Tides of Spring: A Dark Shapeshifter Urban Fantasy (Echoes of the Past Book 3)

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Tides of Spring: A Dark Shapeshifter Urban Fantasy (Echoes of the Past Book 3) Page 22

by H B Lyne

  Stalker slowly lifted her dha over her head and placed them silently on the carpeted floor, she peeled off her boots and clothes and stood before him. He stirred, slid his arm out from under his pillow and turned his head in her direction. His eyes remained closed and Stalker tilted her head to match the angle of his. He looked so peaceful and his bed was so inviting. She slid, ever so gently into the bed, longing for the warmth of his arms and his breath on her face.

  He jerked awake and his eyes locked with hers, full of alarm. A cry died on his lips as his conscious mind caught up with his senses and he frowned at her.

  'Hi,' he whispered, his voice thick with sleep. 'How did you get in here?'

  'Shhh,' she whispered, then placed her lips on his in a soft kiss. He wrapped her up in his arms and tugged the sheet over both of them. They made love, the rest of the world melting away into the distance, and afterwards, Stalker fell asleep in his arms, content for the first time in days.

  As the pre-light of dawn sneaked in through the skylight, Stalker woke, glad that she had retained her human shape in Rhys's bed. She often reverted to her fox form with the pack. Although Claws was able to hold his human form when he slept, she didn't know how much effort it cost him. Rhys twitched beside her and she smiled, turning to watch him sleep. She wondered what he dreamt of, and suppressed an image of the demon enjoying being a passenger during sex. She shuddered and Rhys's eyes flickered open.

  'Morning,' he croaked. He grabbed hold of her and pulled her close, kissing her softly. She gladly reciprocated and nuzzled against his warm body. 'What a lovely surprise last night,' he murmured.

  'Yeah,' she replied, drinking in his scent. 'I like to surprise you.'

  'How did you get in? Do I have a broken window to worry about?'

  'No,' she said, burying her scarlet face against his chest. 'I didn't break in, don't worry.'

  She had welcomed having one less person to lie to, but in truth she still didn't trust him enough to reveal how special she was. He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.

  'It's Sunday,' he said, his voice uncharacteristically husky. 'We could stay in bed all day.' He lifted her chin and kissed her jaw, running little kisses all the way down her neck. Stalker groaned.

  'I have to get back to St. Mark's soon, stuff to do today.' Rhys stopped and sighed. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at her, idly stroking her arm with his other hand.

  'It'll always be like this, won't it? Fleeting rendezvous in between looming apocalypses.'

  'I'm afraid so,' she said, attempting levity with a fake sigh. 'But at least you can know about the apocalypses, at least if you wake up next to a fox you won't totally lose the plot. Or would you?'

  'No, I think I could handle that, just,' he said with a smile. 'As long as the fox didn't nuzzle up to me, that would be weird.'

  Stalker laughed, her first real laugh in what felt like an age. Rhys grinned back at her. 'I love your laugh, you should laugh more.'

  'I'll try. There is way too much serious shit going on though.'

  'Can you tell me about any of it?'

  Stalker chewed the inside of her cheek and considered him carefully. It didn't feel like he was fishing for information, it felt like he was genuinely trying to help. But wouldn't that be true of a good spy?

  'I don't know,' she said after an uncomfortable silence. 'Can I?'

  'I completely understand your hesitation, really. If you don't want to tell me anything that's fine. I can live with that.' He kissed her, a passionate, dizzying kiss, and she felt herself melting into it. He drew back slowly, reluctantly.

  Stalker let out a frustrated moan and rested her forehead against his chest.

  'I had an encounter with an ancestor from the Underworld, who berated me for neglecting my duties and getting distracted. Here I am, distracted again.'

  'I distract you?' Rhys asked. She looked up at him, an incredulous expression popping onto her face before she could stop it. He grinned and kissed her again. Why did he have to keep kissing her? She firmly pushed him back and leaned away from him.

  'Yes!' she snapped, smirking. 'Stop it.'

  'Sorry,' he said, barely managing to hide a smile. 'But you were the one who showed up in my bed naked last night. What was I supposed to do with that situation?'

