Fake Love (For Now)

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Fake Love (For Now) Page 4

by Penny Wylder

  “I did bring it.”

  “Get it for me.”

  My cheeks are suddenly burning with embarrassment despite the fact that I’m straddling him naked. “I mean…it’s just a vibrator.”

  “Get it, Erin.”

  I hesitate a second longer before scrambling over to my suitcase and grabbing it. It’s my favorite little toy, a vibrator that fits over my clit and sucks with air. It’s a good companion.

  When I turn around, Hudson still has the gleam in his eye and now there’s a condom on his cock. I hand him the vibrator and he pulls me between his legs. “How do you use it?”

  “This is the button to turn it on.”

  “No.” His arm slips around my waist and pulls me closer. “How do you use it? Paint me a picture.”

  I’m blushing again. It feels so intensely intimate to tell him this. Something I’ve never done with anyone else. “It’s embarrassing,” I say.

  “Considering my cock was in your mouth just now,” he says with a grin, “I think it’s okay if I know how you masturbate.”

  Suddenly he turns me around, settling me on his lap. His lips brush my shoulder and I’m very aware of his cock behind me and the fact that he’s pulling my legs open over his knees so I’m spread open. “Now you don’t have to look at me.”

  Hudson leans away from me for a second, and I hear the toy turn on. “Oh, this is fun,” he says. “And you’re still not talking.”

  I can’t. I’m stunned into silence. This isn’t real. But it is, and it’s so fucking hot that I’m starting to shake, and my pussy is already soaking from having him in my mouth. So when he reaches around and fits the vibrator over my clit, I gasp in pleasure.

  “Do you lie on your back?” he asks, lips pressed to my skin.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “On your stomach?”

  A moan escapes me. “Being able to press down onto it makes it so much better.”


  He moves the vibrator slowly, clicking it up a few notches. “Favorite setting?”


  Hudson clicks it back down. “You like to make it last.”

  My voice is nothing but a whimper. “Yes.”

  “I’m imagining you writhing for as long as possible before you can’t take it anymore.”

  “Yes,” I gasp.

  “Then we’ll do that,” he says. “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re not going to come until you absolutely cannot stop yourself.”

  “That’s not going to take long.” The vibrator disappears and I moan again. “Fuck, no.”

  Hudson flips me onto the bed so I’m on my knees, his body covering mine entirely. “Can’t take it too quickly, can I?”

  He lines himself up with me, and the feeling of his cock is a delicious ache. I’m a little sore from last night, but at the same time he feels so fucking good that I can’t breathe. “Oh yes...”

  It’s only been hours, and I still forgot exactly how big he is and how full I feel with him. I squeeze down on him, appreciating how different it feels in this position.

  “That’s it,” he says. “Let me in.”

  Hudson sinks in to the hilt, and his soft laugh brushes the back of my neck. “Hang on.”

  That’s all he says before he starts to fuck me. There’s no way that I’m going to last as long as he wants me to. It’s an entire other level of feeling with him this deep in me. I can’t breathe, can’t speak. I collapse down onto the bed, hands grasping the sheets and ass in the air. Hudson thrusts so deep and so hard that the headboard is actually banging. His balls slap against my pussy, an extra sensation that I’m holding back from.

  And then he reaches underneath me, and I’m undone. Hudson places the vibrator right over my clit and turns it on—he doesn’t keep it on low. My body spasms, trying to get closer to the blaze of fiery pleasure on my clit and the delicious rhythm that he’s pounding into me.

  “Live in it,” he whispers into my neck. “Keep yourself here until it’s the only thing.”

  It’s already the only thing, but my voice doesn’t work right now. He’ll have to call back later.

  A small change in the angle of his thrusts, and I’m suddenly knocked into a different universe. My voice comes back. “Oh, fuck. Yes. Please.”

  The words don’t stop as he drives me higher. Faster. Until they’re not words anymore and it’s one long moan. I can’t stop. I’m caught in a storm between the two pleasures, and there’s no way to stop it now. No way. The orgasm catches me and drags me over the edge. My hips are moving on their own, grinding down into the vibrator and back up into Hudson and again. And I scream.

  I shout Hudson’s name and beg him for more. He gives it to me. The pleasure is a cascade that doesn’t end. I’m trapped under that waterfall, completely unable to come up for air. So far gone that I barely register when he comes too. It’s all a part of the aftershocks. My voice still echoes off the walls of the small room, Hudson slowing his pace and drawing out the pleasure for both of us.

  My body is shaking like I’ve run a marathon. I don’t move when he turns the vibrator off and pulls out of me. But he doesn’t leave. I nearly have the strength to turn over, but I do. “Okay,” I say, yanking him down to kiss me. “You win. Mission accomplished. That’s the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  Hudson chuckles as he kisses me, and then we both freeze.

  A soft cough comes from the doorway to the bedroom, and we both look, staring in horror, at my parents.



  Oh fuck.

  This is bad.

  Really bad.

  It’s bad enough that Erin is a guest, but fucking a guest and then being caught in the act by her parents after making their daughter scream is probably the worst thing that could happen.

  I see it in her face.

