Her Dom (Dominic Powers #1)

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Her Dom (Dominic Powers #1) Page 4

by A. D. Justice

  “Dominic,” Sophia whispers, “I can’t accept all this from you.”

  “You can and you will. My company owns these condos and we use them for executives who are new to the area. They are very nice and very safe. You can stay there as long as you want. It’s one of the perks of being my personal assistant,” I respond with a smile.

  Sophia rolls her eyes playfully and unsuccessfully tries to hide the smile that’s playing on her lips. “Perk or not, I really do appreciate your concern and your help, Dominic.”

  “My pleasure,” I reply. “I will send a car to pick you up in the morning, and by the time we are finished tomorrow, you will have your own company vehicle to drive.”

  She wordlessly gapes at me. The surprise of my statement has apparently rendered her mute. She opens and closes her mouth a couple of times but still makes no sound. Her facial expression and response is so damn cute, I can’t help it when my smile overtakes my face and then I laugh heartily.

  “Sophia, again, it’s a perk of your position. Normally, these things are negotiated at the time the position is offered and the salary is negotiated. I assumed you knew that and didn’t require a company vehicle. But, now that I know you do need it, I will have it delivered to you.”

  My words sink in and her demeanor changes. She nods her head and I assume she’s assuring herself that it’s just a part of the benefits package. Then, she quickly wipes her finger under her eye and turns her face toward the passenger window. The protective nature in me wants to console her, protect her, and reassure her.

  The other man inside me is hard to contain at times.

  Chapter Four

  Tucker is waiting at the condominium complex, as he said he would be. I hired him from the best security firm in the country, Steele Security, out of Miami. He relocated here to Dallas to be my head of security and has been worth his considerable muscled weight in gold. As the head of security, one of his responsibilities is to make sure each condo is secure and ready for the next tenant. He’s even stricter on security measures than I am, so I have no doubt that Sophia will be fine here.

  “Hello, Mr. Powers,” Tucker says as we exit the car. “We have swept the condo and it is secure. Miss Vasco is all set to go up. She’s in unit 2220. The kitchen is fully stocked and Ms. Hernandez is waiting inside for her.”

  Tucker hands Sophia two keys to her unit and gives her the paperwork with the security codes. “Memorize these and destroy this paper. Your safety will be compromised if anyone else gets these codes, Miss Vasco.”

  Sophia looks at the information and stutters, “I - I will. Thank you.”

  “Thank you, Tucker. I will escort Miss Vasco upstairs,” I state.

  Tucker nods to each of us and walks away toward his full-size truck. Tucker is a big man—taller and much thicker than I am. He has a distinguished military background and is loyal to a fault. I placed him in charge of a team of men that he personally handpicked and they answer directly to him in the event of any issues. I have never had to step in and handle any error on a security measure. Tucker is swift and thorough in all his dealings.

  “He’s very serious,” Sophia whispers when Tucker gets in his truck and is out of earshot.

  “He is. He’s the best at his job and it’s what I pay him to do,” I reply. “Ready to see your new place?”

  Sophia nods enthusiastically and a beautiful smile splits her face in two. She is truly breathtaking when she gives her all-out, high-wattage smile. Her white teeth gleam in contrast to her tanned skin, her eyes sparkle, and she makes me want to smile in return. “I know I was a little hesitant about this, Dominic, but this place is amazing. I can’t thank you enough for this.”

  My responding smile can’t be contained, “Let me show you around, Sophia.” Taking her elbow in my hand, I gently steer her toward the front door of the high-rise building. We enter the lobby and I hear a muffled gasp from Sophia. Her hand is covering her mouth, which is gaping open, and her eyes are huge, trying to take in all the luxurious surroundings. It’s the stark opposite of the building she is currently vacating.

  The lobby of the executive condominium building is very opulent. The walls are covered with English oak panels with fluted marble columns evenly spaced throughout the room. Couches, chairs, coffee tables and two enormous fireplaces also fill the space. A separate room provides a comfortable sitting area for chauffeurs. The armed security guard behind the desk is in plain clothes, and behind the wall is a hidden room where more security personnel monitor the security camera feed from the grounds.

