Her Dom (Dominic Powers #1)

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Her Dom (Dominic Powers #1) Page 1

by A. D. Justice




  Copyright 2014 A.D. Justice

  ISBN-13: 978-0692253724

  ISBN-10: 0692253726

  Discover other titles by A.D. Justice

  Wicked Games (Book 1, Steele Security Series)

  Wicked Ties (Book 2, Steele Security Series)

  Crazy Maybe (Book 1,The Crazy Series)

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Connect With Me Online


  There are so many people who help make this journey into writing books enjoyable. I want to take a minute to personally thank those who specifically helped with this book.

  First and foremost, I want to thank my Lord and Savior for His continued grace and love.

  My husband and my boys, for believing in me and supporting my endeavors, my long nights, and the times I missed time spending with them.

  My friends who stuck by me, through thick and thin: A.M. Madden, Christine Davison, Tricia Daniels, J.M. Witt, Skye Turner, Ren Alexander and Tabitha Stokes. I love every one of you!

  My cover designer, Kari Ayasha, who created this gorgeous cover.

  The cover model, Bobby Creighton, for bringing my character to life.

  Every member of my Street Team, who tirelessly promotes my books and recommends them to their friends. I love my Wicked Devils!

  Every single blogger who supports authors just for the love of the books. You are all rock stars in my book!

  Chapter One

  Today has been the day from hell. There’s no other way to describe it but as the shittiest day in history. Well, in my history anyway. I am the Chief Executive Officer of my company, Dominic Powers Software, also known as DPS. We develop the software programs that run most of the other Fortune 500 companies. The software engineers that are the backbone of my company are the best in the world. Recruiting globally from the top universities, we bring the talent to the office here in Dallas, Texas.

  My problem is that I’m hiring a Personal Assistant and, so far, not one person has been qualified enough to even wipe my ass much less be my right hand. My assistant must be able to make executive decisions when I’m not available, know what my expectations are, and have the gumption to carry out my orders with employees at all levels of my company. After endless interviews and countless yawns, I’m almost convinced the ideal candidate doesn’t exist.

  There are department leads for each of the major divisions. We also have a Vice President, Darren Hardy, but his main focus is being our Chief Financial Officer. He has no interest in making decisions that don’t require number crunching. His recent revelation is the reason behind my current search through an endlessly disappointing applicant pool. My phone buzzes as my secretary, Dana, calls from her desk outside my office.

  “Not another one, Dana. I can’t deal with one more Ivy League graduate with no damn common sense,” I say as a greeting.

  “Mr. Powers, your four o’clock appointment is waiting to speak with you. Her name is Sophia Vasco,” she responds professionally. However, since I know her so well, I can hear the motherly admonition in her voice. She won’t allow me to be rude and brush off the last interview of the day and I love her for it. She’s saved me from myself more than once.

  “Do I really want to talk to this one, Dana?” I ask, genuinely interested in her opinion.

  “I do believe so, sir,” she replies and I can hear the smile in her voice.

  “Give me five minutes then send her in, Dana. Thank you,” I instruct before hanging up.

  I rise and walk toward the fully stocked bar at the other end of my executive office. After pouring a tumbler of bourbon, I quickly down the amber liquid, enjoying the sweet burn as it flows down my throat. One more quick shot and I’m ready for the last interview of the day. This candidate better be good because I’m quickly losing faith in being able to find a good match.

  The familiar, three-rap knock alerts me that Dana is at the door and I call for her to enter. Dana walks into my office and gives me a knowing smile. She’s been with me since the very first day I was able to afford a secretary. In her later fifties, she is old enough to be my mother, but young enough to understand what I’m looking for in an assistant.

  Her smile tells me she approves of this candidate. I straighten my stance and walk across my office toward her. Approaching them, my feet halt in mid-stride when the latest applicant steps out from behind Dana. Beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe the lady standing before me. There’s an unmistakable air of innocence about her, combined with a determination and steeliness that’s evident in her perfectly straight stance.

  She’s unlike any woman I’ve ever seen before, especially in this cutthroat business. I’ve never been caught up in a woman to the point where I forget my own name, or what my purpose is, but she has me completely and utterly enthralled. Her long, reddish brown hair cascades over her shoulders with wavy curls scattered throughout. She’s petite but her high heels provide just the right amount of lift to make her perfectly fit my six-foot height. As she looks down at the floor, her black eyelashes are fanned out across her cheeks. When she looks up at me from under her lashes, her deep brown eyes are full of both anticipation and trepidation.

  When her eyes meet mine, my breath catches in my chest and I have to consciously keep from audibly gasping. My need for control kicks in and I feel my blood pressure returning to normal. There’s something about this one that Dana obviously identified—she knows me all too well. Resuming my trek toward them, I remind myself of why she’s here to see me. This is an interview for a job in my company, as my right hand, not as my paramour.

