Callie's Blood Mates [Blood Exchange 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Callie's Blood Mates [Blood Exchange 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Becca Van

  “We forgot to tell her we could make feeding from us a sensual experience,” Vlad said. “And at no time did we tell her that she wouldn’t have to feed from humans.”

  “We fucked up, Vlad.”

  “Yes, we did.”

  Zoe gave each of them a gentle smile. “You are going to have to convince your mate that you won’t force her to do something she wouldn’t normally do, and also how much you care for her. When you have, she’ll be ready to come back.”

  The white witch placed her hand back onto Callie’s forehead and once more began to chant softly. A cool breeze swished through the room, and an aura of light began to glow around their mate’s body. When Zoe was done she rose gracefully to her feet. “That protection spell will always be in place. She can get hurt but she won’t die, at least not by the dark wizard’s hand or magic, but don’t become complacent and let your guard down. He’s not the only one attempting to achieve immortality. There is another who is even more powerful than him giving the orders and only a newly formed quartet will be able to bring them all down.”

  Vlad reached out and touched Zoe’s hand. “Thank you, Zoe. We owe you more than we can say.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. Just make sure to keep your mate happy. Everything happens for a reason and we can’t change fate.” Zoe moved toward the door and paused as she looked back at them over her shoulder. “Work for as long as you can through the hours of night. When the sun begins to light the sky, your mate will be on her own again. Place yourselves into the sleep of humans and connect with her on the astrophysical plane. It will take each of you to connect with her to get her back.”

  Dex blinked and when his lids opened again Zoe was gone. He hurried back to the bed, got up beside Callie, and pulled her into his arms. Vlad got onto the mattress on her other side and they cuddled her between them.

  “There are only a few hours of night left. Do you want to go first or should I?” Dex asked.

  “You can. You’ve always been more sensitive to human emotions than I have. Plus, I have a feeling when it’s my turn that I will be met by Pike.”

  “He’s going to try and kill both of us,” Dex stated.

  “I know, but he won’t succeed,” Vlad stated matter-of-factly.

  “No he won’t,” Dex agreed. He wrapped his arms around Callie and breathed in her alluring, feminine scent before closing his eyes and forcing his muscles to relax. He breathed deeply and evenly and concentrated on his mate, surrounding her with his mind, body, heart, and soul.

  He felt himself succumbing to the light slumber of humans and thought only of Callie. The mist appeared first, and even though it was cold it wasn’t the bone-chilling effect he felt when Pike was nearby. He turned in a circle and tried to peer through the fog, and even with his enhanced sight he could barely penetrate it more than a few feet. He closed his eyes and sent his senses out, scanning with his mind and trying to pinpoint where Callie was hiding. He felt her energy and walked toward her slowly and unerringly and called out to her. “Callie, don’t be scared, honey. It’s me.”

  “Dex?” Her voice was whisper-soft as if she didn’t think she’d really heard him, or maybe because she was worried Pike was trying to trick her.

  “Yes, sweet one, I’m here.” He moved forward another few yards and saw the mist swirling as she stepped through it. He kept walking until he was only a couple of feet from her.

  “It really is you,” she said quietly and then reached up to touch her cold palm to his cheek.

  He covered her hand with his and nuzzled into her skin. “Yes, honey.”

  “What’s happening, Dex? I don’t understand.”

  Dex pulled her into his body, sharing his body heat with her, and wrapped her up in his arms. “Pike has somehow managed to get into your dream, honey, but you can control some of what’s going on.”

  She nodded against his chest, but then she must have realized what he said and shifted back slightly to see his face. “I did this?”

  “In the beginning, yes.”

  “Why would I…”

  “You need to talk to us more, honey. You need to tell us when something is worrying or scaring you.” Dex pulled her in firmly against him and cursed his unruly cock. This wasn’t the time to be getting hard and craving her body. Callie needed reassurance, not sex.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She pressed back into him and caressed her cheek against his chest.