  At the elevators, I show her how to enter the security code to gain access to her floor. The elevators are locked from floors twenty and above for our employees’ safety. Sophia stands close to me in the elevator and her intoxicating perfume once again permeates every cell in my body. When I eventually identify the scent, I realize I will never again be able to smell Flowerbomb without thinking of her.

  Finally on the twenty-second floor, she excitedly looks around the vestibule. The condos are large so there are only a few doors on each floor. Just outside the elevator doors on each floor is a round table with an elaborate flower arrangement in the center. There are various types of houseplants, paintings, wall sconces, and a mixture of other elegant decorations to give each floor a more regal touch.

  When she finally works up the nerve to open the door to her new place, she takes a couple of steps inside and stops cold. Watching her with amusement and admiration, I can’t help but feel a little satisfaction at giving her such happiness. She suddenly bolts into action, darting from room to room to take in everything about her new home.

  A sudden, high-pitched squeal from the master bedroom sends me into action. I race toward her, ready and willing to defend her and fight off whoever has joined us uninvited. When I reach her, she’s standing frozen-still in front of the walk-in closet. Her hand is still on the doorknob and I quickly push her behind me to shield her from whatever is inside. When I get a full, unobstructed view, I realize there is no one and nothing inside the closet.

  I turn quickly and look her in the eyes. “What’s wrong, Sophia? What happened?”

  “The closet…it’s huge!” she exclaims, her voice infused with sincerity and amazement at once.

  After a second or two of allowing my pulse to return to normal, I find myself once again laughing. She is so amusing and easy to please. I hang my head, my hand still on the doorknob and my shoulders shake from intense laughter. “Well, I’m pleased that you appreciate your new closet,” I finally manage to say while shaking my head.

  When I look up at her, she’s beaming—her face is glowing and she’s smiling from ear to ear. Her eyes sparkle with happiness and appreciation. Once again, I feel fortunate to be the person who could bring her such pleasure with something so simple.

  Mrs. Hernandez, my household manager, joins us in the bedroom. “Hello, Miss Sophia. My name is Christine and I understand you need some help getting clothes and other toiletries,” she smiles warmly at Sophia.

  Sophia looks questioningly at me, as if she’s waiting for me to answer Mrs. Hernandez for her. The many contradictions I have seen and felt with Sophia over the past twelve hours are mind-boggling, but I can’t help but be drawn more and more into her with each revelation. This woman is hard and soft, strong and weak, happy and sad, a mystery and an open book. I give Sophia a single nod and she answers Mrs. Hernandez.

  “Yes, I’m afraid I do. What do you have in mind?” she asks somewhat timidly.

  “All you need to do is give me your sizes and your preferences. I will take care of the rest for you,” Mrs. Hernandez reassures her.

  “If you’re sure,” Sophia responds, but her eyes catch mine and I know she is also asking me.

  “Mrs. Hernandez lives to spend money, Sophia. She doesn’t mind at all,” I respond and give Mrs. Hernandez a playful wink.

  Mrs. Hernandez takes Sophia into the kitchen and expediently makes a list of the necessary items. I continue my slow
perusal of the condo, telling myself that I’m double-checking after Tucker but deep down I know better than that. I’m stalling and waiting to be alone with Sophia again for some reason. The masochist in me wants to be tortured by something I know I can’t have.

  I rejoin them just as Mrs. Hernandez is leaving the condo. Sophia is still gushing at her, convinced she is being a burden and that Mrs. Hernandez has better things to do.

  “Christine, I really appreciate this. Thank you so much for your help. Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?” Sophia asks, but I’m sure it’s not the first time.

  “No, dear. You’ve had a long first day. Just relax and your clothes will soon be delivered,” Mrs. Hernandez assures her before she turns to leave.

  Sophia gestures toward the kitchen, “Tucker was right—the kitchen is more than fully stocked. Do you want some coffee?”

