The Indian Tycoon's Marriage Deal

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The Indian Tycoon's Marriage Deal Page 12

by Adite Banerjie

  A tingling sensation at the nape of her neck alerted her to Krish’s presence. Think of the devil. Seconds later, his warm hand touched her back and she had to resist the temptation to lean into him. His husky voice whispered in her ear. ‘Missed me, sweetheart?’

  ‘Why should I when Mike has been more than an attentive companion?’ she answered ultra-casually.

  His eyes glittered. ‘So where is this most chivalrous man?’

  ‘Fetching me a drink.’ Her mind went numb as his fingers gently caressed the bare skin of her back just under her choli.

  ‘Go easy with your flirting, jaanu. Don’t forget you’re a married woman.’

  ‘As if I can forget that,’ she breathed as the rat-tat-tat of her heart drowned out all other background sounds. ‘How sexist of you to think that I have to flirt to hold a man’s attention.’

  ‘Not at all. The sexy outfit you’re wearing…that helps too.’ His appreciative gaze made her skin flame up. ‘I can guarantee you, none of the men here are looking for a conversation.’

  She jerked away from his touch, wanting to put some distance between them. But she wasn’t quick enough. For a moment her vulnerability had revealed itself.

  And Krish hadn’t missed the flash of pain in her eyes. It made him feel like a complete louse. ‘Sorry, I take that back.’ He raised his hands in apology. ‘I’m just being a grouchy bastard.’

  He touched her face delicately and rubbed her cheek in a gesture that was part tender, part awkward apology and she felt her heart melt. Oh my! She gulped back the lump in her throat and breathed deeply. She despaired for herself—if she didn’t get out of his mesmeric presence, she might as well forget about her plan to find justice for her father. He had positioned himself between her and her path of escape. But he needn’t have—she felt powerless to move. As she tore her eyes away from him, she spotted Mike coming towards them. ‘Here comes Mike with my drink.’

  Krish swivelled around to face Mike even as his hand reached around her waist to hold her close against him. The gesture was so spontaneous, it made her all fuzzy and warm inside. She smiled at Mike, who handed her the drink with a flourish, ‘At your service, my lady!’ Glancing at Krish, he added, ‘All sorted out with Frank?’

  Krish nodded. ‘Pretty much. Rohan will be in touch with him for anything else that he might need.’

  Maya sipped her drink, her mind in a whirl. There was something different about Krish tonight. He seemed restless, almost uneasy. As if he didn’t want to leave her side. As if he needed her next to him—and not just in a physical sort of way. His warm fingers slid across her waist before intertwining with hers. Was she reading too much into his behaviour? Or was it all for the sake of public appearance? Whatever. The truth was, she wanted this moment to be real. And she found her fingers clinging to his. He gently squeezed them without so much as looking at her. A sunshiny warmth spread inside her. It was a moment that she knew was being branded into her memory cells…for those cold and lonely days ahead. And close on the heels of that thought came an intense sense of loss. For what? she wondered. For what she’d never had nor could ever hope to have—his love.

  Her thoughts were wrenched away as Krish disentangled his fingers from hers. ‘Public announcement time. Got to go.’

  Watching him cross the room to the little podium where KD had begun addressing the audience, Maya knew that the moment had come. It was now or never. For the next few minutes, they would all be wrapped up in their celebratory announcements and toasts. No one—least of all Krish and KD—would notice her absence. Yet she found herself rooted to the spot. Her heartbeat had become heavy. She shook her head, trying to cast away the lethargy that gripped her in its vicelike hold. She forced herself to leave the hall, keeping her eyes away from the podium. She dared not look at Krish or else she would never be able to go through with it. A voice inside her screamed, You don’t have a choice, Maya. This is your destiny.

  Once she was outside the mansion, she kept in the shadows and headed straight for KD’s office. Sheetal had given her a set of keys so that she could come and go at will. Focusing her mind on the job, she disarmed the alarm, just as Sheetal had shown her.

