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Boundary Page 10

by Ebony Olson

  "Ever considered modeling?"

  "Sure, I even sent in a few headshots when I was at school, but no one seemed interested."

  Taking a business card out of his wallet after she gave him back his credit card, he handed her the card. "Ask for Danielle and tell her Mr. Hearn asked you to come in."

  She looked at the card, amazed. "This isn't a ploy, is it?"

  "It's not a job yet either. Danielle will arrange a trial session for you. If the shots come out good and you can walk a catwalk, then the management team will be in contact." Dale collected our bags. "Good luck."

  With a smile, Dale took my hand and walked us out of the store. "How often do you do that?"

  "Rarely. Only when I see something unique in a person. I have other staff who scout. She's a bit immature for a twenty-year-old, but I've had worse on the books."

  "How do you know she's twenty?"

  "The same way she guessed your age. Except, unlike you, she doesn't have genes that slow the aging process. Thus, my assessment will be correct."

  Slipping into the car as Dale held the door, I blinked in amazement. "I always thought I looked my age."

  "You always thought you were human too." Starting the engine, Dale kept his gaze on his mirrors as if to hide the scowl on his face.

  Maneuvering us through the beach and harbor traffic, Dale parked at the yacht club. Retaking my hand, Dale led me to the slip where his yacht was. It wasn't the biggest yacht, but it would definitely come under the category of luxury.

  "Morning, Vera." Bob waved from the upper level of the motorized yacht. "Did you have a nice night?"

  The smile on his face told me he'd been a witness to Dale and I getting to know each other in the kitchen. Heat creeping into my cheeks which had nothing to do with the sun, I nodded. "It was very revealing."

  "For us all," Jeremy countered, with no hint of humor as he offered me his arm to climb aboard on the main deck.

  "I'm guessing you were the howler?"

  "The second one, yes." Appraising my dress, Jeremy bowed his head. "You look lovely."

  Dale led me a few meters away to the deck lounge. "I'll meet you in the flybridge, Jeremy."

  With a mocking salute, Jeremy headed for the stairs up to the upper level where Bob had disappeared. Already sitting on the deck lounge were Juliet and Heidi from the first dinner. As we approached, Dale put his mouth to my ear. "They are currently seeing Bob and Jeremy. They thought you might like the female company. I'll be back in a few minutes."

  After greeting the two models, Dale left me there to go check on a few things. Feeling shy, I sat and let the women continue their conversation. I'd been around the human women Malcolm's pack brought home to enjoy, but they never talked to me.

  "So are you and Dale seeing each other now?" Heidi asked with a glint in her eye.


  "He's gorgeous and rich, a real catch."

  Juliet rolled her eyes. "He's also very nice, which matters more to Vera than his money or looks. Am I right?"

  "I've learned that looks don't always go beyond the flesh. I'd never go out with a man because he was rich or good looking."

  Scrunching her nose as if that disgusted her, Heidi looked me over.

  Leaning closer to me, Juliet gave me a sly wink. "Not that it hurts if a nice man is also handsome and wealthy."

  "Especially if they are hung like a horse." Heidi nudged Juliet, who went bright red. So much for Bob and his claim that he's neutered.

  Picking up the water next to her, Juliet frowned. "You know, Dale has never dated any of the women from work."

  "I don't work for him."

  Both the women frowned at me in confusion. "So, how did you meet him?"

  Finding it odd that they'd forgotten how Dale introduced me, I tilted my head. "I'm his next-door neighbor."

  "Yes, but, I mean, we thought that was…" Heidi trailed off. "You really don't work for him, you just live next door?"

  "Yes." Confused why they found it hard to believe, I decided to clarify further. "Dale's dog attacked me, that's how we met. Actually, I met Bob first. Then Jeremy barged in and started taking care of me." Juliet sniggered, acknowledging that sounded like Jeremy. "And then Dale introduced himself."

  "Was it love at first sight?" Heidi asked with enough lilt that I knew was sarcasm.

  Laughing at how rocky a start Dale and I had, I grinned. "God, no. We got off to the wrong foot from the word go. He tried to stop me from moving into my house. When I did move in, his dog attacked me, then he started legal action over our shared driveway access. He was an asshole."