  'Kick me out and tell me to go back to my pack.' She scowled at him, knowing he wouldn't take her seriously. 'I can't control myself, you will just have to do that for the both of us.'

  He pounced on her, kissing her roughly and pushing her back down onto the bed. He straddled her and pinned her wrists down over her head as he ravaged her lips. She gave in to it, happily letting her mind go blank but for the pleasure of his actions. He broke off the kiss and grasped her head in both of his hands, staring at her with his intense, dark eyes.

  'I can't control myself either, not with you.' He laid her head down gently and slid back down beside her. 'I've lived with this secret for ten years, never once even slightly tempted to re-join shifter life. Not just out of fear of what Caerton's shifters might do to me, but because I was content. I had found a way to exist that was relatively peaceful. I was always careful to preserve my secret, but was able to live a mostly human life. Then you came along. From the very first moment I saw you I knew what you were, or would become; I should have walked away from that competition last summer and never seen you again. But I didn't, I came over and made contact with you. I couldn't stop myself then and I can't now. I need you.'

  Stalker listened and watched his earnest eyes. Every word seemed to pierce her soul and she felt a tear prickle at the corner of her eye. 'I love you. That must be it. This is what love feels like.' She swallowed hard and let his words sink in.

  'I...' She wanted to say it back, she wanted to be a normal girl, with a normal boyfriend, declaring their mutual love for the first, uncomplicated time. But nothing about this situation was normal. 'I have to go.' She hurriedly climbed out of the bed and reached for her clothes. Rhys leaped up and grabbed hold of her, turning her to face him.

  'Don't do that,' he pleaded. 'Don't.' He kissed her, holding her tight against his body. She kissed him back and grabbed at his back, digging her fingernails into his skin. She pushed him back to the bed and fell down on top of him, barely breaking the passionate kiss. She lost herself with him, let everything else fade away, and used the fire in the pit of her stomach to fuel the passion. As she shuddered through the climax of their coupling an inner truth flowed through her, without her searching for it. She wasn't sure if it was his or hers, in that moment they were one, but it was love.

  She collapsed down onto his chest and felt her ragged breathing begin to ease with the light caress of his fingers on her back.

  'I love you too,' she whispered. His fingers rested for a moment and his breath caught in his throat. He didn't say anything, but she could feel him smiling and she allowed herself to smile too.

  An hour later, Stalker stepped across the threshold of 32 Grove Street, a lovesick smile still on her giddy lips. She heard the others moving around the house and promptly wiped the expression off her face, wary of being insensitive to Eyes or giving Weaver cause to pass comment. It was bad enough that they would probably all smell Rhys all over her.

  'Have you eaten?' Weaver called down the hall. Stalker walked slowly to the kitchen. Claws was the only one not there and she could hear him thumping about upstairs.

  'Yes, thanks,' she replied. Her stomach was still full of the eggs Rhys had made for her.

  'Good,' Wind Talker said, throwing a scowl her way. He was obviously unhappy with her staying out all night, but was going to just be passive aggressive about it. Stalker glared at him defiantly. 'We're going out in five minutes,' he snapped.

  'Does anyone know where to find Charge-of-Power?' Stalker asked.

  'Unchained Lightning thinks he can be found at the mobile phone mast in Crossway,' Weaver replied. Stalker's eyes flickered to Eyes, who sat hunched over the last pieces of bacon and
sausages on his plate. He didn't react.

  'Okay,' Stalker replied.

  Claws came bounding down the stairs, looking fresh faced and cheerful.

  'Morning,' he said, grinning. He gave her a warm hug and as he pulled back his expression had changed to curiosity. 'Everything okay?'

  'Fine, thanks,' she said, with a knowing smile. 'Shall we go, then?'

  'Yes,' Eyes said abruptly, standing and moving his empty plate to the sink. Wind Talker brushed past Stalker and led the way down the hall. They crossed the veil before leaving the house and set off at a jog through Hepethia towards Crossway. They would have to pass Eyes' house to get to the tower and Stalker kept a watchful eye on him as they made their way there quickly and quietly. She could sense his apprehension, but also his resolve. Something was different about him, she felt anguish but the old sense of internal division was absent. He had always been torn in two, as long as she had known him, but that was gone. She fell into step beside him, Wind Talker was up ahead and Claws and Weaver took up the rear guard, ever watchful for antagonistic demons.

