Lost Pirates

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Lost Pirates Page 11

by Jamie Hawke

  “And you… you’d be okay with it?”

  “Frank,” she pulled him over her so that he was straddling her. “I’d fucking love it.”

  Then, without warning, she tipped him off-balance and twisted under him until suddenly her face was beneath his crotch and he was staring down at her pussy. It was gorgeous, with thin blonde hair, giving him the sense that her hair up top was more often ratty and affected by the weather than he’d realized. He was so caught off guard, he stared at it for a moment longer, craving it without realizing it was there for the taking. And then her mouth was around his cock, warm and moist, and she was massaging his balls and his taint, getting dangerously close to his ass, and he arched his back in bliss.

  When he came back down again, it was to get what he wanted. He plunged in, running his tongue along the lips of her pussy first, then inside, and then working her clit while he reached over and got fingers into play as his tongue did its best.

  He was loving it, almost able to forget all his worries, hoping it would never end aside from the cramping in his tongue, when she started pressing her hips up into him, squirming a bit, and then her legs clenched and she moaned long and hard, dick still in her mouth. When she finally let up, she pulled off him and said, “Shit, are you ever going to cum?”

  “If you want me to,” he replied with a grin, and she gave him an any day look. Shifting back over to her, he straddled her face, looking down at her, as he gently put his clothes under her head. Able to watch her like that really turned him on, and it couldn’t have been more than ten strokes before he was biting his lip to stop from yelling out, hands on her breasts and cum shooting into her mouth.

  Her eyes went wide but she smiled, watching him cum, and they held their gaze, not letting up until it was done. Finally, she pulled him out and gasped for air. Licking her lips, she grinned and said, “The middle ground,” then tapped his dick playfully so that it swung from side to side. “Next time, it’ll be the grand champion of fuck-fests, believe me. But, of course, you first have to stay alive long enough to make it that far.”

  “I’ll do my best,” Frank said, legs wobbly as he tried to stand. There was no way he’d be able to wipe the silly grin from his face any time soon.

  “Yeah, well… hydrate,” she said as she pushed herself up. “Or whatever you do after cumming like that. Why was there so much? I mean, didn’t you already get head from Milly last night and then earlier today?”

  Frank shrugged. “I guess it’s correlated to how turned on I am.”

  She kissed him, then turned to dress. “Well, I hope you fight like you give head, because if so, our enemy is soooo fucked.”

  He was just thinking up some witty response when a light tap on the door came, followed by Teddy’s voice. “As only my sister and our newest crew member are unaccounted for, I’m going to pretend nobody’s in the armory right now and go about my duty.” He hesitated, then added, “Also, come on, Essie. Really?”

  “Sorry,” she hissed back. “Out in two secs.”


  “Secs—seconds.” She rolled her eyes and gave Frank another quick kiss, then started dressing faster.

  He tried to match her speed and hissed, “Will he be mad?”

  “About us?” She shook her head. “Just makes you more like a brother to him. It’s not like I do this with every guy who comes around.”

  “So why me?”

  She was buttoning her shirt, and it was a sad sight to see those perfect breasts hidden again. “Something about the way you were when we first met,” she admitted. “And every moment from then until now.”

  He grinned—the perfect answer. Soon it would be time for him to charge back out into one of those fights he’d been so scared of when they’d first broken him out. He would be surrounded by bloodthirsty pirates, going up against a new sort of pirate empire that the history books had no recollection of, with no ability to predict how it might all end.

  On any other day he might have felt terrified. But considering what had just happened, and the swordplay and other great experiences he’d had in the last twenty-four hours? He felt untouchable. Nothing could stop him now.


  Moving through the trees toward their objective, Frank could sense the anticipation weighing down on them like the humidity in the night air, while at the same time excitement bubbled up in the form of crazy looks in their eyes.

  Every pirate there knew this could be the day they died, but they crept forward to rise to the challenge, to live for the chance to make a difference in this world. The plan, as he understood it, was to take out one of the Pirate King’s main supply hubs—a fort that included an armory which would therefore supply the fighters with more weapons.

