Essence: Book 1 - Septima

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Essence: Book 1 - Septima Page 9

by Nick Braker

  Troy removed his jacket. The complex felt a bit warmer today. Did they fix the heating issue? He shook his head, returning his thoughts back to his friends.

  Septima had told him Joliza had his friends ready. What the hell did that mean? Were they alive? How could they be back? More than likely they were rescued like he was and this was simply another trick. If it weren’t, what if they were more like zombies? All the years they spent role playing zombie apocalypses finally turned out to come true. After all, Lakin died in front of him and they told him the train had crashed as it was supposed to with everyone already dead onboard. How did they know the train was going to wreck?

  How the fuck do I keep forgetting to ask about these things? How did they know it would crash?

  Troy walked through the bulkhead door into the octagonal room and headed to the stairs on the right. His friends couldn’t really be back since resurrection wasn’t possible. How do you bring someone back from the dead? Only the creator can do that, well, if one existed.

  Troy climbed the stairwell closest to Alta’s office, listening to male voices growing louder. He couldn’t identify any of them through the metal latticework, but he could hear them.

  Is that Chance’s voice? Lakin! Geoff! Holy shit.

  Troy rushed up the remaining portion of the stairs. Three humanoid people were strapped down to tables like the one Alta used on him a little over a week ago. Troy stood there, stunned. His mouth dropped open but he replaced it with a grin. A man that looked like Lakin was asking Joliza to let him go while another one, that looked like Geoff, was trying to smooth talk her into it. Chance cursed at her, telling her he’d gut her if she didn’t free him. His grin grew wider. So far, so good. It certainly sounded like them and these three certainly acted like them. Chance spotted him standing there.

  “Troy,” Chance exclaimed, “get us out of here.”

  “Bro,” Lakin said, “it’s damn good to see you’re okay.”

  “What’s going on?” Geoff asked.

  “Holy shit,” Troy said.

  Troy ran to Lakin’s side, grabbing his shoulders and looking into his eyes. Tears started to form but he took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to cry. Lakin was alive.

  “Bro? You made it,” Lakin said. “I guess I made it too. I thought I was dead.”

  Troy’s head lowered, looking at the floor, still holding Lakin’s shoulders.

  “I thought I was too,” Troy said.

  “Can you get us out of these things?” Lakin asked.

  Troy’s head snapped up. All three of them were secured to their respective beds and he had been so glad to see them, it slipped his mind.

  “Certainly. Release them,” Troy ordered.

  Joliza didn’t hesitate. She keyed the release code in her terminal and the metallic bonds snapped back from their hands and feet. Lakin jumped up, giving Troy a hug. Chance rubbed his wrists staring at Joliza as if he would make good on his threats from earlier. Geoff got off the table and subtlety positioned himself between Chance and Joliza. Geoff was already one step ahead of Chance. He’d keep Chance from hurting her. So far, all normal behavior for them.

  “Bro, what’s going on?” Lakin asked. “Troy, how are you doing?”

  “There is much to explain--” Troy started.

  Now, where had he heard that before? He laughed.

  “What’s so funny, asshole?” Chance demanded.

  “Nothing. Sorry. What was the last thing you guys remember?” Troy asked.

  They all told the same story about getting a needle stuck in their neck and then they woke up here.

  “Let’s take a walk. We need to talk,” Troy said. “Joliza, thank you. I owe you for this one.”

  She nodded at him.

  “You’re welcome, Troy,” she said, emphasizing his name.

  Like most of the Piran women he worked with, they were exceedingly intelligent. For some reason, his perception of Joliza was that she was way beyond most other Pirans. She had picked up on Chance’s remark. He would have to deal with her later.

  “This way guys,” Troy said.