  'What's happened?' she whispered. He glared at her briefly, then returned to watching out for danger.

  'Nothing,' he snapped.

  'Don't try that on me,' she hissed back. 'Something has changed. It might help to tell someone.'

  'Says the one with all the secrets,' he said sharply. It stung, but she shrugged it off, he was hurt and was lashing out at the nearest target.

  'I'm dealing with my issues,' she replied calmly. 'Are you?'

  'Chloe knows the truth,' he said, not looking at her. 'Her memories were restored when the madness was lifted. She remembered the Witch and Perfection-of-Flesh, and me, as the Agrius.'

  'Ah.' Stalker flinched, sorry that she had pushed him for answers.

  'She never wants to see me again, and I don't blame her.'

  'Sorry,' Stalker muttered. She felt her cheeks burning and resolutely looked away from him to spare them both.

  'Thanks,' he replied. He picked up his pace and left her behind. She didn't speak to anyone else on the way.

  Houses appeared out of the crystalline rocks, faded at the edges at first, like the edges of an old fashioned photo, then more solid. It was the street Eyes lived on, shaped here almost exactly as it appeared in the human world, imprinted here by familiarity. Eyes' house stood dark and deserted, still draped in police tape. Stalker glanced at him, he walked on at a brisk pace, not looking at the place.

  As they neared the end of the street, Stalker looked up to where the tower stood in the human world. Against the pinkish sky was a glistening column, draped in haze. The pack walked briskly towards it and as they approached the haze gradually cleared, revealing a stunning tower of swirling mercury. The shimmering liquid metal wound its way up the tower in a spiral and then cascaded down the inside in a constantly flowing torrent.

  'Wow.' Stalker gasped, her eyes wide with awe.

  There was a sudden ripple in the flowing column and a bright white light shone out from the centre. Static filled the air and Charge-of-Power stepped out from the tower.

  'What do you want?' a voice spat. The elemental was vaguely humanoid, but with dozens of limbs that thrashed about, its whole body was in a constant state of motion and flux, shimmering in and out of existence. It looked a little like an animated scribble, bright white and nauseating to look at.

  Stalker heard a rushing sound above them and looked up to see Unchained Lightning soaring towards them. He landed with a heavy thud on the ground behind the Lightning Lords, and Charge-of-Power cowered back towards the mercury tower.

  'You are a power elemental,' Wind Talker said, a smile playing on his lips. 'Like our friend here.'

  'Yessssss,' the creature hissed. 'What of it?'

  'Unchained Lightning needs a throne. We want the substation, and intend to take it. You can help us, and get to keep your current source of energy, or move on to new territory.'

  The way Wind Talker spoke was compelling, he oozed confidence and authority. Stalker almost felt as though he deserved to be their Alpha in that moment. He was staking a claim to territory, just as they were meant to.

  'Glimmering Wires is too powerful,' the elemental crackled. 'You can't defeat him.'

  'That's why we've come to you,' Claws said, his voice soothing. 'We know you are powerful enough to help.'

  'It would be to your advantage to only have to share the throne with one of your own, rather than with two other, hungrier constructs who don't really understand the flow of power.' Wind Talker's eyes glinted, and Stalker watched as Charge-of-Power stopped moving for just a fraction of a second while contemplating this compelling offer. The elemental was instantly back in motion and issuing a hiss of static.

  'One of my charges has gone rogue. Return her to me and I will help you. She is in the human world, inhabiting one of those devices.'

  Stalker felt her phone start to buzz in her pocket, and instantly tensed. The others all reacted similarly and ringtones began to sing and bleep from all of their pockets. They all looked at each other, then back at the elemental. Stalker glanced at the tower behind it and saw that the mercury was glowing faintly, feeding on the energy from their phones.

  'She's in a phone?' Stalker asked. 'Do you know which one?' There would be millions of mobile phones in Caerton, she did not relish the prospect of having to find a specific one amongst them.

