Looking for a Hero

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Looking for a Hero Page 11

by Cathy Hopkins

  The flowers were a mix of hyacinth and freesias and they smelled divine. And the little parcel looked like it might be some fab Belgian chocolates.

  Aunt Sarah turned over the card. ‘Bruno,’ she read.



  I felt the hard wall I had built around myself to keep everyone out crumble and fall as delight flooded through me. He hadn’t forgotten me after all. ‘But …’

  ‘Shall I put them in water for you?’ asked Aunt Sarah.

  ‘Oh yes. No. I’ll do it.Thanks.’

  I took the bouquet from her and went to find a vase, my mind was reeling with possibilities. What had happened?

  I didn’t have to wait long because, when I went back upstairs with the flowers, I turned my mobile on to see if there were any messages from Erin and it bleeped that I had two. One was a text from Erin saying that she was home and would be waiting on MSN and one was a voicemail message from Bruno.

  ‘Bella,’ he said. ‘I’ve been trying to reach you all week. I was studying in Positano the week after you’d gone and I lost my phone there. I left it in a restaurant and, when I went back, it was gone. And getting hold of your grandmother was a nightmare. She never answers her calls, but I kept trying and at last got through and oh … this sounds like a lot of excuses but, India, you know how it was with us. Please call me. I need to hear your voice. More than that. I need to see your lovely face. I am coming over next weekend and hope to see you again then. Call me.’

  I felt stunned. I sat down and switched on the computer to contact Erin on MSN. I had to tell her my news before calling Bruno. As I pressed the computer keys, I heard the door bell ring again and, once again, Aunt Sarah called me down. This time, she had a bunch of white roses and a larger card than the last one.‘Not more from Bruno?’ I asked.

  Once again, Aunt Sarah looked at the card. ‘No. It says … sure you want me to read this?’

  I nodded.

  ‘It says, Sorry I’m a fool who can’t commit. Doesn’t mean I don’t rate you. Meet me after school on Tuesday at Costa. I will try and explain. From You Know Who. Do you know who?’ she asked.

  I nodded again. Joe.‘I’ll get a vase,’ I said.

  I took the flowers, put them in a vase then went back upstairs and placed Joe’s flowers next to Bruno’s on my desk. Jut looking at them made me smile. Just wait until I tell Erin, I thought as I typed my way into MSN.

  Cinnamongirl: You there?

  Irishbrat4eva: Yeah.

  Cinnamongirl: Sorry, sorry, but you’ll never guess what’s been happening. I have loads to tell you.

  Irishbrat4eva: Me too.

  Cinnamongirl: You go first.

  Irishbrat4eva: No, you …

  Cinnamongirl: No, you. Is there more news about Scott?

  Irishbrat4eva: Yeah. I sent him a letter.

  Cinnamongirl: Wow. What did you say?

  Irishbrat4eva: I decided that, despite my mates over here saying to stay out of it, I couldn’t. I had to do something. I couldn’t stand back and see someone I care about ruin their life so I sent him a letter saying that, if he ever needed anyone to talk to, I was there for him.

  Cinnamongirl: Did he reply?

  Irishbrat4eva: Not a word. Did I do the wrong thing do you think?

  Cinnamongirl: Not at all. You followed your heart. You care and sometimes that’s all you can do in situations like this – just say, hey I’m still your friend. The rest has got to come from him. You can’t make him stop drinking or smoking.

  ‘INDIA,’Aunt Sarah’s voice called up the stairs.

  Cinnamongirl: Aunt Sarah’s calling me.

  Irishbrat4eva: No worries. I’ve got to go anyway - homework to catch up on. Just wanted to know what you thought.

  Cinnamongirl: I think you did the right thing and he’s lucky to have you as a friend. Later, hey?

  Irishbrat4eva: Later.

  I leapt back down the stairs two at a time and arrived with a thump at the bottom. ‘More flowers?’ I asked.

  Aunt Sarah was making a strange face and jerking her chin towards the living room.

  ‘So many admirers, so little time,’ I said in my fake actor luvvie voice.

  Aunt Sarah gave an exasperated sigh and jerked her thumb towards the living room. ‘In there,’ she said.


