Abominations (Demonkin Book 3)

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Abominations (Demonkin Book 3) Page 12

by Sean Hayden

  "I haven't got the slightest clue. It could be anywhere."

  "We've been in Los Angeles for three hours. We landed and by the time we got the rental and dropped everyone and everything at the hotel, that left us an hour. You've already identified what the killer is, now we just need to find it. Good work, kid." He patted me on the head.

  "I'm not a fucking beagle."

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  We pulled into the parking lot of the L.A. Grand Hotel, parked ourselves, and went up to our cluster of rooms. Marcel had one, and Cosmo and Thompson were bunking, much to my partner's dismay. It took about five minutes before Thompson threatened him with bodily harm if he didn't shut his pie hole. I laughed.

  Daren had booked his own room, not relying on Marcel's black credit card. I did, but still ended up in my own room. Lucky me.

  "So, what's the plan?" I finally asked in the elevator.

  "Might as well work on your problem. We have no leads and nowhere to look. Wandering around town with a drawing of a monster and asking people if they've seen this demon probably wouldn't be a good idea."

  "Yeah. Panicksville."

  "I'm going to call the director and Reese. Let them know what we're dealing with."

  The door dinged open on our floor. "Hey Thompson? What did they do with the skull?"

  "Secret Service took it away. I assume it's locked up tight somewhere safe."

  "I wish they would destroy it. No demons in thousands of years, now suddenly we have two in the same place just months apart. Doesn't sound like that much of a coincidence."

  "No. It doesn't. I'll have Reese or Sanders make some calls."

  I nodded. "See you shortly," I said and opened the door to my room with my keycard.

  Business was over. At least the dressed-up kind I had to do in a business skirt and jacket. I unzipped and pulled it off, throwing it over the back of the chair by the small desk near the entrance to my room. I grabbed leggings and a sweater out of my suitcase and slipped into them before plopping down on my bed.

  "You didn't have to get dressed on my account."

  I recognized the voice before I looked over at the smug angel sitting in the chair I had just laid my suit out on. "You're going to wrinkle my clothes."

  "That's the strangest pickup line I've ever heard."

  If he wasn't such a dick, his humor might have been a little more appreciated. "Ha ha. Seriously, sit over there."

  He sighed and vanished and reappeared at the small dinette table closer to the sliding glass door by the balcony. "So demanding."

  "If I demanded you leave, would you?"

  "Probably not."

  "Didn't think so. So, did you know?"

  "Know what?"

  "That there's a demon running around L.A. killing people?"

  "Correction. It killed one person and a few abominations."

  "To-may-to. To-mah-to. I'm guessing you knew if you're keeping tabs on the body count."

  A shrug was his only answer. "If you're seeking my help, don't. That's not how we work."

  "Oh, you work?"

  "Miracles galore. Police work, not so much. Not our department. If the humans were stupid enough to display a demonic vessel, they deserved to be eaten."

  "Nobody knows what they are anymore. Can you at least tell me if there are any more lying around?"

  "A few here and there. Nothing you need to worry about except for the skull of Belial. But now I've said too much."

  "No. I knew about that and was preparing for it, so you didn't spill too much. Good work," I added sarcastically.

  He rewarded me with an angelic smile before he started to vanish. "You're going to have more visitors, and not your friends next door…"

  "Cryptic son of a bitch."

  My cell started ringing. I got up and pulled it out of my suit jacket. "Thorne."

  "Where are you?"

  I could hear the panic in Marcel's voice. "In my room, why?"

  The line clicked dead and I could hear his door open, shut, and then he knocked on mine. I strode across the room and opened it before he beat it down. "Won't you come in?" I said, making a sweeping gesture into my room.

  "No games. Not now." He strode over to the windows and pulled the curtain closed.

  "What the fuck is going on? I've never seen you like this."

  "The Council," he said as if that answered me.

  "Of Assisi?"

  "Seriously, Ash. You know who I'm talking about."

  I decided not to let it get to me. "I know. I had a little heads-up."

