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Boundary Page 15

by Ebony Olson

  Rolling away, I sat up staring at Dale. "What did you call me?"

  "My wolf knows your true name now, I like it, I..."

  "Don't! Neither of you. Don't call me that. That's the name he uses. It's how I know the difference, so don't use it."

  Ignoring how Dale was gawking at me, I got to my feet and ran into the bedroom, but not to cry. I wanted to tear something apart. I ached to rip Malcolm apart. He'd stolen fourteen years of happiness from me. I hated him even more for having taken my time with Dale. Growling in frustration, I stormed into the bathroom. I was sticky and sweaty, and messy, and I needed a shower.

  Standing under the water, I was rinsing the soap away when Dale's body pressed against the back of mine. His lips kissed that spot on my shoulder, but it didn't hurt so much now.

  "I'm one of the strongest alphas in our country. You were always going to submit to me, mate, or no mate. The difference between Malcolm and I? I wouldn't have needed violence to get you to lift your tail to me. An alpha male like me-"

  "Females just go weak at the knees." I understood why, plus I'd seen even the human women swoon in his presence.

  "My own daughters would submit to me if I were so inclined. I'm not." Dale kissed my shoulder, hesitating over his next words. "You're a strong female, that's why he had to force you. His will couldn't control you."

  "Did you just admit you can control me?"

  Dale shifted, that alone was his answer. "If I were the sort of man to do that, you'd have invited me to your bed the night I invited you to dinner at the house. I would only ever use my will on you to keep you safe, Vera, or, to help you shift back into your human form, as I did now."

  "I didn't shift completely?"

  Rubbing my upper arms, Dale nuzzled my neck. "I held you in beast form. A full shift can be painful for the first few times. For what Alpha wanted, the beast form was less painful but achieved the same outcome. If you so choose, Wednesday night, I can help you take your wolf form."

  Excited and terrified, I turned to face him. Caressing my cheek, Dale placed a gentle kiss to my mouth. Desire ran hot through my body, making me gasp. "Dale, can you fuck me again?"

  My chest filled with radiant joy when Dale smiled. Crushing his mouth to mine, Dale lifted my thighs to his waist.

  By the time we left the shower and actually sat down for dinner, it was quite dry but still edible. "Can I make a suggestion? From now on, allow enough time for a romp before dinner. If I've been away from you all day, I'm going to want a serving of you before I eat."

  "How long would you suggest?" Batting my eyes at him.

  Rising from his chair, Dale stalked towards me. "A good half an hour should suffice for the first course."

  Without another word, Dale swept the tabletop of its dishes. Everything cluttered to the floor as he pulled me out of the chair and pushed me over the table.

  "Dale we've just eaten."

  Lifting my skirt, Dale smacked my bum playfully before pulling my scanties down. "There is still the lounge and bed to defile, Vera, so don't expect much sleep tonight."

  As his finger tested my readiness, I moaned. "We have tomorrow night."

  "Oh, I'm taking you to a fancy hotel for our wedding night, Sweet Pea. It should be special, after all. Now, what was that fantasy you had in the board room?"

  Chapter 21

  "I do."

  The smile on my face only outdone by the one on Dale's as I promised myself to him. Tears glistened in my eyes. My cup overflowed with joy.

  "I now pronounce you man and wife. You can kiss your bride."

  Applause broke out around us. Dale's eyes sparkling as he pulled me into him and bent me over backward with the force of his kiss.

  We were in the park opposite Dale's apartment. Somehow he'd managed to organize a celebrant, licenses, and someone to decorate overnight. Jeremy and Bob stood as groomsmen. Alexa and Hymn were my bridesmaids - something they'd sprung on me at the park. A few other members of the pack, like Adam and Jonathan, attended, but the honor fell to Cameron, Dale's son, to give me away.

  Some of their work colleagues from Dale's agency came, which is what drew the crowd of passersby's. Considering well-dressed models were guests, the public thought we were celebrities or something. So, the immense applause was from a bunch of strangers who didn't even know us.

  A limo transported us to the yacht club, where an impromptu reception was ready for twenty guests. We ate and drank, posed for photos, and even cut the traditional wedding cake.

