Abominations (Demonkin Book 3)

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Abominations (Demonkin Book 3) Page 7

by Sean Hayden

  "Soon, cher."

  His hands let go and my dress slid down over my breasts for all to see. The audience was far from silent and seeing me exposed further egged them on. I blinked in surprise, having momentarily forgotten about them. The spotlight shining in my face drowned them out of my vision. They were a black field and if it weren't for the whistles and excited calls, I would have thought it was just Marcel and I alone.

  He leaned over the chair even further, chest nearly brushing my face as he ran his nails from my knees upward over my thighs. Red welts appeared on my skin and disappeared as quickly. Pain and pleasure fought for dominance as I became even hotter. Then he leaned in and his lips found my nipple. He sucked it in and rubbed his tongue over it and my hips shifted, rotating my wetness over the leather seat.

  "I can smell you," he whispered.

  "Do you like it?"

  "I love it," he said as his teeth bit me gently.

  I screamed in pleasure as my nipple throbbed. One hand reached down and caressed the front of my panties, his finger digging in slightly. My hips bucked against him wanting it to go deeper. To go in and bring an end to my want. I growled as his hand curled around the wet satin, clutching it and pulling it up, splitting my folds.

  "Oh fuck, oh fuck," I chanted as the material rubbed into me and against the apex. I could feel my orgasm coming.

  And then he stopped.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, what say you? Does she deserve the release she so desperately craves?"

  The lights of the club heightened, illuminating the faces that had been just out of view during my display. My game of want and need became a show of public vulgarity. I couldn't help it. I tried to close my legs and sink even lower in the chair as the tears started to flow from the corners of my eyes.

  "Bastard," I said softly but angrily.

  Silence greeted his question. The audience sat either mesmerized or confused. A few of them shifted guiltily as the lights exposed some minor indiscretions. Hands lifted from laps as they tried to look nonchalant. They had been masturbating while watching me. I felt both excited and sick to my stomach at the same time. Several people, women and men both, kept going, finishing as I cried.

  The lights shut off and so did I.

  I came to in Marcel's arms. It never ceases to amaze me how something you could want so badly could turn into something you feared in one single moment. Any place in the world or the nine hells would have been preferable.

  "Put me down," I croaked from an over dry throat.

  He looked down and smiled at me sadly. "No."

  "Gods damnit, Marc. I mean it."

  He ignored me as he turned sideways, and we went through the entrance to his office. He kicked the door closed behind us and it clicked shut ominously. He continued to his leather couch and finally laid me down gently.

  He sat on the edge of the couch, facing me.


  "Why what?"

  "Why did you do that to me in front of all those people?"

  "I already explained my reasoning. I will say that I am sorry. I did not mean for it to progress that far. I stopped it when I realized how carried away we were getting."

  "You think?" I rolled my eyes and then closed them, not really wanting to see the smug look on his face. I hid my eyes with my arm for good measure.

  "Is that all you're angry about?"

  "Isn't that enough?"

  "Yes, but I think it is something else."

  "You bet your ass."

  "Could it be because I didn't finish?"

  I rolled over and faced the back of the couch. "No."

  Even I didn't believe me.

  He slid down to the other end of the couch and put my feet in his lap. It bent me into an awkward angle, so I rolled back and covered my eyes again. His hand settled on my shin and slid back and forth slowly. The softness of his hand on my skin was more comforting than erotic, and yet I wanted more. As angry as I was, as mortified as I was, I still wanted more. I couldn't believe it.

  I lifted my other leg off his lap and slid my foot under his ass and rested my knee against the back of the couch. The pose left me wide open. I'm sure he had a nice view of my panties. I wanted him to look. I wanted him to see what he had done to me.

  His hand stopped its lazy circles. His fingers spread, and he reached higher, sliding over my thigh and down again. I opened my legs further and closed them, repeating the motion until I felt my skirt ride up even higher.


