Blackwood Falls [Blackwood Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Blackwood Falls [Blackwood Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 16

by Sarah Blake

  * * * *

  Zoë and Sky sat at the breakfast table, waiting for Brax to leave for the day before putting their plan into action. Brax, Sarah, and Conner were killing themselves with the way they were acting. All blaming themselves for what had happened to Sarah. If something wasn’t done soon, not only were they going to destroy themselves, the pack was going to suffer as well. Zoë and Sky had been plotting for the past week on a way to get the three of them to talk and work things out. They had spent the last few days getting things ready, and now that it was Saturday, it was time to act. They were planning on letting the three sort things out themselves, but Vicki pushed them into creating the plan. The blonde bitch had come by one day with forms needing Conner’s signature. She had noticed the tension in him and tried to sooth it. Luckily, Conner had told her to leave. She did, but not for long. She had found out that Sarah was spending her days out of the house and had started coming by more and more, sniffing around Brax and Conner. Adam had also informed the twins he had seen her with Brax one morning, trying to get close to him “in his time of need,” as she had told him. The twins didn’t believe she thought she actually had a chance with the men, but they couldn’t stand the woman being so nearby. First they had asked Danny to change the lock on the playroom door. Brax didn’t know the twins knew about that room, but they did. The new lock meant the door could only open from the outside. They had even reordered a CD, explaining why they had done this in case the three didn’t understand. Then they made a CD with what they had done this for. That was ready and waiting in down in the room. Liam had sorted three tranquilizer darts and handed them to who needed them. Brax was to be darted by Joshua this morning when they were to meet to discuss pack business. Kirstie was darting Sarah when she arrived at the Alpha house with the babies. Finally, Danny was darting Conner. Tyler was helping Joshua bring the unconscious Brax to the playroom, then the three would carry Conner from the office and Sarah from wherever Kirstie darted her to the playroom and lock them in.

  When Brax left, they texted Josh, letting him know he was on his way. Then they went to wake Conner and Sarah. Danny and Kirstie were texted when Sarah was in the shower and Conner was having his coffee at his desk where the twins had found him asleep. Twenty minutes later, Josh texted the twins informing them the job was done and he and Tyler were on their way to the house with Brax. The twins quickly texted Kirstie and Danny from their bedroom, giving them the green light to dart their two charges. Ten minutes later, Kirstie came to their bedroom, telling them that both Sarah and Conner were knocked out and Danny was busy placing Sarah in the playroom. When the three women made it down the stairs, Josh and Tyler were dragging an unconscious Brax through the front door. Danny helped and then the three men took Conner down to join his mates. With the door to the playroom closed behind the three, Zoë and Sky, along with everyone who had helped, made their way back to the kitchen to wait and pray that this worked.

  * * * *

  Brax woke to a thumping in his head. What the hell happened? He looked around and found himself on the bed in the playroom with a sleeping Conner and Sarah. He tried to remember how he had gotten there, but all he could remember was talking to Josh and Tyler when he felt a sharp scratch at the back of his neck. Josh had stepped away from him saying “Sorry, man, but this is for the best,” then everything went black. That son of a bitch drugged me. He guessed Conner and Sarah had been knocked out as well. He looked over to his mates and sighed. He had failed them. Conner as a Master by allowing him to think he would push him away. And Sarah as a mate by not keeping her safe from Anthony. When he had seen her on that bed in the filthy motel room, it was like a gunshot to his chest. Seeing her there, beaten and bleeding, nearly broke him. He couldn’t remember killing Anthony and wished he had tortured the man as he had done to Sarah. Only ten times worse. He couldn’t believe how badly he had failed both of his mates. He didn’t deserve them. Over the last two weeks, he had been getting things in order for transferring the leadership of the pack to Josh. How could he be a good enough Alpha to run the pack and keep them safe when he couldn’t even protect the two people who meant most to him in the world? He hadn’t told anyone what he was planning, he wouldn’t until everything was sorted. Sighing again, he went to get up off the bed to leave the room when both Sarah and Conner woke, looking just as confused as Brax had been. “We’ve been drugged and I’m guessing locked in here,” he told the two. Sarah was the first to react.