  As I appraised the beautiful decorations, I shook my head in awe and gazed up at my husband. "How did you pull all this together?"

  "Alexa and Hymn. They've been to a ton of weddings and always wanted to be bridesmaids. So, they were over the moon to put this together for you."

  Turning to find the twins, I thanked them for making it even more amazing then I imagined. Hymn shrugged. "You grew up human, it's natural you would have wanted the big human shindig."

  Alexa laughed. "Come off it, Hymn. If you ever met your mate, you'd want the big white wedding too."

  Hymn tried to dismiss it as unimportant, but the flicker in her eye told me Alexa was right. "Anyway, you still need to throw the bouquet," Hymn demanded, handing me my flowers.

  The girls gathered all the single females for the bouquet toss. Hymn barreled everyone over to catch it.

  "Told you she wanted to get married." Rubbing her jaw where Hymn's flying elbow connected, Alexa grimaced.

  Taking my hand, Dale spun me under his arm. "Come dance with me." Moving us to an open space, Dale pulled me in against him and started swaying us. "Are you happy, Vera?"

  Meeting his eyes, I expect the happiness in mine reflected the pure joy in his. "It's more than I ever dreamed of, thank you."

  "I want to give you everything, Vera. Everything your heart desires, I want you to have."

  My heart exploded. "I've always wanted to see snow, and have a snowball fight. I've wanted to swim under a waterfall. Go hang gliding. See a live opera and ballet. Go on a picnic in the park, play on swings. Oh, visit a fair and ride the dodgem cars - I don't know what they are, but I've heard it's so much fun…"

  Listening to me, Dale smiled. His eyes shining while I rattled off all the things I'd ever wanted to do that I could remember on the spot. He waited until I took a breath and seemed to finish. "Is that all?"

  It was sarcasm, I was sure. I doubt Dale would remember them. But the last two, the things that I wanted more than anything, these I hoped he could give me.

  "I want to go to university and study. I want a proper degree and qualification. And…" This last thing I desired, and yet, I feared it was the one thing no one could give me.

  "And?" Dale pressed, lifting my chin so I would meet his eyes. His smile faded as he saw the tears threatening to spill from mine.

  "I want a baby. I want to be a mum."

  Lips twitching, Dale pulled me closer and put his mouth to my ear. "It may not be straight away, but I believe I can fulfill all your desires."

  "Really? You're not just saying that?"

  "Vera, I intend to breed with you." That cheeky grin I adored spread across his handsome face. "I'm certainly going to enjoy practicing at every opportunity. Speaking of which, it's time I took you away and consummated our vows." Holding my hand, Dale led me over to Jeremy where he whispered in his ear.

  Lips quirking, Jeremy got everyone's attention. "It's time for the bride and groom to leave!"

  "Keen much?" Bob called out, everyone laughed.

  "You are all invited to keep celebrating, but let's give our best wishes to the bride and groom." Eyes twinkling, Jeremy was the first to claim hugs from us.

  Everyone cheered and clapped as Dale led me out, stopping for everyone to hug and congratulate us on the way out.

  The limousine was waiting, and once Dale had me in the back seat, he pulled me onto his lap and kissed me.

  "How far away is the hotel?" I breathed against his mouth when his hands found me
beneath the dress.

  "Ten minutes." Pulling the gusset of my scanties aside, Dale spread my lips with the smooth head of him. "Long enough for the first course."

  Pressing my hips down, I bit my lip, moaning at the pure relief of having him inside me again. Within a matter of minutes, I was cumming, my body coercing Dale to join it in wedded bliss.

  By the time the valet opened the door at the hotel, we were sitting in our seats, my face flushed and hair a little messed.

  Taking me to the suite, Dale turned on the taps to fill the couple's bath. Smiling as he watched me try and find the zip, Dale pulled me closer to him and eased it down.

  While undressing, Dale kissed and touched me until we both stood naked. When the bath was ready, Dale stepped into it, holding my hand to help me in and pulled me against him.