  She’s already facing humiliation because of everything that’s happened with vet school and her dreams. Her entire life plan. This isn’t going to help.

  How can I fix this? This was all my idea, and I’m not going to let Erin suffer embarrassment because of me. The door closes, and in seconds we’re scrambling for our clothes. Thank fuck that my jeans are here in the bedroom, even though my shirt is in the living room. It could be worse.

  Erin’s face is horrified, and with those eyes that hide nothing, I can see that she’s freaking out. This is the smallest guest house that we have on the property, and the fireplace is open between the two rooms. It’s not exactly like we can come up with a story while her parents are in the next room.

  An idea pops into my mind from nowhere. It’s a little risky, but it could work. She has clothes on now, and I catch her and pull her to me. Panic is written all over her face. I kiss her softly, and it’s just as intoxicating as ever. One touch of her lips and I’m completely lost. It’s an effort to pull away, but I do, and I whisper in her ear. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”

  She bites her lip, and I can see by the look on her face that she’s unsure if I actually do have this, but I do. My own panic has settled, and I know this will work. I open the door and we head out into the living room where Mr. O’Neill is sitting on the couch—where I feasted on his daughter—and Mrs. O’Neill is in the kitchen looking lost.

  I walk over to my shirt on the floor and pick it up. They already caught us having sex. The fact that my shirt is on the floor shouldn’t exactly be a surprise. I smile at the two of them. “I’m sorry about the surprise.”

  Her father blinks. “Well, uh—”

  “I was hoping to talk to you more privately before you found out this way, but it didn’t feel right in front of the rest of your party.” I hold out a hand to Mr. O’Neill to shake. “Officially, I’m Hudson LeGrand. I’m Erin’s fiancée.”

  The whole room is so silent that you could hear a fly land on the counter if there was one. Including Erin.

  “Fiancée?” Mrs. O’Neill asks.

  “We meant to tell you yesterday, but there wasn’t a
good time.”

  I see the looks on her parents’ faces, and they’re probably thinking about all the times that Erin said she was visiting here. They likely think she was coming here all those times to see me. It makes sense given the story that she’s already spun. And Mrs. O’Neill nods. They’re skeptical, but they buy it.

  Mr. O’Neill clears his throat and laughs a little. “Certainly not a conventional introduction.”

  “Again,” I say, “sorry about that.”

  “Either way, I’m glad to meet the man that’s making my daughter happy.” He finally takes my hand and shakes it.

  Her mom isn’t quite as forgiving. “Why?”

  Erin swallows. “Why what?”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” she asks. “Why don’t you have a ring?”

  Finally getting on board with the story, Erin smiles and takes a step closer to me. “It’s new, and we wanted to keep it to ourselves for a while. A ring is coming, but we didn’t need one to know what we wanted. And we don’t want to make a big deal about it, so if you could keep it quiet for now…”

  Mrs. O’Neill holds up her hands. “Of course.”

  “Yeah,” her dad says, “I don’t even know if I’ve processed it enough to tell anyone.”

  I laugh, trying to keep the mood light. “I don’t blame you.”

  “We came over to,” her mother pauses. “We just came to see if you were ready for breakfast.”

  “Right. Breakfast.” Erin says. “I’ll be over soon—just take a few minutes to freshen up.”

  I try to keep the grin off my face and fail absolutely.

  Mrs. O’Neill looks at her daughter for a moment before pulling her into a hug. “This is such a surprise. But I am happy for you. Really. After everything.”

  The words are quiet, but I’m close enough that I can hear them. Her mom sounds emotional, and the way Erin’s fingers are clinging to her, she’s emotional too.

  “We’ll see you at breakfast,” Mr. O’Neill says, standing.

  “Okay,” Erin says. She’s still quiet, but for the moment she doesn’t look panicked, and that’s about all that I can ask.

  She walks them to the door, and there are a few more quiet words that I don’t hear before they head out and it closes behind them.

  Erin comes back into the living room so slowly it’s like she’s moving underwater. Her face is blank. She looks up at me and blinks, suddenly realizing that I’m still here, and she wakes up. “What. The hell. Were you thinking?”



  “What. The hell. Were you thinking?”

  Those are the only words in my brain right now as I look at Hudson. Engaged. Engaged. He told my parents that we’re engaged.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. And then he’s running his hand through his hair, pacing back and forth across the living room. “I swear that I really am sorry, but it was the only thing that I could think of that made sense with the story you told them about coming here and why you would be in bed with me.”

  I roll my eyes and look at him. “You could have just said that we’re dating, Hudson. Jumping all the way to engagement is a little premature, don’t you think? Not that it matters now, we just have to go with it.”

  Hudson smiles. “Yeah. I guess that would have been a little easier. I just—”

  “You what?”

  “I saw the look on your face,” he says. “The panic. The fear. The embarrassment. I didn’t want you to feel that anymore. And I thought that a fiancée would be…I don’t know. More respectable? Something that was more than just a boyfriend. I thought they’d be happier. I’m sorry, Erin. But I’m going to back you up on this. Completely.”

