Warm, Yummy, Wet & Salty: Black Star Canyon: Book 2 (Black Star Canyon Mystery Novel)

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Warm, Yummy, Wet & Salty: Black Star Canyon: Book 2 (Black Star Canyon Mystery Novel) Page 8

by C. C. Wall

  “Why do you think I had you come down here for us to hook up?” Michael stood up giggling. “I have a video now. If you don’t give me what I want, I’ll leak it online.” Michael put up his jazz hands, “Scandal!”

  Jonathan was angry but knew he had been bested. “What do you want?”

  “A million dollars,” Michael said.

  “What?” Jonathan was about to faint.

  “That’s what I want, but I know you don’t have it.” Michael walked over to Jonathan and wrapped his arms around his neck. “You can just give me checks every week until I have that much. Three grand a week should do it.” He kissed him. “Then you can still have me too. I’ll be your very own little hooker.” He kissed him again. “Isn’t that hot?”

  Jonathan stood there trying to lean away from Michael but really not wanting to. “So if I do this, you keep quiet and I can still have you whenever I desire you.”

  “You sure can.” Michael smiled. “I’m your total bitch.”

  Jonathan smiled. “Then it seems that we have reached an accord.”

  “What?” Michael asked.

  Jonathan choked out a nervous breath. “Then we have a deal.”

  “Really?” Michael jumped up and down in a circle, clapping his hands together. “Oh my God! I wasn’t sure if this would work or not! I see it on TV all the time but I totally wasn’t sure!”

  Jonathan smiled. “Come here my clever little toy.”

  Michael ran up to him and threw his arms around him and kissed him passionately. Strange sounds came out of Michael’s mouth. His eyes began to bulge out of his head. He leaned back and saw that Jonathan’s hands were gripping his throat tightly.

  “How dare you?” Jonathan said through gritted teeth. “I’m the bloody mayor! You think I would let you try to destroy everything that I have created? You are finished!”

  Sue slammed her hand down on the table. “Are you going to talk?”

  Jonathan began laughing loudly.

  “Talk damn it!” Sue shouted.

  Jonathan sat there laughing. When he was finished, he smiled.

  20 - Black Star Cafe

  “Would you please take that damn thing off?” she said.

  Leonard turned to Helen with a smirk. “What?”

  “That apron,” she said. “This is a family restaurant. Or at least it’s trying to be.”

  The apron in question was white and in big green letter on the front it says, Kiss My Ass!

  Leonard laughed, “Why don’t I just stay in the back and cook like I’m meant to.” He ran over and wrapped his arms around Helen. He kissed her on the cheek. “Speaking of what our job duties are, where the hell is your waitress?”

  Helen shrugged him off. “Ashley is going to be late. I knew about it.”

  “She already is late,” he said. “How much later?”

  The door flew open and a young woman in a waitress uniform blew into the cafe, “I’m so sorry guys. I didn’t know it was going to take so long.”

  “It’s okay, Ashley,” Helen said. “Just help me bag up all these burgers for the sheriff’s station.”

  Leonard looked upset. “You didn’t tell me that’s who they were for.”

  “Because if I did, you would’ve done something stupid,” Helen said.

  “Damn right,” Leonard said. “Still will.”

  “You will not,” she said sternly. She turned to Ashley and said, “We also need two dozen of the doughnuts if you wouldn’t mind.”

  “No prob,” Ashley said and went right to work.

  “Wait a minute,” Leonard said. He locked eyes with Helen and paused. “Who is picking this stuff up?”

  Helen sighed. She was tired of this constant argument with Leonard.

  “Hey guys!” Dyer said as he walked into the diner.

  “Hello,” Helen said with a smile. “How’s it going today?”

  Leonard just stared.

  Dyer nodded at Leonard. “Hey man.”

  “Yep,” Leonard said. “I gotta get back to cooking.”

  Helen tried everything in her to not look embarrassed. “So what are you all up to down at the station?”

  “It’s a crazy day for sure,” Dyer said. “Is it ready?”