  "And you didn't think to tell me about it?"

  "I mean just now. Right before you came."

  "They were here?" He stepped closer to me, grabbed my shoulders, and looked me over.

  "Not them. The angel. He stopped by to annoy me."

  Marcel snarled.

  "Yeah. I feel the same way. Why is The Council here?"

  "I was just contacted by Pietro. He is the herald for The Council. He wishes to speak to me. They were here before we were. Somehow they knew we were coming."


  "I do not know, but when I find out…"

  I nodded. "Will you be okay going by yourself? Want me to go with you?"

  "The last place on earth I want you, is near The Council, cher."

  "And here I was going to buy a villa in the hills surrounding… Where do they live?"

  "They live wherever they wish, but they convene in Rome."

  "Makes sense. Vatican. Vampire councils. They probably have Jehovah's Witnesses, too."

  He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. "No more jokes, cher. It's okay to be scared. I know I am."

  I hugged him back before leaning back and looking up into his eyes. "That's just it, Marc. I'm not. I have too many people who want me dead and too many friends who want to keep me alive. It balances out. I'll be fine. Somehow."

  "I hope you are right. For now, take Daren, Jim, and Cosmo. I will have Quentin contact you with a meeting place. Untie the first bond so you can leave L.A. if needed."

  "I can't go anywhere, anyway. We might have a bigger problem…"

  "Bigger than The Council?"

  I nodded. I leaned in close and whispered, "Demon." I couldn't bring myself to say it in a normal voice. Like it would bring it down upon us.

  He stepped back with wide eyes. "Non."

  I nodded. "I'll leave it up to your discretion, but you might want to let the bats on The Council know they might not be safe here in Murica."

  "You might have just given us the bargaining chip we were looking for, cher," he said and kissed the top of my head before striding out of my room without so much as a "Goodbye."

  "Be careful," I called out, knowing full well he could still hear me.

  I jumped back on the bed and tried to relax. Worry for Marcel made it impossible, but I tried. The room started getting colder. I didn't notice at first until my breath started to fog. I sighed, sat up, and waited for the apparition. She materialized at the end of the bed.

  "Hi Vic," I said tiredly.

  She reached out for me again pleadingly. Kneeling, I made my way closer to her and reached out to her hand. I wasn't surprised as my fingers passed through hers.

  She mouthed, "Help me," again.

  "How? How can I help you?"

  For the first time, the scenario changed. She still had no voice, but I could make out the words, "Kill me," on her lips before she vanished again into nothingness.

  "Damnit, Vic. Where are you?"

  The knock on my door scared the shit out of me.

  I walked over to the door and looked through the peep-hole before opening it, letting Thompson in. Guess it was my night for visitors.

  "What? You look like you seen a ghost, kid."

  I didn't even go there. "What's up?"

  "Sanders says he's going to contact the director of the Secret Service. It's all he can do."

  "Oh, goody."

  "I'm supposed to ask if you are ready to go?"r />
  "Just waiting on a phone call from Quentin," I said and looked down at my ringing cell. I didn't recognize the number, but it was a Chicago exchange. I slid it open and answered, "Agent Thorne."

  "It is I, Quentin."

  "Marc said you'd be calling. All ready to go?"

  "Yes. Meet us at the address I will be sending you."

  "Where is it?"

  "Hermosa Beach."

  "Never heard of it."

  "Neither had I until this trip. It is quite lovely though. Ring me when you get to the gate," he said and hung up.

  "Road trip," I told my partner.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  I texted Quentin that we were sitting at the gate. He said to call, but I really didn't want to hear his voice again that soon. The gate buzzed and rolled open; Thompson pulled us through and parked in front of the circular entrance to the house. Villa. Whatever. The guy was loaded.

  I was a little anxious to meet my replacement. While I was probably the worst Master of Los Angeles in the history of California, I hoped this guy was better. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but I rarely do and that is exactly how I felt. Taking a deep breath, I got out of the car and followed everyone else to the front door.

  Much to my dismay, Quentin answered.