  "If you say one word, I will snap your neck and drink you dry."

  He wisely chose to remain silent.

  The pressure on my leg increased as his hand trailed up and down my thigh, coming closer to finally touching what I wanted him to touch most. I slid lower on the couch and moved my arm off my face, watching him through half lidded eyes. His eyes were riveted. Warmth spread from my groin with his transparent desire.

  He stopped his caress and reached to me with both hands, grabbing my panties and pulling. They began their decent and I lifted myself off the couch to help. The cool office air kissed places it shouldn't, causing me to gasp. He looked up at my face and licked his lips before feasting his eyes on my newly exposed flesh. I whimpered as he ran his fingers through my fine hair and over my lips. He pulled my flesh and grazed my opening, spreading my wetness. My breath became ragged and my whimpers turned into moans.

  "Exquisite," he whispered and leaned forward, prostrating himself on the couch in front of me.

  His kiss on my sensitive flesh jolted me to my core. I'd touched myself there before, but that couldn't compare to this on any level. His kisses turned into licks and then his tongue slipped inside. He didn't tease me, and he didn't play any games. He dove in and licked me from the inside out. My hips bucked as I cried out. Just as my orgasm was about to overtake me, his lips found my nub and sucked me into his mouth, as his tongue swirled over the tip. My insides convulsed as he held on to me for all his worth.

  As the wave ebbed, he became gentler with his pleasuring, avoiding the overly sensitive spots and planting gentle kisses all around. I collapsed and let the pleasure go, sighing in contentment.

  "Is that better, cher?"

  All I could do was nod. There was no way my voice would work after all that.

  He slid up my body until his lips were near mine. "Are you sure?" He leaned in and kissed me gently.

  I could taste myself on his lips. Pleasantly surprised, I didn't stop him. My arms wrapped around him as we lay locked in a passionate embrace.

  He pulled back and gave me a reassuring smile. "Am I forgiven?"

  I nodded and curled my face into his neck. "Yes," I managed to say, finally.

  "Good. You get some rest. I will finish my work, so I may take you home.


  "But what?"

  "You," I said and looked down and ran my hand over his rock-hard abdomen, not daring to touch where I really wanted to.


  "You. You didn't… Please don't make me say it," I said and pouted.

  "This was all for you, cher. This was the reward for your punishment."

  "But I want…"

  "Want to what? Reward me? Trust me, tasting you and bringing you was more than enough of a reward for me."

  "But I want more. I want you."

  "Cher, we cannot. You knew this…"

  "What do you mean we can't? What was all this then?" I motioned to my lower extremities. "After all that and you won't fuck me? Am I not good enough?" I could feel the tears welling up again.

  "You are. I, however, am not."

  "Yes, you are…."

  He sighed and touched my leg. He shook his head slowly. "It has been hundreds and hundreds of years. Not since they took my Sophie from me. I have played and played, but never given that. I can't, and I won't. Please understand and do not ask again."

  "You haven’t? Not even once?" I couldn't help it. Sorrow filled my heart.

  "Not even once," he said sadly
and laid his head back on the couch. "I loved her and only her. Don't misunderstand, I love you as well, just in a different way. Until I fall in love with someone as much as I loved her…"

  "I understand. Sorry."

  "Don't be. I feel sorry for you… Kid's these days only have one thing on their mind. I do not know how you've endured eighteen whole years," he said and gave me a wink.

  I let it slide.

  "Guess I should put my panties back on then, huh."

  "It is up to you. I do not mind…looking."

  "Perv," I said, grabbed my panties and stood up, letting the dress fall below my butt. If it were a little longer, I would have probably gone without them. With as damp as they were, I wasn't exactly looking forward to putting them back on. I did, and it gave an uncomfortable shiver that didn't go unnoticed. He gave a little chuckle.

  "Go back to the bar, cher. I shall finish up and we can head back to your place."

  "Finish up?" I made male masturbation motions with my hand while I asked.

