Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two)

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Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two) Page 2

by Lisa Gerkey

  “I’m Josh. The dude over there, he’s my brother, Jeff. If you want some ink done, you’ve come to the right place.”

  “I’ve never had a tattoo before, but I think I’d like to. Can I make an appointment?”

  “Nah, there’s no need for that. I’m available all afternoon. Come with me.”

  That was the start of my new life, post-Malcolm Phoenix.

  “Remind me one more time why I’m doing this?” I whisper softly so only Josh can hear me.

  “Because we care for you and want you to go out more, and perhaps because… you’re a little… curious.”

  Maybe he’s right, but there’s no way I’ll admit that to him or anyone else. I keep my head down and follow my friends through the club to a table in the back. I refuse to look around as I move through the place.

  “I need a drink. Can I bring you something from the bar?” I ask Josh.

  “About that… they only allow each individual two alcoholic drinks while they’re here. It’s for everyone’s safety. You might prefer to distance them out.”

  Josh has a sheepish little smirk on his face. He knew damn well if he’d let me in on that bit of information before we got here, I’d never have agreed to join them. Part of the reason I agreed to come out with my friends tonight is that I thought I’d enjoy a few drinks and maybe have fun on the dance floor.

  “I don’t know how, but I will get even with you all for talking me into this. Let’s hope those two drinks are really strong because I feel like I’ll need it. Where’s the bar?”

  He points across the room. It’s the size of a ballroom. The décor is trimmed in dark wood. It bears an elegant and expensive appearance. There are several seating areas featuring beautiful leather couches with square tables on either side.

  A stage is in the back, close to where we sit, with a small dance floor in front and tables arranged around with a few chairs. I don’t think most show up here for the music or to dance.

  I decline to look toward the roped off sections because I have no desire to see what takes place there. Nor do I pay any attention to the leather benches with cuffs and straps attached to them or other devices I see.

  A lone man sits behind the bar near the center of the room. The man is tall and lean, his ginger hair messy. I can’t deny he’s attractive, but not my type. Not that I have a type now, but back when… Back when things were normal. He has a laptop sitting in front of him, and he’s concentrated on the screen.

  “Can I get a Jack and Coke, please?”

  He closes his computer. His bright green eyes take me in deliberately. Why do guys find it unavoidable to check women out before they can do their damn jobs?

  “Are you mindful of the rules?”

  “Rules? Don’t people generally go to clubs to escape rules?”

  He doesn’t hold back his deep chuckle. Obviously, I’m amusing him.

  “Did you read the paperwork before you signed it? If that’s the club you’re looking for, you need to stay in the city.”

  “I didn’t waste my time reading anything. I won’t be back after tonight.”

  There’s no reason to elaborate. I have no wish to strike up a conversation with anyone.

  He smirks the whole time he makes my drink. When he sits it on a fancy coaster and slides it across the bar, I pick it up so I can sample it.

  Smart man. Heavy on the Jack and light on the Coke. Just the way I like it.

  “I’ll need to scan your temporary card for the drink. That means later when someone else is behind the bar, they won’t mistakenly hand you drink number three. My name is Troy, by the way.”

  I roll my eyes and hand the card to him. I’m ready to get away from this jerk and rejoin my friends.

  “Are you going to let Kat explore the club with me?” I ask Jeff when I return to our table. It takes little to get his feathers ruffled and for some unexplained reason, I love getting under his skin.

  “Mess with me, and I’ll cuff you both to the table. You know I don’t allow Kat to run around and play without me.”

  “What’s wrong? Are you afraid your little kitty Kat will purr louder for me than she does for you, Jeff?”

  A deep chuckle behind me interrupts the fun I’m having taunting Jeff.

  I shift around and see a man leaned against the table behind me. His eyes widen when I face him. For a moment, I feel like we’re the only two in the room. There’s something familiar about him, but I know I haven’t met him before. He’s not someone you’d forget.