  As she stepped inside, the darkness enveloped her. Her heart beat hard and fast as she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dark. She felt her way to the store room and unlocked the door. Closing the door, she switched on the light. She’d have to find something in the next ten to fifteen minutes and get back to the party. Taking a deep calming breath, she got down to the job at hand.

  * * *

  Krish nursed the crystal tumbler of Scotch as he struggled to keep his attention on KD who droned on about the virtues of collaborating with Cosmo International. He frowned as he watched his father hold forth about DGE and its future prospects. This was just a dress rehearsal before the official launch and the press conferences, where KD would strut and preen like a peacock. A wave of exhaustion swept over him. The deal might be done but the media hoopla was only just about to begin. And he was so not looking forward to it. He had agreed to go through with it only on the condition that KD would announce the name of the candidate he had selected as CEO of the new joint venture. Once the reins were handed over, he would be free. He had kept his mother’s promise and he would then be free to pursue his own path.

  And free to pursue his desire for Maya? What was he getting into? His resolve to stay emotionally detached from her was seriously under threat. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so possessive about any woman—he wanted to shield her from every roving male gaze in the room. He didn’t know what to make of this intense emotional turmoil that bubbled deep within him. But, whatever it was, he knew that he could no longer go through with his earlier resolve of staying aloof from her. Was he willing to risk a closer, more intimate relationship with her? Was he even ready to take the risks that came wrapped with trust, intimacy and sharing?

  A sudden burst of applause broke through his musings and he realised everyone was cheering him. Gosh, what had he missed now? He walked up to KD, who embraced him in a bear hug and announced proudly, ‘And now, a few words from the new Managing Director of DGE-Cosmo India Pvt. Ltd.’

  Krish’s synapses clicked sharply into place as he heard KD’s gloating words. In the few moments that he had been distracted, KD had put him in a bind by publicly announcing that Krish was the new CEO of the joint venture! He should have seen this coming from miles away. The only other person who seemed to be dazed at the announcement was Viren.

  Krish shot a furious glare at KD, before turning to the applauding crowd. ‘Thank you all for coming here today. Welcome aboard, Mike. It’s great to have you and your team here with us. I look forward to working with Mike Andrews and his team as the Acting Managing Director.’ He cocked an eyebrow at KD. ‘Dad, you forgot to mention this role was only temporary. You seem to be tripping up!’ A ripple of laughter erupted as KD masked his agitation behind a glazed smile. ‘For DGE, this collaboration signifies a major thrust into the global arena. And, for that reason alone, DGE-Cosmo deserves the most competent Managing Director who will steer it in the right direction within the highly competitive hospitality industry. Till such time as we find the right candidate for the job, it will be my pleasure to fulfil the role of Acting Managing Director. Here’s to the success of DGE-Cosmo. Over to you, Mike.’

  After the round of toasts and speeches had been completed, Krish firmly moved KD away from his group of admirers and gave him a piece of his mind. But his father was unrepentant and more than a little sloshed after the several glasses of Single Malt he had downed. ‘I strike when I see an opportunity and I make no excuses for that. But I must hand it to you—you sidestepped my move very smartly. You’re a tough little cookie, you know, and I’m glad we are on the same side.’

  Krish seethed. ‘Not for much longer if you keep trying to manipulate me.’ He stopped for a moment, making sure that KD got the message loud and clear. ‘The next time you spring a nasty surprise on
me like that, I’m out for good. Do you hear me?’

  Krish made for the porch overlooking the lawns without waiting for KD’s response. He inhaled the soothing fragrance of the jasmine trees that were in full bloom and tried to calm his frayed nerves. For as long as he could remember, it was always about what KD wanted. Manipulation was something he had perfected to a fine art. He wondered how his mother had put up with it for years. He realised just how debilitating it had been for her—it had worn away her self-esteem and dignity and yet she had not let her frustration seep through into her relations with others. With her son and those who were close to her. Frustration snapped at him, making him feel like a caged animal wanting to get out. KD would do everything in his power to keep him chained to DGE. How naïve he had been to think that he could do a balancing act—keep his word to his mother while being free of KD’s hold. That was unlikely to happen. Not now. Not ever. And today he had a taste of just how manipulative KD could be to reach his own ends.

