Starlight, Star Bright

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Starlight, Star Bright Page 13

by JoAnn Durgin

  It took him a few seconds to realize she’d misunderstood his intent. “Oh, bella, no...not live with me. I mean,” he said, chuckling and running a hand over his hair, “live with me, si, but as my wife. I want to marry you, Amanda.

  “Let’s go find Pastor Ted and see if he’ll do the honors tonight. Our friends and your family are here. You can go with me back to Italy. You’ll love it there, and we can figure out the rest together. Rome in the spring and summer is incredibly romantic. Rome anytime with you will be romantic. And when we’re not in Rome for the soccer season, we could be right here in Starlight, my love. I’ll build you a monstrosity of a home for all the bambinos and bambinas I hope we’ll have one day.”

  She gasped and put one hand over her abdomen, breathing heavily. “Are we crazy?”

  “Yes, but I’m in love with you, Amanda.” He stood and began to pace back and forth in front of the bench where she sat. “I don’t want to lose you. I love this town and everyone in it. I can’t imagine a better place to live in the off-season, cold as it is,” he said with a mock-shiver.

  “Oh, Dante.” She pulled him back down to the bench. “You won’t lose me, but we need to be rational. I have a teaching contract until the end of the school year in Florida. And if we live here, you’d have to get used to Mayor Tom misunderstanding most of what you say. Ben and Harry asking you to come over and fix things around their house. Jake and Dylan’s teasing. Everyone knowing our business, and—”

  Dante cut off her words by cupping her face between his hands and pulling her to him.

  Amanda sighed against his lips. “I can hardly believe you’re sitting beside me in my beloved little Starlight, kissing me, loving me,” she whispered before surrendering fully to his kisses.

  He murmured words of endearment in Italian, some he knew she understood, others she wouldn’t, and he’d explain in time. All he knew was she liked them and responded to his words. She leaned into his gentle caresses, melting into him, and he was lost in the blessing of her love. Increasing his efforts, he deepened the kiss and tucked her into his chest. They fit so well together. This was the reason he’d come to Starlight. To find his heart again.

  “Amanda,” he said, finally drawing away a minute later, still holding her, “I need to warn you there will be times you might want—might need—to escape. People often follow me around and take photos. We might be interrupted in restaurants, airports, shops…wherever we go. I’ll protect you as best I can, but the public scrutiny can be intense sometimes. I’ve learned to live with it, but I don’t want you to be hurt by it. We can try and keep our marriage as quiet as possible, but I also want the world to know you have my heart forever.” He smiled and ran his hand through his hair. “In some ways, it might take some of the pressure off. Then the media can concentrate on my game and not my personal life.”

  He searched her face, waiting for her words. Finally, her mouth eased into a smile. “I’m pretty sure I can handle it, Dante. We’ll navigate those waters like everything else. Together. In my mind, it’s pretty clear the Lord brought us together, and He’ll bless our union, but we need to keep our eyes focused and on the goal, like you said.”

  “Si.” Offer her the ring. “I have something for you, bella.” He removed his necktie as she watched, wide eyed. Then he unbuttoned the top of his shirt.

  “Dante, what, um, are you doing?”

  “Hold on.” He parted the shirt to reveal the silver chain around his neck. Unclasping it, he lowered the heirloom diamond ring into his hand, grasping it between two fingers. “Amanda Marston,” he said, lowering to one knee in front of her, “I thought Starlight was just a quick stop on a cold, lonely December night. And then you brought joy, warmth, and radiance into my life. You surrounded me in your love and opened your arms and your heart to me, a man without a home or family to call his own.” He paused and cleared his throat. “I know the Lord led me here, and being here with you has been the best time of my life.”

  He held up the ring for her to see. The dim lighting reflected the brilliant facets of the marquise-cut diamond, sending prisms of light in all directions like miniscule shooting stars. “I need you in my life, and I promise to always love, protect, and honor you all the rest of my days. Please say you’ll marry me tonight, Amanda.”

