Lost Pirates

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Lost Pirates Page 8

by Jamie Hawke

  “Thought I’d make up for the torture,” a voice said, and he started, turning his head to see Esmerelda standing in the doorway, an apple in hand… watching. “Keep going, ladies.”

  And they did.

  Frank stared at Esmerelda as Christmas kissed his neck and ear, then moved down to his chest while Milly’s head bobbed up and down in sync with one hand, her other hand working his balls.

  Esmerelda took a bite of her apple and entered, sitting in the opposite corner, and made direct eye contact. She winked.

  This was a first for Frank. The whole situation was. First a threesome—if two women going down on him could be called that—then a woman watching… while eating an apple. Part of him wanted to ask what the hell was going on, but mostly he didn’t want to risk putting an end to it.

  Now both women were at his waist, taking turns with his cock while Esmerelda watched. She took another bite, grinning as she chewed, and Frank closed his eyes, simply enjoying the moment and trying to ignore how weird it all was.

  Having two mouths moving down there was even better than he could’ve imagined. In this case, it was made better by the variety. Milly’s hands grabbed him, squeezing his ass and taking his cock with hardened firmness. The other pirate was daintier with her small hands and tender way with her mouth on his balls. He could tell when they handed off his cock because it would go from intense, overwhelming pleasure to teasing, explorative tenderness.

  One minute a tongue would be moving up his shaft, gliding along the side of his cock’s head, and then engulfing him as if to test how much could fit in the mouth, and at another the entire shaft would be taken over with a flickering tongue and strong jerks, so that the blowjob lasted twice as long as he’d expected.

  Finally, while Milly was pulling at him and slapping his cock against her tongue, he felt his balls pulling in, tingling in his legs, and his ab muscles tightening. He moaned, reaching out and caressing two heads as the other pirate got in there and ran her tongue between his balls and along his hip, her hand sliding up to his ass.

  Another moan, and then Milly was off, and she had the other woman by the head, guiding her up and down, licking her ear and kissing her face as the first shots from Frank exploded into the woman’s mouth. Then Milly tore her away and was licking it up, pulling him like a toothpaste tube and getting every last drop, and again Frank’s eyes closed as a second orgasm seemed to take hold.

  When it was done, he lay there, eyes still closed and chest heaving, hands and tongues still exploring him, until finally they stopped and he felt the two ladies curl up next to him.

  He opened his eyes to see that Esmerelda was gone, her apple core sitting on the stool all by itself.

  What a strange fucking night. He wondered, as sleep took him along with the calm rocking of the ship, if he’d ever look at apple cores the same.


  When he woke up, Frank’s mind was still reeling from the night before, amazed that the apple core was still there even if the ladies weren’t—proof it had really happened. His first move was to sit up and see that he was all alone. His next was to find his pants and check his compass. Still there.

  Something was off about it though, he noticed. Where before there’d been the Roman numeral one on the front of the device, in the bottom right corner, now there was a two. He opened the top and noticed a faint, green light. Not blue like before. It was coming from the right dial, so he fidgeted with it and was surprised to see it light up, projecting light out of the bottom. Holding the compass up off the bed, he saw that the light spelled out, “Level Two.”

  When he’d accepted the level one option before, upon entering, he’d assumed it meant more like an area, similar to levels in old Mario games. But this didn’t seem that way—it had taken a bit of a fight to get him to level two, after all, and now some of the symbols kind of made sense to him. On the dial to the right were images that reminded him of Egyptian hieroglyphs, including one that looked like a hammer, another that looked like a flexed arm, and a third that looked like someone running. The projection changed now, showing this, with two points in the middle. He stared, confused, and then pressed the hammer. Its number changed to two and the middle of the screen said, “Crafting, upgraded,” followed by a light blue projection of blueprints showing several different kinds of weapons. What he was going to do with blueprints showing how to make pistols and even what appeared to be a rocket launcher was beyond him, though.

  The next one he had to think about more carefully. Noticing one that looked like a target, he selected that and the screen said, “Aim, upgraded.” That sounded cool, but he still had no idea what it meant.

  What… the… fuck?

  In a way, this made his head want to explode. And yet, he could almost make sense of it all. If this compass could make him travel through time and space, it was either magical or super sci-fi, which meant it could either affect his body through magic if the former, or through some strange radiations or sort of drug-like science that he didn’t understand.

  Or maybe it was simpler than that? Maybe the version of him projected here was altered to begin with, so adding stats wasn’t so hard? Frank imagined that he’d get answers eventually, when he found the person responsible for setting it all up. Too much of it felt so over-the-top that it was impossible to be true without someone being behind it.

  For now, he was damn excited to know he could get better not simply by practice and hard work, but by grinding and leveling the fuck up. Hell yeah.

  There was another symbol that didn’t quite make sense to him yet—one that looked like several sticks and circles. It seemed to have a three next to it, so maybe he’d skipped a level on whatever that was? He shrugged, looking forward to figuring it all out but knowing this wasn’t the time.