  Taking his time, Dale washed my body. Running his hands over my wet skin, he took the time to learn the contours of my physique. When he finished, I turned and concentrated on his body. Kissing languidly while my hands memorized him. When I shifted my body over his and took him inside me, Dale purred. It made me laugh. "I didn't know wolves purred?"

  "Only when they are inside you, Vera."

  Our body's swaying together, we kissed and caressed each other. As we started making waves in the tub, Dale lifted me, standing with my legs still around his waist as he stepped out. Snatching a towel from the rail, Dale carried me into the bedroom, lying me out on the toweling and kneeling on the floor.

  "Did I mention I love how you taste?" Dale rumbled as he tugged my hips closer to him. With a swipe of his tongue, he stole my breath. Dale then to lick and suck me until I was thrashing around on the bed, pulling his hair and crying out his name.

  As I fell back to earth, Dale stood and knelt between my shaking thighs. A smile covered his face, and his eyes shining in the dim lighting, making them almost blue. As he lowered his body over mine, I couldn't help but mimic his smile.

  "What?" Dale dropped a kiss on my chin before his mouth found the twin peaks of my breasts.

  "I'm so glad I'm your wife. Beyond happy that I said yes to letting you bite me. Relieved that I purchased that house and let alpha sniff me."

  Lifting his face to mine, Dale hovered over my lips, brushing my mouth. "Me too."

  The sun was streaming in the window when I woke. Moaning at the slight ache in my body from the second night of fantastic sex, I opened my eyes and found the bed empty.

  "Dale?" Sitting up, I glanced around the suite. There was no response. Frowning, I grabbed the towel that Dale discarded on the floor between round two and three. Or, when Dale became beast and brought me into mine again.

  Dale's surprise when I'd grown a tail this time made me smile. I'd pushed him off me to strut around the room swishing it too and fro, hugging it and stroking it. Allowing my fascination, Dale told me he wanted me. Feeling cheeky, I batted my eyelashes while circling him. Strutting with my tail, I accused him of being jealous because he didn't have such a lovely tail.

  Before my next tail swish, Dale pinned me face-first against the bedroom wall. Biting my shoulder until I whimpered, Dale told me to lift that lovely tail for him. I'd loved every minute of the past twenty-four hours.


  Searching the suite, I found a tray filled with breakfast, still covered and warm with a note in the lounge room.

  You looked beautiful asleep, I couldn't bear to wake you. Come to work when you are ready. Jeremy can fill in for you until you arrive, and then he will take you home afterward.

  If I don't see you at work, I'll see you tonight.

  Your loving husband and mate.

  Today was my first day as the photographer for the underground media shoot. Shoving a piece of toast between my teeth, I ran into the bedroom and pulled out the clothes I needed.

  Noticing Dale's bag was gone already, I showered and ate while dressing. Grabbing up my luggage, I dropped the room keys into the quick checkout box. Forty minutes later, I was exiting the elevator onto Dale's office floor.

  "Good morning, Mrs. Hearn." Caprice was at the wedding last night.

  "I'm late, I know, can you tell me where to find Jeremy?"

  Clucking her tongue, Caprice smiled. "You should be on your honeymoon, not working. Everyone can forgive a new bride for being late the day after her wedding. Jeremy is in the closed studio for private shoots. It's two floors down and to the right when you come out of the elevator. There will be a sign on the door."

  "Thanks, Caprice." Pressing the elevator button, I gnawed my lip. What on earth made me think I could handle a real job in a company?

  "Mrs. Hearn, would you like me to put your bag in your husband's office?" Coming to my side, Caprice held out her hand for my overnight case.

  Passing her the handle, I sighed in relief that she was so lovely. "Thanks, Caprice."

  Two floors down, I found the door marked 'closed shoot' and knocked. No one answered, so I opened the door and let myself in before closing it again. The room was dark, but there was some light coming from further into the room. Loud music was playing further back in the studio, drowning out all other sounds. Considering the shoot yesterday, there was more than likely a reason for that.


  "He's on the other side of the screen." Appearing out of the darkness next to me, Howard was shirtless; a pair of jeans riding low. If I didn't already dislike him, I'd have appreciated the view of his v pack. But the personality in his eyes made it worth nothing.

