Can't Let You Go: A Wheeler Brothers Novel

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Can't Let You Go: A Wheeler Brothers Novel Page 29

by Allie Everhart

  "You took too long," Bryce says, his arms wrapping around my waist. "I had to get in here."

  "I've been in here like two minutes." I try to turn around to face him but he holds me in place, pinning me to his body.

  His mouth lowers to my neck and my head falls to the side as he drags his wet lips along my skin. His hand slides down between my legs, and my breath hitches as his finger dips inside me. He keeps me in a tight hold as his other hand cups my breast, his thumb circling my nipple.

  "Bryce." I'm panting, my muscles tightening, ready for the release. He continues, until my body explodes with pleasure. It pours through me; through my core, my arms, my legs.

  He turns me around and lifts me up against the wall and plants his mouth over mine. He thrusts into me and I grab onto his muscular arms, which seem even bigger as he flexes to hold me up. God, he turns me on. Everything about him turns me on.

  His mouth lowers to my breast, his tongue flicking my nipple. He thrusts harder, and as I feel myself getting close, I lift his face back to mine and kiss him, our tongues tangling in the same frantic pace as his hips. And then it comes over me again, that powerful, amazing feeling that I've only experienced with Bryce.

  "Fuck," he groans, gripping my ass as he thrusts into me one last time, his body shuddering from his release. He rests his head against the shower wall as he breathes. And then he pulls out of me and lowers me to the floor.

  "You were right," I say. "We really needed a shower."

  He kisses me. "And now we need to go to bed."

  "It's only six o'clock."

  "You know I don't mean to sleep."

  I smile and hurry out of the shower to dry off.

  After some time in bed, we get dressed and make our way to the kitchen to find something to eat.

  "How hungry are you?" he asks, opening the fridge.


  "Me too. Guess we got our appetites back." He closes the fridge. "I don't have much. Do you want to just go out?"

  "Sure. I just need to dry my hair. I'll be right back."

  He goes in the living room to watch TV while I get ready. I can't believe how great I feel right now. I was so miserable all week, thinking I'd have to move and take a job I didn't want. But now? I feel lighter, happier, and excited about the future. I don't even have a job and yet I'm excited about the future. That just tells me I made the right decision.

  When I'm ready to go, I come out of the bedroom, but stop in the hall when I hear Bryce talking to someone.

  "You need to leave," Bryce says.

  "Have you talked to her?" It's my mom. What is she doing here?

  "Yeah. I told you, your attempt to break us up didn't work."

  "It won't last. You'll never be with Jen. I'll make sure of it."

  "By doing what? You have nothing left to tell her. I already told her everything."

  "I'll find a way to get her to leave you. Jen will believe me over you. She'll believe anything I tell her."

  "Then go ahead and try. I'm done worrying about you, Rita."

  I'm about to go in there, but stop when I see my mom handing Bryce a shopping bag.

  "Since she won't come to the house," my mom says, "can you give this to her?"

  "What is it?"

  "Just some things of mine I thought she might like."

  He reaches in the bag and takes out the ladybug figurine my mom used to keep on the living room table.

  "I'm pretty sure she doesn't want this," he says, dropping it in the bag. "Or any of this. Why would you give her this stuff?"

  "Those things are worth money. She can sell them."

  "Since when do you give Jen money?"

  She huffs. "Despite what you think, I'm a good mother. I raised that girl on my own, and now look at her. She's in college."

  "My parents raised her. That's why she's in college. It had nothing to do with you. You were at the bar or hanging out with some guy."

  "Don't judge me. You think you're better than me? You're just some stupid kid who doesn't deserve my daughter." She glares at him. "I never liked you, but now I hate you."

  "Sorry to hear that Rita." He opens the door. "But honestly I don't care what you think of me. Get out of here. And don't come back here again."

  She looks at him, then down at the bag in his hand and smiles slightly. "Have a good night, Bryce."