  I feel my heart quicken and a thin layer of perspiration forms on my skin as I look at him. He’s dressed all in black-- dress trousers, and a button-down shirt. His presence in the room is almost electrifying.

  I’m a perfectionist with what I let people see. No matter how affected I am by his good looks, I’ll never let it show.

  No one will ever know his looks alone are enough I can feel my panties dampen.

  “I believe you have a little tiger on your hands with this one. I’m sure you’ll find something in my club that will calm her down a bit.” He looks past me and talks to my friends like I’m not even here. The deep rich tone of his voice, mixed with just the slightest bit of gravel, sends a wave of tingles through my body.

  “I’d pay money to see someone take a belt to her ass,” Jeff replies.

  I let them have their little fun while I drain the last of the Jack from my cup.

  I turn back; ready to tell the sexy giant how I feel about him and his fucking club, but all I see is his mighty fine ass as he walks away.

  My friends’ eyes are all on me when I turn back to them. I’m sure they know what I was looking at, but I’ll be damned if I admit it.

  “Can’t the two of you to at least pretend to get along for a few hours tonight? Jeff, I don’t see any harm in letting Kat and Jaycee enjoy themselves. We’ll be right here where we can see everything. No one’s going to mess with either of them. Grant will keep an eye on things.” Josh, being the friend he is, talks to Jeff on my behalf.

  Later, Kat and I sit at the table alone while the guys mingle with the crowd. I ask her the same question that’s repeated nearly every day.

  “Why does Jeff hate me so much, Kat?”

  “He doesn’t really hate you, Jaycee. He’s scared something’s going to take me away from him again. You’re connected to everything that happened to me, not directly, but still, seeing us together reminds him too much of how you and I became friends. Just give him time.”

  When the atmosphere changes in the club, I feel uncomfortable. I knew of the things I’d likely see, but seeing it with my own eyes differs from anything I’d ever imagined. No matter how hard I try to convince myself to look away, my eyes wander to couples and the intimate things they’re doing.

  When I hear a woman’s loud, satisfied moan, I look across the room. I try not to appear too obvious as I watch the way her partner plays her body. The sandy-haired man sits on a couch. He has the naked woman draped across his lap. He raises his hand and comes down hard on her ass several times. When he dips his fingers between her legs, she falls apart with a satisfied moan, in front of everyone.

  After I’ve finished my second, and obviously, final drink for the evening, I must find the restroom.

  Unlike a regular nightclub, no signs point to restrooms or various areas inside The Grind. The main room is the center point.

  On each of the four sides, there’s a different hallway to explore. I’m not prepared for what I might find in the more hidden areas, so to play it safe, I choose the one we came through when we entered earlier. Most doors are closed, but I see one at the end that’s open.

  The man, whose retreating ass got a rise out of me earlier, sits behind a dark wooden desk. He looks up from what he’s doing and watches as I move closer. He seems pleased to see me.

  “Can I help you with something?”

  I have the impression he’d like to help me with a lot.

  He’s paid little attention to my eyes or m
y face. I can practically feel his dark eyes dance over my body. I can almost feel him dial in on the area between my thighs causing them to clench. When he chuckles softly, I realize it’s me who’s focused on my pussy, not him.

  Nerves suddenly hit me in the pit of my stomach. I’m not sure if I’m intimidated more because I’m alone with him or because I can’t take my eyes off him. He’s not old by any stretch, but I’d guess he’s in his thirties. I think he’s a few years older than me. Everything about him seems mature, rugged, and manly. I think he might be the most attractive man I’ve ever seen.


  I can’t find my voice, but I somehow get one word out.

  “I’ll show you.”

  His presence is even more overwhelming when his massive size stands up behind the desk and strides toward me. I take a few steps back so I’m standing in the hallway.

  “You could just tell me. I can follow directions.”

  The thought of him walking behind me, or beside me, or anywhere near, sends shivers down my spine.