  "No. I would have not asked you to leave if that were my intention."

  My attempt at making him blush backfired. My cheeks almost blistered. I fought the urge to hide my face and slipped through the door as quickly as inhumanly possible and made my way back to my seat. Mel pulled my glass of blood from the cooler and set it down for me.

  "Thanks," I said and took a big gulp.

  "You look…thirsty. You okay?"

  "Am now."

  "Not gonna ask."

  I blushed even harder.

  The stage had been taken over by an elf playing the flute. It wasn't sexy so much as beautiful. She didn’t have on a stitch of clothing and she swayed and danced to her own music. I felt myself entranced by her performance. Too, entranced perhaps. I didn't notice when Vincent slipped back into the chair next to mine.

  "We meet again," he slurred.

  "Hello again," I said dismissively. He reeked of alcohol and his earlier exit kind of pissed me off.

  "That was quite the show you put on earlier. How often do you perform?"

  "I don't. That was my punishment for disobeying the vampire king." I decided to have a little fun at his expense.


  "Yeah. The ruler of Vamptasia actually lives in Chicago and owns this bar, but I'm not supposed to tell anyone. So be quiet about it," I whispered and then stared into his eyes, opening mine as wide as they would go.

  "Is that in Europe?"

  "This time of year, it is. It moves around a lot though."

  "No waaay. That is so cool."

  "I know right?"

  I leaned back and sipped on my blood. Even cool, it hadn't lost its oomph. I rolled it around on my tongue and moaned a little.

  "Is that…blood?"

  I nodded.

  "Is it fun bein' a vampire?"

  "Yes, but the union dues are kind of pricey."

  "Would you make me a vampire?"

  Suddenly I wasn't having fun anymore. "No."

  "Aww. My life is boring. I want to change."

  "You have friends. You can go out in the daytime. You can get married and have kids. Lead a normal life. I was kidding. Being a vampire isn't much fun at all. In fact, most of the time it's dangerous."

  "But you're beautiful. And sexy. And every guy in this place wants you."

  "They wouldn't if they knew me. I'm broken."

  "I know you. I want you," he said and looked down at the hem of my dress.

  "No, you don't. You just want to get laid," I said and took another sip of blood.

  "No!" He looked up as to emphasize his point. "I thought you were the most beautiful girl in this place. When I found out you were the owner's girlfriend I knew I didn't have a chance…"

  "I'm not his girlfriend. I'm more like a pet project. Maybe just a pet."

  "Oh! So, you want to go for a drink with me?"

  I lifted up my glass.

  "I meant again. Sometime. Like a date?"

  "That's very sweet, Vincent, but at this moment I'm going to have to say no. I just got out of another relationship and I'm not looking to jump back in for a while."

  "That's cool. Here's my number," he said and pulled out his wallet. He had a small stack of bent business cards tucked into one of the pouches. It actually had his name, number and title on it. Sure, it said College Student, but I guess that still counted as a title. "Take it in case you ever change your mind." He wandered off. I slipped it into the top of my dress. I'd chuck it later.

  It was sort of an aww moment for me. It was the first time a guy had asked me out. It had felt completely awkward, but a milestone is still a milestone.

  Mel came back over. "That was so sweet I almost puked."

  "I know right?"

  "Gonna call him?"


  "Is it because he's not French?" She tilted her head and gave me a shit-eating grin.

  "Noooo. I give up on that man. He's hot, but he's not looking, or open, or available. I give up."

  She knitted her eyebrows. "But up on stage?"

  "And in his office. But it was just as he said. It was punishment and a learning experience. We didn't go all the way and he made it clear that would never happen."

  "Never is an awfully long time, Ash. Especially when you're a vampire. Or an elf."

  "I know. But he's held out for longer than electricity and gunpowder. Think he's pretty serious about it."

  She reached over and patted my hand. "So, give the human kid a call."

  "Nah. When it boils down to it, I'm not human. He is. I might break him or something."