  A tall handsome boy stepped into the hall.


  My jaw fell open. ‘Ohmigod, it’s you!’ I said. I turned to Aunt Sarah. ‘This is Tyler. He’s the boy who brought me home that day I was mugged.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Tyler,’ said Aunt Sarah. ‘Now, India, remember your manners and show Tyler back into the living room and I’ll bring you some drinks.’

  ‘Oh. Right.Yeah.’

  ‘Coffee or tea?’ asked Aunt Sarah.

  ‘Coffee. Black please,’Tyler replied.

  Aunt Sarah disappeared and I stood rooted to the spot staring at Tyler. My mind had gone blank and my legs seemed to have frozen. Tyler was looking at me, waiting for me to say something. ‘Oh yeah, um, come through,’ I said finally and led him into the living room.

  ‘I wanted to see how you were doing,’ said Tyler.

  ‘Me too. I mean ... I wanted to see you again too – to thank you. I ... I was in a daze that day. I can’t even remember what I said or how we got home hardly.’

  Tyler sat on the sofa and crossed his legs. I couldn’t help but notice that he had a cat-like grace about him, very at ease in his body.

  ‘Understandable after what had happened. You don’t have to thank me,’ he said. ‘I just did what anyone would have done.’

  ‘So where have you been then?’ I blurted. ‘I mean, I don’t mean that in a demanding kind of way, I … oh, this is coming out all wrong. I mean, why have you waited until now to come round?’

  ‘I only got back yesterday. I’ve been in New York. Remember I told you I want to do journalism? My uncle got me some work experience there. I was leaving the night you got mugged, which is why I had to go immediately after I’d brought you home. I was so preoccupied in getting you back safe and then getting home and then to the airport in time to make my flight I totally forgot to get your phone number so I could call to check up on you.’

  ‘Wow. You were very chilled for someone who had a plane to catch.’

  Tyler shrugged. ‘Sometimes you have to go with what’s in front of you,’ he said and flashed me a wide flirty smile.

  I felt myself blush.‘Well here you are now,’ I said.‘I’m so glad you came round. Work experience in New York? That sounds fab. Tell me all about it.’ I wanted to get him talking so that I could look at him properly. Brown eyes. Cheek bones to die for. A gorgeous sensuous mouth. And he looked toned, like he worked out.

  ‘It was ace,’ said Tyler.‘I’d love to tell you all about it but how about a bit later this afternoon? I know I’ve just arrived out of the blue and butted my way in - your Aunt Sarah was very cagey when she saw me at the door. So would it possible to meet up some place away from here and get to know each other properly?’When he said that he looked directly into my eyes and I felt myself blush even more.

  ‘Er … yes, that would be great,’ I said.

  Boys really are like buses, I thought. No one for ages then three come along all at once!

  I needed to consult the committee.

  As soon as Tyler had gone, I dashed upstairs and got on the phone. I felt so confused.Tyler. Bruno.Joe.What was going on? I tried Erin first, but her mum told me that she’d just gone out on an errand. Next I called Leela.

  ‘What am I going to do?’ I asked her after I’d filled her in. ‘Which boy should I choose?’

  ‘Bruno. Stick with Bruno,’ she said. ‘He’s The One for you. I remember what a high you were on when you came back from Ravello. And you did say he might be your soulmate.’

  She was right. But that had been before Joe had sent the roses. And before Tyler had got in touch. But it had been so lovely to get Br
uno’s flowers and get the message that he would be over the next weekend. Hearing his voice had brought back the wonderful time that I’d spent with him in Italy. But then . . . Tyler was such interesting company and so handsome – but more than that, there was something about him, like he viewed the world with a quiet intelligence and calm. It would be a shame not to spend some time with him. There was no guarantee that things were going to work out with Bruno and the fact that he lived in Italy was always going to cause some problems. And Joe. What about him? I knew that Joe and I had a connection but he was always on about not wanting to be tied down. It would be a pity not to explore what might be there with Tyler in the hope that Joe might come through, only to be let down by him again. Or had he changed his mind and begun to see that we really did have something special? God, it was difficult.

  ‘What should I do?’ I asked Brook after I’d hung up from talking to Leela.

