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Boundary Page 16

by Ebony Olson

  A gasp behind us alerted us to Hymn's return. "Oh, Goddess! What did you do?"

  Eyes flicking to me, thoughts flashed across Howard's face like a neon screen.

  The impact was a sledgehammer to my chest. "You told Malcolm I was alive."

  A growl near the door warned us that Dale had walked in unnoticed and heard enough. Stealing the oxygen from our lungs, Dale's rage blew through the room like a firestorm.

  Sinking to the floor, I hid behind my knees, trembling as I watched my very pissed off alpha breeze into the room. Jeremy and Hymn were backing up, Jeremy placing himself in front of Hymn and me.

  Grabbing Howard by the throat, Dale lifted him into the air. "Why?"

  "She was driving us crazy and driving us away from our home. I was waking up outside her house, trying to find a way into her. I was going crazy, needing to take her, but your orders refused to let me. She was a constant ache, and it was killing me. She was killing me, killing our pack. She had to go."

  Dropping Howard, Dale snarled in disgust. "What did you tell him?" There was an undercurrent in Dale's voice which threatened violence. I hid my head between my knees like I was on a plane about to crash.

  "That his bitch was still alive and making herself comfortable with a new alpha."

  My head snapped up, teeth and jaw itching to run over there and rip his throat out. Dale's will brushed over me, placating me with his pride of my eagerness, but ordering me to stay.

  "Idiot!" Jeremy seethed. Despite his outward calm appearance, we could all feel Dale's rage.

  Goddess, Dale looked so sexy in that suit, all that power and strength radiating off him. Tempting me to crawl to him and wrap myself around his muscular thigh, and breathe his scent into me.

  Dale's golden eyes turned towards me. "Not now, Sweet Pea."

  Pouting, I saw Dale's lips twitch like he was trying not to laugh. His anger hesitated as if distracted. Glancing at me, Dale raised a brow.

  "Oh, sorry." Placing my forehead on my knees, I tried to keep my mind on Howard's betrayal. "Perhaps, I should leave?"

  "Good idea," Hymn murmured holding out her hand. "Let the men deal with this, us bitches," she snarled the word in Howard's direction, "will go get a coffee."

  Looking to Dale for permission, I didn't dare move until he gave me a slight nod.

  Howard launched to his feet. "No, you can't let her leave, she attacked me. She can shift."

  Blinking, Howard was back on the floor several meters away. Groaning, and blood spurting from his nose. As Dale's anger fire balled through the room, I whimpered.


  Hymn snatched my hand, and we ran out the door. We didn't stop running until we were three flights down on the fire stairs. That's when Hymn turned to me. "You can shift?"

  "Only when your father wills me too."

  "Obviously not, if you partial shifted in there when you got angry. Could dad make me shift to full-wolf?"

  "I haven't done that yet. We're trying that tonight." Glancing up the stairs, I bit my lip. "Or we were."

  "Why does that scare you?"

  "Howard said some things-"

  "Howard was raving like a madman in there. Don't worry about it."

  "He wasn't raving before Jeremy interrupted. Actually, he was very sane and clear in his thoughts. Just like he would have needed to be when he called Malcolm to tell him I'm still alive. It's not like he had his number to drunk dial him, is it?"

  Throat contracting, Hymn inhaled audibly. "No. Only the Alpha's on the Liderii have each Alpha's number. For Howard to get it, he would have had to break into Dale's office, seek out the information, and use it."

  "He also would have been sane on the phone. If he were raving like he was up there, Malcolm would have dismissed it as a prank."

  "That unsettles you? Howard has his issues, but he's not totally insane."

  "I'd rather prefer he was."

  Crossing her arms, Hymn stood insulted for her packmate. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "It means, I don't think Howard is insane at all. He wasn't going crazy with my pheromones if it didn't affect the others that way. It means I don't believe a word Howard said while he was raving up there. That was an act because he got caught. Howard didn't like Dale finding his mate, and he's determined to get rid of me for some reason."

  Blinking at me, Hymn bit her lip and glanced back up the stairs.

  "Hymn?" Stepping closer to her, I knew I'd hit on something. "What aren't you telling me?"

  "You may have realized Dale's the only one with children in the pack? Only the alpha breeds in a pack. If another does, they either leave and start their own pack, or if the current Alpha isn't breeding, he steps aside."

  "Dale was stepping aside for Howard?"

  "No. But he's Liderii now, has been for many years, and he's been Alpha since we were born. Dad announced, if someone else were to breed, he would step aside."

  "Why wouldn't they breed anyway?"

  "Only the strong males, the ones strong enough to be Alpha are fertile. People often confuse Alpha for meaning they are the strongest. But it's actually about virility. It so happens that being the strongest and most virile male in the pack attracts females. Which is usually why the Alpha gets to be a breeder."