  Esmerelda ran ahead, Teddy at her side, Keisha and three other pirates near Frank. He’d been told that Milly and Mary were among the first wave of the attack, with a good head start on them. His group would work their way around the side, and catch the enemy by surprise. It was weird, though, learning they were right—knowing that the women he was starting to care for could be skewered by a pirate sword at any minute gave him a queasy feeling.

  A gunshot rang out in the distance and his heart thudded in his head, each beat like a drum telling him it was go time. Even if the people he cared about left this battle today unharmed, people they cared about would be hurt. There was no avoiding that fact.

  Who the hell was he to be charging into a battle with hardened pirates? This thought crept up in the back of his head and then fell through his body like an anchor, and his pace slowed.

  “Move your ass!” Keisha said, glancing back and motioning for him to hurry while one of the pirates at her side drew pistols and roared with the excitement of the coming fight.

  But Frank was falling back into a dark place in his mind, one where voices told him he didn’t belong here, that he was some stupid college kid playing dress up. So what? He got his dick sucked and now he thought he was a man? No! He should be studying for his next test, preparing an essay or working on a project he’d been outlining.

  This was insanity!

  But then Keisha’s hand had his and her dark eyes held his gaze, and she was saying it was now or never, that if he didn’t pull himself together right then and there, it was over for both of them.

  “There’s no room for this, not here,” she said, and then Frank snapped out of it, pushing back against every fear that threatened his ability to contribute to this battle.

  He didn’t even think about it when he squeezed her hand, brought it to his lips for a kiss, and then smiled. Instead of her hand he found his sword, and instead of worry he found a light blowing up—not a real one, but an internal tingling light that burst out from his soul and expanded through his limbs, pushing him forward.

  Whatever happened here, at least he’d do his best.

  Another gunshot sounded and the man ahead stumbled, blood coming from his arm, but he kept on, now firing in return. Any hope of surprise was likely gone, but they charged on. When they rounded the bend, Frank saw the fight spread out before him, and it gave him courage.

  The men and women he’d come with had already taken over half the fort, and the pirates attacking his advance were in retreat! He met one with a lunge and thrust, careful to hold the sword like Keisha had shown him so that it would penetrate flesh instead of falling from his grip.

  Blood spurted out as he withdrew the blade, kicking the fallen pirate off it and moving on to the next victim. More pirates were there now, and Keisha was at his side. Not far off, Esmerelda and Teddy stood with a ring of fallen enemy pirates around them, moving forward, and on one of the fort’s battlements Mary with her Christmas look kicked a man off before entering one of the doors.

  Fuck, this was exhilarating! Frank turned to his next opponent and froze, eyes on the pistol in the man’s hand, the wicked smile hidden behind a mangy beard. THWUNK! A knife plunged into the man’s eye and then Ox was there, grinning and snatching the pistol o
ut of thin air, continuing with his assault on two smaller men.

  Frank was about to move on, too, when he noticed a second pistol in the fallen pirate’s belt. He knelt to take it, saw a man running at him, and snatched up the pistol, aiming—hoping it was loaded.

  The strangest thing happened—well, maybe not the strangest, considering he’d traveled through time and managed to get three blowjobs (and still wasn’t sure which of those were the greatest feats). As he aimed, a green light appeared like a circle, connected to his eye and moving out in a line. It went forward and right over the approaching pirate’s shoulder.

  This wasn’t the time to hesitate, so Frank went ahead and trusted his gut on this. Moving the pistol so that the line adjusted to connect with the pirate’s forehead, he pulled the trigger.


  Blood spurted out as a hole opened up in the pirate’s forehead, and he went sprawling onto the ground, dead.

  Holy fuck. This had to be the aim that his level two upgrade with the compass had referred to! There was only one problem here, and that was that the pistol only had one shot left, he saw when analyzing it. He’d have to use it wisely.

