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Liberation Page 121

by Christopher Isherwood

  Hamlet 120; I, Claudius 3, 38, 215n; Joseph Andrews 510, 512, 535; Laughter in the Dark 38; Look Back in Anger 69–70; The Loved One 405, 417, 539; Ned Kelly 3n, 27, 120; Tom Jones 38, 39n; Tono-Bungay 317

  Richmond, Len 583

  Rief, Larry 258

  Rigby, Harry: appearance and character 259; Don Bachardy’s drawings of 259; Broadway production of A Meeting by the River 479, 544, 545, 551, 556, 565, 569, 572, 602, 606, 607, 608; C.I. and Bachardy socialize with 502, 503, 509, 510; 795

  Ritajananda, Swami 622, 795

  Ritter, John 230

  Rivera, Chita 518

  Riverside, California 437–8

  Riverside, University of California at 80

  Roberts, John 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 795

  Roberts, Rachel 145–6, 659–60, 795

  Robin and Marian (film) 503

  Rochester, New York 536, 538

  “Rock Follies” (television series) 511

  Rockland, Mark 495

  Roditi, Édouard 170

  Roeg, Nicolas, Walkabout 197

  Roerick, Bill 431–2, 610–611, 795 roller skating 87, 89

  Rolling Stone (magazine) 350–51

  Roma (Fellini film) 311

  Rome: Gavin Lambert in 286, 290, 339–41; C.I. and Don Bachardy visit 326, 339–41

  Rooney, Mickey 149, 384

  “Roots” (television series) 553

  Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Los Angeles 596–7

  Rosenberg, Roger 490, 492

  Rosenman, Howard 462

  Rosenman, Leonard 519

  Ross, Jean (Cockburn) 66–7, 70, 386, 447, 795–6; death xxiii, 372, 394

  Ross, Peggy 67

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 335

  Rota, Bertram 56

  Roth, Philip, The Breast 278–9

  Rothbart, Lew 17n

  Rothschild, Baron Philippe de 516

  Rouba, Pawel 76

  Roundhouse (concert venue), London 329, 510n

  Rowse, A.L. 605

  Royal Academy of Art, London 335, 619

  Royal Court Theatre, London 320–21

  Royal Shakespeare Company 233, 291–2

  Rubinstein, John 309

  Rudenko, Anthony 57

  Rumens, George 196

  Ruscha, Ed xix, 107, 118n, 796

  Russell, Bertrand 614, 796

  Russell, Scott 11n

  Russia see USSR Russo, Aaron 549

  Russo, Anthony 359

  Rusty Nail, The (gay bar) 483–4, 489

  Ryton, Royce: Crown Matrimonial 330; The Other Side of the Swamp 511

  Sachs, David 154, 796–7

  Sackville-West, Vita 397

  Sadler, Jeff 245

  Sagal, Boris 206, 211, 213, 797

  Sagui, Carlos 524, 593, 601–2, 607, 797

  Sahl, Mort 480, 797

  Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, The (film) 519

  St. John’s Hospital, Santa Monica 446, 447, 482, 560, 561, 676, 680

  St. Tropez, France 37, 72

  St. Vincent de Paul, Society of 122, 124

  St. Vincent’s Hospital, Los Angeles 482, 498

  Saker, Neil (masseur) 220

  Salieri, Frantz, La Grande Eugène 510

  Salinger (English lawyer in Brussels) 54

  Sally Bowles (C.I.) 521

  San Andreas Fault 149, 196, 556

  San Bernardino, California 178

  San Diego, California: C.I. visits 115; Don Bachardy visits 362; news producers 529–530

  San Diego State College 115, 117, 207

  San Francisco: C.I. visits with Don Bachardy 88–9, 90, 367–8, 529, 530, 618–19, 634, 643, 666–7; “Zodiac Killer” 115; Bachardy visits for Hansen-Fuller Gallery show 118, 121, 122, 123; Vedanta Center 266

  San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper) 634

  “San Francisco, the City That Waits to Die” (television documentary) 196

  San Pedro Art Gallery, Los Angeles 153, 157

  Sanchez, Bobby 503

  Sandakan 8 (film) 500

  Sandford, Rick 302, 495, 499, 502, 571, 591, 594–5, 605, 606, 632, 637, 663, 797; Don Bachardy drawings of 491, 497, 505, 550, 681