  "So, all your males have been out there sowing their wild oats in the hope of becoming the next Alpha, then I come along. But I'm a purebred; it's renowned we are infertile? So why does it matter?"

  Hymn bit her lip as she thought about her words. "The male granted the blessing of a full-blood female as a mate is a Goddess declared Alpha. He would automatically become Alpha of a pack. Since Dale is already Alpha, it means he's Alpha for life. Anyone wanting to breed now would need to leave and start their own pack."

  "That's an issue?"

  "We're a family, Vera. I know the concept is foreign to you, but we love and care for each other. We protect each other. We'd be giving that up."

  Licking my lips, hurt by her belief that I didn't know what a family was, I kept my mind on gaining information. "Not even for the chance to have your own children?"

  "Not for me, no." Turning on her heel, Hymn entered the corridor. Following her to the elevator, we waited. When the lift arrived, we stepped in, and Hymn pressed the ground floor button.

  Hymn side-glanced me. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea. The majority of the pack are happy for you. Both, that you found each other, and that you escaped what was happening to you."

  "Some just would have preferred I not be a full-blood?"

  "They envy him. He's virile, strong, and the Goddess has shown him favoritism. But there is a difference between envy and jealousy. Envy is a longing for someone else's good fortunes. Jealousy is far more nefarious."

  "Howard is jealous."

  Hymn nodded. "That was the case long before you arrived, but you became the jewel in our Alpha's crown. Dad's been a great alpha, I'm happy for him to stay my Alpha until he dies. Howard was angry when Jeremy got made beta over him, and then Bob delta. That's when he started on the drugs all those years ago. He's never felt good enough."

  "That's because he isn't."

  Turning to face me, Hymn gawped at me. "Wow, that was bitchy."

  "It's the truth."

  "Yeah, I know. I just didn't expect you to say it out loud." Hymn smirked. "Get a girl laid and look what happens."

  Cheeks hot, I averted my gaze as the elevator doors slid open.

  Hymn laughed as we exited into the lobby. "I need some serious coffee. This morning has been way too intense."

  Directing me to her favorite coffee shop, I couldn't agree with her more. Now, I had a better understanding of why Howard didn't like me, and the political underpinnings of a pack. I also knew how Malcolm discovered I lived and was somewhat relieved it wasn't a mistake I made by leaving a trail. But that wouldn't save me now.

  "If something happens to me, Dale loses his crown, doesn't he?"

  Staring into her coffee, Hymn mourned. "Vera, yo
u are bound. If you die, so would my dad."

  My throat constricted with the idea that Dale's fate rested with mine. "Howard said the mate thing was a lie to get in my pants." I almost wanted his lie to be true now. It wasn't; I could feel Dale's moods like they were my own and hear his thoughts. Though, not as well as he could mine, it seemed.

  "You know Howard was goading you."

  "Hymn, am I selfish? It's just, Dale seems to be able to sense my moods and hear my thoughts, but I rarely feel his."

  Blowing out a breath, Hymn leaned back in her chair. "Selfish would be a harsh way of describing you. You've spent your life keenly aware of the moods of others and hiding away from them. I would say that you close yourself off; that you're insulated. You feel your mate, but you don't acknowledge you do because it scares you. You more than likely feel his mood, but don't realize it's his."

  "Jeremy has me keeping a diary of my moods. He wanted me to note when they changed."

  "Sounds like something Jeremy would do. He studied psychology decades ago. He's probably working a way to get you to acknowledge the bond." Hymn smirked at me. "What are you feeling now?"

  "Calm with an undercurrent of homicidal tendencies. I also want to pack my bags and high tail it out of here before Malcolm finds me."

  Hymn nodded. "I'd say those first two are your Alpha because we are all feeling his rage right now. The fear, that's all yours."

  "It always has been."

  Chapter 23

  "Vera." Jeremy marched into Dale's office, placing a folder on his desk. "I'll take you home."


  "He's angry and still has to finish his workday. Best to wait for him to cool down." Hoisting my bag, Jeremy held the door for me.

  Following obediently, I kept a bit of distance between Jeremy and me. As a member of the pack, Jeremy held rank over me as the beta. His job was to protect me, and that meant I do as told when he gave an order.

  No one had to tell me this, it was something I felt in my bones. Bob and Jeremy were the only two, other than Dale, who could give me an order and expect me to follow it. Bob's, I felt I might be able to challenge; Jeremy, not a chance.

  The drive home was quiet with Jeremy withdrawn and angry. Getting in an enclosed space with him took more energy than I had left today. So I was huddling against the door and focused on the passing scenery.

  As we pulled into the driveway, Jeremy sighed. "I still need to do the shopping. I'll drop you off and head back out. Is there anything different you need?"