  Something's going on here. Something isn't right. Why did my mom come here? And why did she give Bryce that bag? I told my mom I'd stop by and see her tomorrow. She didn't need to bring that stuff to Bryce. So why did she do it?

  She said whatever's in that bag is valuable.

  Shit! I race out to the living room and grab the bag from Bryce.

  "What are you doing?" he asks, confused.

  "Mom!" I run out into the hall and see her waiting for the elevator.

  "Jen. I didn't know you were here." She sees the bag in my hand and her guilty expression confirms what I thought.

  "Take the bag." I shove it at her.

  "Jen, sweetie, I wanted you to—"

  "Take it!" I hold the bag in front of her face.

  She snatches it from me. "Don't you dare yell at me! You show your mama some respect, you hear me?"

  "What's going on?" Bryce asks, appearing beside me.

  "My mom was setting you up," I say, keeping my eyes on her.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "It's one of her scams. She's done it before. If a guy pisses her off, she'll leave stuff behind at his house or in his car. It's always things that are valuable. Jewelry. Watches. Jeweled trinkets." I point to the bag she's holding. "And then she calls the cops and tells them the guy stole from her." I turn to Bryce. "That's what she was going to do to you."

  My mom laughs. "You have such an imagination."

  I whip back around to face her. "I'm done with you, Mom. I'm seriously done. I put up with the way you treat me because I love you and feel sorry for you, but I'm done. Doing this to Bryce was the last straw. Almost getting him arrested? Just because you don't like him? You seriously need help."

  "I was doing it for you," she snaps. "You're graduating college. You have a future. You really want to spend it with some construction worker? You can do better than that."

  "Just go." I reach across her and push the elevator button. "And don't bother calling me because I'm not going to answer. And I'm not coming over. I'm not buying your groceries or your cigarettes or your liquor, and I'm not picking you up at the bar. I tried so many times to have a relationship with you but you never wanted one. So this is over. I'm done. Goodbye."

  I storm down the hall back to Bryce's apartment.

  "Fine," I hear my mom yell. "Go ahead and be with him if that's what you want. See if I care."

  When I turn back around she's gone.

  Bryce catches up to me and we go in his apartment.

  "I'm really sorry," I say to Bryce. I'm so angry I'm shaking.

  He hugs me into his chest. "Just relax, okay?"

  "I can't relax. I'm too angry. I can't believe she almost did that to you. If she'd had you arrested, no one would ever hire you again. Homeowners would think you're a thief and wouldn't want you at their house. She would've destroyed your career. Maybe even harmed your dad's company."

  "But it didn't happen. So let's not let it ruin our night."

  "It's already ruined. She—"

  "No." He backs away and looks me in the eye. "It's not ruined. We're not letting your mom do that to us. This has been a great day. And aside from Rita, a great night. So don't let her ruin it."


  "Jen." He gets a stern look on his face. "One more word about your mom and I'm never buying you Oreos again."

  I huff. "That's not fair."

  "Agree to it. No more talking about your mom."

  I half-smile. "Okay."

  "Good." He kisses me. "So for dinner, I'm taking you someplace nice. I got another big bonus for that house addition." He grins. "You know why?"

>   "Why?"

  "The homeowners were so happy with the job, they're telling all their friends. I already got five more referrals to follow-up on."

  I hug him. "Bryce, that's great! I'm so proud of you."

  "Let's get out of here before I drag you to the bedroom again." He takes my hand as we walk to the door.

  I smile at him. "But you're dragging me there later, right?"

  He chuckles. "I might carry you instead of dragging you, but yeah. We'll make it there one way or another."


  One Month Later


  "To graduating with honors and getting a job," Mitch says, holding up his glass of champagne. "Congratulations, Jen."

  "Thanks." We clink glasses.

  "Congratulations!" everyone says at once, followed by more clinking of glasses.

