Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend

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Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend Page 1

by Hobbes, Amelia

  Diapered by my Mom’s Lesbian Best Friend

  By Amelia Hobbes

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1 - Amber

  Chapter 2 - Amber

  Chapter 3 - Evelyn

  Chapter 4 - Amber

  Chapter 5 - Amber

  Chapter 6 - Evelyn

  Chapter 7 - Amber

  Chapter 8 - Evelyn

  Chapter 9 - Amber

  Chapter 10 - Evelyn

  Chapter 11 - Evelyn

  Chapter 12 - Amber

  Chapter 13 - Evelyn

  Chapter 14 - Amber

  Chapter 15 - Evelyn

  Chapter 16 - Amber

  Chapter 17 - Evelyn

  Chapter 18 - Amber

  Chapter 19 - Evelyn

  Epilogue - Amber

  Chapter 1 - Amber

  For as long as she could remember, Amber Davis had fantasized about being put back into diapers and treated like a baby.

  When she was younger, she'd enviously eye her younger cousins diapers on the changing table, wanting them for her own. Sometimes when she felt bold, Amber would swipe one or two, but even as a kid they never really fit her.

  Until the last few years of high school, Amber would go to bed every night hoping she would wake up wet, and maybe her Mom would put her into diapers like happened in so many stories online. She'd even been tempted to wet on purpose, but never got the courage to.

  Now she was older, Amber was glad she hadn't done that. Things didn't work out in real life the same way they did in TBDL stories on the internet.... She could have been sent to all kinds of doctors to try and fix a problem she didn't have.

  So Amber filled the gap with pictures and stories, and online roleplays, until the day she finally got the courage to buy her own diapers for real.

  Today was that day - at least Amber hoped it was. She'd been planning this trip to the store for weeks, with the help of her best ABDL friend, a trans girl named Kiki. Kiki lived in New York, with three other girls - but she had her own space and could wear diapers any time she wanted.

  "It's not a big deal," she'd told Amber on the phone, several times. "Just walk in, pick them up, and buy them. Nobody will even notice."

  It had taken many conversations to convince Amber that nobody would care what she was buying, but even now she was trembling as she walked through the sliding automatic doors of SmartMart.

  Biting her lip, Amber quickly fired off a message to Kiki, who'd asked Amber to keep her updated.

  LilBabyAmber: at the store

  LilBabyAmber: your sure the cashier isn't going 2 laugh at me? >//<

  While she waited for a response, Amber started walking down the aisles, pretending she was browsing. The smell of freon filled her nostrils, the other shoppers walking around calmly while her own heart pounded a mile a minute.

  At last, her phone buzzed, and she quickly flicked upwards on the screen with her thumb, opening her new message.

  PastelPunkKiKi: lol yes! I used 2 work retail remember... trust me, they wont care.

  PastelPunkKiki: Use the self checkout if ur scared :3

  PastelPunkKiki : let me know when you find the diapers

  Amber groaned. She knew it was true, but she was so nervous about finally buying diapers it was hard to forget nobody else knew her pulse was pounding in her throat just approaching the incontinence aisle.

  She took the longest possible route around the store, crossing back on herself several times as she tried to steel herself enough to actually go towards the adult diapers. At last, when nobody else was around, Amber darted into the aisle, heart banging like a drum in her ears.

  Her palms were clammy with cold sweat as she walked quickly past the tampons and pads, ignoring them. Amber slowed as she saw the smaller packets of incontinence pads give way to larger bags, until eventually she was stopped in front of the first pack of adult briefs she saw.

  Amber took a moment to send a message to Kiki, letting her know she'd found the diapers. Amber was glad to have a friend to talk to while she did this - not only was it encouraging, but she thought maybe if somebody saw her on her phone, they'd assume she was checking a list of some kind, rather than buying the diapers for herself.

  "Whoa," Amber said under her breath as she grabbed the handle of the packet of diapers, heaving it up under her arm. "These are heavier than I thought they'd be."