  I hate to admit that he’s right. An engagement does lessen the blow of them walking in on us, though I don’t think that I’m going to recover from that anytime soon. The last thing that I ever wanted was for my parents to walk in on a screaming orgasm.

  There’s no doubt that they heard me screaming Hudson’s name. Frankly, everyone on the property probably heard me screaming his name.

  Regardless, my head is still spinning. What the actual hell just happened? I can’t seem to wrap my head around it. Or the fact that my parents seemed…happy? Are they pretending cause they’re just as blindsided as I am? Or are they actually excited?

  Have I really been so out of touch that announcing a huge and unexpected life change is actually a good thing in their eyes?

  My parents have never pressured me to get married or given me any hints about wanting grandchildren. Any of the things that my friends’ parents have done. Were they just holding those things back?

  The panic is bubbling up under my skin again. It’s like a physical, tangible itch.

  Hudson grabs me from where I’ve started to pace and holds me still. Looks me in the eye. “Erin. I need you to breathe.”

  “I am breathing.”

  “Are you?” he asks. “Cause right now it seems like you’re going back and forth between holding your breath and hyperventilating. Neither of which are great for you know…living.”

  “I don’t know what to do,” I say. “I can’t believe this is happening. Why are they happy about it?”

  Hudson pulls me in to his body and wraps his arms around me. He’s so tall that he can rest his chin on the top of my head. “I’m sorry I got you into this mess.”

  “It takes two to have sex. I’m not exactly blameless.”

  He makes a non-committal sound. “I’m the one that asked you to have a drink, knowing where it could lead. I’m the one that stayed over. I’m the one that made you scream loud enough to attract attention.”

  I tilt my face up so that I can look him in the eye. “Is this a mess? Yes. But you don’t have to be a martyr about it. I knew having a drink could lead to this. Hell, I hoped that it would. I could have asked you to leave, and I didn’t. I wanted you here this morning. So you can’t take the blame for it. Except for the fiancée part. That’s all you.”

  Hudson chuckles, the vibrations deep in his chest resonating through me. Standing here wrapped up in him makes all my panic melt away. That doesn’t exactly make sense, given the fact that he’s the reason I have to panic. But nothing can reach me here. All I feel is calm and warmth.

  After a few minutes, I realize that I’ve laid my head on his chest, and he’s let me, just holding me.

  I swallow, unsure of the emotions rising in my chest at that idea. Focus, Erin. We need a way out of this. I think through everything.

  “Okay,” I say. “We do this for the rest of the weekend. All the pretending while we’re in front of my parents, and we keep it low key in front of their friends. And then later, once it’s over…a little ways down the line, something can go wrong and we can call off the wedding. I don’t know, maybe you think I’m too loud in bed.”

  His laugh fills up the room. “Of all the reasons I would ever break off an engagement with someone, them being too loud when I’m pleasuring them would not be it.”

  “I don’t know,” I say. “I was pretty loud. You could say that I was scaring away Blue Mountain’s patrons.”

  “If that were the case, then our patrons don’t have very good taste. Either that, or I’ll just have to take you out into the woods where I’m the only one that gets to hear you.”

  I shudder and press my forehead into his chest. He pulls me even closer. We’re locked together, and I don’t want to let go. The anxiety in my chest now isn’t because of the fake engagement. It’s the idea that—

  No. That thought isn’t going to happen. I cut it off before it fully forms. This is going to be hard enough.

  “You up for all that? The pretending and the break-up and everything?”

  “Of course,” Hudson says with a smile, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “After all, it was my idea.”



  “So,” Mr. O’Neill says, “what do you do here at Blue Mountain?”

  At least about this, I don’t have to
lie. We’re on safe ground. “I’m the Activities Director. I’m in charge of planning all the excursions and any events that we put together. I’m also on the lookout for anything that we can add. I split the actual leading of the excursions and classes with Leo. Except archery. That’s all Asher.”

  “And you own all this?”

  I smile. “We do. Made the last payment about a month ago. It’s ours outright now. A few square miles on this side of the river, so we actually have a lot more property than we’re using at the moment. On the other side of the river is all national forest, but we have a special license with the state for everything we do out there.”

  Erin’s mother is looking at me. Assessing. “It’s very impressive.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What are your future plans for this place?”

  I clear my throat and take a drink of water. It’s a little bit of an interrogation, but given the way that we surprised them this morning, they definitely have the right. “We’re finally to a place where we’re happy with the number of excursions that we have, and the guest capacity. Right now we’re going to hold steady and ease into this kind of schedule. Obviously the warmer months are our busiest seasons. We’ve done really well, and we don’t want to grow too big too quickly.

  “But eventually we’d like to build larger guest cabins further out on the property for larger groups and possibly hire full-time staff so that the three of us don’t have to be here all year round.”

  Mr. O’Neill nods. “Sounds like you’ve got a decent business plan.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  Erin is very quiet beside me. I know that she doesn’t want to say anything that’s going to contradict our story, and she’s still a little dazed from everything that happened.

  “And how did you guys meet?”

  This one I’ve definitely got. “Erin came up as a part of a class trip when we first got the horses over the summer. And we just…hit it off.”


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