  We're all at the Wheeler house for my graduation party; Mitch, Austin, Nash and Callie, Jake and Ivy. We're sitting at the dining room table, and Bryce is next to me, holding my hand and smiling at me. He's been smiling all day; when he saw me in my cap and gown, then during the graduation ceremony, and now, at my party. He's so proud of me, and I'm proud of him. We're both moving forward with our careers and our lives and the best thing is, we're doing it together.

  "When does the job start?" Jake asks me.

  "A week from Monday."

  "Are you excited?" Ivy asks.

  "I'm a little nervous, but yeah, I'm excited." I move closer to Bryce as he puts his arm around me.

  "She's gonna do great." He kisses my head and I look up at him and smile and wonder why I ever even considered leaving. This is where I belong. Here, with Bryce, and his family and all our friends.

  I ended up getting a job at the other company I interviewed for that paper I wrote. It's a company on the west side of Chicago that makes potato chips and other snack foods. I called them up the same week I was considering taking the job in Denver to see if they read my paper. They said they didn't remember ever getting it, so I sent them a copy, then followed up with them a few days later. They liked the analysis I did of their current accounting system, and while we were on the phone, I offered up some ideas on how to make their current system more efficient. They were impressed at how much thought I'd put into it and agreed to let me come in for an informational interview.

  The interview went well and I really liked the environment. It's a family-owned company so didn't have that cold, corporate feel of the company in Denver. Everyone there was really friendly and they weren't racing around and talking really fast like the people at the Denver company. It was a much calmer environment and made me feel at ease.

  The only problem is they didn't have any openings in the accounting department. But they offered to let me intern there for the summer, and if all goes well, they'll hire me for a permanent position in the fall. The company has been steadily growing the past few years so they were already planning to add additional staff later this year, which I never would've known if I hadn't contacted them.

  It took guts to put myself out there like that and call them up, knowing they didn't have any job openings, but I took the initiative and it paid off. Just like giving Bryce a second chance paid off. He hasn't even attempted to distance himself from me like he did last time. He's committed to this, just like he told me. In fact, he's even mentioned marrying me someday. It was just in passing, while we were walking by a jewelry store at the mall. He asked if I liked any of the engagement rings. I pointed one out and he saw the price and said, "Shit. I better get some more bonuses." I laughed, but I think he was serious. I think we might have a real future together. I shouldn't be surprised by that. Deep down, Bryce and I always knew we belonged together. It just took us a while to get here.

  "Sounds like a good job," Nash says as we eat our cake. Callie made the cake. It's her new thing. Making cakes and decorating them. She says it helps her de-stress from her classes.

  "It's exactly what I wanted," I say. "I like what I'll be doing. I like the people I'll be working with. The offices are nice."

  "You really lucked out," Callie says.

  Austin chuckles. "Too bad you're stuck living with Bryce."

  Bryce smiles and throws his napkin at him. "Shut up, idiot."

  "It's just for the summer." I lean over and kiss Bryce's cheek.

  "And the fall." He kisses me back, on the lips. "And the winter. Spring."

  I laugh. "Yeah. I get the point."

  My lease runs out at the end of the month so I'm moving in with Bryce for the summer. He wants the move to be permanent, but I keep saying I'll get my own place in the fall. But I probably won't. I'll like living with Bryce too much to leave. And besides, even if I had my own place, I'd be over at his all the time anyway.

  As we're finishing the cake and everyone's talking, I check my phone. I thought my mom might call or text me to congratulate me on graduating, but she didn't. I haven't heard from her since that day at Bryce's apartment. After that happened, I sent her a note saying I was sorry I yelled at her but that I couldn't have a relationship with her if she was going to keep trying to destroy Bryce or break us apart. I never heard back.

  I sent her a graduation announcement and a ticket to the ceremony, but she didn't show up. So I guess that means we're done. She wants nothing to do with me, and maybe that's for the best. She never wanted me. And now, she can go on with her life without me. I've come to accept that and be okay with it. I don't need her in my life. I have another family. The Wheeler family. And they're all I need.