  Sandown, Isle of Wight, England 515

  Sandwich, Ella, Countess of see Amiya Sanfaçon, Paul 648, 650, 651, 797

  Sansinena (oil tanker) 530–31

  Santa Barbara, California: Vedanta temple see Sarada Convent, Montecito; Don Bachardy visits with Mike Van Horn 97, 99; C.I. and Bachardy visit 117, 211, 270, 271; Prabhavananda convalesces at 195, 198, 203, 205; Bachardy visits alone 256

  Santa Barbara, University of California at 211, 355, 433

  Santa Monica Pier, California 245, 505, 683

  Santa Monica Canyon, California: land slides 3, 564–5, 578, 585, 627, 628; development of 81, 98, 122, 124, 133, 138, 140, 144, 159, 162, 199–200, 259, 287, 311, 446; oil drilling off coast 102, 250, 287; crime 162–3, 186–7, 516, 521, 541, 653–4, 655, 657; crowds 257, 437, 458, 581; and narrative of C.I.’s proposed final volume of memoirs 613–4, 618

  Santoro, George 312, 381, 399

  Santoro, Jean 490, 497, 519, 797–8

  Santoro, Tony 490, 519, 797–8

  Sarada (earlier Ruth Folling) 354, 361, 365, 798

  Sarada Convent, Montecito, California 204, 360, 396, 420, 442, 455, 499, 526, 547, 798

  Sarada Devi (Holy Mother) 228, 396, 445, 452, 454, 798; and C.I.’s meditation and prayers 101, 106, 287, 452, 484, 489, 643; Prabhavananda’s visions of 260, 435–6, 473; puja 305

  Sarada Math xxvi

  Saradananda, Sri Sri Ramakrishna Lilaprasanga 250

  Sarrazin, Michael 347, 380–81, 798

  Sarvagatananda, Swami 518

  Sarver, Tony 485, 498, 501, 505, 571, 599, 798; cancer and death 615, 637, 642, 654, 661

  Sassoon, Siegfried 251–2, 388–9

  Sat see Barnett, Jimmy

  Satyricon (film) 139

  Savant, Paul 604, 605, 606–7, 608

  Sawtelle Veterans’ Hospital, Los Angeles 641–2

  Scammell, Terrence 126–7

  Scenes from an Emigration see California Schiele, Egon 460, 552

  Schindler, Bud 499

  Schjeldahl, Peter 638

  Schlesinger, John: in London 335, 511; and Michael Childers 335; visits Yosemite and San Francisco with C.I. 366–8; and Lance Loud 379; in Palm Springs 411–13; Don Bachardy’s drawing of 413; birthday party 496; C.I. socializes with in California 501, 505, 519; helps Bachardy clear out studio 507; 798–9

  The Day of the Locust 438; I and Albert 318; Midnight Cowboy 492

  Schlesinger, Peter: proposed trip on trans-Siberian railway 4; in London 12, 17, 18, 23–4, 26, 27, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 49, 51, 55–6, 60, 65, 67, 76, 77, 315, 317–18, 327– 8, 335, 510, 511, 514, 515, 516; relationship with David Hockney 12, 17, 31, 32, 41, 58, 59, 74, 80, 81, 202–3, 206–7, 208, 209–210, 291, 311, 343, 351–2, 649; visits South of France with C.I. 27, 28, 31–3, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 56; appearance and character 31, 43, 75, 103, 317–18; C.I. gives copy of Klimt book 56, 58; and Tom Cuthbertson 62; visits Forster in Cambridge with C.I. 72, 74–5; and Cecil Beaton 74; C.I. socializes with in California 103, 291, 507, 508, 626, 629; and Hockney’s trip to Asia 158, 188, 209; in Spain 195; break up with Hockney 202–3, 206–7, 208, 209–210, 291, 351–2; education and career 209, 210, 291; relationship with Eric Boman 209–210, 291, 320, 343; and Bruce Chatwin 284; sends birthday greetings to C.I. 385; Hockney nudes of 465; 799