  I strive to be the consummate professional at all times and somewhere my psyche chastises me for my momentary lapse. By appearances, she is young, inexperienced, and innocent. None of these are traits that I hold in high regard in any woman. Her beauty had momentarily stunned me, but now that I’m thinking with my business head, I know what needs to be done. Time to put her through the grueling interview process every employee of DPS has to face. We hire only the best and brightest here.

  “Mr. Powers, this is Sophia Vasco. Miss Vasco,” Dana says, emphasizing the Miss as a message to me, “this is the owner and CEO of DPS, Mr. Dominic Powers.”

  Sophia extends her hand while maintaining eye contact with me. Her boldness gives me an unexpected thrill and the front of my dress pants begins to become uncomfortable. I take her proffered hand and instantly feel the sizzle from the connection. Her handshake is firm, but her hands are s
oft, and my mind wanders to imagine how they would feel on me.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Powers. I’ve heard great things about DPS and I’m anxious to learn even more,” she politely says.

  I hear her words but I can’t completely focus on them at the moment. The pitch of her voice is like silk and crushed velvet across my skin, simultaneously soothing my nerves and exciting my body. I’m still holding her hand, slowly moving in the normal handshake manner, but nothing seems normal about this meeting.

  “Thank you for coming, Miss Vasco,” I say, intentionally choosing my words just to observe her reaction. The timbre of my voice mirrors the one I use in more intimate settings. She doesn’t disappoint me—the flush of pink in her neck quickly crawls up her cheeks as she lowers her eyes. A shy smile spreads across her face as she takes a moment to regain her composure.

  Very interesting, indeed.

  “Thank you for seeing me today, Mr. Powers. It’s my pleasure to be here,” she responds with a genuine smile that reaches her eyes. They sparkle with a hint of mischief and playfulness. I release her hand and have a sudden urge to grab it again.

  There’s something about her that causes my thoughts to stray from the task at hand. My momentary reclamation of my senses has passed, and I am once again thinking of the various things I would love to do to her. Things I’m positive she’s never experienced before. At one point in my life, I would’ve been more than happy to teach her. In more recent times, I’ve been more than hesitant to even consider it.

  “Thank you, Dana,” I say, finally recognizing that my secretary is still present with us. She smiles that familiar smile–the one that tells me she thinks she knows exactly what I’m thinking but offers no input. I can say with all certainty that she has no idea what thoughts are really flying through my mind.

  “Can I get you something to drink, Miss Vasco?” I ask after Dana has closed the door behind her.

  “Please, call me Sophia. Just a glass of water, thank you.”

  “Very well, Sophia. Please have a seat and I will be right with you.”

  Walking back to the fully stocked bar, I feel her eyes watching me, sizing me up and trying to read me. I know she hasn’t taken her seat yet because her back would be to me and I wouldn’t feel her eyes on me, burning through me and creating a physical presence on my skin. She obviously thinks she has time to take me in before I finish making her drink. I’m letting her believe she can stare at me without getting caught, just to gauge her true reaction. Merely envisioning the imminent busted look on her face makes me smile.

  Turning quickly, our eyes lock and her face heats to bright red after I catch her brazenly ogling me. “Do you want that water on the rocks, Sophia?”

  The tone of my voice doesn’t give away my delight but there is no doubt that my eyes betray me. The truth is I attract women most everywhere I go but I’m used to it by now. I am in no way conceited, but I know I’m a handsome man and I work hard to maintain my physical fitness. My personal trainer puts me through a grueling workout every morning, alternating weights and calisthenics, but it’s paid off in ways most people have never considered.

  “Um, whatever is easiest for you, Mr. Powers,” she answers before she quickly takes her seat as I previously instructed. Her answer pleases me in ways that have nothing to do with business deals. That’s the part that concerns me, however. I need someone who can be as ruthless in business as I am, who can represent me when I am otherwise engaged, and who can make the best decisions for my company.

  I muse over this as I drop a few ice cubes into a tumbler and fill it with bottled water. My mind questions if she has enough backbone to stand up to the many executives I meet with on a daily basis. Executives of other Fortune 500 companies who are accustomed to getting their way and having others jump at their command. Right or wrong, this is still very much a man’s business world. Many business deals are brokered over a game of golf and a few stiff drinks. This tradition doesn’t normally include women unless the executives specifically request to bring their wives along.

  If she’s trainable, she could be a formidable asset, though. They wouldn’t see it coming from her and she would knock them off their game. Any weakness of theirs gives us the advantage in a negotiation. It’s time for me to test her strengths and weaknesses by suddenly thrusting her into an uncomfortable and stressful situation. My interview process is unconventional in ways but effective as the company retention rate is excellent.