  "Now that sounds like Dale." Juliet relaxed, and so did Heidi nodding. "I've been dating Bob on and off for years. Dale is one of the few remaining gentlemen in the world, but he is a very successful businessman for a reason."

  "He still won you over, though?"

  My brows pinched, confused by Heidi's attitude. "Not yet. We only went on our first date last night. We are getting to know each other, that's what today is about."

  Huffing into her water bottle, Heidi turned side on to assess the mouth of the harbor as we passed through. Jerking away when a hand touched my shoulder, I jumped around to face my assailant.

  Hands held up to show he meant no harm, Dale stood wary. "Easy, Vera. You've been in the sun too long. Come inside, and I'll show you where you can put some sunscreen on and get your hat."

  Biting my lip as I stood, I turned away from Juliet's sympathetic gaze. Frowning, Heidi looked confused about the way I reacted to Dale's touch. At a guess; Juliet knew about domestic violence second hand; either her parents or a friend. Heidi; she'd never been physically injured by another soul.

  Following Dale inside, we went downstairs where the cabin rooms were.

  Chapter 14

  The room dale led me into was a luxurious cabin room, complete with a large bed and an open plan bathroom. "Wow! I never knew boats could be like this. I should've bought a yacht instead of the house."

  Dale smirked. "I doubt you could afford one of these."

  "At least I wouldn't have had to worry about neighbors, or pack-houses, or driving people crazy."

  Forehead scrunching, Dale stepped forward. "No. But there are lone wolves who would jump at the chance of finding a female of their species alone and unmated."

  My mouth fell open as he took the wind from my sails. "So, no matter where I went, or what I did, I was going to end up in the same situation?"

  Closing the distance, Dale brushed his nose past and around mine. "No, because I am your mate, Vera. I will never harm you, I will love, spoil, and adore you. No one else is going to make you feel as alive and happy as I will."

  My breathing a little heavy, I stared into his eyes. "That's egotistical, to think you are the only man who could make me happy."

  Unperturbed, Dale chuckled. "It's the truth." Stepping back, Dale opened the bag to pull out the swimmers. "Go put these on, I'll help you with your sunscreen when you're ready."

  Taking the swimmers, I looked around for a screen or anything to change behind.

  "I'll keep my back turned."

  Checking over my shoulder, Dale was facing the bed removing the tag from the hat and shoes. Licking my lips, I changed as quickly as possible. Once covered, I moved back up to the bed where Dale was waiting, sunscreen in hand. "I'll do your back for you."

  Lifting my hair out of the way, I bit my lip when he started rubbing the cream into the exposed skin. His hands felt nice when he started doing my arms and shoulders. Taking a breath, I stepped away from his reach. "I can do the rest, thank you." Not turning to look at him, I breathed deep.

  Dale's breathing sounded as labored as mine. "I'll wait upstairs."

  Waiting until the door closed, I finished applying the sunscreen. With my dress on, I grabbed up the hat and changed my ballet flats for the sandals, then headed back out and to the main deck.

  As I came up the stairs, Dale was leaning in the doorway. His hands were in his pockets, and a
small smile on his face as he listened to the others. He seemed at ease.

  Moving up next to Dale, I could see Jeremy and Bob sitting with Juliet and Heidi on the outside lounge flirting. Holding my hat clenched in my hands, I studied the interactions to learn what was normal.

  Turning that hint of a smile my way, Dale offered me his hand. "I want to show you something."

  Taking his hand, Dale led me around to the front of the boat. When we reached the sundeck complete with hot tub, Dale turned to me. Pulling his shirt over his head, he left it on the cushioned expanse of the sunbeds. "You might want to take your dress off if you want it to stay dry." Then he moved to the very front of the boat.

  Folding my dress next to his shirt and the hat - since I was sure the hat would blow away at the bow - and followed Dale. "You aren't going to make me do the titanic Kate, and Leo thing are you?"

  "I'm not going to make you do anything." He then encouraged me forward with a light chuckle. Placing me in the bow, Dale stepped in behind me, placing his hands at my waist, precisely like in titanic. "It is an experience worth trying, though."

  Laughing, I lifted my arms out to the side, closing my eyes.