  "You ready for your graduation gift?" I ask Jen.

  "You already gave me a gift." She holds out the necklace I gave her; a silver chain with the letter J hanging from it. She always wanted a necklace with her initial but I could never afford to buy her one, at least not a nice one like I wanted her to have. But now I have money so I got her one in sterling silver that has little diamonds along the J. She loves it and said she'll wear it every day.

  "Let's go outside," I say to Jen, getting up from the table.

  "Where are you guys going?" Jake asks. "The party just started."

  "I have to give her her gift," I say, "and I don't want a damn audience."

  "Let me guess," Austin says. "Another tattoo? Nothing says love like a tattoo." He laughs.

  Nash shakes his head. "Do not tell me you got another tattoo. You can come up with a better gift than that."

  I roll my eyes. "This is why I don't want an audience. We'll be right back." I lead Jen out to the back patio.

  "So is that what it is?" Jen asks. "Did you get another tattoo?"

  "No. But I thought about it. I thought of getting one with our initials but...well, I wasn't sure I wanted that on my body."

  She looks hurt. "Why not?"

  "Think about it."

  She laughs. "BJ. Yeah, it's probably good you didn't get that."

  "I think you'll like this gift better." I settle my arms around her waist.

  "What is it?" She looks up at me with that big smile she's had on her face ever since she turned down that job.

  Jen is so happy now, and I love seeing her like this. I know some of her happiness is because of me, and because we're together, but I know it's also because she got a job and is no longer talking to her mom. Things are going really well for her, and for us.

  "I'm taking you to see the ocean," I tell her.

  "Wait—what?" Her eyes get wide. "Are you serious?"

  "Already got the tickets. We leave tomorrow. We're going to Florida for five days. Our first real vacation. We're gonna hang out on the beach, then go to the Orlando parks and ride every ride they got, even the kid rides."

  She stares at me, like she can't believe what I just said. Then it hits her and her eyes widen. "Oh my God! We're going to Florida? We're really going?"

  "I told you it'd be my graduation gift. I was just hoping you'd forget so it'd be a surprise."

  "I didn't think you'd really do it."

  "Well, I did. I keep my word." I lean down to her ear. "And I get to see you in a bikini, so that's an added bonus for me."

  "I can't believe this! Thank you!" She brings my face to hers and kisses me. "I love you, Bryce. I've loved you since the day I met you and you gave me that dandelion."

  I laugh. "I was such an idiot. I didn't know it was a weed."

  "I didn't care. I thought it was so sweet of you to give it to me." She wraps her hands behind my neck and looks up at me. "A part of me fell in love with you that day."

  "All of me fell in love with you that day. I just didn't know it was love."

  "Then how do you know it was?"

  "Why else would I hang out with some girl? You didn't even play football. And you didn't have any race cars. Love is the only explanation that makes sense." I smile, but then get serious again and fix my eyes on hers. "I'm just sorry it took me so long to tell you."

  "Better late than never." She smiles, and I kiss those beautiful lips of hers.

  I'm so damn thankful she forgave me for all those years I pushed her away. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and I'm sure I'll make many more. But not when it comes to this. Jen and me. Letting her go four years ago was the biggest mistake of my life and I'll never make it again.

  "You guys ever coming back in?" Austin yells from the kitchen. "Or are you just gonna stay out there and make out all freaking day?"

  I sigh and say to Jen, "You know that being with me means you're stuck with my family, right? It's kind of a package deal."

  She laughs. "I love your family. Let's go inside."

  We meet everyone back in the living room. There's a pile of gifts on the coffee table and everyone's sitting there waiting for Jen to open them. I was just kidding when I said she was stuck with my family. I know she loves them. And they love her. She's always been part of our family.

  And someday, she'll officially be part of it. Because someday...I'm going to marry that girl.

  From the Author

  Want to read more about the Wheeler boys? Austin's story is next. And if you liked Bryce and Jen's story, please tell a friend and leave a review.


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