Red Carpet Kiss

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Red Carpet Kiss Page 20

by Melissa Brown

  “Dinner tonight? Just you and me?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Elle placed a kiss on the top of Whitney’s head. “It’s gonna be okay.”

  But deep in the pit of her stomach she knew the repercussions from Gina’s discovery would be just around the corner. It was just a matter of time before they reared their ugly heads.

  “Start from the beginning.”

  Elle and Whitney were tucked into a quiet corner of a local French bistro, their favorite place to talk over delectable food and cocktails. Sipping martinis and nibbling on a favorite appetizer, black mussels poulette, Whitney was ready to discuss her relationship with Nolan.

  “You know it happened once this spring and it was seriously no big deal, but this time it was different. He was pursuing me, like really working at it. So we started seeing each other a few times a week.”

  “Mostly in your office?” Elle gritted her teeth as she asked the question. She had no intention of being snarky, but she herself knew of two occasions when they’d been inappropriate in Whitney’s office.

  Whitney polished off her martini, wiping her lips with the back of her hand. “I’m sure it must seem that way, but there was more to it.”

  Elle gestured for the waiter, pointing at Whitney’s empty glass. He nodded and stepped behind the bar to prepare another martini. Elle leaned in. “When did things start up again?”

  “A month ago, I think . . . it was right after Mac the bartender.”

  “Gotcha. So did he take you out?”

  “Not really. We met up at his place and mine, usually. I thought nothing of it—I thought we were just being careful. Gina’s already a pain in the ass, we didn’t want to poke the bear. The last thing I wanted was for her to take things out on you.”

  “I appreciate that, but I’m a big girl. I can handle her.”

  The waiter arrived with two fresh drinks. Elle quickly downed the rest of her martini and placed it on his empty tray. “Keep ’em coming.”

  “Not that it matters, anyway. He’s just another cheating asshole.” Whitney’s fingers pressed against the rim of the glass. She stared down at the white tablecloth, so forlorn that Elle, for the first time, was worried about Whitney’s heart. The heart she’d always admired—the one that was impervious to men and their antics. But watching her stare down at the cloth, her eyes red and puffy, her lips trembling, Elle realized she and her best friend had more in common than she’d once thought.

  “How long do you think he was seeing her?”

  “Who the hell knows? He’s never getting into my pants again, that’s for freaking sure.” Whitney cleared her throat, took a large sip of her martini, and dug her elbow into the table, perching her chin on her palm. “Please change the subject. I need a distraction like immediately.”

  “Okay,” Elle said with a laugh, searching her brain for something, other than men, to discuss. “The table read went well, despite Gina not being there.”

  Whitney rolled her eyes in exasperation. “I don’t want to talk about her. Tell me about Luke . . . or Vegas. Distract me, I’m begging you.”

  Elle put her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. I’m at a loss when it comes to them. Luke is renting a place in the Palisades and—”

  “Oh wow, that’s exciting for him.”

  Elle nodded, looking down at her drink. “It is.”

  “You’re still worried about him, huh? Afraid his head’ll get too big or something?”

  “Can you blame me? God, look at Nolan. Can you honestly say stardom hasn’t gone to his head? When we first met him, he was an unknown, now he’s leaving for movie roles, he’s cheating on you, he’s a freaking mess.”

  “Luke and Nolan are totally different people and you know it.”

  “For now.” Elle shook her head. “Who’s to say Luke won’t change the longer he’s in the limelight?”

  “True, there’s no way of knowing.”

  “Besides, it’s not all about that. Troy has a lot to do with my current state of mind.”

  “I’m sure.” Whitney nodded. “You two have so much baggage, it’s intimidating.”

  “I know, and it seems like every time we try to leave it all in the past, it comes creeping forward and we get into some stupid fight.”

  “Do you think you can get past it?”

  “I thought so . . . until he told me that Amanda Bauer is Payton’s mother. Now that’s all I can think about.”

  “Who’s Amanda?”