  Putting one hand over her heart, Amanda smiled and nodded, her long, dark lashes damp with tears. “Nothing would make me happier than to be Mrs. Dante Moretti.”

  Dante slid the ring onto her long, slender finger. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

  “Magnifico. Somehow, I knew it would fit perfectly. This ring belonged to my mother, designed by my father, and made by my grandfather. Family legend says they searched all over Europe to find the perfect diamond. I hope you’ll want to wear it”—Dante lowered his eyes, almost overcome with emotion—“but if you’d rather not, I’ll understand.” He couldn’t stop the tear that escaped from the corner of his eye and slipped down his cheek.

  Amanda slid down to the floor beside him and brushed away his tears. In doing so, she captured more of his heart. He needed to continue the story and inhaled a quick breath. “A farmer found it in a remote field in New York a year after the crash. He traveled all the way to Rome to deliver it to me in person. Said he knew God had a reason. You, Amanda. You’re the reason.”

  “I’m honored to wear your mother’s ring, Dante. This is part of your heritage and represents family, honor, loyalty…and most of all, lasting love.”

  Hearing footsteps on the stairs, they held hands and struggled to their feet. Jake. Great. With his shirt unbuttoned and Amanda looking flushed from his kisses, the guy would probably imagine the worst. Hopefully, he could explain before Jake decked him. Or worse.


  Dante moved his arm around Amanda’s shoulders, prepared to face whatever may come.

  Jake and Julia filled the doorway, hand-in-hand. “Did you ask my sister to marry you?”

  “And to go back with you to Italy?” Julia said. Both stared at him like he’d taken permanent leave of his senses. Maybe he had, but it felt great.

  More footsteps pounded on the stairs and Dylan rounded the corner. “Who’s going to Italy?”

  “Apparently my sister and Romeo.” The muscles in Jake’s jaws clenched, and he seemed none too happy now as his intense gaze zeroed in on Dante.

  Dante hated to upset the guy on his wedding day, but his emotions were jumbled enough without having an audience while he and Amanda tried to talk through it all. Still, he couldn’t ask them to leave. He might be crazy, but he still possessed some sense of decorum.

  “Look,” he said, taking hold of Amanda’s hand and lacing his fingers through hers, “in the short time I’ve been here in Starlight, I’ve gotten to know Amanda.” He turned to face her. “She’s got the purest heart I’ve ever known, and I love her with everything I am and everything I ever hope to be. She makes me a better man, and I give you my solemn word I’ll do everything in my power to make a family with her and always keep her happy.”

  “I know, Dante. I believe you, buddy.” Jake rubbed a hand over his jaw and glanced at Julia before moving his gaze back to him. “You’re a good man, and Amanda loves you.”

  Shocked though he was, Dante couldn’t be more thrilled with Amanda’s brother’s approval. Beside him, Amanda sniffled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

  With a smile, Julia placed her hand on the side of her husband’s jaw. “If we’d been in their same circumstances a year ago on New Year’s Eve, Jake, I’d have said yes.”

  “Dante,” Amanda squeezed his hand, “we can’t get married spur-of-the-moment and just run off, tempting as it is. For one thing”—she darted a nervous glance at Jake and Julia—“it wouldn’t be fair to you two. This is your special day, and I feel like we’re spoiling it as it is.”

  “No, you’re not,” the bride and groom said in unison.

  “What’s going on up there, son?”

  Dante groaned. Why not have an audie
nce? “Everything’s fine, Ben.” Rising to his feet, he stepped over to the railing and peered into the vestibule below leading into the reception hall. Caroline and Ben stood in the shadows. “We’re having a little…discussion. Everything’s fine. Don’t worry.”

  “Sounds to me like you’re having one whale of an interesting discussion,” Caroline said, peering up at them. “If it’s what I think I heard, may I make a suggestion?”

  “Sure,” he said, inhaling a deep breath.

  “If I had two good knees, I’d march up these steps right now.”