  As she walked, Amber felt her phone buzz in her pocket, ignoring it to focus on carrying her prize towards the check-out. This was the most nerve-wracking part of her mission, as she traveled right through the store carrying a bulky pack of diapers that there was no way to hide.

  Amber walked as quickly as possible, keeping her eyes fixed ahead. She was afraid, but also exhilarated - she couldn't believe she was finally going to get to wear diapers for real. She blushed, imagining what they'd feel like, the sound of the crinkle, how cute she'd look... Even what it would be like to wet in them.

  As she approached the self-service check-out, Amber felt the giddy rush of knowing she was almost home free. She just had to pay, and then she could walk out, taking her diapers home and celebrating in style by padding up for the first ever time.

  The pack of diapers made a loud *thump * sound as Amber dropped them on the scanner. Quickly, she pressed the button to 'start scanning objects', unable to keep a small smile off of her face as she grabbed the pack, turning it so the barcode faced the scanner...

  Nothing happened.

  Frowning, Amber tried again, carefully angling the back towards the red laser-light looking for a barcode.

  As soon as the machine read the code, it began to beep loudly, the red light on top flashing.

  'ASSISTANCE NEEDED - CONTACT MEMBER OF STAFF' the screen read, and Amber squeaked, terrified, as she smashed the 'OK' button, hoping it would stop the noise.

  Several people turned around to see what was happening as Amber frantically tried to back out of the transaction, pushing the diapers off of the scanner. Instead of canceling her purchase, the machine told her she needed assistance again, and that somebody would be with her soon - all the while Amber wanted nothing more than to just run out of the door and leave the diapers behind.

  Amber whimpered, feeling eyes on her as the red light flashed and the alarm beeped irritatingly. She swore she could hear somebody whispering and giggling behind her.

  Tears stung her eyes as her cheeks burned bright red, humiliated in the least fun way possible... And knowing she had to wait here for another human being to come along and see what she was trying to purchase.

  Wishing she was anywhere else, Amber slid her hand into her pocket, nervously fiddling with her phone and debit card. Once the staff member came over to help her, Amber swore she would never come back to this store again.

  Amber was just thinking maybe she should bail completely and pretend she had nothing to do with the noisy self-checkout, when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

  Turning around without even thinking, Amber came face to face with the employee who'd been sent over.

  Amber's eyes went wide and she swore her heart stopped beating for just a moment. If Amber had thought the situation was embarrassing before, it just got about a million times worse - because she knew the employee helping her.

  "Oh hey there, Amber," said Evelyn Wood, close friends with Amber's mother, and manager of the SmartMart Amber was currently standing in. "Let me just sort this out for you, hm?"

  "Um, that's, I... Okay," Amber said, whimpering defeatedly.

  She knew there was nothing else she could say to stop the trainwreck in progress. Silently, Amber prayed for a comet to hit the store and wipe out all life before Evel
yn noticed what she was trying to buy.

  "Alright, well, it looks like you were trying to buy..." Evelyn hesitated for a moment, her finger hovering over the transaction button. "Oh..."

  Amber cringed.

  "Adult diapers," Evelyn continued, her own cheeks slightly pink. "Is... Are these them?"

  She lifted the bag up from the floor where Amber had pushed them down, vainly trying to hide them. Ashamed, Amber nodded curtly, just wanting to leave.

  To her humiliation, Evelyn didn't just cancel the transaction. She picked up the bag and flipped it around in her hands, looking closely at the packaging. If Amber didn't know better, she'd swear Evelyn was doing this to taunt her.

  "Do you need these?" Evelyn asked with a small frown. "Are these for you?"

  "Um," Amber swallowed, mind racing as she tried to think of what to say. If Amber told Evelyn she was buying them for an elderly relative, Evelyn would definitely talk to her mother about it... Which left only one choice:

  "Yes, they're for me," Amber said in a squeaky voice, wishing the ground would swallow her up. "I... I need them."

  You could have heard a pin drop in the next few seconds... Before Evelyn 'tsk'ed and turned around, keying in a product code. She scanned some kind of pass, and the transaction went through - the diapers had been paid for.