  “You’re concerned about feeding from humans,” he said in a quiet voice close to her ear. Dex felt her stiffen and expected her to pull away, but she stayed where she was, pressed up against him.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Dex released his hold around her waist and lifted his hands to her cheeks. “We told you, you would never have to know about any of that, honey. Didn’t you believe us?”

  “I did.” She licked her lips nervously and looked away.

  “Look at me, sweet one,” he commanded in a firm voice and waited until she complied. “We would never make you do anything you don’t want to. If you don’t want to feed from humans then you won’t.”

  “But I’m like you and Vlad are now, aren’t I?”

  “Yes, but we can take care of your needs, Callie. Taking blood doesn’t have to the repulsive action you think it is. We’ll command you to drink from us only, but we’ll make it erotic, part of making love with you. We’ve already done that with you, honey.”

  She frowned then grimaced, and pink began to tinge her cheeks. “I have this vague memory, almost like a dream…”

  Dex nodded. “Vlad and I exchanged blood with you three times, sweet one. We told you we would as we claimed you.”

  “I know.” Callie sighed and pushed at her hair. “I thought I accepted it all, but subconsciously…maybe not. I’m sorry.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. “You have nothing to apologize for, honey. You haven’t known of our existence for very long. You’ve been very courageous.”

  Callie gulped and nodded.

  “Tell me what Pike did.”

  She glanced around nervously before telling him everything. “How did I fight him off, Dex?”

  “We called Zoe, the white witch, to help us get to you. She said you have witch blood.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes. She said you have a natural affinity to Mother Earth and because of your witch ancestors, you were able to tap into the magic inside you to fight Pike off.”

  “Okay.” Callie nodded again, a tentative smile forming on her lips. “I’m glad then, because he was eventually going to kill me.”

  “So, how do I get out of here?”

  “You need to trust Vlad and I, honey.”

  “I do.”

  “To an extent you do, but there is still some doubt in your mind.”


  “Shh, sweet one, don’t worry so much. Everything will work out fine.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” Callie stepped back from him and waved her hands in the air. “I don’t like being stuck here.”

  “I know, honey, but we’ll be with you when we can.” Dex tried to keep the worry from his voice and knew he hadn’t when she met his gaze.

  “What aren’t you telling me, Dex?”

  He sighed and shifted close to her again. “We can’t be with you in the daylight hours. There is only about two hours left until the sun rises.”

  “What happens to me then, Dex? Will I be vulnerable to him when the sun comes up? Will I be able to protect myself?”

  “You’ll be very weak at the height of the day, but Zoe has woven a protection spell around you. You can be injured, but that bastard won’t be able to kill you.”

  “What do I do to get out of here, Dex? I want to leave.”

  “Let me love you, sweet one. Let me and then Vlad show you how much you mean to us.”

  “Vlad is here? Where is he?”

  “No, we can’t both come to you at the same time. He�
��ll come to you after I go back.”

  “That man is going to come back, isn’t he? He’s going to try and kill us both.”

  Dex didn’t want to scare her, but he couldn’t lie to her, so he answered her reluctantly but truthfully. “Yes.”

  “Then love me, Dex. I want to be with you.”

  “Are you sure, honey?”

  “Oh yeah, I’m sure.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Although Callie was scared of that man coming back, she needed to feel Dex touching her, kissing her, and loving her. It may be their last time together and she was going to make the most of it.

  Her body had been responding to his nearness since he’d appeared, walking through the thick mist toward her, and it didn’t seem to matter that they were both in danger. If this was the last time she got to make love with him then so be it. She was going to cherish and savor every touch, taste, and sound.

  He held her gaze as he cupped her face between his hands and slowly lowered his head. Her breathing sped up, as did her heart rate, and her body responded. Her breasts swelled, her nipples peaked, and her pussy moistened. The blood flowed through her veins as his mouth met hers, and she whimpered with need as he kissed her voraciously.