  Schlosser, Herb 193

  Schmidt, Mary 136, 137

  Schmidt, Paul 509

  Schneider, Danny 108

  Schneider, Len 108

  Schneider, Peter: C.I.’s friendship with and views on 3, 5, 125, 273–4; friendship with Jim Gates 5, 108, 167, 248, 273–4, 437, 487; involvement in Vedanta 5, 85, 93, 108, 152, 158, 159, 161, 225–6, 237, 274, 305, 353, 434, 437; appearance 84–5, 219; Don Bachardy’s drawings of 84–5; conscientious objector 125; at Trabuco 191; college education 219, 226; letters to Swami 225–6; poetry 273; init
iated by Swami 353; visits Claremont with C.I. 355; 799

  Schneiderman, David and Beth 491

  Schnitzler, Arthur, Casanova’s Homecoming 395

  Schubach, Scott 259, 266, 799

  Schulman, Richard 12–13, 57, 59, 62, 63, 77, 91

  Schuman, Howard 63, 71, 75, 323, 506, 510, 511, 514, 800

  Schwed, Greg 188

  Schwed, Peter 123, 126, 169, 188, 800

  Scobie, W.I. (William, Bill): C.I. borrows tape recorder from 457; The Advocate article on C.I. 476n, 485, 489; and Jonathan Fryer 484–5; socializing with C.I. 498, 501, 505; on Christopher and His Kind 522; and Proposition 6 (Briggs Initiative) 569, 587, 599; and Tony Sarver’s illness and death 637, 642, 654, 661; 800

  Scofield, Paul 62n, 91–2; King Lear 215–16

  Scotland 512–13

  Scott Gilbert, Clement: and proposed English productions of A Meeting by the River 8, 11, 12–13, 16, 17, 24, 25, 44, 48, 50, 55, 57, 59, 61–2, 63, 76–7, 79–80, 89–90, 91, 94, 176–7, 238, 394; in California 176–7; 800

  Scott, Susan 505

  Searle, Alan 2, 286, 533, 607, 800

  Seattle: Vedanta Center 269; Don Bachardy’s show 487

  Seldis, Henry 460

  Sellin, Germany 668

  Selznick, David O. 104, 253, 800–801

  Selznick, Jennifer see Jones, Jennifer Separate Tables (film) 51

  September 30, 1955 (film) 506

  Sert, Misia 646

  Sète, France 32

  sex films 303–4

  sex toys 543

  Seymour, Jane 347, 381, 801

  Shadduck, Jim 386

  Shadduck, Tom 490–91, 492, 529, 541, 627–8, 633, 640, 661–2, 801

  Shaffer, Anthony 146, 490n

  Shakespeare, William: Hamlet 120, 499, 579; Henry V 449; Julius Caesar 120, 121, 543; Macbeth 532, 579, 688; A Midsummer Night’s Dream 385–6; Much Ado About Nothing 306; Sonnets 605

  Shane, Alan 441–2

  Shanghai Gesture, The (film) 88, 90

  Shankara, The Crest Jewel of Discrimination 47, 60

  Shasta, Dick (pseud.) 107, 125–6, 178, 259, 266, 312, 316, 323

  Shaw, Adam (Irwin Shaw’s son) 337–8

  Shaw, George Bernard: Androcles and the Lion 571; Don Juan in Hell 262; Pygmalion 610; The Apple Cart 25, 383–4; Widowers’ Houses 51, 318; see also The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

  Shaw, Irwin 337, 801

  Shaw, Paul (accountant) 237, 239

  Shawn, Dick 595

  Shearer, Norma 582

  Sheinberg, Sidney: character 130; and “Frankenstein” television film 130, 179n, 186, 187, 188, 193, 199, 213, 222, 237, 242, 247, 256, 260, 286; 802