  "Do you trust me?" Dale whispered.

  Before I could respond, he picked me up and tossed me overboard. My heart broke at the moment it took me to leave his arms and fall. Screaming, I looked up to see Dale observing me, his eyes smiling, but they dimmed when they saw mine.

  Then I hit netting below me, and I rolled breaking the connection. It was a soft landing; the mesh stretching to take my weight and preventing my fall to the sea below. Staring at the water meters below, I lay there amazed that the churning sea hadn't devoured me. When I realized I was lying in a hammock of some kind, I started laughing – more stress relief than joy at this point.

  When Dale climbed down beside me, I pulled back to smack his face, but Dale caught my hand. "I'm sorry I scared you. I've learned that if you ask women to jump into the widows net, they won't."

  "So, you threw me and let me think you were tossing me overboard?"

  Caressing my cheek, Dale's face softened. "I wanted you to experience this, Vera. Sometimes, it's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission." I glared at him. Gazing past my face to the roiling sea, a smile spreading over his face. "Here comes the fun."

  Before I a chance to look, a wave roared beneath us as we headed out between the heads. Breaking on the prow of the ship, it splashed us in the netting above. Gasping at the cold water, I turned to watch the next wave coming towards us. We were flying out through the heads of the harbor, soaring above the tempestuous seas.

  The waves were guardians of the sea, pushing back against the boat as if to hinder our escape. The yacht, too strong for the protectors, barged its way through their defenses. Despite how I got here, I felt myself smiling as we glided out to sea. The splash of the waves no longer cold, but amplifying my excitement. Cheering with each dousing, I yelled my enjoyment to the angry waves.

  Fingers threaded into my hair, startling me when Dale turned my face to his. His eyes were ablaze with happiness and desire. Taking that all in within a blink, I exhaled sharply as his mouth crushed against mine. Melting into his kiss, lust surged through my system. Rolling me, Dale pressed his body against mine, his lips pinching, demanding my mouth open to his.

  Moaning, I relinquished, opening my lips only enough for the tip of his tongue to tease my opening. My hands clung to his back, feeling the muscles ripple beneath his skin.

  A massive wave crashed against the prow, soaking us in the spray. Soon, the sea calmed beneath us, accepting defeat, and permitting our voyage. Our kissing slowed to match the calmer waves. My heartbeat, moments ago galloping in my chest, tempered to a trot.

  Placing a restraining hand to his chest, I pushed, and Dale withdrew. Indigo eyes full of imprisoned passion, warned me of the heat Dale would unleash if I gave him permission.

  "That was the most intense sail through the heads I've ever encountered," Dale murmured.

  Licking my lips, I struggled to find my voice. "I agree."

  Blessing me with a sinful smirk, Dale glanced at my mouth, as if considering another taste, but he resisted. Eyes bright, he caressed my face. "So, forgive me?"

  Slamming my palm against his chest in a playful manner, I smirked. "Not yet, but I'll consider your application."

  The sound of Dale's laughter made my stomach somersault. "Let's get you back on deck and warmed up."

  Using the netting to pull himself up, Dale climbed up to where it connected with the railing. I tried to copy his grace, but anyone who has ever climbed a net before knows, that shit isn't easy.

  Waiting patiently by the top of the netting, Dale held the railing. Stumbling over my own feet and hands, I climbed between him and the boat. As I came beside him, Dale reached for my upper arm and helped me up, ensuring I had a good hold on the railing before he let me go. Scurrying over, I sighed with the relief of being back on deck.

  "I understand why women balk at going down there. I wouldn't have been able to climb down there." My legs and arms trembling with a little fear after I'd seen the fall to the water if I missed the netting.

  "Hence, why I threw you with no warning." He grazed his fingers over the goosebumps on my arm. "Will you ever regret the experience?"

  "Only if you hurt me. Then it will serve as the disastrous moment where having hope became my mistake."

  Dale caressed my shoulder like he couldn't resist touching me. "I will never destroy your hope." Taking my hand, he led me to the hot tub. While I climbed into the warm water, Dale retrieved my hat and plonked it on my head. From his shirt, Dale recovered his sunglasses then stepped into the tub with me.