  I watch the movement of Sophia’s shoulders as her chest rises and falls with each breath. She’s practicing a calming technique and preparing herself mentally for the difficult questions she knows are coming. Intently focused on her meditation, she doesn’t hear me walk up behind her. Reaching over her to place the tumbler on my desk directly in front of her chair, I keep my voice low as I say, “Here’s your water, Sophie.”

  She jumps slightly as my proximity startles her. Her eyes fly open and she inhales sharply—our faces are inches apart and her eyes flit to my mouth. She watches with baited breath as I intentionally lick my lips, her eyes tracking the movement of my tongue across my lips. Willingly or not, she can’t deny that I affect her—the desire is there and I have but to ask and she would be mine.

  Keeping my movements fluid, I quickly retreat from her space and walk around my desk. She clears her throat and takes a quick sip of water. “Sophia,” she responds.

  “Sorry?” I quiz, knowing exactly what she means. This is the first test. Is she too polite to correct a basic misunderstanding? Will she subjugate herself and give someone else the upper hand in her attempt to be nice, to not offend the other person? Or will she stand up for herself and tell me that I’ve misstated her name?

  “My name is Sophia. I believe you said Sophie. I just wanted to make sure you knew so that you don’t give the job to the wrong person,” she explains amiably but pointedly. Score one point for Sophia.

  “So it is, Sophia,” I reply as I take my seat. “Easy question first. Tell me about yourself,” I request as I lean back in my chair. This is actually a very telling question even though it’s one of the least structured of the interview questions. The information this applicant chooses to disclose tells me where her true intentions lie. If she replies with personal information, it tells me that my business is not her main priority. If she replies with her business accomplishments, I know she’s attuned to the needs of my business.

  “I graduated from the University of Texas—double majoring in International Business and Management. Since graduation, I have worked in the software development field in increasingly responsible positions over the two years. My latest position was as a manager of a small team of software engineers. I was responsible for overseeing every aspect of a ten million dollar project with a very tight timeframe for completion and a high probability of failure. Under my leadership, the project was completed ahead of schedule, resulting in a bonus for the company and my team.

  “While I have been successful in my current role, it is time that I expand my horizon, learn more and apply more of my skills and expertise. My current employer doesn’t offer that opportunity and when I saw this position, I wanted to interview with you to determine if this is the right place for me.”

  Her enthusiasm and genuineness are obvious in the way she speaks, the tone and inflection of her voice, and in her mannerisms. But she doesn’t show the desperation that so many applicants demonstrate. This question sets the tone for the entire interview and she hit the mark dead center. She focused on her education, her accomplishments, and the reason why she is interested in making a job change without automatically assuming that this job is a perfect fit for her. She understands that she is interviewing me just as much as I am interviewing her.


  Throughout the rest of the interview, I learn so much more about Sophia and what makes her tick, what she likes, and her sense of humor. Even during a formal interview for a very high level position, she has managed to infuse her hum
or into it in a professional and genial way. I can’t recall the last time I actually laughed during a formal interview or enjoyed it so much. My mind goes to the everyday tasks and plays through how the scenarios would change if I add her to the mix. The only downside I’ve been able to determine is that being in such close proximity to her for prolonged periods of time will be hell on my libido.

  “As you know, this position works directly with me. If chosen, you would be my go-to person—that includes making business decisions when I’m not here, acting on my behalf, and taking responsibility for major interactions. I expect each task to be carried out to my strict instructions and I expect you to make the decisions I would make. That requires you to spend an extraordinary amount of time with me, learning my methods, vision, and long-term goals for the company. I have to be able to trust you implicitly. Do you foresee any problems with any of that?” I ask, holding her gaze with a burning intensity in my eyes and giving no room for her to break our eye contact.

  “No, I have no problem with any part of those duties. I want to do the best I can possibly do for the company, for you and for myself. I would be honored to spend time with you, learning from you and perfecting my skills. I know there’s a great deal I can learn under your guidance,” she finishes and I’m glad my desk hides the lower half of my body from her view.

  “If chosen, when can you start?”

  “After a two-week notice. I wouldn’t leave without giving them time to replace me, even if that’s only on an interim basis.”

  I regard her for a moment, watching her as she waits for me to reply to her last statement. The truth is, I can’t control my racing thoughts about late nights, early mornings, and out of town trips with the splendid beauty sitting across from me. None of my thoughts are what anyone would consider wholesome and I can’t help but feel that I will ultimately lead her into temptation. I see myself as the serpent and I’m tempting her with the fruit of knowledge—knowledge of a life of which she has no clue. This life could very well be her unraveling, destroying her delicate nature and shattering her innocence.


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