Blackwood Falls [Blackwood Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Blackwood Falls [Blackwood Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 18

by Sarah Blake

  “You can come when she does boy.” Conner looked at Sarah and the expression on her face was almost his undoing. He reached down between their bodies and found her clit. Her little nub was swollen and pushed past its protective hood. He had never been more grateful than he was at that moment that she enjoyed watching Brax and himself. Rubbing her clit, it didn’t take long before she was thrashing her head on the table and moaning louder and louder.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” she shouted out seconds before her pussy walls clamped down on Conner’s cock. That was all he needed before he slammed into her one last time and exploded inside of his mate with a growl. The orgasm was drawn out when Brax leaned down and bit over his mating mark. He felt his ass hole clamping down on Brax’s cock as he came and that pushed his Master over the edge as well. They all collapsed, breathing heavily, limbs covered in sweat. The last thing he remembered before passing out was Brax carrying him over to the bed.

  The next day, Conner and Brax woke before Sarah and made her breakfast in bed. “Morning, Angel,” they told her, walking back into their bedroom with trays of bacon, eggs, hash browns, fried tomatoes, and sausage, along with toast, coffee, and juice. “Happy birthday.”

  “Noooo,” she moaned, hiding under the blanket. “I don’t wanna get up. It means it’s real and I’m a year older.”

  “Come on, sexy, just remember, you’ll always be decades younger than us and won’t age anymore,” Brax said pulling the blanket off her.

  “I guess that makes me feel better. You’ll always be old farts compared to me.” She laughed, sitting up and accepting the tray Conner offered. After breakfast and a quick shower, they made their way downstairs. After Sarah had opened the presents of the twins before they left for school, Conner placed a blindfold over her eyes.

  “You guys, I hate surprises, can’t you just tell me what it is?” she asked as Conner and Brax led her to the back garage.

  “Nope, we want to see your face when you see it.” When they made it to the garage, Brax placed Sarah in front of her present while Conner made sure the bow was in place. When Brax was standing next to him, they told her she could remove the blindfold. Her face was exactly the reaction they hoped for. She didn’t say anything for a few moments.

  “Bumble Bee?” she asked, looking at the yellow car with the black racing strip. “You got me Bumble Bee? How did you know? Oh my God. I can’t believe it. Are you guys sure?” she asked on a rush of breath making both Conner and Brax laugh. She walked around the car, touching the sides and roof as if making sure it was really there.

  “Yes we got you your own Bumble Bee. How could we not? You say it’s your favorite car every time it’s on the screen when we watch the Transformers movies. Yes we’re sure. I take it you like it?” Conner asked. She ran over to them and hugged them both, peppering their faces with kisses.

  “I love it, I can’t believe it. My own Bumble Bee. Can we take it for a spin? Please, please, please,” she begged.

  Laughing, they handed her the keys. She had the door open and was in the driver’s seat seconds later, filling the garage with the new car smell. She was that busy moving the mirrors into place and adjusting the seat, she didn’t spot the two boxes on the passenger seat. When Brax mentioned them, she picked them up, examining them. “No, guys, I can’t accept whatever’s in these. The car is already way too much.”

  “We have and you can. Go on, open them.” She gave them another look, but she opened the smaller box first. “Wh…what…is this what I think it is?” she asked, looking at the diamond engagement ring. Both men got down on their knees.

  “Yes, Angel, it is,” Brax said with a smile. “Sarah, we know you have already changed your name, but how about making it for a reason other than hiding from someone? Will you marry us?” With tears streaming down her face, she jumped out of the car and again, hugged them.

  “Yes, yes, of course I’ll marry you. Oh God, this is the best birthday ever. I love you guys so much.”

  “We love you too, sweetie, but there’s still one more present to go,” Conner said, reaching in the car and picking up the second box. She asked if she could put the ring on first, but the men said to wait until the second box was open. When she opened it, her mouth fell open.

  “Wow, oh wow. It’s beautiful, guys,” she said, looking at the collar.

  “Sarah,” Brax said, taking the collar from the box. “This isn’t just a necklace. It’s a collar, like the one Conner wears. It’s an agreement of your commitment to me as my submissive. And a sign of my ownership of you. Once it’s on, it never comes off. It won’t break when you shift either. Would you do me the honor of wearing my collar?” When she nodded, tears again in her eyes, Conner took the ring and got down on one knee. Taking her hand, he placed the ring on her wedding finger as Brax placed the collar on her neck and locked it into place.