  "Just be gentle," she said with a giggle.

  "Hey, you want to come over? Marcel was going to, but it might be a little awkward."

  "You hungry?"

  I blushed. "No! I didn't mean for that. Or that," I said to clarify. "I've been a mess lately and don't do well by myself. Want to hang out and crash?"

  "Can I use your shower?"

  "Of course."

  "Then sure."

  "Great. I'll call a cab and let Marc know."

  "I've got a car. In fact, Jimmy can cover the rest of the night." She picked up the phone behind the bar and hit a button. "Hey boss. I'm cutting out a little early and taking Ash home. Yeah. Okay. Here she is." She handed me the phone and waved to Jimmy standing by the door.


  "Are you all right?" I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

  "Yep. Just things are a little awkward right now. I'll be fine though, so don't worry about me."

  "I do. And probably always will. You are very special to me. Just remember that and call me if you need anything."

  "I will. And thanks, Marc."

  "You are welcome," he answered, and the line clicked dead.

  Blinking, I couldn't quite make out the face sleeping next to me. The curly blond hair came into focus and I remembered Mel. I breathed a sigh of relief, stretched, and rolled onto my back. Glancing over at the clock I groaned. I'd woken up before the sun set. I definitely wasn't an afternoon person.

  "Morning," Mel croaked.



  "Keeping me company…"

  "Ha. No need to thank me. Your house is way better than my apartment."


  "Yeah. Convenient for work but rent sucks and my entire apartment is the size of your bedroom."

  "Ick. I don't think I could handle that. Although, I rarely leave my bedroom."

  "Want to trade then?"

  "Hell no. I'm a suburb girl. I don't like crowds. Or people."

  She laughed a little. "Yeah. My lease is up next month. Think I'll check out some apartments in the burbs."

  I had a brief splash of inspiration. "Um. I know you don't know me that well, but this house has three bedrooms. You could move here if you want. I could stand to have a roommate."

  "That is crazy sudden. Why?"

  "Well, we get along really well. But, it's more than that. I just trust
you and honestly, I'm tired of being alone."

  She widened her eyes in surprise and twisted her lips together as she thought about it. "How much is rent?"

  "The house is mine, so there's no mortgage. Help with the utilities and that's it. You'll have to buy your own food, though," I said with a smile.

  "What about feedings?"


  "How often would you need to feed"

  I frowned and shook my head. "Do you think that's why I asked?"

  "I assumed…"

  "Don't. I would never expect blood as payment. I was asking because I like you and wouldn't mind the extra company."

  "Oh, my gods, Ash. I am so sorry. I just assumed that's why you asked me. I didn't think anything about it. It seemed fair to me."

  "No. I could never do that."

  "I believe you. But I hope you won't turn it down," she said and chuckled. "Because, you know, that feels kind of awesome."



  "Wait, so is that a yes?

  She nodded. "Hell yeah. I'd love to move in with you."

  "Awesome. Want to see your room?"


  She slid out from underneath the comforter. I tried very hard to not stare at her elven butt in a dainty green thong and focused on not tripping on the blanket, as I got my ass out of bed. "It's this way," I said and crossed the living room to the other side of the house.

  "Any house rules I should know?"

  "Um… No? I'm not the tidiest of homeowners, as you can see by the coarse layer of dust on everything. I was actually thinking about hiring a maid. We can split that cost if you want."

  "No need. I'm kind of a neat freak. I'll keep the house clean."

  "You sure?"


  "Just so you know, I may never let you leave then. That's a big load off my mind." I stopped in the hall and motioned to the two spare rooms. I had designs on making one of them an office, but I didn't care which. "Pick your poison. Either is fine with me."

  She walked into the closest and looked around, then across the hall at the guest bath. "Is this one bigger or smaller?"

  "I think they're the same size, but I never measured."

  "I'll take this one then. Closer to the bathroom and…" She trailed off.


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