  Troy gave his friends a tour of the military complex, explaining how he got here and why they had let him live. He didn’t mention killing Yenthar or Brice and steered the conversation away from the details of those events. He told them about their rebirth but none of them believed him. Troy didn’t want to tell them but arguing now wasn’t going to change their minds. Troy let it go. He also didn’t tell them about taking over Tohmas’ role or anything related to the war. He planned to unload all that at the end of the tour.

  Instead, Troy showed them outside the complex. It was a warmer day than usual for their supposed winter season, so he decided to take them around the military complex. He planned to show them the electronic shield wall. Alta would be pissed that he was outside again but that would pale in comparison to when she found out about his three friend’s return. He’d deal with her then.

  Several Pirans stopped to talk to him but he politely cut them off asking that they speak later. All of them willingly honored his request and moved on, all except one.

  “Tohmas, please. My name is Horace. You must help me,” he pleaded. “Please?”

  Troy glanced at his friends and then returned his attention to the man. He nodded.

  “My neighbor in section D is constantly making noise late into the nights and when I finally asked him to keep it down, he became abusive with me. Threatened to kill me. What Piran would do such a thing? He is a big man and I think he’s lost his mind. There is nothing I can do and there is no one else to help. I have no proof but I think he abuses his wife as well.”

  Troy put his hand on the man’s shoulder.

  “I will look into this for you, Horace,” Troy told him.

  Troy knew there wasn’t a police force intact. Before the war, the Piran people didn’t need one as they were different than humans. Crime was non-existent in their culture. For the most part, the Pirans’ plight had them all working together as a community but apparently things had changed. Brice and Yenthar came to mind. A lot of things had changed. The Reptaurans had brought more than destruction to these people.

  “Thank you, sir. Thank you. I will leave you then,” Horace said, walking away.

  Troy watched him as he scurried away. He kept looking nervously around. Whoever this neighbor was, Horace was deathly afraid of him.

  “These people like you a lot?” Geoff asked, interrupting Troy’s thoughts.

  “Yes, I remind them of a man named Tohmas. They tolerate me,” he lied.

  “Bro, these people are aliens?” Lakin asked.

  “Yeah, Pirans to be precise,” Troy answered.

  “Bullshit,” Chance said, “this is a trick.”

  “Take a look at the constellations guys,” Troy told them as they walked. “I’m sure you don’t know them all by heart but you know enough of them to see that none of them exist here. You’re on a planet called Pira, light years from Earth. Gravity is a little less here, so you’re slightly stronger.”

  Chance perked up from that but Troy noticed he couldn’t stop rubbing his hands, trying to warm them. In fact, all three of them were shaking. Troy had been so engrossed in telling them what had happened to him, he didn’t see how cold they were. They all had jumpsuits on so something didn’t add up.

  “Guys, are you cold?” Troy asked.

  “Bro, we are freezing. Can we go back inside?” Lakin asked.

  “No problem,” he said. “It must be from the cloning process. Perhaps you guys need to eat.”

  “Sounds good,” Geoff said.

  “Food sounds good but I’ve heard enough about cloning,” Chance said. “I’m calling bullshit.”

  Troy nodded at Chance, letting it go. He showed them the military complex’ mess hall. They grabbed a tray of food and sat at a table away from everyone else. He answered more of their questions and finally addressed the issue he had avoided during his tour.

  “Guys, all the pe
ople here think I’m actually a Piran named Tohmas.”

  For some reason, the statement didn’t sound right to Troy. Something was wrong with what he’d said but the feeling passed.

  “Only Alta, Cienna and Septima know otherwise,” he continued. “Except for you three now, of course. Do me a favor, don’t call me Troy again until we get back to Earth.”

  He quietly told them the rest of the story though he still avoided mentioning the deaths of Brice and Yenthar, explaining them away as they were currently missing. Troy also didn’t mention the possible attack on Earth. They weren’t ready for that news. He told them of the war here and the possibility of discovery by the Reptaurans. Troy mentioned Alta’s plan to lift the spirits of her people, clone an army and to hopefully route the lizards off their world.