  They spent the morning getting as much work done as possible. They then let Sarah drive them into town where they had lunch at an Italian restaurant. They had planned on spending the rest of the day spoiling their sweet Angel. As they were on their way home though, plans changed. Brax’s phone ringing the emergency alert had Sarah pulling her new car over to the side of the road while Brax answered.

  “You’re fucking kidding me. Danny, please tell me you’re just messing around?” After another pause, he continued before hanging up. “Right, we’re already in town, so we’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “What’s wrong?” Conner and Sarah asked together.

  “It’s Lux, he’s back, and brought a shitload of trouble with him. Sarah, make your way to the clinic. He’s there with his mate, she’s been shot with some kind of poison.”

  “Why would he bring her here? Why not go to the hospital within the pack they were living in?”

  “That’s where the shit starts. Apparently, they ran away from her pack together. Danny’s still not sure why. They were spotted by an eagle-shifter bounty hunter her pack hired and he shot, aiming for Lux but hitting her instead.”

  Sarah drove them to the clinic and when they arrived, they found Lux pacing at the bottom of a bed, with a young woman who seemed almost as short as Sarah, with such blonde hair it was almost white, lying unconscious, IVs and machines all around. When Brax and Lux looked at one another, Sarah held her breath, not knowing what to expect. The brothers just stood, staring at each other for a few minutes. Nobody spoke, nobody moved. Sarah was just about to introduce herself to break the silence when Brax struck, slamming his fist into Lux’s face. Without a word, Brax turned and walked out of the clinic. “Well, that went better than I expected,” Conner said to the room, watching as Lux stood back up, covering his bloody nose with his hand. Sarah headed to a table nearby and collected a handful of paper towels and gave them to Lux. Conner came over and spoke after kissing her forehead. “I’m going to talk to Brax, I’ll try and get him back here.” When he left, Sarah didn’t know what to do.

  “I’m guessing you know me and Brax were not on the best of terms when I left?” She thought about lying and saying she didn’t know, but what would be the point?

  “He said you two had a disagreement and that is why you left. I’m Sarah, their mate. He misses you, you know.”

  Lux seemed shocked at her announcement, but didn’t act on it. “Yeah right, I can just picture that. It’s okay, you don’t have to make excuses for him.”

  She was about to defend her comment when Brax spoke from the doorway. “She isn’t. I do miss you Lux. You’re my brother and I love you. Yeah we had a fight, big fucking deal. There was no need for you to go running off like a pussy.”


  “No Sarah it’s okay.” Lux looked at his big brother before sighing. That was when she noticed his appearance. He had black marks under his eyes as if he hadn’t slept and although this was the first time she had seen him in the flesh, he seemed a lot paler than she would have guessed he normally did. Lux looked down at the floor before looking back at his brother. “
I know, I’m sorry Brax. My head was all over the place with mom and dad dying. Then after I left, my pride wouldn’t let me come back.” Sarah watched the play of emotions on Brax’s face. She couldn’t guess at what he would do next. When he did move, it was so quick it made her jump. Brax wrapped his arms around his brother in a hug that she knew would crush her bones. Lux wrapped his arms around his brother’s back and the two stood there like that for a few moments. When they pulled back, both turned to face the wall and she couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips when she saw they were both rubbing their tears away.

  When they turned back to face the room, Sarah smiled at Brax as Conner came up behind her and rested his chin on her head. “So, you gonna tell us what’s going on and what the hell happened to your mate? I know you can be a pain in the ass, but hiring a bounty hunter for you is a bit extreme. Congratulations by the way.” Lux smiled down at his mate on the bed, running his hand down her hair. Lux exhaled loudly. He closed the door to the room and then the blinds on the windows. “Chloe’s not a normal wolf.” He seemed torn about telling them what was different about her. He was quiet for so long, Conner thought he wasn’t going to confess. When he did, Conner was floored. “She’s part witch. Her mother is wolf and her father is a wizard. Nobody knows how she has both supernatural abilities instead of one overpowering the other, leaving her with one gift, but she has both. And no one knows how her mother conceived her when the wizard wasn’t her true mate. Her pack were smothering her, wouldn’t let her have a life. Literally keeping her under lock and key. The only time she was allowed alone was when she was in her bedroom, which had no windows and only one door. Her Alpha knew how her mother and stepfather were treating her, and he let them. I had to get her out of there before they killed her by cutting her off from any form of life.”