  “Then we’ll come to you.” Dante grabbed Amanda’s hand and started down the steps with her beside him, Jake and Julia following and Dylan behind them as they paraded downstairs. At some point, Hannah joined them, and she linked her arm through her husband’s. Someone must have gone after the elder Marstons because they emerged from the closed doors of the reception hall and joined them as they all formed a circle. Maybe he should suggest a time of prayer. He could use it about now.

  “All right, you young whippersnappers, here’s the thing.” Caroline’s eyes sparkled and the pride on Ben’s face was a beautiful thing to see. “You two—yes, Jake and Julia, of course, but this time I’m talking about Dante and Amanda—are absolutely perfect for each other.” Caroline sniffled, taking the handkerchief her husband handed to her and dabbing beneath her eyes. “Dante, we’ve got lots of kids between us, me and Ben, but you’re one of them now. You’re settled in here.” She tapped a curled fist over her heart.

  “Siete diventati come una famiglia per me, Caroline.” Dante whispered the words as he enveloped her in his embrace and smoothed a few silver-gray strands away from her forehead. He reached for Ben’s hand, smiling when the older man grabbed hold of him.

  “You, too, Dante,” she said, inhaling a deep, shuddering breath. “Especially if that means I love you.”

  “It does.” He kissed her forehead. “It means you are now my family,” he murmured against her hair. “Starlight will always be very special to me. For you see”—he swallowed another lump in his throat—“this little town and the people in it have worked their way into my heart.” His gaze found Amanda’s, and there was no denying the love he saw in those gorgeous brown eyes. For him, and that thrilled him to his very soul.


  “Dante.” Amanda moved into the circle of his arms. “One of the theme verses of my life is one I learned in this church when I was four years old. ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.’ Those words have been imprinted on my mind and in my heart ever since. And,” she said, inhaling a quick breath, “if ever I’ve needed those words, I do now. But I trust the Lord, and I love you with all my heart. With the Lord guiding us, we can’t go wrong.”

  “Well, then, I say let’s get this party started…or keep it going,” Hannah said, giving her a wink. “I think you two getting married tonight is the best idea since…the last wedding in this town.” She shot an amused glance at Jake and Julia.

  Julia’s face glowed. “Amanda, you told me this is your dream wedding gown, so if you don’t mind that it’s slightly worn, it can be your something borrowed.”

  “You’d really do that?” Amanda’s eyes misted with tears, and she hugged her sister-in-law. “We’re keeping you and Jake from starting your life together. I’m sure my brother would like to get on the road sooner than later tonight.”

  Jake gave Amanda a bear hug before pulling back and tweaking her chin. “Sis, you don’t need permission from any of us, but I think this is the right thing for you.” He chuckled. “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t say it in front of our family and friends, and I sure wouldn’t say it in God’s house. You’ve always been a lot more spontaneous than me. And,” he smiled at his bride, “Julia and I can wait another hour or two. We’ve got the rest of our lives together. Seeing you happy with Dante is the best wedding gift you could give us.”

  Dylan stepped toward Dante with a wide grin. “I’m closer to your height than my giant of a best friend here. I’ll be more than happy to shed this penguin suit and loan it to you.” He slapped Dante on the back and shook his hand. “Welcome to the Starlight team, buddy.”

  Amanda’s parents stepped forward and hugged her and then turned to Dante. “Welcome to the family, son. Take care of my baby girl,” her dad whispered with a pat on the back and then her sweet mother kissed Dante’s cheek.

  “But everyone’s expecting you to drive off together into the sunset together,” Amanda said to Jake and Julia. “You have wedding guests behind those doors. You should go in and enjoy yourselves. We can wait. Besides, I don’t need all those witnesses, do you, Dante? All I really want are the people standing here with us now.” She glanced at each one of them in turn. “Everyone that I love.”

  “Tell you what,” Jake said. “Julia and I will go in for a while and mingle with our guests. Then we’ll do the kiss, smile, and run to the truck hand-in-hand thing like we planned. Then we’ll go back to the house and change, drive over to Barney’s and meet you all there in three hours.” His smile was triumphant. “How does that sound?”

  “Barney’s?” Ben asked. “Whatever for?”