  “What the fuck for?” she shouted, getting off the bed and walking toward the door. She pulled and pushed the door when she had the handle down, seeming not to believe that she was locked in with them. Brax couldn’t blame her. Who would want to be locked in a room with someone who had failed her so much?

  “I don’t know,” Brax replied, walking over to the bondage table and sitting down. That’s when he spotted the CD player on top of the chest of drawers with a Post-it on top with the words “play me” on it. “Guess we’re about to find out,” he said, making his way over to the CD player and pressing play.

  “Hi, guys,” came Zoë’s voice. “Hope you like your new home, because we’re not letting you out until you sort this shit out. There’s plenty of food and drink at the back near the fridge so don’t worry about that. Now, let’s get started shall we, because you’re more than likely not speaking. This is what had caused this problem to begin with. Seeing as none of you were willing to talk, we’re going to take the problem off your shoulders and confess what’s going on in each of your heads. You all blame yourselves for what happened, don’t you? Well, let’s get it all out in the open. We’ll start with Sarah first. By the way, you can take the cast off, might as well let the guys know that you went through your change weeks ago and no longer need it. The guys were too busy with brooding to notice, but what we want to know is why you didn’t tell them? We guess it’s because you didn’t want to bother them. Is that right? Because that’s what’s going on in your head, isn’t it? You think that you’ve come between Brax and Conner and they don’t really want you. How can you even think that? Of course they want you and no, you are not splitting up the relationship they had before you. If anything, you’ve made it better and both of them will admit it. So stop thinking that shit or we’ll kick your ass. Next we’ll move on to Conner. You blame yourself for Sarah being kidnapped and hurt. You think if you weren’t being selfish and thinking those things, none of this would have happened. What makes you feel even worse, if that’s even possible, is that deep down, you know what you were thinking wasn’t true. Well here’s some advice. Everyone in a relationship has moments like that. They all feel things that’re not true and you know what, Conner? It’s totally normal. Ask anyone in a relationship. And Sarah getting kidnapped? Well Anthony was getting closer and closer to her anyway. Something would have happened even if she hadn’t heard you and Brax talking that day. Now on to our fearless Alpha. You feel like you’ve failed both your mates, don’t you? You think you failed Conner for not knowing how he was feeling, and Sarah by not protecting her from Anthony. Well guess what, big brother, nobody is perfect. You can’t know every thought going on in their heads, it’s not possible. And like we said to Conner, Anthony was getting closer to Sarah every day and unless you kept her under lock and key every day, he would more than likely have gotten to her anyway.

  “If you’re wondering how we know all this, well it’s written all over your faces every day. But you’re all so stuck in your own blame that you can’t see it. What’s going on between the three of you is destroying all of you and will soon destroy the pack. Which by the way, Brax, Josh has no interest in taking over, so forget about it, okay? Now, you’re all locked in here until you talk to each other and work things out. We won’t release you until things are sorted so get to it and kiss and make up. We love you guys. Oh and by the way, while you’re sorting this mess out, were going to do a little shopping. We still need our prom dresses. Brax, we’ve borrowed your credit card. Don’t worry, we won’t spen
d too much.” Brax could hear the twins laughing at their last comment before ending the recording.

  He couldn’t believe that his mates felt that way. From the look on their faces, he knew it was true. He felt like whipping their asses for it. Conner finally moved from the bed, going around the corner, coming back with two large cardboard boxes. He placed them on the bed and tipped one out. The boxes were full of food. “There’s more in the fridge and enough water to last a month back there,” he said, rummaging through the items on the bed. Before long, he gave up pretending to be interested in the items on the bed and turned to look at Brax. “What the fuck, Brax, how the hell can you say you failed us?” he asked, slamming a bag of chips onto the bed. “This is all my fucking fault so don’t dare try and take the blame. I’m to blame and that’s the end of it.”

  “Like fuck, Conner. If I was a better mate, none of this would have happened in the first place.”

  And on it went. Back and forth between the two. Sarah joined in as well, telling them it was her fault. It went on like this for God knew how long. All of them believed they were in the right and wouldn’t back down.