  “Just about,” she said. “What’s made it crazy?”

  Dyer leaned in to whisper. “Keep it quiet, but we just arrested Mayor Kensington.”

  Helen’s mouth dropped open. “Why? What happened?”

  Dyer didn’t say it out loud. Instead he mouthed it. “Murder.”

  Helen’s eyes almost fell on the floor from popping out of her head so far. “Are you sure?”

  “Can’t talk about it yet, but I’m sure it will get out by morning. I’ll let you know more then,” he said.

  Ashley walked up with the bag of burgers and the boxes of doughnuts. “Here you go, deputy.” She smiled.

  “Thank you,” he said. He locked eyes with her and smiled. “Can’t beat that kind of service.”

  Ashley blushed.

  “Well, thanks a lot,” Dyer picked up everything. He motioned his head towards the kitchen. “Let Leonard know I said goodbye.” He shrugged.

  Ashley ran around the counter to help him with the door.

  “Thanks again,” he said.

  Ashley ran back to Helen. “Did he freaking say murder?”

  “Shhh!” Helen said. “Yeah. Mayor Kensington.”

  “Is dead!” Ashley shouted in shock.

  “No!” Helen tried to cover Ashley’s mouth. “No, Jonathan did it they think.”

  The restaurant wasn’t very packed but there was someone there whose ears twitched at the sound of what was happening. Jack Hart put his coffee down and turned his head to hear more of this exciting story.

  “I’m sure they are wrong.” Ashley said. “He is so sweet. I can’t picture him doing anything like that and I’m a real good judge of character.”

  “Well, let’s hope,” Helen said. “Keep your mouth shut though, okay?” Helen left Ashley there and went to the back to have a word with Leonard. “What the hell is your problem?”

  Leonard was flipping burgers and didn’t even want to look at Helen. “You know what my problem is.”

  “But why?” she asked.

  “You know why!” he shouted.

  “Keep your voice down,” she said. “I just don’t understand why?”

  “He’s a copper,” he said.

  “He’s a sheriff’s deputy,” she said.

  “It’s the same thing and you know it.” Leonard went back to the grill.

  “He’s your friend though Leonard,” she said.

  “He was,” he said.

  “He’s only been a deputy for a year,” she said. “It’s not like he’s…”

  “It’s a year too long,” he said. “He knew how I would feel about it. So screw that guy.”

  Helen shook her head. “Change your apron.”

  Ashley was filling salt shakers when she was interrupted.

  “Hey there beautiful,” Jack said.

  “Hey,” she said. “Do you need more coffee?”

  “No,” he said, “I’m good. I was curious however, about what I thought I heard you and Helen talking about a minute ago.”

  Ashley had a nervous look on her face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Jack smiled. “Of course you do. I could have sworn I heard the words, mayor, murder and dead.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t,” she said.

  “It’s all right, cutie,” he said. “I never name sources.”

  She looked back to see if Helen was around, “Let’s just say that if you were to look into something like that, there might be something for you to write about.”

  Jack smiled and brushed a stray hair from Ashley’s forehead. “That wasn’t so hard, beautiful. And that was exactly what I needed. So how much do I owe you?”

  “Let me get your bill from Helen,” she said.

  Jack grabbed her arm. “No sweetie,
I mean for that great information?”

  Ashley smiled. “You will pay me for info?”

  “That’s what I do,” he said.

  “How much?” she asked.

  “Well, here is ten for what you gave me so far,” he put the cash in the front pocket of her apron. “And there’s another twenty if you can actually tell me something I can use.”

  “Hell yeah,” she said. “Kensington killed someone. Shhhh! Don’t tell anybody.”

  Jack’s eyes were wide with excitement. “But that’s what I do, I tell people things.”

  “Oh yeah,” she said. “But you didn’t hear it from me.”

  “You got it,” he said. He reached into his pocket. “Here is my card. If you ever hear of anything ever again, you call me.” He winked.

  21 - Three Years Tops

  Reagan could tell by the look on Sue’s face that she didn’t get the confession that they wanted. “He wouldn’t budge, huh?”