  “A girl he dated in college. I couldn’t stand her. Every time I screwed up, he went back to her. And I think he did it to hurt me.”

  Whitney recoiled. “Well, that’s odd.”

  “It’s a pattern. His pattern, and it’s awful.” Elle sighed. “If there was ever something that would hurt me, it was this. He went back to her after Vegas. He went back to her again.”

  “And you don’t think you can get past it?”

  “In time, maybe. But I’m not sure about him. That’s the problem.”

  “Forgive me for saying this, but . . . who’s to say he won’t walk away again?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He didn’t fight for you—you tried, you tried to get him back. You practically begged, and he shut you out. Who’s to say he won’t do that all over again?”

  “Whit, I asked for an annulment. I devastated him, wrecked him completely.”

  “I know, but the fact he wouldn’t see you, wouldn’t talk to you . . . nothing. It pisses me off. If you truly love someone, you have to forgive them, not run off and have sex and a child with your ex.”

  Elle shook her head, gritting her teeth. “He said it was just a rebound. She’s married now and they’re just friends. What I did was unforgivable, Whit.”

  “To him, yes. But the right guy would fight for you, forgive you for your mistakes, and try to move past everything. Not disappear for ten years. And I think you know it.”

  A distinct pain developed in Elle’s gut. “I miss him. God, I’ve missed having him in my life. Before we were together, we were friends—the best of friends. And then, nothing. It was like he wiped away his existence from my life. This may sound silly, but I had to mourn him . . . almost as if he died.”

  “That’s not silly at all. It’s the truth.”

  “And now, I have this opportunity to fix things, to start again. It’s exhilarating . . . and terrifying.”

  “Because you’re afraid he’ll disappear again, that he’ll shut you out.”

  Elle chugged the rest of her martini. “Yeah, I guess. I can’t lose him again, Whit. A part of me died the day I lost him. If another part of me goes, I don’t know where I’ll be. I really don’t.”

  “You can’t be with him just because you’re afraid.”

  “That’s not all, there’s still something there. When I’m near him, my heart skips a beat, my stomach flutters.”

  “Forgive my honesty, Ellie, but I’m not sure he deserves you. I’ll support whatever you choose, you know that. But your happiness . . . and I mean actual, honest-to-goodness happiness: the loving-life, batshit-crazy-in-love kinda happiness—that’s what I want for you. And I’m not sure that exists with him . . . or if it ever did.”

  “Stop. Please, just . . . I can’t.” Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes and she felt herself building a wall between herself and Whitney. She didn’t want to hear it—any of it. “You don’t know him. You only know my pain.”

  “That’s true. I’m sorry, I’ll stop.”

  “Thank you,” Elle whispered, wiping her eyes with her cloth napkin. “Listen, I’ll take care of the check, but I should get home. Big day tomorrow.”

  “Ellie, honey, don’t go.”

  Elle stood, placed her purse on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, but I have to. Should I call you a cab?”

  “No.” Whitney leaned back in the booth. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Great. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yep.” Whitney wouldn’t mak
e eye contact, but Elle was fine with that. She couldn’t handle Whitney’s skepticism regarding Troy and she needed the solitude of her home to calm her down. Maybe the morning would bring clarity, but until then, she needed to be alone and far away from Whitney’s judgment.

  I can’t believe you know how to do this,” Elle remarked, leaning against the granite countertop of Luke’s new kitchen. She sipped from her glass of white wine as the Rolling Stones played quietly from Luke’s iPod.

  “You’ve never made your own sushi before?”

  Elle shook her head. “I’ve always left it to the professionals. But you’re looking pretty skilled there.”

  Luke smiled and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand before returning his hands to the bamboo mat. “I had this part in a pilot, they taught us there.”

  “What was the role?”

  “The whole show was set in a sushi bar. I played this buffoon whose dream was to be a sushi chef. I know it’s shocking the show didn’t get picked up, huh?” Luke shook his head with a laugh as he scooped a ball of rice with his hands, placing it in the center of the nori square. “Wanna try?”