  What a night it was turning out to be. And the celebrations had only just begun. He only hoped that KD had for once restrained his impulse to go in for loud, kitschy entertainment.

  He saw it then—a light in KD’s office. Had someone forgotten to switch it off? No! Someone was in there. At this time of the night? He could see a figure moving. A flash of something bright glinted in the dim light. Something sparkling—it was a woman’s outfit. He stormed into the hall and spotted Rani serving snacks to the guests.

  He pulled her aside. ‘Where’s your Bhabhi?’

  Rani looked around the hall, bemused. ‘Yahan nahin hai? She’s not here?’

  * * *

  Maya’s heart banged away as she looked through the filing cabinets. She’d been here for fifteen—maybe twenty—minutes. KD would definitely be in a celebratory mood and there would be a lot of toast-raising, mutual back slapping and congratulatory speeches. But she knew she couldn’t risk being away from the party for much longer. Krish was bound to notice. In her haste she fumbled, dropped a few files and wasted a few precious seconds in retrieving the papers from the floor.

  There seemed to be tons of files and projects, but nothing on the lavender rose project. Sheetal was right—it was a mess. They had probably thrown away the old files. And even if they were somewhere in here, it would take hours to sort through it all.

  It had all been in vain. There was no evidence of anything that linked KD with her father’s failed project. Tears of frustration pooled in her eyes as she desperately scanned the files. She fumed inwardly at the sheer injustice of it all. It had taken all her resolve and grit to sneak in here, only to find out that it had all been for nothing.

  Venting her frustration, she banged the drawer shut. On the verge of giving up, she nevertheless decided to check the last drawer before calling it quits. Please, God! Let there be something! But it was stuck. She pulled hard, it opened a few inches but was still jammed. She reached inside—her fingers closed around a dusty, dog-eared file that had wedged itself between two drawers. As she pulled it out, the file ripped. Her heart almost stopped. It was labeled ‘Lavender Rose Project’.

  She choked the cry that rose from her gut. Could this be it? There were only a few pages inside and, as she flipped through them, one name leapt at her—Subodh Shome. She’d found it. Her prayers had been answered. She could have wept with joy but she needed to get out. Now. She collected the papers that had fallen out of the torn file and thrust them into her pocket.

  As she stepped out and locked the main door behind her, her mind raced. Would the documents help her nail KD’s fraud? What if they were just details of some obscure project? The thought almost made her stop in her tracks. She’d never once considered what would happen if she didn’t find the evidence that she needed to nail KD. Would she find it in her heart to forget the past? Or would she become as embittered as Papa, who had wasted away in his hatred and misery? She shuddered at the thought as she rushed down the path to the mansion.

  The party was in full swing and she could hear the music blaring out. She hoped, prayed that Krish hadn’t noticed her absence.

  She slammed into a hard, muscular chest…that could belong to only one man. Krish!


  MAYA’S BREATH CAUGHT in her throat—her worst fear had come true. Just my blasted luck! She clutched at Krish to save herself from falling headlong into the flower bed. Fear and adrenaline made her blood pump faster. He scooped her in his arms. ‘Easy! You are in one hell of a hurry. Everything all right?’ Krish’s steely voice was making her even more edgy.

  Calm down, Maya! She pulled away from him. ‘Yeah, fine. I didn’t see you coming.’

  ‘What were you doing in KD’s office?’ Krish’s eyes were dark and impenetrable.

  Her brain buzzed, trying to find an answer. ‘Oh…I went to pick up my mobile…I left it behind this afternoon.’

  Krish’s eyes narrowed. ‘Really? You couldn’t wait till tomorrow morning to retrieve it?’

  Maya took a deep breath, desperately trying to quieten her racing heart. ‘I guess I could. But I needed to text my number to Mike. I just can’t seem to remember my new number.’

  His voice was sharp and cold. ‘Mike? So, you have started exchanging phone numbers with him as well.’