  “I should probably get going and leave you to get acquainted with your new place,” I tell her as I casually glance around. When my eyes land back on hers, I see some apprehension in them.

  “Don’t you need to be here when Christine gets back?” she asks.

  “She won’t be back. She will pick them out and a courier will deliver them to the guards downstairs. They will call first and then bring them up here for you.”

  “Oh, well, okay then. Thank you so much for everything, Dominic. Really—I don’t know what else to say,” Sophia tells me, the glistening from unshed tears of gratitude in her eyes.

  “It is truly my pleasure, Sophia. There is really no need to thank me. You are welcome to stay here as long as you need or want,” I reiterate. She sees me to the door, and despite the security in place, I still encourage her to thoroughly lock up and double check if anyone knocks on the door.

  An hour later, I’m at my house having a nightcap when my phone rings. A quick glance at the screen tells me Sophia’s calling. I answer it on the second ring, “Sophia? Are you alright?”

  “Yes, Dominic, I’m fine. I’m sorry to call you so late, but the courier just dropped off enough clothes and shoes to fill up the huge walk-in closet in my bedroom! I’m afraid there must be some mistake and I wanted to alert you as soon as possible,” she says, talking as fast as she can to convey her entire message to me.

  “There is no error, Sophia. Those are all your things now. Take them, enjoy them, and wear them to work,” I assure her, knowing she can hear my smile through the phone.

  “No one has ever done anything like this for me, Dominic. This is beyond a perk of being your employee,” she replies, her voice taking on a low, sensual quality.

  “I told you Mrs. Hernandez lives to spend money, Sophia. She’s just giving you a wide variety to choose from before work in the morning,” I jest, trying to lighten the mood and turn the conversation from the direction it’s headed.

  She takes a deep breath and releases it with a mixture of a soft, sweet sigh and hum that shoots directly to my groin and causes an immediate discomfort. This attraction is undeniable, from both sides, but the thoughts she invokes in me are from a different time. Those thoughts are from a different lifestyle that I no longer live in. The mental pictures are exquisite and I can feel the desire to return to that way of life increasing, beckoning me and pulling me into its claws.

  “Okay, Dominic, if you say so. I’ve said ‘thank you’ so many times in the last eighteen hours but it just seems so lacking. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me. In the short time I’ve known you, you’ve done more for me than anyone else has my entire life,” Sophia says and her voice cracks on her final words.

  “Get some rest and enjoy your new place tonight, Sophia. I will see you in the morning,” I respond softly, purposely not responding to her declaration.

  “I will. Goodnight, Dominic.”

  “Goodnight,” I say before disconnecting.

  I know what I’m doing next. I am heading straight for a cold shower and then to bed. Alone. This fucking sucks. After my shower, I crawl into my king-size bed and allow my thoughts to go where they want. Immediately, my mind settles on Sophia and the long day I spent with her. How is it she is affecting me so much all of a sudden? Over the past few years, I couldn’t count the number of beautiful women who have thrown themselves at me. I’ve been told enough how handsome I am, what a great catch I’d be, and what a wonderful husband I would make.

  I know I’m above average height. My muscular build coupled with my stylishly messed hair, piercing blue eyes, and eternal five o’clock shadow has turned more than a few heads of all types of ladies, from the very bold and brazen to the shy and reserved. That used to be a great turn-on and ego boost for me, but not anymore.

  One year, four months. Sixteen months. Sixty-four weeks. Four hundred forty eight days, give or take a day. That’s how long my current self-imposed dry spell has lasted. For the first time in all that time, I am considering breaking that dry spell for a very lovely, very sexy, and very seductive Sophia Vasco. These are my last thoughts as I drift off to sleep.

  At 4:44 a.m., I wake with a start and sit straight up in the bed. My heart is pounding in my chest and the blood is as loud as a freight train in my ears. My pulse is racing out of control. Instinctively, my hand covers my heart and somehow my brain registers that my skin is clammy and sweaty. Fucking nightmare! It was all so damn real—I could see, feel, smell, and hear it all. Every last detail of it mirrored the memories I have worked so hard to forget for the past year. The events of the past that came closer to breaking me than anything else in my life.