  A series of shots rang out and pirates fell as Teddy finally demonstrated the automatic rifle Frank had made with the help of his blueprints, and now the compass’s value was finally starting to show itself. A hand to his pocket reassured Frank it was still there. He tucked the pistol in the empty holster Esmerelda had given him before charging in with his sword to help Keisha against a group of three pirates bearing down on her. He’d save the last shot in case he really needed it, as so far his sword had been doing a fine job.

  “Nice fucking shot,” she said, squaring up next to him.

  “Saw that?”

  She nodded, and then blocked the first strike. Kneeing the attacker and then pushing him off, she said, “It’ll take more to convince me to join your crew.”

  “I have a crew?” he asked, dodging back as a sword nearly hit him. The man was fast but bad at blocking, Frank saw when he came back with a series of strikes. He let the other one attack, side-stepping to take down the third, and then came in with a feint that opened up his attacker for a sword through the throat.

  He turned to see Keisha dropping her opponent as well, and she looked even more impressed.

  “You will if you keep this up.” She motioned toward the corpses at his feet.

  With a nervous laugh, he said, “Just following instinct. Hoping it works.”

  “Keep it up.” She winked, and then charged off to the next one, calling out, “Though from what I hear, you don’t have a problem doing that either.”

  He took a moment to process that and realize she’d just made a joke about him keeping it up, but couldn’t decide if that meant she was flirting with him.

  Either way, he decided to stick close to her and try to work his way over to Esmerelda. Smoke and shouting made the whole event quite disorienting, but when he saw a new batch of pirates charging from the rear of the fort, his next actions came with crystal clarity.

  “Teddy!” he shouted, indicating the reinforcements.

  As Teddy turned the rifle on them and started taking them down, Frank prepared to move in and meet the survivors in hand-to-hand combat. Except, before he could do it something caught his eye. One of the fallen pirates toward the front of the fort was still alive enough to be lifting a pistol aimed right at Teddy.

  The man was too far away, even for a gunshot. That is, if Frank didn’t have the amplified aim.

  He pulled out the pistol, figuring this was the moment that deserved his last shot, and aimed. To his relief, the light returned. Except, it got blurry the closer it got to the man. The distance was too far!

  Nothing was going to stop him today, though, so he closed one eye, steadied his pistol and took a breath, then fired as he let the last of that breath out.

  The shot rang out, hitting its target—in the ear.

  “Fuck!” the pirate shouted as his shot went wide, barely nicking Teddy’s hat. Blood covered the side of the pirate’s face, his ear gone. He was still recovering when Milly appeared, leaping down from the wall above to slam her sword through his chest. She glanced up at Frank, pointed behind him, and shouted something he couldn’t make out.

  Her signal was enough to warn him though, and he spun to see a red-haired madman with no shirt about to plunge a boarding axe into Keisha’s skull. Frank had no idea when she’d been knocked down and hated that he’d let it happen, but he was quick to act, at least. Throwing himself at the man, the boarding axe struck but was interrupted so that the blunt side caught Frank in the shoulder with only half its intended force. The large man stumbled back, nearly falling but not quite. If only Frank had bulked up more back on campus, eaten more to get his weight up, perhaps he could’ve knocked the man down.

  At least this had given time for Keisha to roll aside and recover, though she had a nasty welt on the side of her head where the man had presumably already gotten her once.

  She growled and lunged, taking the pirate with a sword in the gut and another up under his arm, straight through the armpit as he’d lifted his arm to strike again. When she was done stabbing and slicing him she turned. looking like a wild animal covered in blood. It troubled Frank somewhat that he felt a surge of blood to his crotch at that wild, violent look, but he simply nodded and moved on to fight more of them, trying to ignore the images going through his mind of him and her rolling in blood as they fucked like rabbits.

  This wasn’t the time or place, and he didn’t exactly lack in women at the moment.

  Esmerelda had a throwing knife and took out a man, then ducked below the swing of a sword to come up on the other side and end the pirate, only to find two more coming out of the fort behind her.