  “I don’t know. You seem to be doing a great job and—”

  “C’mon, I’ll teach you. We’ll do it together.”

  Elle lifted an eyebrow, placed her glass on the counter, and nestled herself between him and the kitchen island. Luke encircled her with his arms, his chin resting on her shoulder as he guided her hands.

  “First, we have to press the rice down so it covers the nori.” Together, they pressed the rice into the thin square of seaweed. Luke hummed into her ear as they worked. Elle couldn’t make out the song, but the contented tone of the melody made her smile with satisfaction.

  “Next, we need our fish. I already cut the salmon into strips. So take one of the strips and lay it horizontally.”

  She placed a long piece of fish atop the rice. “Like this?”

  “Yep, you’re a natural. Now add some cucumber strips, only two or three.”

  “Got it.” Elle placed the vegetables next to the salmon. “Can we roll it now?”

  “Okay, we’re gonna use the closer edge of the rolling mat. We have to close on the filling with the nori making a rectangular-shaped hill, then we tighten it from above.”

  Luke’s already deep voice dropped an octave as he instructed Elle on how to construct the sushi. “Keep it tight, with every move.”

  Elle giggled, removing her hand from the sushi and placing it against her mouth.

  “What’s so funny?” Luke kept his grip on the partially rolled sushi, but tilted his head to peer into Elle’s eyes.

  “Sorry, it just . . . it was starting to sound a little naughty.”

  “Elle Riley has a dirty mind, huh? I can certainly use that to my advantage.”

  “I’m sure you can. Seriously, though, you have this effect on me every time I’m with you . . .”

  “And what’s that?”

  “I can’t explain it—it’s like, when I’m with you, I’m lighthearted, almost free-spirited. I’ve never been like that before.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “It’s true, unfortunately. Not even as a kid. But you . . . you’re changing me.” Elle returned her hand to the maki, assisting Luke as they finished pulling the bamboo mat tight, rolling one last time. When the roll was secure, she lifted her hands and turned to face him. “Like right now, I have this urge to just . . .” She bit down on her lip, narrowing her eyes.

  “This should be interesting.” Luke smirked, but there was more to that expression. His eyes darkened and his fingers gripped her hips, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. That thought caused a chill to run down her spine. Luke licked his lips and tipped his chin toward her. “Finish your sentence.”

  “To jump up on the counter and seduce you right here, right now. Sushi be damned.”

  Luke’s eyes widened and his mouth was agape. Without another word, he pushed the cutting board and fresh rolled sushi to the side. His hands gripped Elle’s ass, hoisting her up on the island. She gasped as the cool countertop caused goose bumps to rise on her thighs. Luke’s eyes darkened and his hands gripped her ponytail, pulling slightly as he took her mouth with his own.

  Immediately Elle deepened the kiss, her tongue stroking his as her arms wrapped around his muscular back, pulling him closer. His woodsy scent tickled her senses and turned her on. She loved that smell. The soothing and intoxicating smell of Luke.

  Luke pulled away slightly, a low growl escaping his lips as he pressed his forehead to Elle’s shoulder.

  “Listen, I have an idea . . .” he said.

  Elle snickered, repeating the words he used earlier. “This should be interesting.”

  “Let’s enjoy our meal, and then I’ll surprise you.”

  Elle removed the already-prepared sushi rolls from the fridge as Luke ran his knife under the tap and cut the final maki roll into bite-sized pieces. Together, they sat at Luke’s new dining room table, sharing the rolls and sipping wine.

  “You know, as much as you’re affecting me, I think I’m doing the same to you,” Elle said.

  “Why do you say that?” Luke poured Elle another glass, then ran his fingers through his hair, sitting back in his chair.

  Elle tilted her head back toward the kitchen island. “You chose sushi over sex. That was a very type A personality thing to do, ya know.”

  Luke brushed her insinuation off with a shrug. “That’s because I have other plans for you.”

  “Oh, really? I can’t wait to hear this.”