  “Nope,” she said. “He wants to talk to his lawyer.”

  “All right. Let him have his phone call,” he said.

  She gave him a look that said there was a problem.

  “What? Who’s his lawyer?” he asked.

  She didn’t say anything.

  “Shit,” he said. “Roth?”

  “Yep,” Sue said.

  “That guy wants to bury us.” Reagan sucked on his mustache. “Well, give him the phone.”

  Sue got half way across the room before Reed finally showed up. She thought that he might have news on Lukas so she froze.

  “Where’s Clive?” Reagan asked.

  “She couldn’t come,” Reed said.

  “What?” Reagan said. “Why the hell not?”

  “Well, because…” Reed was cut off.

  “Hi there everybody!” said a strange man with great, big eyes and the goofiest smile anyone of them had ever seen. “Chuck Grover, county coroner.” He walked over and shook hands with Reagan. “You must be the sheriff! That’s great.” He took a deep breath in through his nose. “Wow! This really smells like what I would imagine a Sheriff’s station to smell like in Black Star Canyon. That is terrific!”

  Reagan cleared his throat and refrained from punching the happy right out of Chuck. “Where is…”

  “Dr. Clive?” Chuck interrupted again. “She has too much to do at the hospital with all the bodies that you guys are bringing in. It is very impressive!”

  Sue couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Bodies are not impressive.”

  “Oh, I beg to differ with you,” he said politely. “It is extremely impressive. Not only the volume by which your town is packing them away, but also the circumstances involved are just amazing.” He smiled at Sue and nodded hoping she would understand. “I mean that Jane Doheny, Wow! What an amazing case. I consulted Dr. Clive on her autopsy. I mean, I would have just put in for a transfer on that case alone, but then the bodies kept stacking up and up and up. All in a week! That’s just crazy!”

  “We would really prefer Mr…” Reagan couldn’t remember his name.

  “Grover. Chuck Grover.” Chuck said.

  “Mr. Grover,” Reagan said. “We would really prefer that you didn’t revel in the death that has been happening around here.”

  “I will try to contain my excitement!” Chuck smiled. “But seriously, when you had 5 or so bodies in a single week, I just had to get my keester down here! You know the population of Black Star Canyon is 5,120. Do you realize that if you keep up this pace, Black Star Canyon will be a ghost town in less than three years!” His eyes looked as though they would fall out of his head. “Three years! Tops! Isn’t that wild?”

  “What are you doing here?” Sue asked loudly.

  “I’m your new coroner.” Chuck said and opened his arms wide as if he was expecting a group hug. When no one came close, he put his arms down. “Well, anyway, I’m told that you have an old space in that back that I could set up as my office and exam room.”

  “There is a room in the back, yes.” Reagan said. “But it’s been a long time since we had our own coroner back there.”

  “It’ll be fine,” Chuck said. “I’m sure the room will feel like it’s riding a bike. You never forget!”

  Dyer walked in with the coffee, a box of doughnuts and large bag of burgers.

  Chuck sniffed the air. “Wow!” he said as he ran over to Dyer. He grabbed the box and opened it. “Doughnuts!” He grabbed one and took a big bite. Then with his mouth full he said. “I’ll be right back, I can find the room.”

  “And just like that,” Sue said, “he was gone.”

  “What on God’s green earth was that?” Reagan shouted.

  Dyer looked very confused. “Did I miss something?”

  Reed patted him on the shoulder, “A lot.”

  From back down the hallway, Chuck yelled to them. “Oh! I almost forgot!” He ran into the room. “Your hand!” His grin was from ear to ear.

  “Do you have anything for us?” Reagan asked.

  “Do I?” Chuck smiled. “This is just great. I mean, It’s like getting a piece to a jigsaw puzzle.” That statement sparked an idea in his brain. “Oh my goodness! Do you think we will get a whole person to put together?” he shook his head to snap himself out of it. “Never mind. The hand.”

  “Yes!” Reagan shouted.