  ‘Joe, definitely,’ she said. ‘He’s always been The One for you and you know it.You’ve been into him ever since your summer in Greece and now maybe he’s beginning to realise it too. It was always a matter of time. I really believe that these things are never one way. And OK, so Bruno is probably lovely but you have to be practical and face facts, India – he lives in Italy. A long distance love affair. They never last.’

  ‘Hmm. That’s what I was thinking too,’ I said.

  I felt sad after we’d hung up. She was right about the distance, but it had felt so special with Bruno especially now I knew that he had been feeling the same as I had all along. Maybe there would be a way around it.

  I called Zahrah.

  ‘What should I do?’ I asked.

  ‘No contest,’ she replied. ‘Tyler. You were looking for a hero and he came through for you. He’s the one with the least complications. Bruno lives abroad and, yes, there are phones and email but you can’t snog in cyberspace. Joe doesn’t know what he wants and has messed you about already and would do it again if you give him half a chance. He’s not ready yet. So it has to be contestant number three. Tyler.’

  ‘Tyler. Oh right,’ I said. ‘Thank you very much.’

  After I’d hung up, I realised that I felt more confused than ever. Luckily Erin called soon after and I was able to put my question to her.

  ‘Woah. I wish all decisions were so difficult,’ she said when I’d finished telling her about the three boys.‘Hmm. Gorgeous boy one, two or three?

  ‘I know. It’s like it’s raining men over here.’

  ‘Lucky you. It’s raining water over here. I just got soaked when I went out. But you . . . How fab. Sounds like you got the hat-trick. Three in one.’

  ‘Yeah but now I am so confused. Reeling. Bruno. Joe. Tyler. All in one afternoon. Why, oh why does it have to be like this? Nothing and then they all come at once.’

  ‘What exactly did Bruno say on the message?’

  ‘He was so sweet and apologetic. I can’t think why I ever doubted him. And he said that he’s coming over next weekend on business.’

  ‘And Joe?’

  ‘He just sent the flowers. No promises or proposals, but he suggested we meet up next week – kind of casual.’

  ‘Hmm. But sounds like an opening of sorts. A maybe. And what about Tyler?’

  ‘He asked me out later this afternoon.’

  ‘So are you going to go?’

  ‘Yes, I think so. For one thing, I owe him one for coming to my rescue that day and it might not be a date date. Just coffee and getting to know each other.’

  ‘OK. This is what you do. No harm in postponing your decision. You see what happens. You don’t have to decide this exact moment. Go out with Tyler, see if there’s anything there. Go out with Joe too – or at least meet up with him next week. See what he says and if there is anything still there. And when Bruno is over, spend time with him. Decide later when you’re clearer about how you feel.’

  ‘But would I be being unfaithful to any of them? I’d hate to hurt anyone.’

  ‘Are you engaged to be married to any of them?’

  ‘No. ‘Course not but, if we heard about a boy seeing three girls, we’d all think he was a total love rat – and now I’m doing it.’

  ‘Yeah. I see what you mean. Like it’s OK for you but not for a boy’.

  ‘Sort of. But I am not a love rat. I didn’t set out for any of this to happen.’

  ‘OK. So chill. It’s early days.You’re not even going out with any of them, are you? It’s not like any of them really sees you as their girlfriend.’

  ‘Not exactly . . . maybe Bruno does a bit.’

  ‘Yeah but he lives in Italy. Listen. Go with the flow.That’s my advice. Decide later. And until you snog Tyler, you won’t really know if there is chemistry.’

  Just thinking about snogging Tyler made me feel funny so I had no doubt the real thing would be fab.

  ‘You are very wise, O lady from the green land,’ I said.

  ‘Oh yeah, we’ve forgotten our Shakespeare-speak lately, haven’t we? Well, get thee on some dates fair maid and let thy heart speak its own desire.’

  ‘Verily I will. So what about yon naughty knight of the realm, Sir Scott? He that dost sup till stupor on yon ale?’

  ‘I have decided to try a zen approach since we spoke earlier and that is to let him be. Let myself be. Let the universe be.’

  ‘Cool. And if that doesn’t work what else are you going to do?’