  After some time, things settled. Conner sat on the bed, Sarah on the bondage table, and Brax leaned against the wall. Suddenly, Sarah started laughing. Then Conner joined in. Staring at his laughing mates, Brax couldn’t help but join in as well. After the laughing stopped, Conner was the first to talk. “You know, if it was anyone else in this situation, we’d knock their heads together. Look, I don’t know how the two of you feel, but this is killing me. I hate how we’ve been living and I miss you both so much. The pain is too much to bear. I want things to go back to how they were. I know we all feel guilt and blame, and I think we can all agree with the twins that it’s destroying us.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “How about we make a deal? We all agree to forget about what’s happened. Forget the blame and try and make this mating work. I love you both so much and I want both of you in my life.” He looked down at the bed and his next words were spoken so quiet, Brax had trouble hearing them. “If neither of you, or one of you, don’t want to be in this mating, I think it would be best to say now. We can try and sort something out. Maybe find a witch that might know of some way to break the mating bond.” Before Brax could shout at the man that of course he wanted the mating to work, Sarah spoke.

  “You love me?” she asked, as if she’d never heard the words before. Then Brax realized neither he nor Conner had told her that they did.

  “Of course we love you, Angel,” Conner said rushing over to her, getting down onto his knees and wrapping his arms around her stomach. “We love you with all our heart and soul. I know I messed up, thinking those things, but please believe me when I say that I love you more than life itself. I know I haven’t told you that before. I can’t believe I haven’t. I’ll do anything to make it up to you, just name it. Even letting you whip my sorry ass with the single tail.” Sarah laughed at the last part, reaching out to wipe the tears from Conner’s face.

  “I love you, Conner, and you too, Brax. I love you both so much. And Conner, thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll leave the whipping to Brax.” Conner jumped up and kissed her within an inch of her life. When they broke apart, they both turned to Brax. “Well, Brax, can you do it? Can you forget everything that’s happened? Let go of the guilt and blame and concentrate on making this mating work?” she asked, hope in her eyes.

  Brax moved even before finishing the thought. He engulfed his mates in his arms. The three spent the next few moments kissing each other, Sarah and Conner crying tears of happiness. When they broke apart, Sarah and Conner shared a smile and, at the same time, dropped to their knees in front of him. Hands palm up on their parted knees, eyes downcast in a beautiful show of submission. Brax’s cock grew hard as steel, almost bursting through the zipper of his jeans. Within a second, he knew they were going to make it. In that same second, he flew straight into Master mode. Lowering his zipper, he pulled his cock out. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been with his mates. Sarah and Conner dove right in. Licking and sucking both sides of his cock, one swiping their tongue over his slit, then the other. Leaving them to deal with his cock, Brax opened the button and pushed his jeans to the floor. Sarah’s mouth left his cock and swallowed his balls. Moaning at the feel, he placed a hand on each of their heads. Not stopping their actions on his cock, they both looked up at him. Conner was the first to swallow his cock down his throat, massaging his cock head with his throat muscles while Sarah continued to suck and lick his balls. Fisting Conner’s hair when the man was about to release his cock, Brax thrust his hips, fucking Conner’s throat. When Conner started gagging a little, Brax gave one more thrust before pulling his cock free. He turned slightly to Sarah, who didn’t need any more directions. She swallowed his cock as far as she could, sucking hard, seeming desperate for his cum. It didn’t take long for Brax’s balls to draw up into his body with the attention his slaves were paying to his cock. He pulled Sarah off and took a step back, fisting his hard cock, stroking it while he ordered them to open their mouths and get as close as possible. The moment they were in position, Brax roared his release into their mouths. The bits that landed on their faces and chins, they licked each other clean.