  "You're okay near me now, right?"

  Howard's eyes grew angry. "I'm never going to be alright around a bitch like you."

  Sucking in a breath, I backed up into the door as he stepped closer, getting in my face.

  "I know what you did to your last alpha. Bitches like you are only good for one thing." Setting an arm each side of my shoulders, Howard trapped me. "I get you alone, I'm going to show you exactly what that is. Then, I'm going to break that pretty neck of yours, so you don't destroy this pack like you did your own."

  Tears running down my cheeks, I met his dark eyes.

  "You tell my alpha, and I'll tell him you're making it up to get rid of me, that you are trying to poison our pack like you did yours. Who do you think he's going to believe? His pack mate he's known decades, or the piece of ass he's spent a night getting his balls off in?"

  Hating the proximity of this man, I recoiled from his onion breath suffocating my space. I wanted to stand firm, but the doubt still lingered, choking me with fear and uncertainty. "I'm his mate."

  "You must be stupid to believe that cock and bull. Dale told you that to get in your pants. You think that the wedding was real yesterday?" Dropping one hand, he groped my breast intending to cause pain. "You can be my mate too if that makes you feel better?"

  Knocking his hand away, I shoved him back from me, but he didn't budge.

  "When Dale's finished with you, Jeremy will be your mate for a while too. Then Bob. We can pass you around, and all have a go being your mate."

  When Howard tried to touch me again, I knocked his hand away, getting angrier by the minute.

  "Hell, if you're a good fuck, we'll keep you around like a party favorite."

  My eyes itched, jaw throbbing too. My fingers were cramping as I stepped into Howard. Doing as Jeremy taught me, I swiped my fingernails across his abdomen to back him away from me. Smile dropping, Howard stumbled back, confusion clouding his face.

  "You'll never touch me. If you try, I'll rip your throat out."

  The lights came on as Jeremy strode toward us, his eyes hard and suspicious. "What's going on here? I told you to bring Vera to me."

  Bottom lip trembling, Howard choked, his eyes wide. "The bitch can shift."

  Glancing at me, Jeremy shoved Howard's shoulder, forcing him further away from me. "Are you high? She's standing there entirely human."

  That's when Howard stared at something, his face pale. Jeremy and I followed his gaze and saw the blood. Five large gouges across hi
s abdomen, and a hell of a lot of blood.

  Chapter 22

  Years ago, I read a scene in a book about a detective puking all over the mutilated body, destroying evidence. At the time, I thought, 'as if that would happen?' You'd turn your head and vomit elsewhere. Now, I understood. As soon as I saw the bloody gashes in Howard's abdomen, I threw up all over his feet and the pool of blood beneath him.

  "Shit, Vera!" Grabbing my shoulders, Jeremy moved me away from Howard, across the room to an open window. "Stay here and breathe."

  Slumping against the open window, I sucked the fresh air in, still horrified by what happened.

  "You're concerned about her when I'm the one bleeding?!"

  "Did you want her vomiting in your wounds?"

  "What's going on?" Hymn appeared in a slinky dress from the set. "What the hell?"

  "Shift and heal," Jeremy ordered.

  "Fuck that, let our alpha see what his bitch is capable of doing."

  Shaking her head at Howard, Hymn started back to the set. "I'll call him, but you want to have a good reason for refusing a direct order from your beta."

  "You're pathetic," Jeremy growled, walking away from Howard.

  "You're all blind not to see she's a problem. Just because she's full-blood doesn't make her a nice person. She destroyed her last pack, and she'll destroy ours too."

  Gripping his hair in his fist, Jeremy scowled. "How?"

  Watching Jeremy, I suspected this wasn't the first time he heard this rant. "She's mated. Her pheromones only call to her mate. My instinct is no longer to mate with her, but to protect her."

  "Mine haven't changed."

  Jeremy glared at his cousin. "Which makes me wonder about your loyalty."

  Mouth falling open, Howard paled. "What do you mean?"

  "You still desire our Alpha's mate; that's not her pheromones but your jealousy. You disobeyed a direct order from me, twice, today. The only way that could happen is if you have betrayed your pack, and your connection to us is waning."


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