  Frank and Keisha were there, charging up beside her to finish them. A vibration ran up Frank’s leg from where the compass was, and then that light near his eye popped up to read, “Level Three.”

  Holy shit, this was really happening. He was at a pirate fort with badass warriors and hot ladies, and he’d just leveled the fuck up again. It took a lot of determination not to pull the compass out right there and check out the new stats, but the fact that fighting could be heard within and more of the reinforcements were coming helped.

  Another volley of shots rang out from Teddy and the rifle, and then he cursed.

  “Out of ammo,” he shouted. “Hold the fort!”

  The others were ready for that command, and all converged on the fort, finding defensive positions and using the shadows to conceal themselves while some worked to ensure it was clear. Frank kept expecting a grenade or some sort of eighteenth-century explosive to come rolling in and end it, but it didn’t come. In fact, soon he was standing at the rear doorway without any incoming enemy fighters in sight, the only sounds those of dying men.

  It was over.

  “We did it,” Esmerelda said, and she grabbed his ass as she kissed him, then took Keisha in an embrace before shooting her hand in the air and saying, “We fucking did it!”

  Teddy was grinning, though his eyes were on Frank in a way that wasn’t easy to read. Not that any look could ruin Frank’s mood right now, but he made a note to remind himself to ask about it and maybe see if Esmerelda should be cautious around her brother.

  “Come, boy,” Teddy said, gesturing Frank to his side. “Now we celebrate.”

  Frank glanced around, unsure if this was a trap or not, but went for it. Teddy held up a flask and grinned, but took the first sip before handing it over.

  “Victory,” Frank said as he took a swig.

  “It’s never tasted so fine,” Teddy said, then pulled him in, arm around his shoulder. For a second Frank worried the man was going to kiss him as Esmerelda had, but instead he stared him in the eyes and said, “Remember to celebrate the finer moments, and not get caught up in the shitty ones.”

  With that, the large pirate released him and addressed his followers. “Take everything you
can carry. Destroy the rest and blow this place to smithereens. I want to send a message, and that message is that we’re coming for that son of a bitch.”

  Cheers and the clatter of men getting to work were his answer.

  “You see something, you take it,” Esmerelda said, gesturing to a rack of muskets nearby. Frank stared at her, earning a laugh. “Me?” she said. “Sure, but not here, not yet.”

  With a grin, he looked around until he found some shot and powder for his pistol, and stocked up. He also found a knife that caught his attention, then noticed Milly, Mary, and Keisha walking off to the tree line.

  Jogging out to meet them, he asked, “What, another stash I don’t know about?”

  “Heading back to the waters before the others,” Milly said. It took him a second to process what she said and how it connected to them being covered in blood. When Milly saw the realization hit him, she grinned and said, “Come on.”

  Mary cleared her throat, but Keisha laughed and continued walking. When Milly did too, Mary glanced back and said, “Apparently this is a thing now. Come on, before I decide you’re not welcome.”

  She started walking too, and Frank glanced back to see Esmerelda framed in the torchlight of the fort’s doors, watching. When she saw him hesitating, she laughed and called out to him, “You won’t get more of an invitation, not from her. Hurry now.”

  The idea that she or any of them would be okay with this was completely mind-boggling, but he went with it. This night was not about hesitating or second-guessing.

  As they walked, surprisingly Mary was the one to fall back, lingering at his side. She glanced over, debating, and then said, “When you first showed up, I wasn’t sure what to think.”

  “Me neither,” he said, truthfully.

  “Spy was one of those thoughts. Then castaway, but… they say you weren’t even wet. So what then? An angel from the heavens?”

  Frank laughed. “I doubt I’d have been so terrified back there if that were the case.”

  “Maybe not,” she shrugged, “but you aren’t injured badly… anyway. I saw you take down at least half a dozen of them, and who knows how many you killed when I wasn’t looking. Some fresh meat, random city boy… Nah, I think there’s angel in you.”


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