  ‘Not sure. Witchcraft maybe. Wait until the next full moon. Cut off some of his toenails while he’s asleep, put them in a bowl, a bit of slug and a few herbs and do a spell.’

  ‘Sounds as good a plan as any and at least you sound happier than this morning.’

  ‘Exactly. I was thinking about what you said. It has to come from him. I’ve done what I can and sometimes there is time for a plan. Other times not. This week we let the universe unfold its great plan to us. OK? You don’t have to decide which boy. I don’t have to sort out Scott.’

  ‘OK,’ I said. I knew I could rely on Erin to come up with the best advice.

  I met Tyler in a café just off Portobello Road at around four – thirty. It was Tyler’s choice – a funky old place with big squashy sofas and a big fire at the far end. He bought us hot chocolates with marshmallows on the top and then we bagged a sofa near the fire, settled back and got down to the business of getting to know each other.

  ‘So you first,’ he said and leaned back into the cushions.

  ‘Er ... I was born in India. We’ve lived in five places so far. Um. I’m a Gemini. I . . . what do you want to know?’

  Tyler smiled.‘Start with telling me about all the places you’ve lived in.’

  Once I got started, there was no shutting me up as he appeared to be genuinely interested in the wanderings of my family, who they were and what they did. After that he prompted me with questions to continue about what I was into, who my friends were, what I wanted to do when I left school. I felt very flattered by his attention. His eyes didn’t wander around the cafe at all as I talked, the way that some boys do.

  ‘You’ll make a great journalist,’ I said when I realised that I’d been talking non-stop about myself for almost an hour.

  He smiled.’I like people. Always have.’

  ‘OK, now it’s my turn,’ I said.‘Tell me everything!’

  He sat forward and said, ‘OK. I’m nineteen, I grew up in New York though my family are from St Lucia, which of course you know having spent time there —’

  ‘Just think, we might have been on the same beach there once,’ I commented.

  He shook his head. ‘I think I’d have noticed you even when you were four,’ he said, and looked at me in a way that made me blush.

  ‘Do you ever go back?’ I asked.

  ‘Whenever I can. My grandparents still live there.’

  ‘Brothers and sisters?’

  ‘Two brothers, one sister, and we live in Queen’s Park.’

  I wanted to ask him other things like: Do you have a girlfrie
nd? What do you look for in a girl? But I felt that it wasn’t the time for more personal questions. Not yet.

  ‘OK, so what are you into?’

  ‘Well, as you know, I want to be a journalist. I want to make a difference. The right words can change things, make people think.’ As he talked more about what he was into, the thing that struck me was how passionate he was about the environment and doing something to make a difference to the planet. He seemed so well informed about things like carbon footprints, and landfills and the greenhouse effect, I felt like a light-weight besides him. It was so interesting to hear him talk, and I realised that intelligent and well-read would be high on my list of what I wanted in a boyfriend from then on. As the afternoon progressed, I liked him more and more and was feeling a definite tingle of chemistry. I liked the thoughtful expression in his eyes, especially when he looked at me. Not to mention his fabulous mouth. I wonder what he’s like to kiss, I thought to myself when he went to replenish our hot chocolates. And I wonder if he’ll try and kiss me today.

  ‘How about a movie?’ he asked when he came back and sat next to me. ‘They’re showing It’s a Wonderful Life at the Gate cinema down the road.’

  ‘That’s my favourite Christmas movie,’ I said.

  ‘One of mine too. I could watch it over and over. Be good to see it on the big screen though.’

  ‘Let’s do it,’ I said.

  After ringing home to check in with Mum, our afternoon drink turned into a longer date. We sat in the movie house and ate ice creams and, although he didn’t put his arm around me or even hold my hand, it felt good to sit next to him in the dark, our thighs touching.

  After the movie, we went and bought fish and chips and, when we went to pay, I got out my purse. ‘No, let me get these,’ he said. ‘My treat.’

  ‘Absolutely not,’ I said.‘I want to get this.You’ve paid for the movie, the ice cream and the hot chocolates.You have to let me get something; besides, I wanted to say thank you for rescuing me that day.’ I also wanted him to know that I wasn’t someone who expected him to pay for everything all the time – I know students don’t have a lot of money.


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