  “Strip, both of you, and get over to the table,” he ordered, walking over to the chest of drawers while stripping his own clothes. He picked out the cuffs for both their ankles and wrists. He picked up two butt plugs as well. Walking over to the table, he was pleased to find his two slaves naked and eyes downcast. “Conner, on the table on your back. Sarah, get on top, sixty-nine position.” When they were in position, he placed the cuffs on them and handed each a plug. He picked up the lube that was housed under the table and handed it to Conner. “Put the plugs in. Conner, use the lube. Sarah, use your spit, he’s used to anal a lot more than you and he enjoys the sting. You’ve got until I pick what I’m gonna use on your sexy asses.” When they were both working away at inserting the plugs, he walked over to the display of whips, canes and floggers. Picking a inch thick cane for Conner, this would give more of a thud than a sting. He picked up a mini whip for Sarah, deciding to test her limits. The mini whip caused a sting, but not nearly as painful as a longer whip. When he returned to the table, Sarah was whimpering between Conner’s spread legs which he’d bent at the knees. He placed his feet on the table. Brax noticed she had the plug in Conner’s ass already. Moving to the other end of the table, he watched as Conner was pushing the plug in her ass before pulling out. Each time he pushed in, he made a little more headway until the plug popped into place. “Good little slaves. Now, we’re gonna play the same game as before. Same rules, only this time, I’ll be using some toys on you both. Begin.” As his slaves got to work, he walked back to Sarah’s head. After watching her work Conner’s cock for a moment, he brought the cane up and ran it over the part of Conner’s ass he could see. Conner knew what was about to happen and began thrusting before Brax brought down the first strike. After four strikes, two on each cheek, he walked back around the table. He ran the small whip over Sarah’s cheeks. Her head rose and she looked back at him, questions in her eyes. “Trust me,” he told her. She nodded and got back to her task. Brax brought the whip down, gently at first, then increasing the pressure. Sarah’s moans got louder and louder the harder he hit her. The last stroke was the hardest he had ever hit her before and his cock jumped at the sight of the small welt immediately rising on her left ass cheek. She screamed with the feel on the final blow and came all over Conner’s face. Brax bent and licked her pussy juice off Conner. “Seems the cum slut lost again.” He walked around to Sarah’s face and noticed she was licking Conner’s cock clean. “The pain slut came too. Hummm, looks like I’ll have to punish you both. Up, both of you.” He walked to the corner of the room and pulled four chains that were attached to tracks all over the ceiling, and brought them to the center of the room, locking them in place. “Over here, both of you.” When they were standing in
front of him, both breathless and eyes glazed with lust, he smiled to himself, amazed by their gift of submission. “Sarah, get him hard again,” he said, walking to the chest of drawers and picking up a cock ring. He also picked up the thong with the vibrating clit stimulator. He passed the items to his slaves to put into place and walked back to the display on the wall. He picked a riding crop and a paddle. The paddle was one of his favorites and had the word slut in big capital letters that stood out and left the word imprinted on the flesh. He walked back over to the subs and was happy to find Conner’s cock nice and hard with the cock ring in place and Sarah had the thong on. “Conner, pick Sarah up and get your cock in her pussy.” When she was in place, with her legs wrapped around his body, he attached her wrist cuffs to the chains on the ceiling, pulling them tight so her arms were stretched upward. He locked Conner’s wrist cuffs together around Sarah’s back then attached a chain to them, again pulling it so it was tight and Conner couldn’t move his arms. Next he turned the clit stimulator on, smiling when she started moving on Conner’s cock, making him moan with her. He walked around them, hitting them on their asses with the crop, harder and harder with each hit. Sarah was all-out fucking Conner, trying to move the vibrator. When she pulled back a little, he used the crop to hit the side of her beautiful tits that were bouncing and swaying with her movements. Leaving the two, he walked back to the drawers and collected a set of nipple clamps. He picked an alligator pair with rubber tether as he didn’t want to spend time with an adjustable pair. He walked back to the moaning and panting pair. He pulled Sarah’s head back and attached one, then the other clamp. He loved hearing her scream as her nipples were pinched tightly. When she had orgasmed four more times and was quickly heading into subspace, he acted. He dropped the crop and placed the paddle under his arm. Quick as a flash, he removed both clamps. When the blood returned to her nipples, she screamed again and that’s when Brax struck. He used a lot of force hitting her right ass cheek with the paddle. She screamed again and again. He saw her pussy juices streaming down her and Conner’s leg. His poor little slave boy looked tortured, desperate to come but the cock ring stopping him. Brax looked down and almost came when he saw the word imprinted on Sarah’s ass.


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