  "Right this way, everyone. Master Jeffries is waiting."

  Thompson shot me a look. I just shrugged and followed the crowd, trying hard to ignore how beautiful the house was on the inside. Cream colored marble tile spanned the entire width of the great hall we were traversing. Three stories of black, iron-railed balcony looked down on the central plaza of the house. It would be quite the room to hold a ball.

  Quentin opened a set of double glass doors at the opposite end. Rows of bookshelves lined both sides of the path leading to a well-lit open area against the furthest wall. "Will this space be large enough for the spell?"

  Cosmo looked at Daren who nodded. "Yep," Cosmo said after the brief consultation.

  "Then feel free to start. If you need anything, let me know. I’m going to let Master Jeffries know it has begun."

  He left without another word.

  "You sure he works for Marcel, kid?"

  "Supposedly. I'd rather he didn't though."

  "He is a little stuffy."

  "Yeah. Sometimes I want to stuffy his head into his ass."

  "That was kind of lame for you."

  "Yeah, well, he irks me, and it affects my sarcasm gland."

  "I can see that," Thompson said as we watched Cosmo and Daren do their thing.

  Daren was carefully painting a perfectly inscribed circle and runes on the marble tile. It wasn't overly large, you could fit two Ashlyn's side by side within it. Cosmo, on the other hand, was mixing a few liquids in a brass bowl. It didn't take long for them to finish and gesture to me.

  "Step into the circle, but don't step on any of the paint," Daren said, offering me a hand.

  "What about the other guy?"

  "I'll go let them know you're ready. I hate this magic shit anyway," Thompson said, leaving the way we had come in.

  "The power will be held in the circle. His part comes after yours. Hopefully we'll be ready by the time they get here."

  I nodded and did what I was told, trying hard not to fidget in the circle.

  Cosmo moved in front of me, set the bowl on the ground, and held one of those barbeque lighters to the liquid inside. It immediately caught and green flames danced across the surface.

  "Did anybody bring the marshmallows?"

  "Shush, youngling. Do not distract us."

  I made a zipping motion across my lips and waited for the fireworks to begin. The lights in the library dimmed without anyone touching any of the fancy light switches on the wall. A rhythmic thumping filled the air as Cosmo began to chant. Sparks flew around me, but never came close to licking my skin.

  "It's not working. Her shields are too strong," Daren said from behind Cosmo.

  Cosmo stopped chanting and frowned. "It shouldn't matter. We're severing the link that is already there. We're not trying to form a new one."

  "But there's one thing we didn't account for. The link is part of her and her shields are protecting it."

  "Well fuck me."

  "I think I shall pass. Do you have any suggestions?"

  "Not off the top of my head," Cosmo said defeatedly.

  "What if I try to push while you pull?" I didn't want to distract them, but it made sense to me.

  They both turned their heads to look at me and then back to each other. Daren was the first to shrug. "It might be worth trying."

  Cosmo nodded. "Go ahead. We'll try again."

  "What do I do?"

  "That is up to you. You need to find the link inside you and get it off the source of your power," he added unhelpfully.

  I sighed and closed my eyes. "I guess I'm ready. Go for it."

  My power. My power is the ocean beneath my feet.

  I closed my eyes and went to the place I always go when I capture a vampire's eyes. To the dark place with the moon and the ocean. I floated over my dimly lit waters and realized I hadn't been feeding as much as I should. I was quickly being drained yet again.

  I investigated the space around me and after a few moments of searching, found what I was looking for. Four milky white strands as thick as my wrist flowed past me and down into the water below. Floating toward the closest, I gently laid my hand against it. It felt wet and hot against my skin and pulsed with power. I gave it a tug and felt the other end. It felt far away. I was looking for something closer.

  Repeating the same to the other three only took a few moments. I moved back to the third one and grabbed it. The end was the closest of all of them, and the strand felt the thickest. "I think I found it," I called out and hoped that they could hear me.

  "Try to remove it," Cosmo's voice echoed in the air around me.