  Callie matched him kiss for kiss, lips nipping and biting, tongues tangling, dueling, and gliding. She moaned as her aching nipples brushed against his hard, warm chest, and she couldn’t stop from wanting to feel more. She rubbed her breasts back and forth against him, the pleasure in her nipples zinging down to her wet pussy.

  And then she gasped into his mouth as the desire grew stronger, because somehow she was no longer wearing clothes, and neither was Dex. The heat coming off his body warmed her even when she felt like she’d been cold for far too long.

  She mewled with frustration when he broke the kiss, but then moaned with joy as he licked and nibbled his way down her throat, licking over her collarbone and down to her breasts. Callie sobbed with joy and threaded her fingers through his hair, holding him tighter against her as he laved his warm, moist tongue over one throbbing bud. She cried out softly when he drew her nipple into his mouth and suckled strongly. Her knees gave way, buckling in the maelstrom of desire racing through her veins and warming her blood like wine, but she didn’t fall. His hands firmly grasped her hips and he held her up.

  He lifted his mouth from her breast and licked his lips as if savoring her taste, and without a word he swept her up into his arms and began to walk.

  “Where are you…” Callie didn’t finish her sentence because he lowered her down onto something soft. She looked down and realized she was lying on a bed.

  He crawled up over her and kissed her again, hungrily, passionately, and deeply. His hands caressed her body, over her belly, up her sides, and over the tips of her breasts, pausing to shape and knead them with his hands before moving down again. His hands shaped her feminine form, following the contours of her dipped-in waist and over the flare of her hips.

  Dex kissed his way down over her breasts and her ribs, outlining each bone with his tongue until she was writhing with passion, before continuing down to her belly where he rimmed around her navel.

  His leg pushed in between hers, nudging her thighs further apart, before moving his body in between them and settling on the mattress he’d conjured out of thin air until his head was just above her mound. She looked down as he looked up and their gazes stayed connected as his tongue stretched out and licked through her folds.

  Callie gasped and he moaned. Her lids fluttered closed, and she relaxed into his care, giving herself over to him to do whatever he wanted.

  The tip of his tongue flickered back and forth rapidly over her sensitive pearl, and she cried out and arched her hips up into his mouth. He gave into her silent demand for more, caging her clit between his teeth and sucking on the bud firmly.

  The pleasure was so intense, she moaned and groaned, pushing up harder against him, and gasped with bliss when he began to push a finger up inside her. The friction of his finger sliding in and out of her wet cunt was exquisite and she raced toward the peak.

  She bit her lip when he removed his mouth and finger from her pussy, and her lids opened to watch him as he crawled up over her body.

  “You are so fucking gorgeous, Callie.”

  The head of his hard cock pushed against her entrance, and she held her breath when he penetrated her dripping sheath with just the tip.

  “I love you, honey.”

  Dex surged forward, filling her with one hard, deep stroke, and the breath left her lungs in a rush. Tears of joy burned the back of her eyes, and her mouth opened to reciprocate, to tell him how she felt about him, but he began to move inside her and all thought fled.

  He started out with a slow, easy pace, rocking his hips, his cock gliding and sliding in and out of her wet sheath. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face against his throat. She loved his unique, wonderful scent and inhaled deeply to embed his aroma into her lungs. A yearning she’d never felt before began to rise up until it was almost consuming her. The hunger to taste him was almost too much to bear. She licked his neck, savoring the salty taste of his skin and his unique flavor on her tongue, and even that small taste wasn’t enough to appease the craving.

  Dex pushed his hands beneath her ass, kneading her cheeks as he pulled their groins tighter together. The embers smoldering inside began to flame hotter and brighter. The hunger built higher and higher as saliva pooled in her mouth. Her womb clenched, the muscles in her pussy rippled around and along the length of his stroking cock, and the roaring in her ears intensified. The desire grew and grew, and she could do nothing but hold on and sob with pleasure each time he shoved deep inside.