  “The hand,” Chuck continued. “The hand was cut off while the victim was still alive. Probably with a sharp, yet heavy object. My guess would be a shovel. The ‘E’ on the hand was carved in post-mortem.”

  “So you think the victim is dead?” Sue asked.

  Chuck smirked and giggled at himself. “I’m such a dork. I should have specified that. I’m sorry. I meant after the hand was cut off, the person carved into the palm. The cut is deep. Some sort of very sharp knife.”

  “How long ago?” Reagan asked.

  “It’s pretty fresh. Probably within the last twelve to twenty-four hours,” Chuck replied.

  “Is that it?” Reagan asked.

  “Nope,” Chuck said. “The victim is Kara Church.”

  Everyone in the room gasped.

  “Kara?” Dyer asked loudly.

  Chuck seemed shocked. “Did I startle you all?”

  Sue looked at him and held back her anger. “Black Star is a small place. We all know each other for the most part. We all care for one another.”

  Dyer then got close to Chuck’s face. “Yeah. Kara worked at Zoe’s General store, stocking shelves and mopping. I just saw her there two days ago. I didn’t even hear she was missing.”

  “She wasn’t in any of the reports from the other night,” Reed added.

  “Just be a little more compassionate man,” Reagan said. “That’s great that you like what you do, but tone it down around here.”

  Chuck smiled. “You guys are great. I mean really. So much love in this room. I’m really gonna like it here. I can feel it.” He walked over to the bag that Dyer brought in. “Wow! Burgers too!”

  22 - The Silent Partner

  Jack drove around town for a bit knowing he had to act fast. This was bound to get out and he wanted to break the story. He had no computer, no camera. He thought he could use his phone and then run to the library first thing in the morning and use that. But he needed the story out now. He wasn’t even sure if his site was still up. He knew Reagan wanted it shut down, but he hadn’t been online all day.

  He got on his phone. “Janet! How’s my favorite nurse doing?” he said. His smile seemed even more fake than usual. “A little birdie told me that a certain mayor got arrested today. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you? You know, considering he has been practically living there.”

  He smiled. “And who was the victim? Do you know?”

  His mouth hung open. “The gay kid?” He thought for a moment. “Were they… Okay. I get it, I get it. Thanks for the info.”

  He hung up and was floored. He couldn’t believe that he had such a juicy story and no way to get it
out there. He thought about calling Tom Harker and asking him if he wanted the story but really didn’t want to go back there with his tail between his legs.

  He was trying to think of who would want this information more than anyone else in town. A lightbulb went off above his head. He pulled over and got on his phone.

  “I have something that might interest you, but it’s going to cost you,” he said. “Believe me, you want this info. I am going to publish it tomorrow but I think, knowing you as well as I do, you can do some real damage with it before it goes out.”

  Jack sat there with his fingers crossed and his eyes squeezed shut tightly. He was hoping this gamble would pay off. He knew he would have to give a little bit more information to close the deal. “It’s about Jonathan Kensington.”

  23 - Worth Every Penny

  “What do you need from me then?” Eugene said. He held the phone close to his ear. “Come to the house. Immediately. There will be a check waiting for you here.” Eugene sat back in his chair at his desk. “But nothing happens until you tell me what about Jonathan Kensington there is to know. You have to trust me a little bit here Jack or else there is no deal.”

  Eugene’s face began to glow as Jack told him what he knew. “You get your sweet ass over here and pick up that check. This is the best money I have ever spent!” Eugene hung up the phone. “Wooo Hoooo!” Eugene yelled.

  He stood up and danced around his office. He could hear Morgan’s shoes as she walked quickly towards him. He lit a cigar.

  “What happened?” Morgan said. “Are you all right?”

  “I have never been better,” Eugene said with a smile. “I have never received news so beautiful as I just did. I feel inspired right now the way the greats would feel when painting a masterpiece, writing an opera, or a successful surprise attack on the enemy.”

  Morgan was confused. “Could you elaborate?”

  “Of course my fawn,” he grabbed her by the arms. “Our plans are going to work much better now with very little effort on our part.”


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