  Floating next to him, my eyes watched the scenery as we sailed the coast. The others joined us shortly after. They chatted and laughed about photoshoots the girls had done on boats or involving hot tubs.

  Heidi was a swimwear model and had done a lot of shoots on yachts or at the beach. With her lighter skin tone and voluptuous assets, Juliet was an underwear model.

  "My first modeling job was as a plus-size model because my hips and bust were above the industry standard. It didn't matter that I was a size eight everywhere but around my breasts. At the time, my curves were not the norm for the modeling world, and they considered fat."

  Gaping at Juliet, I couldn't fathom her being plus size anything. "That's ridiculous."

  "I know. I almost refused the job, but I'm glad I didn't. I used the shots from that job to apply to other agencies. Most of the others also tagged me as fat and weren't interested. But Mr. Hearn offered me a contract as a lingerie model for an upmarket lingerie store. After twelve months as their second model, I scored the primary contract for the last three years."

  An hour later, we headed inside to dry off and dress for lunch. Dale carried my dress to his cabin, my hand in his other. When he led me to the bathroom and started the shower, I stood there watching. Keeping his eyes locked with mine, Dale removed his shorts.

  Not daring to drop my gaze, I kept my focus on his eyes. But my cheeks heated with the idea of looking. Stepping toward me, Dale rubbed his hands over my shoulders as he pushed the straps of my swimwear down my arms. His eyes stayed locked with mine, even when my swimsuit was around my waist. His hand slid across my scar as it lowered. Despite how hot I felt at this moment, I shivered.

  Dale's eyes didn't move from mine. The brown pushed out a little from the pupil, but that was the only change. His hands moved on, pushing the swimmers down to my thighs. Skimming his touch back to my waist as I stepped out of my swimwear.

  Shifting us under the warm water, Dale stood there running his hands through my hair. His fingers massaging and rinsing us clean of the salt sea.

  "Have you ever been to the hairdresser?"

  "Yes. When I got out of the hospital, and once since I moved here."

  "How did you cut your hair before that?"

  "They had a mobile hairdresser who came into
the house."

  With my body pressed to the sultry nakedness of Dale Hearn, I couldn't summon the dejection of my past.

  "What is your natural hair color?"

  "Strawberry blonde. I used to keep it shorter; no longer than my shoulders. It grew the months I was in the hospital, and I started to like it long."

  Dale's lips twitched, his eyes glittering. "I like your hair long. I also like it auburn, it suits your determination."

  Avoiding his eyes, I sucked in a breath. Big mistake looking down. Dale's glorious nakedness was standing thick and hard. Water cascaded down Dale's olive skin. The flow along the contours of Dale's body, highlighting his muscular definition. "God, you're gorgeous!"

  "Vera, you're supposed to say that to my face, not staring at my erection." The appendage in question twitched. It's single eye staring straight up at me from where it rested near his belly button. "Vera?" With tenderness, Dale lifted my face to meet his eyes again. "You've seen one before, right?"

  My eyes blinked wide at his cheeky grin. Of course, I'd seen a dick before. Even if I hadn't seen Malcolm's, I'd seen Dale's last night, in my kitchen. The memory of last night came flooding back, and I felt my entire body heat all over.

  "I'm clean!" All but throwing myself from the shower, I snatched a towel from the rack and wrapping it around me. At the bed, I stared down at my underwear and dress. What was wrong with me? Getting naked with a virtual stranger and showering with him.

  "Vera?" Dale came up behind me but didn't touch me. "Is everything alright?"

  "I'd like to get dressed in private, please?"

  Raising a brow, Dale looked around. The sarcasm of that look wasn't lost on me as he all but pointed out there was no private space in the room.

  Biting my lip, my eyes went to the door, forcing myself to breathe his scent and calm down. "Please, Dale? I just need a moment to compose myself."

  Tucking his towel tight around his waist, Dale nodded, his eyes tender as he stepped out of the cabin. Exhaling dramatically, I dressed then opened the door for Dale. "Thank you. I'll wait above."

  Bowing his head, Dale closed the door. There wasn't an ounce of anger coming from him, nothing harmful about my reaction. If anything, Dale seemed ashamed. Understanding the feeling of having done something wrong when you hadn't, I hated to do it to someone else.


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