  Shepard, Richard F. 296

  Shepard, Sam, Red Cross 44–5

  Sherin, Edwin 445, 450, 451

  Sherwin, David 7n

  Shimabukuro, Wayne 675

  Shingleton, Wilfred 316–17

  Shivananda, Swami 365

  Shone, Richard 26, 74, 77, 802

  Shooting, The (film) 207

  Shraddhananda, Swami 518

  Shroyer, Frederick 234, 433, 441, 802

  Shubert Theater, Los Angeles 387

  Sida, Mick 315, 319, 320, 335

  Sidebotham, Mr. (Isherwood family solicitor) 616

  Sieber, Rudolf 485, 487, 489

  Siegel, Benjamin 118

  Siegel, Eli 175–6

  Signoret, Simone 347, 497

  “Silent Night” (song), television program about 534

  Silverstein, Michael 128–9

  Simmonds, John 510

  Simon, Jennifer see Jones, Jennifer Simon, Neil 589

  Simon, Norton 176, 235, 276, 304, 376, 450–51, 802–3; Don Bachardy’s drawing of 363, 374, 378, 411

  Simon, Richard 48–9, 123, 202, 205, 213, 330, 803

  Simon and Schuster (publishers) 125, 126, 127, 169–70, 173, 218, 267, 802

  Simpson, Colin, The Secret Lives of Lawrence of Arabia 177

  Simpson, Wallis 330

  Sin of Father Mouret, The (film) 513

  Single Man, A (C.I.): themes xi, xvii, 98; title xi; praised by Jean Ross 66; possible film versions 171, 176, 177, 215; proposed BBC radio play 176; S.N. Behrman on 390; Claude Summers’s paper on 490; recording of reading from 521; special edition 629; writing 645

  Siporin, Thomas Victor 660

  Sister Carrie (film) 592

  Sister Lalita (earlier Carrie Mead Wyckoff) 622, 803

  Sisters of Revolution (film) 65–6

  Skipworth, Dean 622

  Skylab I (space station) 613

  Slade School of Fine Art, London 209

  Slaikjer, Don 553, 554

  slang and jargon 2, 101, 162, 217, 258, 360

  Sleep, Wayne: Hockney painting of x; C.I. socializes with in London 18, 29, 45, 55, 56, 327–8, 513, 515; A Midsummer Night’s Dream 49–50; Façade 50; dances naked on restaurant tables 55, 319; touring in New York 58; The Tales of Beatrix Potter 179; acting career 328; breaks Nijinsky’s record for entrechats 328; C.I. sees hustler who resembles 355; Don Bachardy draws 513; 803

  Sleuth (film) 146

  Smight, Jack 292, 293–4, 309, 312, 318, 321, 380–81, 397, 406, 466, 803

  Smith, Cecil 406

  Smith, Craig 594

  Smith, David 47, 803

  Smith, Dodie see Beesley, Dodie Smith

  Smith, Emily Machell (C.I.’s grandmother; Emmy) 14, 123, 803–4

  Smith, Frederick Machell (C.I.’s grandfather) 125

  Smith, Jessie Willcox 184

  Smith, John (neighbor) 533, 534

  Smith, Katharine (Moffat/Townend; Kate) 50, 68, 335, 804

  Smith, Maggie 360, 491, 495, 804

  Smith, Reginald Donald 516

  Smith, Stevie 542

  smog 113, 437, 582, 619, 649, 677

  Snow, C.P. 208

  Society of Authors’ Representatives 47

  Society of David 111–12, 161

  Soho Theatre, London 44

  solar energy 541

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, The First Circle x, 14, 16, 56, 78

  Something for Everyone (film) 101, 139

  Sondheim, Stephen: Follies 171; Pacific Overtures 508

  Sonsini, John 467

  Sontag, Susan 509; “Notes on ‘Camp’” xxxv– xxxvi, xxxvii

  Sorel, Paul: and Christopher Wood 142, 475, 478, 491, 578, 654–5; on Tony Bower’s murder 243; C.I. socializes with 491, 499, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 518, 578, 584, 633, 654; character 550, 578, 582; Don Bachardy’s painting of 550; financial problems 569, 578, 584, 605, 633, 654–5; 804