  I grabbed it in both my hands and pulled the end disappearing into my murky waters. After what seemed to be an eternity, it finally pulled free of the water. The end of it looked like the maw of a mutated leach. Jagged teeth wound in a circle. I had no desire to see what it had been attached to. I shuddered and held it in my arms, not daring to let it fall back into my power.

  "I've got it."

  "It's working. Hold it for a moment," Daren answered softly this time.

  The rhythmic thumping I'd heard before began to echo in my space. Even Cosmo's chants became audible. My space flashed brilliantly white and I was standing back in the library.

  However, things weren’t going quite as planned. Daren was face down on the ground, arms bound behind him in iron shackles. His skin sizzled angrily wherever they touched. Cosmo had a longsword pointed at his throat, clutching the strand of power in his hand and holding the leech mouth away from his flesh. Quentin held the sword and a vampire I had never seen before was slowly walking toward the tendril, a hungry look in his eye.

  "I can't believe they actually did it. I thought we were going to have to kill you all to get it."

  I ran at him full force and hit the edge of the magic circle around me in a shower of sparks. It burned like hell and the smell of charred flesh filled the enclosed space. I choked on the fumes and looked at my arms. The skin had charred and blistered. I blessed whatever gods were watching over me and prevented me from hitting it face first.

  Then confusion set in. I'd never been affected by magic before in my life, I had no idea why I had gotten burned. Instead of pondering the situation, I focused my gaze at the asshole who had organized the coup.

  "I don't get it. We were going to willingly give you the power, why do all this?"

  "Because you weren't going to give me all of it."

  "Greedy much?"

  He scoffed and reached out, encircling the tendril with his hand like a fisherman grabbing an eel. He brought the head close to his chest and with his other hand, ripped open his shirt. He held it to his skin and it latched on and disappeared into the depths of his sternum
. He closed his eyes and got used to the power. It didn't seem like he had any trouble drawing as he simultaneously fed the vampires of the city. It was complete. They were his.

  I snarled in my cage. There wasn't anything else I could do. I only knew one thing. It would be a cold day in hell before I handed over the other three cities.

  "Next," Jeffries said to Cosmo.

  "While I value my life, I feel it necessary to inform you that I can't do much without Ashlyn's help. It is up to her whether she cooperates or not…"

  Jeffries spun and stared at me with narrowed eyes. "Oh, she'll be delighted to help."

  "Like hell I will. Go fuck a cactus you douche nugget."

  "Such an unpleasant disposition. Do you not understand? You are trapped little girl, in your own shields. They rooted you to that magic circle. Yes, I heard all about your power from my dear Quentin."

  I shifted my attention from one asshole to the other. At least Quentin had the smarts to look afraid. I could see the nervousness on his face, as well as the trembling of the hand holding the sword to Cosmo's neck.

  "I hope you know, I'm going to drink you dry, fuckface." I turned back to Jeffries. "You too, asshole."

  "Such bravery in the face of the abyss. You cannot do anything from your cage. Release the next one or the elf dies."

  Daren shifted on the ground and caught my eye, shaking his head ever so slightly. Then he looked down at the circle at my feet and winked.

  Glancing down at the delicate tile beneath my feet, I fought very hard not to jump for joy. I probably would have singed my head and I had no desire to walk around looking like a monk, while I waited for my hair to grow back. I smiled at Jeffries, lifted my foot dramatically and stomped down as hard as I possibly could…

  I watched confusion play across Jeffries' face as my foot began its descent. That quickly turned to fear as the tile beneath my foot shattered, taking a portion of the circle with it. For some reason the whole scene struck me with a sense of déjà vu.

  I used every ounce of my power and closed the distance between Quentin and I in less than a blink of an eye. Before he could drive the tip of the sword into Cosmo's neck, I crushed his wrist, and shoved my hand into his chest. I didn't kill him, I wanted him alive to hurt him as much as possible before I ended his pitiful, lying existence. I kicked the sword away and threw Quentin against the wall. He hit it with a sickening thud and slid down to the floor, bleeding everywhere.


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