  Luke popped a piece of sushi into his mouth, and wiggled his eyebrows. “You’ll just have to wait and see. C’mon, let’s eat.”

  Both grinning from ear to ear, they sat next to one another at the table, Luke’s hand affixed to Elle’s thigh while his other hand mastered the chopsticks. With each passing minute, his fingers traveled further and further up her skirt. The strokes of his fingers against her skin drove her wild, and despite the delicious fresh taste of the sushi, she wished the meal would end. She had to know what his plans were. The suspense was killing her in the most delectable way as his fingers reached the lace of her panties.

  “What are you doing?” Elle whispered, arousal filling her from head to toe.

  “Just giving you a taste of what’s to come.”

  With determination and purpose, Elle placed her chopsticks across her porcelain plate. “I’m not hungry anymore.”

  Luke chuckled, looking down at Elle’s plate. Several pieces of sushi remained, but Elle didn’t care. She was no longer hungry for sushi, no matter how delicious it was. She wanted Luke, only Luke.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely certain.”

  Luke dabbed his mouth with the end of his napkin before dropping it on the hard wood of the table. “All right. Come with me.”

  Elle rose to her feet, placing her hand in his. They walked outside to the deck. The sky was dark and stars shone brightly over the crashing waves of the ocean. Luke tipped his head toward the shore.

  “Care for a swim?”

  “Are you kidding? We’ll freeze! Plus, isn’t it a little late for swimming?”

  “Baby, we’re in California . . . it’s never too late for a swim. I’ll keep you warm. What do you say?”

  Elle kissed Luke’s chiseled jaw. “Let’s do it.”

  But then she remembered. Her nose wrinkled. “I didn’t bring a suit.”

  Luke leaned in, his warm lips brushing against her ear. “You don’t need one.”

  “Are you serious?”


  “I don’t know . . .” Elle glanced around the deck, searching for any innocent bystanders. She wasn’t sure she had the guts to walk across the beach as naked as the day she was born. She was proud of her body—she ate right and worked out several times a week. But still . . . skinny-dipping was nothing she ever considered doing, even with Luke.

  Elle could feel Luke’s fing
ers pulling her blouse from underneath the waistline of her pencil skirt. The tips of his fingers tickled her belly as he dragged them against her bare skin.

  “I can’t imagine anything more beautiful than you naked in the moonlight.”

  Normally, Elle would overanalyze this situation. She’d grill Luke about the presence of his neighbors: their ages, their evening activities. She’d request a towel to cover herself while walking down to the water. But there was something about Luke that silenced her questioning, hesitant nature. Something stirred within her, and she realized she wanted nothing more than to jump in the ocean with Luke, to feel the crashing of the waves against her skin, and to feel the heat of Luke’s body against her as they immersed themselves in the brisk water.

  “You convinced me.”

  Elle kissed Luke as her hands joined his at removing her blouse. Without hesitation, she pulled it over her head and tossed it to the side. Luke stripped himself of his clothes while Elle removed her skirt, panties, and finally her bra. Together, they stood naked below the moonlight.

  “I knew it.” Luke pulled her close. Her nipples rose to meet the muscles of his chest. “Nothing more beautiful.”

  “Race ya!” Elle whooped into the night air, her palm smacking the taut muscles of his right butt cheek. Luke laughed and she could hear him following close behind her as her feet met the sand. The grainy texture dug at the bottoms of her feet until she reached the base of the shore. The sand turned cool, wet, and thick and her toes dug into the ever-stretching expanse of gritty earth.

  Rather than simply dip her toes into the frosty water, Elle crashed into it with force, submerging herself in the invigorating waves spilling against the shore. Luke dove into the next wave. He rose from the water, his chest glistening as he ran his fingers through his drenched hair.

  “Wow, it’s cold.”

  “It feels amazing, don’t you think?”

  Elle dunked her hair into the water, taming the crazy strands pasted to her forehead. The water soothed her tresses, making them silky smooth against her fingertips.

  “Now that you have me here,” she said with a smile, “and no one’s around . . .”


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