  “Oh, I have no doubt, but I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I didn’t take the time to show the lady around my establishment. I’d be happy to give you a tour of the club when you’re finished.”

  “Unless you can find a way to put another drink in my hand, the restroom is all I need, Mister… sir.”

  What the fuck did I just do? Why didn’t I just tell him no?

  Even though he’s a stranger, and I know nothing about him, why does a tiny part of me think I might enjoy his company? The rage I normally feel when dealing with the opposite sex is missing and I don’t understand it one bit.

  If I’d only gone the opposite direction from his office, I’d have found the restrooms. I see two matching doors, both with gold plates signifying the gender. I politely offer my thanks for his help and turn away.

  When I return to the hallway, he’s leaned against the wall with his ankles crossed, focused on his phone. It would be too much to hope I could slip by quietly, without him knowing.

  A light dusting of hair is visible where the top buttons on his shirt are open. I can’t help but notice the way his body fills the clothes he wears. When he looks up from his phone, a smirk plays at the corners of his mouth.

  He’s just caught me checking him out.


  Chapter Two


  “I’m Grant.”

  I see surprise written all over her gorgeous face when she sees I’ve waited. She lets her eyes roam over me, and a sexy blush covers her cheeks when she knows she’s caught looking at me.

  “I’m not looking for new friends tonight. If you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to my table.”

  She leaves me standing without a backward glance. I’d go after her, but it might appear a little too obvious. I’ll keep my eyes on her and wait for the perfect moment to slip in and see if I can get her to talk.

  It’s been eighteen months, a year and a half, that’s five hundred forty-seven days since I last saw her. I can’t count the nights I’ve laid awake thinking about nothing but her, wondering what happened to her after we shut Phoenix down and locked him away.

  “You haven’t taken your eyes off that woman. Do you know her?”

  Kendra climbs on the barstool, blocking me from the view I was enjoying.

  “Nah, she’s here with friends.” I’m sure Kendra’s even more suspicious since I didn’t bother asking which woman she means.

  Since I’ve had my eyes on Jaycee Jennings again, now might be the time to make a few slight changes in my life. I know her being here means nothing. She could just pass through for all I know, but that doesn’t stop me from having a little hope I can find a way to have a little time with her. Either way, it’s time to end things with Kendra.

  “After our scene tonight, we should cool things down between us. I’m not looking for a relationship, and it’s not fair to hold you back. We can stay friends, and you’re welcome to hold onto your membership and enjoy the club, you’ll just need to find another partner after tonight.”

  She isn’t happy. I didn’t expect her to be, but there’s no sense in dragging it out. Hell, even if Jaycee hadn’t shown up here, mine and Kendra’s pasts are too rocky to consider a future between us.

  “But, Master G, you’re so good to me. You know me better than anyone. No one can satisfy me the way you do. It’s because of her, isn’t it? Everything was fine with us, but since you’ve had your eyes on her, something’s changed. Who is she, Master G?”

  “Kendra! Enough with the questions! You know what? I think there’s too much tension between us. Maybe it would be best to cancel our plans for tonight. Like I said, you’re welcome to enjoy the club. It’s early. I’m sure you can find someone else.”

  “Yes, sir, Master G.”

  I can tell she’s unhappy, but she knows there’s no need to argue.

  There was a time when I found pleasure playing in front of the crowd. I enjoyed exploring a sub’s limits and taking her to great heights. People gathered around to witness only intensified the outcome. It seems like the older I get, I become less fascinated with the lifestyle. Of course, it’s possible I’m only less fascinated because I haven’t had the right woman to play with.

  “When are you going to let go, Grant?”

  My brother, Jonathon, takes a seat at the bar. It seems he arrived just in time to witness the exchange with Kendra.

  “Let go of what, Jon? As far as I can tell, I’m not holding on to anything.”

  “We all want to save the women. That’s why we’re in the line of work we are, but you take it to the extreme. Once the job’s done, you need to let go. You’ve let Kendra drag you around by the nuts long enough.”