  Sorenson, Don 583

  Sound of Music, The (film) 571

  Southcombe, Bryan 498

  Soviet Union see USSR

  space exploration 541; Apollo 13 53, 693; Apollo 14 138; Skylab I 613

  Spain 444, 517–18

  Spanish Civil War 72–3

  Spar, Albert 239

  Spectator, The (magazine) 213

  Speer, Albert, Inside the Third Reich 249, 258, 313

  Spender, Elizabeth (Lizzie) 319, 804

  Spender, Natasha Litvin 33, 194, 322, 513, 514, 516, 804–5

  Spender, Stephen: on marriage 25; in France 194; review of C.I.’s Kathleen and Frank 208; Don Bachardy dreams about 262; in London 319, 322, 513, 514, 516; and Cyril Connolly 322; cables news of Jean Ross’s death 372; in New York 425–6, 509, 510; in New Orleans 475; proposed biography of Auden 475; rewriting of autobiography 476; Bachardy draws 514; speaks at National Portrait Gallery 515; in California 566, 567, 668; Bachardy’s dislike of 567; misreported cancer 617, 618; publication of letters to C.I. 624; knighthood 688; 805

  The Corporal 616; Trial of a Judge 567, 616; World Within World 446, 476

  Spigelgass, Leonard (Lenny) 222, 364, 369, 805

  Spinetti, Victor 19

  Spitz, Mark 280

  Splendor in the Grass (film) 490

  Spock, Benjamin 85, 147

  Spriegel, Dewey 453, 617

brass, Oliver 491

  Standing, Sarah 256n

  Stangos, Nicolas (Nikos) 25, 510, 515, 805

  Stanley, Leonard 113

  Stans, Maurice 358–9

  Stanton, Larry 12

  Stanwyck, Barbara 96, 115

  Star is Born, A (film) 403

  “Star-Spangled Night for Human Rights” (1977) 548–9

  Stark, Peggy 512n

  Stark, Robin 512

  Stay Hungry (film) 518

  Steegmuller, Francis, Flaubert in Egypt 358, 556

  Steen, Mike 179, 184, 805

  Steiger, Rod 617

  Stein, Gertrude 516; The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas 136

  Steinbeck, John, The Grapes of Wrath 678

  Stendhal, Le Rouge et le Noir 653

  Stepford Wives, The (film) 439, 441

  Stephens, Dale 47

  “Steptoe and Son” (television series) 13

  Sterling, Rod 270

  Stern, Alan 651, 671, 673, 805

  Sternberg, Dr. Thomas 493, 494, 497

  Stevens, Marti 1, 143, 144, 146, 471, 519, 632, 805–6

  Stevens, Norman 515

  Stevenson, Robert Louis: house and grave 3, 49; A Child’s Garden of Verses 184; In the South Seas 562

  Stock, Roger 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 46, 63

  Stockholm, Sweden 70

  Stockport, England 13, 330–33, 342, 513, 542

  Stockwell, Dean 79, 80

  Stoker, Bram: Dracula 165; Dracula’s Guest 165; The Jewel of Seven Stars 265; Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving 165

  Stoker, Douglas 207

  Stoltenberg, John 407

  Stone, Christopher 495

  Stoppard, Tom 52, 61, 63; Jumpers 330; Travesties 511n, 539–40

  Story of Adele H., The (film) 493

  Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire, England 512

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom’s Cabin 553

  Strachan, Alan, Yahoo 542n Stranger, The (film) 252

  Strangers on a Train (film) 642

  Strasser, Robin 227, 293, 298, 306, 806

  Straus, Roger and Dorothea 509

  Stravinsky, Igor: death and funeral xxiii, 158–9, 159–60, 163, 168–9, 173, 189, 278; and Robert Craft 102n, 247; C.I. dreams of 237; memorial ballet festival 247; Stravinsky: Chronicle of a Friendship (Craft) 279; Don Bachardy’s drawing of 377; and William Caskey 637; 806

  Stravinsky, Vera: C.I. and Don Bachardy visit in New York following Igor’s death 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 166, 168–9, 170, 173–4, 218, 221; and Bill Brown and Paul Wonner 247, 300; C.I. and Bachardy socialize with on subsequent trips to New York 300, 304, 509, 510, 652–3; relations with Robert Craft 304; declining health 621, 652–3; 806


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