  Maya inwardly squirmed. How she wished there was some way in which she could insulate Krish from the consequences of her actions. ‘I didn’t realise that would be a problem.’

  His eyes narrowed. ‘Mike is not just a friend or an acquaintance. He is a business partner. There is a certain level of formality involved and I don’t want you to give him the wrong impression.’

  For a moment she was completely taken aback. And almost instantly indignation flared. ‘Wrong impression about what?’

  ‘There is no need to lose your cool. There is a certain business protocol that needs to be observed and you should be aware of it.’

  She felt distracted as confusion tore through her. Part of her wanted to run, shut herself away and go through the documents that were burning a hole inside her pocket. Another part of her wanted to trust her instincts and blurt out the whole sordid story to him. She exhaled, reeling with her wayward thoughts. ‘You don’t have to worry. Mike and I were talking about landscaping and he happened to mention some friend of his who has come up with a new rooftop garden innovation. I thought it could be useful for the resort. I asked him to text me the number of this innovator. That’s when I realised I had left my mobile behind in Sheetal’s office. So, no need to be paranoid!’

  He inclined his head and stared at her. She felt as if he could see through her lies, deep into her soul. Her face flushed in agitation. ‘If you are done with your interrogation, maybe I can skip the rest of this party?’

  There was a glint in his eyes that she couldn’t quite fathom. ‘Actually, the party has only just begun and you need to stay through to the very end.’

  He jerked her into his arms, taking her breath away. ‘Looks like you need a little refresher course on the terms of our contract.’

  Desire rippled through her. Why don’t you stop talking and just kiss me? His eyes held hers in a dark hypnotic gaze, his breath warm on her face as his stubble-dusted chin grazed her cheek. Before he could press his lips down on hers, she heard someone clear his throat.

  ‘Sir…excuse me…’

  Embarrassment flooded over her as she pulled away. Krish dragged his hand through his hair, giving her a tortured look before turning to face Rohan. ‘What is it?’

  Maya turned on her heel and dashed inside. Rushing to the washroom, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks felt hot against her cold palms. She bit down on her lower lip, trying to quell the desire that still throbbed within her. One minute she was afraid that Krish would see through her lies and the next she wanted to lay bare her heart’s true desire.

  She turned the tap, snatched a hand towel off the rack and wet it with cold water. Squeezing it dry, she wiped the back of her neck with the cool
towel and felt the tension ease somewhat. She couldn’t believe how she had managed to improvise on the spot. True, Mike had told her about his friend’s landscaping innovation and he had promised to share more information with her. But that was it—he had not asked her for her mobile number, nor had she volunteered to give it to him.

  She was amazed at how easily she had lied. What an irony it would be if in her quest for revenge she became more and more like KD—deceitful and manipulative! She rubbed her temple, trying to erase her self-doubts. Deep down, she knew that, no matter how she justified it to herself, she was about to betray Krish’s trust. She was on the verge of throwing away any chance that she had of making a life with the only man she had come to love so completely. But what choice did she have? Could she really tell him the truth? And expose herself to his contempt? The truth of the matter was—she was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t!

  * * *

  Krish barged into KD’s den to deal with the new crisis on hand. But Rohan’s warning had come a little too late. He watched as a fuming Viren stormed off. KD was far from perturbed. He steered Krish towards the buffet tables. ‘Oh, jaane do ussey. Let him go,’ he said dismissively. ‘Viren needs to cool off. Come now, as hosts of the party we can’t keep our guests waiting.’

  Frankly, Krish had enough to worry about and had no wish to play mediator between KD and Viren. Watching Maya hurrying out of KD’s office had come as a nasty shock. The thoughts that had whizzed through his mind had been uncharitable, to say the least. And he had been tempted to judge her without giving her a chance to explain. Maya was right—he was really becoming paranoid. If he didn’t watch out, he would end up like KD—wrecking every relationship, alienating every single person he came into contact with. Ever since his adolescent years, he had instinctively avoided his father, almost as if he’d known that his negativity would pull him down, cast him in his mould. It wasn’t just about proximity—after all, you could never tell when your genes would kick in.


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