  Plus, he was out of numbers to assign anyway, so he decided he’d have to wait until his next level-up to see what the rest of it meant. But, as he was about to put the compass away, he noticed another glow, this time white at first. Moving the left dial, a prism of blue, green, and red joined the white light to become a three-dimensional map with the words, “Crafting supplies,” and various Xs marked on the map.

  This was getting weirder and weirder.

  He came up on deck to find that the ship had stopped moving and half the pirates were already rowing ashore. The light glistened on the water, causing him to squint, but after a moment his eyes cleared and he was able to make out their destination.

  It was exactly what he’d expect from a Caribbean island, complete with white, sandy beaches, palm trees, and a tall hill that was covered in jungle. Oh, and of course the pirates. He closed his eyes, hoping for the thousandth time that this was all just a dream, but when he opened them again Esmeralda was standing inches from him, squinting as if trying to decide what to think of him.

  “Didn’t want to interrupt your beauty sleep,” she said with a sly grin, and Frank blushed, all questions of whether it had been a dream or not quickly vanishing. The fact that she had sat there and watched two women give him head said something, but he wasn’t exactly sure what.

  She gestured for him to climb down to a rowboat waiting beside the ship.

  “We’re there?” he asked. “I don’t see any sort of pirate stronghold or whatever.”

  “It wouldn’t last very long with the PK around if it were out in the open, now would it? This ship will be moved to avoid giving any clues away.”

  “I suppose not.” His mind was distracted though, remembering hands and tongues caressing him, and Esmerelda noticed as he glanced around.

  “They’re already on shore, but don’t worry, you’ll see plenty of them.”


  She nodded, seemed to be trying to hold back a laugh, and then gestured Frank on. As she followed him, she added, “They seem to think you belong to them now. Their little pet.”


  Another laugh. “Not their word, and nothing meant by it.”

  Frank wan
ted to ask more, like what the hell was going on and how two women decided he’d be theirs and claim him as they had. Not that he was complaining. It was exactly what he had wanted… or pretty damn close to exactly. But getting to know them more would’ve been nice.

  As he entered the boat, a thought hit him—what would he be able to talk to them about? He couldn’t exactly ask about their majors, or if they’d caught the latest film. If he made a joke or referenced The Princess Bride, they’d stare at him blankly or laugh while pretending they got it.

  Then again, he might not live long enough to even have to worry about that. Sitting down in the boat, he realized this wasn’t exactly comforting, but at least it took away some of the stress of it all. For now, he told himself to focus on the good—tongues on his balls, hands stroking him, and falling asleep shortly after cumming in their mouths.

  What a way to go.

  “Looking smug now,” Esmerelda noted as she joined him, much defter at moving about in these rowboats than he.

  “Why shouldn’t I be?” he replied eyes moving to the shore.

  She scoffed, and he noted a hint of irritation in her eyes. “Hold on. You set it up, right? But… why’re you acting jealous?”

  She scoffed again. “Jealous? Of what?”

  “You… maybe you wanted…”

  “To stick your sword in my mouth?” She laughed, then drew her blade and pointed it at him. “Here, put mine in yours first and we’ll go from there.”

  Other pirates were joining them now, so she put away her blade and went about ignoring him. It was frustrating because now he really wanted an explanation. Almost equally as bad, he wanted a chance to sit down with her, or maybe Teddy, and get some information on their situation—he’d done enough studying on this period and location that he knew this wasn’t exactly how the pirate situation had been. It could be possible that this was some small group of pirates who didn’t get much attention in the history books, but it seemed unlikely. There was the chance that his traveling through time had messed something up, so that it had changed the events and circumstances for these people, but this seemed too drastic. Plus, in every movie he’d seen, you had to go back before point X if you were going to mess up point X.

  A thought hit him, and his hand went to his pants to feel for the compass. Still there, but thinking it through caused his gut to clench. Maybe his grandpa had time traveled. Maybe others too! It was entirely possible that someone had already gone back to previous times and changed enough to cause these current circumstances.

  He took a breath, reminding himself not to get carried away. Maybe none of that had happened, and he just needed to get a fuller picture of where he was and what was happening, then it would all make sense. Plus, it hadn’t changed his original timeline, right? Although, maybe there was a delayed effect or perhaps the fact that he was here and his timeline hadn’t changed meant he could somehow set it all back on course?

  Running a hand through his hair, he ignored the rumbling of his stomach and tried to push all of these thoughts aside. Focus on the blowjob, he told himself. Focus… focus.

  Finally, the pirates were ready and they took off to follow the others.

  He was happy not to have to row. Truth was, he hadn’t slept much below deck, even after the amazing incident with Milly and Christmas—he made a note to learn her name. He wondered if anyone in his shoes would’ve been able to. Traveling through time, taken by pirates, freed by other pirates, attacked by the original pirates again, and now caught up in some sort of pirate rebellion… not to mention the tandem blowjob. It was enough to make his insides spin, if the rocking ship hadn’t already been doing so.