  He knows damn well he’s bringing up shit I prefer to ignore. Leave it to Jon though, to know what’s best for everyone.

  “She isn’t dragging me anywhere. She’s been through a lot. We’ve played together a little, but she and I both know nothing will become of it.”

  Jon eyes me skeptically.

  “You know, but does she? One more question, would you even consider ending the arrangement the two of you have if she hadn’t come through your door tonight?”

  He points to the other side of the room where a curvy and fucking gorgeous woman is standing with my friend, Josh Maddox.

  “Can I get you something to drink, Jon? I have a club to run. I don’t have time to talk shit with you.”

  “Nah, I came to visit the dungeon and relieve a little stress.”

  Troy comes to take his spot back at the bar. It’s time for me to walk around the club to make sure everything’s in order. I have security covered with several qualified men, but I like to see for myself that everything is going as it should.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea, boss?”

  I swear Troy has eyes in the back of his head, which I guess is one reason he’s got the job he does, but fuck. The system keeps a record of what everyone’s had to drink. Ignoring his question and his disapproving glare, I continue to mix Jack Daniels with the cola.

  “I’ve got this, Troy. Do your job and don’t worry about it. She’s not playing tonight or any other fucking night, probably.”

  I’ve kept my eyes on Jaycee so I know just the spot she’s sitting. I watch her for a minute or two before I approach the table. She flips her long dark hair over her shoulder and leans over to talk to Katarina.

  I remember Katarina or “Kat”, from when I was undercover and investigating Malcolm. That’s also when I first laid eyes on Jaycee. Seeing her shoulder to shoulder with the young woman she’s with seems odd. Jeff’s been bringing Katarina to the club for a while now.

  Maybe Jaycee isn’t as out of place here as I thought. Or, maybe she’s curious. Watching her from a distance, she doesn’t appear unhappy.

  Jaycee’s eyes find me as I approach.

  “I hope you’re enjoying yourselves.” I acknowledge everyone at the table. “Jaycee, that drink you reque
sted earlier…”

  I set it in front of her. It’s a little bold giving it to her so close to her friends. I’m sure they’re aware she’s already had her limit. They know better than to question it though.

  She picks it up from the table. My eyes follow her pouty ruby red lips as she takes a test sip. My cock twitches thinking about those delicious plump lips wrapped around me.

  It’s barely there, but I see the smirk she fights to hide.

  “Troy’s is better, but thank you.”

  I grind my fucking teeth to keep from telling her I’d rather not hear his name come out of her beautiful mouth, but then I’d need to admit my sudden jealousy.

  “I’ll let him know you said so.” I choke out the words and mosey on through the club to have a quick look around and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  I’ve never felt so out of place standing in the middle of my club. For as long as I can remember this has been who I am, but since I’ve been face to face with the woman that’s had me torn up inside out for months, I wish every other person here would disappear.

  I’d like nothing more than to have Jaycee all alone where I could take my time with her and get her to talk to me. For the first time in years, or it could be the first time in my life, sex isn’t the first thing that’s on my mind when I’m around her.

  She’s beautiful and sexy as hell, but I know to be with her I must tread lightly. I believe if I stand any chance with Jaycee, we should start with becoming friends before I can allow my thoughts to go elsewhere.

  I have all this shit running through my head when she doesn’t even remember me. When I saw her come in, I worried she’d recognize me, but I see no sign she has any clue she’s seen me before tonight.

  By the time I make the rounds and get back to the main room, Jaycee is sitting at the table alone. It bothers me a little knowing her friends have all left her behind while they explore the club. Being a guest, she can’t enter certain areas unless accompanied by a club member.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” She startles a little when she hears me speak behind her. Before I disturbed her, she looked a million miles away. She stops spinning the coaster I sat her drink on earlier around and around with one finger and places her elbow on the table and puts her hand under her chin when she looks up at me.


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