  Everyone was silent for a while until Trish came in to check her over. “The latest blood work looks like the medicine is pushing the poison out of her body. You got her here just in time. Hopefully when she wakes, she can shift and get rid of the rest. Saying that, I’m not sure if it’s the medicine or her powers healing her, but whatever it is, seems to be working.” When Trish left, the four were silent for the next hour. Another three hours later, Chloe finally woke up. She looked around the room, but not really seeing anything. Lux reached to touch her when Chloe screamed in agony. Her body went stiff before convulsing where she lay. Lux tried to hold her still so she wouldn’t hurt herself but couldn’t manage it. Brax and Conner helped by holding a leg each. Just as Sarah returned with Trish, Chloe let out another scream. Conner watched, not knowing what to do when blue-green liquid started coming out of Chloe’s skin. There wasn’t a lot, but the smell was enough to bring tears to his eyes. When the liquid stopped coming out of her, Chloe shifted into her wolf, the howl loud enough to shake the windows. Conner knew right then that this could change things. Not just for his family, but for the whole pack. If word got out about Chloe being part wolf and witch, she would be hunted. He didn’t know how he knew this for sure, he just did. She would need protecting from threat of harm and from those who would use her for her powers. He looked at his mates and knew they felt the same as him. Chloe was now family and they would protect her with their life.

  Lux started crying in relief when she shifted back to human form. He took her into his lap and kissed her. When he had her covered in a sheet, he introduced Conner, Brax, and Sarah. Trish came back and checked Chloe over, declaring her one hundred percent fit, to her complete amazement. Nobody seemed to know what to do after that and the silence continued until Sarah decided enough was enough. “Right then, there’s nothing left for us to do here, so let’s get going shall we? It’ll be a bit of a squeeze in the back of my car, boys, but Chloe is riding shotgun.” She took the other woman’s hand and led her out the door. The men quickly followed and before long, they were all entering the Alpha house. When the twins, who were sitting at the breakfast bar, saw Lux, they jumped up and ran to him, almost knocking him off feet. Lux seemed just as glad to see his nieces and the three hugged for a long time. “Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m starving. Who’s up for some food?” Sarah asked. When everyone agreed, she opened the fridge, then the freezer before closing them. “Screw that, cooking for so many people. Let’s just order in,” she said, gathering the menus.

  Later that night, they were all stuffed and enjoying a glass of wine and beers with Jackson, getting to know Chloe. Brax and Lux had spent an hour talking outside about what they were going to do. When Sarah showed Chloe and Lux to the guest room and lent them some clothes, Brax told Conner and Sarah what he and Lux had talked about.

  “We talked about the fight we had before he left. We both agreed we were both wrong in some ways, and right in others. I asked him to stay here, in Blackwood. At first, I thought he was going to say no, but then he hugged me and said yeah. He even thanked me for asking,” Brax said on a laugh. “We decided to wait until tomorrow to talk about what to do about Chloe’s pack. Lux said they’re determined to keep her there. He didn’t want to say anything in front of her, but he got the impression they were planning on using her powers as a witch somehow. We need to protect her, that’s no way to treat your child or a member of your pack.”

  “Where’s her pack located?” Conner asked.

  “Believe it or not, it’s in the northern-most point in New Mexico.”

  “You’re thinking what I’m thinking you’re thinking, aren’t you?” Conner asked, knowing what his long-term lover had in mind. Brax just smiled, proving Conner was right.

  “What’s he thinking? Someone want to let me in on it?” Sarah asked, sitting on the bed in a pink babydoll she’d changed into while they were talking.

  “If it comes down to it, I’m willing to fight their pack for Chloe’s freedom, and if we did fight, and we win, which I’m very confident about, we would take over that pack and its land. I would give the members the right to leave if they wanted when we took over. They would be more than welcome to stay, but they would have to abide by my rules. And who the hell told you to put clothes on for bed? It looks sexy as hell, Angel, but I want skin,” Brax said, walking to stand in front of her. The rest of the night passed in the way the men had wanted it to go, Sarah being spoiled by their mates.