  They reached land and Frank was glad to feel solid ground beneath his feet. Esmeralda led the way, a line of pirates and then Frank following.

  Soon they were climbing the hill and Frank found himself swatting away giant mosquitos, wondering if he wouldn’t have been better off with the other pirates. A jail cell that stunk like crap, or these monstrous mosquitoes… he’d have to consider that one for a while. They pushed aside overgrown leaves and soon found their way into a valley—and then he saw that they had arrived.

  What at first looked like a jungle was, in fact, a hidden city of sorts. The pirates had caves dug into the side of the hill, treehouses circling up and along the larger trees, and guard posts spread out along the outside wall, covered with leaves to look like thick brush.

  “Wow,” was all he could think to say.

  Teddy greeted them there and gestured toward the northeast corner. “That’s where you’ll be doing the most to help out, magician.”

  “That rumor’s still going around?” Frank asked with a groan.

  “It was, until I told them you were no magician at all. Just a trusted member of the rebellion, and one who knows how to work with these.”

  Teddy led him over to a small nook Frank hadn’t noticed. Here he opened a chest, pulled something out, and motioned Frank closer. He held out some pieces of metal and plastic that, at first glance didn’t make sense. After a few seconds of confusion though, Frank remembered where he’d seen these—from the blueprints.

  “Where’d you get this?”

  “Taken from a previous altercation with the Pirate King’s forces,” Teddy replied. “It looks like he was trying to figure it out, but couldn’t. As you handled that demon back there so well, I thought maybe you’d have some insight.”

  “Let me have some time with it, see what I can do.”

  “That works for me.” Teddy gave him a nod and left him to it.

  Ensuring nobody could see, Frank took out his compass and made the blueprints appear, finding out that if he turned the compass over, the blueprints were projected about a foot off of the ground. To his delight, the device seemed to recognize what was nearby and selected the pieces from its memory, displaying the exact ones Frank had. It then showed him how they should be put together.

  Holy shit.

  He followed the instructions, having some problems with a couple of internal parts connecting, but when he was finished it looked right. Checking the chest, there were bullets and a magazine to load the rifle.

  As intriguing as this was, the implications were profound He began to wonder just how much time traveling had happened.

  It had only been ten minutes since he started when Frank went running out, calling for Teddy. An old woman directed him inland, and there was Teddy with two of his men, discussing a crude map they’d drawn in the dirt.

  “Done,” Frank blurted out while trying to catch his breath. He held out the rifle, grinning from ear to ear.

  “My boy,” Teddy said, standing and accepting it, eyes wide with awe, “so… fast?”

  “Let’s see if it works.”

  Teddy, usually a strong manly type, had the look of an excited schoolboy when he said, “Let’s.” Gesturing to his companions, one of whom was Ox. “You two are in for a show.”

  They found an area with dirt leading to several shot-up barrels, clearly used as a shooting range for the flintlocks. Loading the magazine as Frank showed him—thanks to the movies!—Teddy took aim at a barrel and squeezed the trigger. A three-round burst rang out, leaving him speechless. It had missed entirely but was still impressive.

  “Think it’ll do?” Frank asked.

  “With this?” Teddy laughed, then aimed at a piece of wood from an old ship sticking out of the sand. He shot again, watching two of the three shots hit and splinter the wood. “They’ll never know what hit ‘em.”


  Teddy had gone straight away to the others to prepare for the raid against the Pirate King. He had told them that their goal was partly to hit back at the demon pirate, but also to show that they weren’t to be fucked with. With the new gun alone, he was positive they could strike fear into the hearts of those pirates. Their rage and desire for revenge would serve as a nice layer of icing on the cake.

  Meanwhile, Frank wanted to explore this place. Hidden caves like this were
basically his childhood dream come true. After sitting outside the chamber that served as an entry point to Teddy’s room, Frank stood and went for the door, but instantly came face-to-face with a tall, dark pirate. His head was completely shaved, revealing tattoos made more menacing by all the piercings in his ears and nose.

  “Where’re you going?” he asked.

  “Take a piss, okay?”

  He looked down his nose at Frank and said, “Savvy,” before stepping aside.

  The sun was casting long shadows from the trees down across the island. Frank’s first stop was to look for food, so he followed his nose to the scent of plantains and beans. Christmas was there, sitting at a table and laughing at something an older woman had said. Upon seeing Frank, however, she blushed and shifted in her seat, away from him.

  He wasn’t sure if he should be offended, so for now, he simply went to the cook and asked if he could help himself.

  “And who th’ fuck are you?” the cook asked. He was a short man with half his face scarred, from the chin up. It was hard to tell if it was damage from fire or many knife cuts, and Frank wasn’t about to ask.

  “I came in with Teddy,” Frank replied.

  “He’s good,” Christmas said, but still didn’t look up.

  The cook glanced her way, hesitated, then grabbed a plate and filled it. When he handed it over, he leaned in and whispered, “She hates all men. How th’ fuck did you get ‘er to speak up for you?”


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