  Even Chance didn’t call bullshit. They believed him.

  Chapter 9


  Pira - The next morning

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” Septima said.

  “Huh?” Troy answered.

  A single, white bed sheet covered Troy as he lifted his head off the pillow, opening his groggy eyes to stare at Septima. She stood in the doorway of her bathroom. She had his shirt on from Earth, the same shirt he wore for his trip to New Orleans. The brown polo shirt matched the milk chocolate highlights in her hair. His eyes opened wider as he realized it was all she was wearing. Troy grinned. His shirt fit her loosely and it reached a few inches below her hips. Her breasts and hips were the only portions that stretched the shirt slightly.

  My god.

  “You like?” she asked.

  Troy nodded, his grin spreading. She spun around for him, still standing in the doorway. The polo shirt rose a few inches higher on her hips.

  “I’ve been doing more research on human customs,” she said, her voice dropping in volume, now close to a whisper, “and I learned that human men find it very,”

  She stepped toward him.


  She stepped toward him again.

  “-sexy to see a woman... wearing their shirt.”

  She lowered her head causing her eyes to look up at him.

  Oh my god.

  “Is it true?” she asked, standing next to their bed now.

  Troy gulped. The effect she had on him was now quite visible. She put her finger on his lips, looking down at the sheet covering his groin.

  “I have my answer,” she said softly. “I have a bet for you.”

  “I accept,” he said, quickly.

  She giggled, ignoring him.

  “I’m going to make love to you, Troy.”

  Troy took a deep breath, letting it escape. She continued.

  “You’re going to remain motionless.”

  She pulled the sheet off of him.

  “If you can keep your hands off me the entire time,” she said, moving onto the bed and straddling him. “I’ll do whatever you want the next time we make love. If you can’t, you do whatever I want.”

  “I-” Troy said, but she pushed the finger already on his lips into his mouth.

  Troy’s hands dug deep into the sheets and mattress, his human strength nearly ripping holes into the material. Her smile faded as Septima locked eyes with him. Her gaze never wavered from his and her lips parted slightly as her breathing increased.

  “Look at me, Troy, and don’t look away,” she ordered.

  Septima positioned her body over his, touching the tip of his manhood. She held herself there, holding the moment, letting it build.

  Oh, my, god.

  She slid herself slowly down, completely surrounding him. His eyes widened and a rush of air left his lungs. He pushed upwards but she moved with him, negating his thrust.

  “Don’t move,” she ordered.

  He frowned. Troy wanted to respond but Septima still had her finger in his mouth. She wasn’t going to let him talk either.

  Take control. No, this is so much better.

  Troy nibbled gently on her finger as she continued to rise and fall on him. His arm muscles flexed at his sides, straining to remain in place. He desperately wanted to grab her hips, to control her movements but the bet was clear. Troy could not touch her and the desire to do so nearly overwhelmed him. Her shirt... well, his shirt rested around her waist now. He wanted to see all of her. Troy wanted to rip the thing off. He loved the sight of her body and she teased him more by wearing it.

  “Troy,” she said, moaning.

  Her pace increased and the pressure began to build. He would burst at any moment. Septima continued her movements, sending waves of warmth and pleasure through his body. Troy’s head snapped backward, burying it deeper into the pillow. She kept her finger in his mouth, moving expertly with his movements.

  Control her! No! I will win this, damn it.

  Troy jerked his arms up to grab her but pulled them back, planting his hands into the bed again.

  Oh... my... god.

  “Troy,” she said again.

  Septima’s breathing rushed in and out. She whimpered several times as she struggled to keep her gaze focused on his.

  “You’re going to lose this one,” she hissed.

  Troy shook his head at her.

  “Yes, you will,” she said, nodding back at him.


  She lifted her hips and slammed her body down upon him, rising again and again. Troy screamed but Septima still kept her finger in his mouth. His arms jerked up again, wanting to hold her. Troy knew the end was near. His body tensed, every muscle flexing and straining to hold himself still.