  Her gums itched and her eye teeth erupted, growing longer and sharper. She licked the flesh on his neck again and then sucked the skin into his mouth.

  “Yes, honey. That’s it. Take what you need, Callie,” Dex rasped as he pumped his hips harder, increasing the pace of his cock until he was shuttling in and out of her pussy. “Sink your fangs into me. I need to feel your teeth in my neck, sweet one. Please?”

  Callie heard the pleading note in his tone, but it was what she wanted, too. She opened her mouth and sank her teeth into his neck. He pounded into her, and she screamed as nirvana took her over. Her cry was muffled, and then she was moaning while her body shook and shivered. Her pussy clamping and releasing, again and again. All the while she drank his blood and couldn’t believe how addicting his taste was. So hot and sweet, she couldn’t seem to get enough. When she’d had her fill, she withdrew her teeth and licked over the marks on his neck instinctively.

  Dex shifted, slightly lifting to his knees so that he was sort of hunched over her with his cock still pistoning in and out of her cunt. He kissed her mouth and then nibbled to the top of her breast where he licked over the mound. White-hot exquisite pain pierced her breast, and she bowed up and cried out as his fangs pierced her skin as he drank from her.

  Callie went hurtling up over the edge again. Her body quivered and quaked as she climaxed again. Dex groaned, and she felt his cock expand inside of her as he, too, reached his peak. He jerked and juddered as his essence spumed from his dick deep into her womb over and over, heightening her own climax until they were both spent and gasping for breath.

  He removed his teeth from the top of her breast, swirled his tongue over the wound, closing it, and then kissed her lovingly. She was connected to him more than just physically.

  Callie felt like she was a part of him. She could see into his heart, mind, and soul. She felt the love he had for her in his heart. It was so full it felt like he was about to burst with joy, but he was also worried about her and wanted her back with him and Vlad.

  “I love you, too, Dexter.”

  “You need to come back now, honey. We need you with us.”

  “I’m not sure I know how, Dex. I’ve tried, but nothing seems to work.”

  “You aren’t still worried we’ll make
you feed from a human are you, Callie?”

  “No.” She traced his eyebrows with her finger and then kissed his lips.

  Dex was about to say something else, but he snapped his mouth shut and tensed. He eased from her body and waved his hand in the air. Callie felt like she’d just had a shower, and her body was once more covered with clothes. He rolled off the bed and reached out for her hand, pulling her with him. He pressed a finger over her lips and frowned at her, obviously commanding her to stay quiet.

  Callie felt the cold malevolence then and shifted around until she was standing beside Dex instead of behind him. Pike was coming back, and if she had witch blood and a natural affinity to magic, she wasn’t about to cower behind him and let him protect her. She was going to stand at his side and work with him. Maybe if they worked together they could take this bastard out.

  The mist moved and swirled, and then he was standing about ten yards away. Again his features and body were shrouded in shadow, but there was nothing he could do to hide the evil rolling off of him. Callie would have been able to pinpoint this asshole with her eyes closed.

  The wizard didn’t even bother to speak this time. Callie barely had time to draw in a breath before sparks of energy were being hurtled toward her and Dex. Callie didn’t think, she just reacted, and she saw Dex doing the same thing from the corner of her eye. They both raised their hands, and somehow they redirected the electrical energy attack back toward the wizard, but he was already gone. Dex moved to stand in front of her, and although she was annoyed about that she didn’t bother arguing but searched with her eyes. She couldn’t see Pike, but she knew he was there. She could feel him through the cold seeping into her bones.

  “Callie, I don’t have much time, honey,” Dex whispered.

  She turned her gaze back to him and saw that he was already fading. His body no longer looked solid, and she could see through him.

  “Dex?” She reached out but her hands went through him.

  “I’m sorry, honey. The sun is up. I love you, Callie. Don’t let him hurt you.”

  And then he was gone.


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