  Except, this time, Sophia was the one in my nightmare.

  What the hell is happening?

  I’m back at the office early this morning to review more aspects of the confidential contract before Sophia arrives for work. I couldn’t go back to sleep after my early morning mind-fuck, so I dressed and decided to do something productive to get those images out of my mind. The contract is somewhat helping to take my mind off of the nightmare, but not nearly enough.

  After reading and rereading the same paragraph three times, I put the contract away and start preparing for Sophia’s training today. There is still so much to do to get her ready to fill in for me when needed. The company lawyers are coming by today to discuss some of the legal ramifications she has to consider. They’ve already properly chastised my ass for hiring her before contacting them and it’s been duly noted. One more thing to add to the list of ways she’s knocked me off my game. My only defense is this is an at-will employment state, so there are no real ‘contracts’ when it comes to employment.

  Today, Sophia will meet with all the department heads and the CFO to start understanding their roles. Once she feels comfortable with their key responsibilities, I will have her start attending my meetings and conference calls. After this rigorous training program that will put her through the ropes and test her stamina, she will be ready to assume more responsibility.

  I, however, will be ready to combust.

  I hear her voice outside my office door and have to admit I’m ready to see her again. The triple cadence rap on the door brings a smile to my face. I lean back in my leather office chair as I call out, “Come in.”

  Dana opens the door and Sophia sweeps in. Mrs. Hernandez has outdone herself in her recent shopping excursion. Sophia looks absolutely stunning in a fitted navy dress and off-white belt-sash with matching shoes and purse. I pause to give her an appreciative once-over. Her beauty completely steals my breath away.

  “Good morning, Dominic,” Sophia says with a sweet smile. “You’re here early again.”

  I respond with a noncommittal shrug of my shoulders. “It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it,” I joke. Dana brings us both coffee and we ready ourselves to begin another full day. I explain my plan to Sophia and she’s very eager to get started. After taking her down the hall to Darren Hardy’s office, I resume reviewing the contract.

  My office phone rings and I automatically recognize the number on the caller ID. It�
��s Rich Daltry, one of our major potential customers and the owner of a large video game corporation. His company is very influential and important to my company. He has previously informed me that he wants me to attend an in-person meeting at his headquarters in San Diego. I have a sneaking suspicion that’s why he’s calling now.

  “Dominic Powers,” I answer.

  “Dominic. Rich Daltry here. We are ready to move forward with the contract negotiations. Can you come out to San Diego in two weeks?” Rich takes control of the conversation without so much as saying ‘hello,’ first.

  “Hi, Rich. Good to hear from you. Let me check my schedule and see if we can make that work,” I reply calmly. A few clicks on my computer later, I’m looking at a jam-packed calendar for the next two weeks, especially considering I’m still training Sophia. “I can make it in three weeks, Rich. Will that work for you?”

  “Yes, yes, that’s fine. The sooner you can get here, the better, Dominic,” Rich replies. We each transfer the call to our secretaries to make the arrangements and get the details sorted. I also tell Dana to include Sophia in the travel plans before I hang up the phone.

  A business trip with Sophia is both exhilarating and concerning. On one hand, I will have time alone with her. On the other hand, I will have time alone with her. I will have to endure it regardless of what happens.

  Chapter Five

  The past three weeks have flown by so quickly it makes my head spin. In this short time, Sophia and I have built an easy, cohesive working relationship. She has picked up even the minutest details of the job and has proven her worth time and time again. After her meetings with each of the department heads and the CFO, she helped revamp workflows, increasing productivity and employee morale effortlessly. Everyone here loves her and loves working with her.

  Our personal relationship has been changing, evolving, and becoming more complex. There have been conversations about inane topics that felt like so much more was actually being said. Last week, I met with her to review her performance over her two-week training period. Our conversation took an odd turn as we were discussing business but there was a hint of something more just under the surface.


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