  I can’t win this. OH MY GOD.

  Troy screamed out again, grabbing her hips as he poured himself into her.

  She laughed triumphantly.

  Troy used his human strength to control his movements, thrusting deep within her over and over. Septima screamed out. She couldn’t fight against his strength and he controlled her now, thrusting harder into her body. His eyes rolled back into his head and their bodies quivered in one final explosion.

  Septima collapsed onto him. Troy had lost.


  Pira - An hour later.

  Incoming Message.

  Time: 02:92


  I need to speak with you. Now. It’s very important. Come to the lab.


  Alta was summoning him to her office. Troy rolled his eyes and then slipped carefully out of bed.

  Wait, 02:92? Shit, something else I need to learn about them.

  Troy cleaned up, taking his daily allotted two-minute shower. He then dressed, putting on a jumpsuit, shoes and Tohmas’ ring. He tiptoed past the bed, trying not to wake Septima. He walked across the floor and reached the bedroom door. It opened automatically.

  “I will think of something as your payment,” Septima said, still in bed. “Something equally satisfying for me.”

  Troy looked back. She had one eye open, grinning. She still had his shirt on and it barely covered her breasts.

  “Should I look forward to it?” he asked.

  “Maybe. You’ll see.”

  “I bet,” he said, smiling at her.

  “You shouldn’t. Apparently, you suck at betting. I learned that word, too.”

  Troy turned to continue through the door. He stopped.

  Don’t stop. Don’t do it.

  “Sep, I... love you,” Troy said.

  She lifted her head up, staring at him, sleepily.

  “Troy,” she said, pausing, “I love you, too.”


  His comm-device chimed again.

  Incoming Message.

  Time: 02:93


  Did you get my message? Respond.


  “Talk with you later,” he said.

  She continued to watch him as he left. Troy walked out of their apartment.

  Time: 02:93


  Patient much? Yes, on my way.


  Message Sent. />
  Incoming Message.

  Time: 02:93


  Understand urgency?


  Several minutes later, Troy reached Alta’s office. He knocked.

  “Here, Tohmas,” Alta said from behind him.

  Troy turned around, still unable to see her. The large room was filled with technicians and scientists going about their daily work.

  “Up here,” she added, motioning with her hand.

  He looked up. Alta was standing with Joliza on the second floor. He could partially see them through the metal framework. Troy climbed the stairs, joining them.

  “So, where is the medical emer--”

  “We’ve found Brice and Yenthar,” Alta said.

  “They’re dead, Tohmas,” Joliza said.


  They both appeared unmoved by the news, understandable since both Brice and Yenthar were psychotic assholes of the nth degree. Troy also noticed that others around them had obviously heard and were actively listening to their conversation though they feigned otherwise as they continued to work. Troy knew that Alta’s plan was to clone both of the men and have them found dead. She had delivered.

  “Search team Delta found them in sub-level 7,” Alta said.

  “Toxicology report indicates clear signs of alcohol poisoning,” Joliza said.

  “They drank themselves into a stupor?” Troy asked.

  “Technically, no,” Joliza added, “Ethanol, the major component of alcoholic drinks acts by binding with and altering the function of specific proteins. In both humans and Pirans, it affects membrane-bound ligand-gated ion channels and voltage-dependent ion channels-”

  “Uh, seriously?” Troy asked.

  “Too much detail?” Joliza asked.

  Troy nodded.

  “Stupor seemed unnecessarily simplistic to understanding how they died,” Joliza said.

  “Stupid seems unnecessarily accurate for at least one of us,” Alta added.

  “Okay. Is today Poke the Bear day?” Troy asked. “Because it won’t work. I’m feeling better than ever and neither of you are going to ruin it.”

  “Troy, I apologize. I did not intend to insult you,” Joliza said. “I simply felt a more accurate-”


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