  "It's not right you should have to pay for these out of your own money," Evelyn said, tucking the bag under her arm. "...Come on, follow me to my office and we can talk."

  Swallowing, Amber obediently followed along behind the older woman, her heart still in her throat.


  "How long have you been having issues, Amber?"

  Evelyn had led Amber to her office, and now they sat opposite each other, Evelyn having wheeled her chair out from behind her desk to be closer to Amber.

  Amber herself was flushed bright red, heart pounding like a hummingbird's. All she could think about was saying the right thing to get out of here as soon as possible.

  "Um. A while?" she finally offered, and Evelyn nodded sympathetically.

  "Is it a night time problem?" Evelyn asked. "I know a lot of girls who were still wetting the bed into their teens."

  Shyly, Amber nodded. She felt guilty lying, but obviously there was no way she could tell Evelyn the truth - that she wanted to wear diapers for fun.

  "You poor thing," Evelyn said, reaching out and putting her hand on Amber's shoulder. "That must be very hard to deal with... And that humiliation at the check out! I'm so sorry about that."

  "It's okay, Ms. Wood," Amber mumbled. "It isn't your fault..."

  "Still, I don't feel good about it," Evelyn continued, with a frown. "...Tell you what: from now on, whenever you need a new pack, you can pick them up at my office. You won't need to go through the ordeal of buying them in the store again."

  Amber wasn't sure how to respond, still reeling from being caught by her Mom's friend and the lies she was having to tell. Luckily Evelyn didn't seem to notice, continuing to talk as Amber sat there in a daze.

  "Now, let me put these in a bag for you so nobody can see what's inside," Evelyn said, lifting the pack of diapers upwards. "And then you can get home."

  "Th-thank you," Amber replied softly. "Um... Ms. Wood?"


  "Could you, um," Amber swallowed and took a deep breath before continuing. "...Could you... um. Could you please not tell my Mom?"

  Evelyn paused for a moment as she slipped the pack of diapers into the second bag, the thick plastic stopping the logo from showing through. She nodded slowly and sadly, giving Amber a small, knowing frown.

  "Of course, sweetie," Evelyn said. "It'll be our secret. I'm sure your Mom would understand, but I understand how embarrassing these things can be. You're a young woman now - you don't want your mother to see you as a baby any more."

  Amber sighed in relief. Thank god. She might just get away with this. Hand still trembling, Amber reached out to take the bag as Evelyn offered it, jumping slightly as the older woman grabbed her hand.

  "Listen, Amber," Evelyn said with sudden intensity. "I want you to know if you need any help with this at all, you can tell me. And I'll keep it completely confidential, alright?"

  Amber couldn't keep the embarrassed smile off of her face as she nodded. She had no plan to take Evelyn up on that, but her confident, calming voice made her feel small and protected. Honestly, the best outcome was probably that Amber left the store and never spoke to Ms. Wood about this again.

  "Well, anyway," Evelyn continued, lifting her hand away and wheeling slightly backwards. "You probably want to get going. I'll see you around, kiddo... and remember you can contact me if you need me, any time."

  "Thank you, Ms. Wood. I'll... I'll be sure to do that, if I need to," Amber replied, grabbing her bag in one hand and quickly backing out of the room. "I'll see you... Well, I'll see you soon, I'm sure."

  Amber walked home with a big smile on her face, feeling like she'd just pulled off the heist of the century.

  Chapter 2 - Amber

  Amber went upstairs and immediately stashed the diapers in her closet. She was badly tempted to put one on right now, the thought of it sending her heartrate jackhammering through the roof. But her Mom would be home soon, and she didn't want to waste even a single one - she'd gone to so much effort to get them.

  Sighing, Amber reluctantly pushed her closet door closed and went downstairs.

  While she was waiting for her mother to come home, she messaged Kiki and told her everything that had happened. Kiki found it hilarious, and now Amber was out of the situation, she had to agree it was amusing. She agreed to call Kiki that evening to tell her all about it as she put on her first adult diaper.

  Now the drama was over, Amber was just so excited to finally get to wear the things. All through dinner, Amber was thinking about heading upstairs and taping one up around her scrawny hips. It felt like an obsession, one she was finally going to get to realize.