  The next morning, Lux and Chloe were making breakfast with the twins when Sarah walked into the kitchen. “Morning, guys,” she said, accepting the coffee Zoë offered. “Hope you guys slept okay?” she asked the new house guests.

  “Like a log,” Chloe said, “after I tuned out this one’s snoring.” She nudged Lux’s arm.

  “I’ve told you a million times, kitten, I don’t snore,” Lux replied. “Hey, Sarah, I was wondering if I could borrow a car today, take Chloe shopping. We both left most of our stuff when we left.”

  “Sure, the keys are in the display by the kitchen door. I’m sorry, but don’t even think of taking Bumble Bee. My baby’s coming with me this morning to the old air strip,” Sarah said, taking a sip of her coffee.

  “Bumble Bee?” Chloe asked.

  “It’s her car’s name. She loves the Chevrolet Camaro from the Transformers films so we got her one for a birthday and of course, she named it the same as the film,” Conner said, walking up behind Sarah, linking his fingers together over her stomach after placing his arms through hers, and resting his chin on her head.

  Normal chat occurred during breakfast, Sarah and the twins explaining to Chloe what shops there was in the mall. When Brax arrived, he told Lux he was ringing his sentinels to come over after breakfast to discuss how to handle Chloe’s pack. “I’ll join you,” Lux said, then turned to look at Chloe. “I’m sorry, baby, I’ll take you shopping once we get this sorted. I don’t want you looking over your shoulder any longer. The sooner we get this sorted, the sooner we can live our lives,” he finished, kissing her forehead.

  “It’s okay, bunny, I’ll just watch TV while I’m waiting.” She turned to Brax. “Thank you. I can’t d
escribe how grateful I am that you’re helping. You truly are a great Alpha.”

  “Awww shucks, no need for thanks. Just make sure you take care of this big ‘bunny.’” He laughed, using Chloe’s nickname for Lux, which had everyone barring Lux giggling.

  “Chloe,” Lux warned. “What have I told you about using that name when we’re in public?”

  She just laughed and finished the last of her pancakes.

  “Hey, why don’t I take Chloe shopping? I need to pop into town for groceries anyway and the stores next to the mall,” Sarah said. Lux looked at Chloe, who had a smile on her face.

  “Yeah, sure, thanks, Sarah.” He handed Chloe a credit card and followed Brax and Conner to the office.

  “Typical men,” Sky muttered. “Left us with all the dishes.”

  * * * *

  Brax was happy with the plan he and the sentinels had come up with. Quite simply really. “So we’re all in agreement then,” Brax said, looking around the room at the sentinels and soldier that were gathered. “Ask for a meeting with their Alpha where the gap between our lands lies. Say the meetings about expanding both pack lands into the gap, and to discuss border patrols and security. Stuff like that. I’ll tell him I’ve already got something drawn up, and that expanding will lower the risk in that area from threat and not stretch resources, some shit like that.” From what Lux had told him about the Alpha, Brax understood what type of man he was. Power hungry and willing to risk anyone, even his own family, to get more power. “I’ll send someone down there now to find somewhere to hold the meeting. He can set it up for us to have a few men hidden. When they get there, I’ll tell him we know about Chloe and she is now a member of my pack. I want everyone who’s there to judge his reaction. If he says fine, I want every single expression watched. Find any sign of lying. I know we can smell lies most of the time, but remember, he’s an Alpha.” He looked to all the people in the room and knew they all felt the same as him about the abuse Chloe received. “To be honest, I don’t think he’ll give her up without a fight. That’s where our backup comes in. I want this asshole dead. He doesn’t deserve to be a werewolf, let alone an Alpha for what he’s done to Chloe. And from the things Lux said he saw when he was there, he seems in it for the power rush. He couldn’t give a shit about his pack. He just wants the power and money. If, for some reason he won’t come and meet us, well, I’ll go down there and challenge him. Take his pack that way. I’d do that anyway, but have a feeling my mate wouldn’t like that.” He chuckled along with the others. Truth was, Sarah hated the idea of challenging him in the middle of his pack. He didn’t want to worry her, even though he had no doubt he would win, so came up with plan.


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