their arrival.

  Otton the Unready

  Son of Krusea the Black. A Zondarian ruler whose defeat was predicted by the prophet Ontear.

  Overlord, The

  Leader of the Redeemers of Tulaan IV. Typically the tallest and largest of the Redeemers. Has the ability to use as weapons words that, according to Redeemer dogma, “tap into primal truths of the universe,” truths the Redeemers claim they instinctively grasp and other species instinctively reject.

  Oxon Three

  World on which all life-forms were exterminated after its occupants killed a Redeemer missionary High Priest of Xant.

  Padulla Province

  Locality on the planet Yakaba.

  Paige, Lieutenant

  A tactical officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-E.

  Party Girl, The

  Nickname given to Robin Lefler by her mother, Morgan Lefler. It referred to the young Robin’s constant efforts to cheer up Morgan, who frequently was depressed.

  People’s Association for Peace

  A small group of young Alphan males on Alpha Carinae, who led a rebellion against their world’s High Priest of Xant. When their de facto leader, Saulcram, killed the high priest, they unleashed the pathogen that killed them and exterminated every living thing on their planet.

  People’s Meeting Hall, The

  The name given to the Thallonian Throne Room by Thallonian rebels, following the popular uprising and ouster of the royal family.

  Pit, The

  An area of Xenex roughly thirty miles across, known for its inhospitable clime—“unpredictable weather, dust storms, torrential rain followed by scorching drought, among other horrors”—and its vicious local fauna. The Pit is also regarded by some local dwellers to have supernatural overtones, and it sometimes is referred to as a rift in reality, or as a nexus for parallel realities. Until recently, it was the destination for a Xenexian coming-of-age ritual known as “The Search for Allways.”

  Plains of Seanwin

  Site of a battle on Xenex, in which rebel forces led by M’k’n’zy of Calhoun defeated a Danteri force led by Falkar.


  A crude but effective Yakaban energy weapon that emits a stream of charged plasma along a focused energy beam. Its power source is not compatible with that of Starfleet phasers.


  A marsupial, indigenous to Earth, reportedly created by the being known as Q.

  Plexian deities

  The mandatorily promoted gods of Plexus IV.

  Plexus IV

  Planet where it is a crime for newly arrived visitors to decline to stand and listen to the extremely long-winded proselytizing of the local clergy. A day/night rotation on Plexus IV lasts approximately 47 standard Earth hours.


  Yakaban honorific that identifies someone as an elder and senior civic leader.

  Prime One

  Second in the Hierarchy of the Redeemers. Answers only to the Overlord.

  Primus, Morgan

  A nom du voyage of Morgan Lefler.

  Promethean ship

  Huge beyond human capacity for measure, it has no solid sides, interior or exterior as understood by the human mind. It appears as waves of shimmering force in all directions, like a Dyson sphere of pure force.

  Promethean Space

  Vast and nebulously defined region of space that overlaps Thallonian space by a wide margin. It is populated by a mysterious and advanced race that has a variety of names, but are generally known as the Prometheans.


  Large and powerfully built, this extremely advanced, mysterious race has a philosophy that is the opposite of the Prime Directive. Namely, they believe that it is their obligation to impart knowledge to various races who pass through their section of space. Unfortunately, thus far, the vast majority of races that have tried to use Promethean knowledge have come to untimely and fairly ugly ends. Morgan Lefler described them as “master manipulators.”


  Remote world in Thallonian space where the self-defense teacher Jereme maintained a school. One of the students at the school on Pulva was Ookla the Mook.


  Yakaban man. Brother to Temo, Shadrak and Kusack. Helped Temo attempt to rescue Kusack from jail in the city of Narrin.


  Planet that has mountain ranges with vistas renowned for their breathtaking beauty. Suggested by Robin Lefler to her mother as
an alternative vacation destination to Risa.

  Quiet Place, The

  The sole planet orbiting Star 7734, at Marks 113-114, in Sector 18M. Pilgrims returning from the Quiet Place are inevitably transformed in some way, although for good or ill is not always easy to discern at first. Some return claiming to have seen the dead, or are able to predict the future, or possess arcane knowledge that they never had before. Some claim to have looked upon the face of God, or gods. Others come back as pale and wretched things, shadows of their former selves who can barely string two sentences together.

  Apparently being sought by everyone, from the Thallonians to the Dogs of War to the Redeemers, for a variety of reasons. The planet recently was visited by Zoran Si Verdin, Si Cwan, Kalinda, Zak Kebron, Soleta, Xyon of Calhoun and several Dogs of War. Zoran and the Dogs of War were left stranded on the planet surface.

  Quincy, Theodore

  Manager of the El Dorado hotel on Risa. A short, avuncular fellow with thinning hair and a too-eager-to-please manner. Known for being very fidgety with his hands. Murdered by Nikolas Viola, who broke Quincy’s neck and threw his body down the hotel’s computer core shaft.

  Quinzar the Wicked

  Zondarian ruler whose rise to power was correctly predicted by the seer Ontear.

  Quinzix the Unforgiving

  Leader of an Eenza clan from the western tropical region of Zondar.


  Adolescent Tellarite male, student at the Kondolf Academy. Scion of one of the most influential families in the Federation. Arrested on Liten by Starfleet officers Mark McHenry and Zak Kebron for terrorizing the local populace.


  Young Zondarian boy, of the Eenza ethnic group. Son of Ramed and Talila.


  Romulan criminal who raped T’Pas. That act produced a daughter, whom T’Pas named Soleta.

  After a lengthy term of imprisonment in the Federation, Rajari bought his freedom with information that aided the Federation against the Cardassians in the Dominion War. He was released and set up in a civilian life on the Titan colony, where Soleta confronted him and learned he was terminally ill with Hammons Syndrome

  He subsequently manipulated her into carrying out his vengeance against the Romulan government, by tricking her into journeying to Romulus and triggering an explosion that wiped out a prominent landmark in the capital city, killing many Romulan leaders.


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