  Claws pulled his phone from his pocket and looked at it, the others all suddenly stopped ringing, but his kept going.

  'Is it this number?' he asked, holding the phone up. Charge-of-Power flared up more brightly in confirmation. Claws answered the call and the air was filled with hideous static and bleeping. He hastily ended the call and scowled at the elemental, who seemed to be chuckling.

  'Find her and return her to me.' With that, Charge-of-Power turned and stepped back into the swirling column.

  'How on earth do we do that?' Stalker hissed. The five of them moved closer together and Claws gave her a reassuring smile.

  'I think I can probably do it,' he replied. 'Come on, let's go.'

  They set off, Unchained Lightning bobbing along just above them.

  Claws led them to the Watchtower, which was surrounded by snowdrops, and vines were creeping up the outside, signs of spring having arrived. They went inside and Stalker looked up the spiral staircase. Curiosity beckoned, and without realising what she was doing, her foot met the first step.

  'We should see who's on the throne now,' she murmured softly, taking a few steps up. Weaver followed and they climbed the crooked stairs quickly and quietly. Last time Stalker had seen the throne room of the Watchtower it had been infested with brawling winter fae. Before that it had been carpeted in crunchy golden leaves. Each time, its occupant had been a powerful fae of the season. The vines that were growing up the outside of the tower were crawling in through little gaps in the stonework and a soft breeze met her face from the open sky above. Stalker stepped up into the room at the top and gasped. On the throne was a shimmering green and yellow fae made of grass and flowers. She had long golden hair that fell over her shoulder to the floor and on her head was a tall golden crown. Vines dotted with tiny white flowers wound their way up the throne from the floor and were wrapped around the fae.

  She lifted her blue eyes to look at the two shifters and tilted her head to one side.

  'Hello,' she said, her voice jingling softly.

  Claws stepped onto the landing behind Weaver and Stalker heard a small noise issue from his throat. She smirked and glanced at his wide-eyed face.

  'Hello,' he said, a slight squeak in his voice.

  'You claim this space, you do human business here,' the fae said, her eyes locked onto Claws.

  'That's right,' he replied.

  'I feel you every time you come and go.'

  Claws' cheeks burned red and Stalker pressed a hand to her lips to contain the giggle that threatened to spill out.

  'I see,' Claws said, nodding and swall
owing hard. 'I apologise for not coming to introduce myself. I'm Claws-of-Lead. These are two of my pack mates. We are the Lightning Lords.'

  'I know. I've not long been here,' she replied. 'I am Flute-of-the-Flowers. Pleased to meet you.' Her eyes never left Claws and Stalker felt suddenly as though she and Weaver were intruding on something that ought to be private. She glanced at Weaver, who was beaming unashamedly. Stalker's lips split into a grin and they hurriedly exchanged signals to make an exit. They stepped quietly back onto the stairs, leaving Claws and the queen of spring alone in the tower.

  'What's going on up there?' Wind Talker snapped as they emerged.

  'Claws has met a girl he likes,' Weaver said, still grinning.

  'Don't be ridiculous,' the Alpha said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  'There are actually legends of shifters and fae finding love. Human mythology is filled with variations of them, all those Greek gods taking human lovers,' Weaver said, her smile not faltering.

  Claws appeared at the top of the stairs and came bouncing down them, a giddy grin on his face.

  'Nice new tenant,' he said jovially. Stalker laughed and gave his shoulder a playful punch.

  'We need to get on with things, come on.' Wind Talker uncrossed his arms and scowled at them, then checked across the veil to see that the coast was clear for them to cross.

  'The building should be empty on a Sunday morning,' Claws said, 'but better safe than sorry.' The lobby was empty and the pack crossed the veil into the office building. They followed Claws upstairs and into his office.

  Stalker went to the window and looked out onto the street below. Cars rushed past every few seconds, but there were few pedestrians, it was fairly quiet. Claws fired up his computer and got to work.

  'Is this like your bread and butter?' she asked, with a smile.

  'Pretty much,' he replied, his eyes locked on the screen. A slightly distracted smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

  Weaver watched over his shoulder and Wind Talker paced behind them. Eyes slumped into the chair opposite and closed his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, which was probably true.


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