  "I'm kinda tired," Amber announced at around 8pm, despite the fact she felt more energetic and excited than ever. "I'm going to go call one of my friends and then go to sleep."

  "Okay, honey," Amber's mother replied distractedly as she scrolled down through her tablet. "See you in the morning."

  "Uh huh," Amber said, as she was climbing the stairs. She had to stop herself from taking them two at a time, heart pounding - knowing in just a few seconds she'd be enveloped in the crinkly softness of a real diaper.


  "So what did she say?"

  Amber had set her phone on the bedside cabinet beside her, with Kiki's voice coming out through the speakerphone. The walls were thick, and her mother was still downstairs, so she felt free to speak freely.

  "Uh, just like... She said, um, I could talk to her any time," Amber said, distracted as she dragged the bag of diapers out of the closet. "Like about the diapers and stuff."

  "Wait, you told her about being a TBDL?" Kiki asked, the shock (and awe) obvious in her voice.

  "NO! ...No!" Amber squeaked, blushing at the idea of it. "Like about my... if I'm having bedwetting issues or whatever..."

  "What?" Kiki laughed. "Did you tell her you were?"

  "S-sorta," Amber muttered as she sat next to the phone, pulling the pack of diapers out of the bags. "She just kind of assumed, and I went with it. I wasn't going to say they were for my weird adult baby fetish, you know?"'

  "I guess so," Kiki agreed, although she sounded amused. "Hey, maybe she'll want to be your Mommy now."

  "Haha, very funny," Amber responded, although she had to admit the idle fantasy had crossed her mind more than a few times that evening. "Anyway... I think I'm ready."

  "To put one on?" Kiki said excitedly. "Wow... I remember my first time. It felt amazing... What kind did you get?"

  "Um, just the store's own brand. I just got the first pack I saw."

  "Hm, depends would probably be better," Kiki said. "But whatever... Get one out!"

  "Okay, hold on..."<
br />
  Carefully, Amber ripped the plastic of the package along the perforated line, the parcel spilling open to reveal a row of thin plastic-backed diapers. Biting her lip, Amber ran her finger along the top, feeling the slightly waxy, cheap texture of the outside of the padding.

  These weren't premium diapers by any means, but they were precious to Amber, her very first adult diaper. She'd fantasized about this moment forever, but nothing could have prepared her for how her heart leapt as she yanked a brief out of the packet, seeing it unfold in her hand as she held it up.

  "My diapers," Amber murmured to herself, hardly believing it as she rubbed her thumb against the still-folded wings, hearing them rustle loudly. "I. I got one out, Kiki."

  "Awesome," Kiki replied. "...Did you put it on yet?"

  "No!... Not yet. I'm, uh. How do I do it?"

  Kiki chuckled on the other end of the phone, clearly amused.

  "Aw, you really are a baby, huh?" she teased. "Too widdle to even put on your own diaper?"

  "Nooo... I'm a big girl..." Amber responded, flushing and grinning as she enjoyed the playful teasing. "...Seriously though... how should I start?"

  "You need to put it under your butt," Kiki said. "And tape it from the back to the front."

  "Uh... Okay. One moment."

  Amber reached down and undid her fly, shimmying her pants and underwear down. Awkwardly, Amber slid the unfolded diaper underneath, having to clumsily adjust it with her hand to get it into what felt like the right place.

  The soft cotton-like lining of the diaper felt cozy and comforting against her bare bottom even before Amber had fastened it up. Her heart thudded happily as she finally realized her fantasy, feeling time slowing down around her, preserving the memory of the sensations surrounding her.

  The diaper did rustle as she moved on the bed, the soft plastic pliable as she pulled it up between her thighs, embracing her in the thin layer of padding. Amber felt butterflies in her stomach as she wrapped the wings around, peeling open one bottom tape.


  Amber tried to stick the tape down in the place that seemed right, following up with the second one. Excited to finally be in diapers' Amber rushed through, taping up the other side hurriedly.


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