  Although she understood her brother’s implication right away—and knew Dante did, too, based on his bright smile—the meaning of Jake’s suggestion slowly made its way around the circle.

  “Of course!” Hannah said, clapping her hands. “It’s absolutely perfect.”

  Dylan cleared his throat. “I hate to be the one to say this, but isn’t there a three-day waiting period to get married in Iowa?”

  Amanda turned to Dante. “What now?”


  Amanda couldn’t think straight. First, she thought Dante was going back to Italy and she might never see him again. Then he asked her to go with him to Italy. She’d misunderstood. Then he asked her to marry him. Just when she’d agreed and could hardly wait, now Dylan, of all people, spoke up as the voice of reason.

  Caroline snapped her fingers again and visibly brightened. “Angie. Someone go get her. Being the town clerk, she’ll know what to do.” She darted a glance her way. “Don’t worry, kids. We’re going to get you married tonight. Mark my words.”

  “That’s my love bunny,” Ben said, beaming with pride.

  “Dante,” Amanda said, pulling him aside. “If it doesn’t work out tonight, I can wait a few days.”

  “And I can postpone my return flight,” he said. “Whatever it takes.”

  Her eyes met his. “I hope it works out for us tonight, though.”

  His smile found yet another place in her heart. “Me, too, bella.”

  Five minutes later, Angie congratulated and kissed them both. “You’re blessed Jake and Julia are such well-respected citizens in this part of Iowa. In order to get married tonight, you’re going to need the county registrar and a judge, and guess what? You happen to have both right behind those doors.” She pointed to the reception hall with a huge smile.

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” Dylan asked. “Let’s go get them now! Lead the way, Angie.”

  “Be gentle,” Jake called after him, laughing. “Don’t act like you’re kidnapping them.”

  Another forty minutes later, after meeting in the pastor’s office and printing out the appropriate online forms, Dante paid the fee and the judge signed the waiver of the three-day waiting period. After he signed the marriage license, he handed the pen to Amanda. Teasing him, she hesitated before giving him a quick kiss and signing her name beside his scrawled signature. Jake and Julia served as their witnesses, Hannah recorded it all on a video on her phone and Caroline snapped some photographs.

  Going back down the stairs, Amanda and Dante waited while Hannah rounded up the crew again to finalize their plans. They all seemed excited, none more so than Jake and Julia. Even her parents were beaming. Who could have guessed how this day would turn out? Was this really happening?

  Dante turned to face her, appearing every bit as dazed and ebullient as she must look. “Is this what you want, bella? To get married in Barney’s Diner tonight?”

  She nodded and smiled. “Yes, I think it’s absolutely magnifico.”

  When he squeezed her hands, Amanda felt his touch everywhere. What a great start to another new year. Dante would go back to Florida with her. Everyone would be shocked to find out she’d gotten married during her Christmas break. The thought made her smile. Although she hated to break her teaching contract, surely they’d understand. Given the opportunity to marry the man they loved, she knew any one of them would do the same. She’d tender her resignation at the school and then she’d be free to travel to Rome with Dante. My husband. A thrill of anticipation rushed through her.

  Dante was scheduled to report to the team in early March, and by that time, they’d be settled in his condo. Thank goodness she already had a valid, if unused, passport. She’d never been to Europe and applied for it with only the hope she’d be able to use it one day. You knew, didn’t You, Lord? Oh, what an adventure life would be with this man beside her.

  Her dad cleared his throat, breaking into her thoughts. “Your mother and I can stay with Ben and Caroline tonight and give you kids the house to yourselves. We’ll stop by and grab what we’ll need for overnight. We’ll even take Bailey, if the Picassos don’t mind.” He chuckled. “It’s a good thing we brought along our allergy medication.”

  Ben grinned and waved his hand. “What’s one more pet? Gertrude will love the company.” His wry smile encompassed both of them. “Matter of fact, we’ll give you kids a couple of nights. I’m sure you can find enough to occupy yourselves for at least that long.” Caroline swatted her husband’s arm, and he pulled her close, planting a kiss on her forehead. How she adored these wonderful people.


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