  Doing a quiet inventory of my fridge in my mind, I shook my head. "I was cooking dinner for Dale tonight."

  "He'll be here at the normal time. With my mood, its best if we skip on the self-defense lessons today."

  "I understand."

  Parking the car, Jeremy carried my bag to the front door for me. "Will you be okay?"

  "This is the only place I've ever felt safe."

  "That will need to change, Vera. You are mated now; you should be living in the main house with your mate."

  "Not today, Jeremy."

  Nodding, Jeremy waited for me to unlock the door. "I'll bring your shopping down later."

  "Thanks." Stepping inside, I closed and locked the door as usual. Feeling a little insecure, I made my way through the house, checking all the windows and doors first.

  Hanging the wedding dress in my room so I could sit on my bed and gaze at it, I smiled at the memories that dress brought me. With a sigh, I went out and made myself some lunch, deciding what to cook for dinner while I was there. Sitting down at my computer, I did some work but found I wasn't much in the mood for it.

  The knock at the door actually excited me. For once, I was happy for Jeremy to be dropping off my shopping. "Bob?"

  "Jeremy asked me to bring your shopping down. He's packing up Howard's things."

  Stepping aside to let Bob in, I shut the door after him and followed him to the kitchen.

  Placing the bags on the kitchen bench, Bob grinned. "So, how was the wedding night?" Heat filled my face remembering. "That good?" When I grew hotter around the collar, Bob started laughing. "From what I hear, Dale was smiling pretty big the morning of the wedding. Jeremy also tells me you were causing orgies the day before that."

  "How much do I owe?"

  "You're pack now, Vera, Dale gets your bills." Heading back to the door, Bob winked. "Try not to trash the kitchen tonight."

  Imagining doing that, I smiled at the possibility. Bob laughed as he shut the door after himself, locking it for me.

  Deciding I wanted to be fresh when Dale arrived, I went and had a shower. Planning out dinner as I washed, I decided what I could prepare in advance. It had to be something that wouldn't spoil if Dale and I got caught up for a while after he arrived.

  When I finished the shower, I could hear my phone ringing. Cursing, I wrapped a towel around me and ran out to the bedroom, snatching it up. "Hello?"

  "Is everything okay?" Dale asked.

  "Yes, why?"

  "This is the second time I've rung, and it almost rang out."

  "Oh, I was in the shower daydreaming about what to cook you tonight."

  "I can't make it." My stomach sank. "I fired Howard today and told him to leave the pack. Before he left, he deleted an entire month's worth of work. I'm dealing with our customers while IT try and recover it."

  "Oh!" I bit my lip. "He's not coming here is he?"

  "No. I've barred him from the property and told Jeremy to deliver his stuff to him. He's meeting him at his city apartment in an hour. I can't believe he betrayed me like that."

  "I'm sorry."

  "It started before you came along, Vera. Don't take this on yourself."

  For a minute, we both fell quiet. "So you're not coming home tonight?"

  "No, I'm sorry. Had I known earlier, I would have kept you in the city with me."

  "It's okay. I like it here."

  "I know, but I'm uneasy about you being so far away from me." Dale took a deep breath. "Vera, I want you to go stay in the main house for the rest of the week. You can cook for everyone up there."

  "I'm not ready."

  "Vera, please?"

  Sighing at the plea in his voice, I huffed. "I'll go up later."

  "Before sunset."

  "Okay," I agreed to make him happy.

  "I'll call you before bed tonight. I love you."

  Unsure how to answer his farewell, I hung up and put the phone on the bedside table. Was I ready to go stay in the packhouse? I wasn't sure, but I'd promised Dale I would, so I turned to go repack my bag.

  A man was standing in my bedroom door, bringing me to an abrupt halt. "Please be a dream?" My breath hitched, and tears started falling immediately because I knew it wasn't. He was standing there watching me.

  "Viridia." Stepping into my room, Malcolm yanked his belt out of the belt loops and doubled it over in his hand. "I've never seen your skin so unblemished. You've always been beautiful, but without the bruises, you are stunning."

  When Malcolm touched my cheek, I winced away but froze at the look in his eyes. Waiting for a second, Malcolm placed his palm to the side of my face.

  Grimacing at his contact, I turned my face away. "I found my mate. You can't take me back."

  Malcolm dropped his hand, annoyance singing through the room like a high-pitched chime. "I heard." Malcolm's eyes fell to the towel wrapped around me.

  Moving my hand behind my back, I tried to find my phone on the bedside table.

  "Don't do that," Malcolm warned in a tone I knew all too well.

  Sobbing, I let my hand move away from the side table. When Malcolm moved to untuck the towel, I clenched it tight. "Please, Malcolm, you need to go. You have your pack; I have my mate. I'm where I should have been for the last twelve years. If you abided by tradition, you wouldn't have sent your pack insane."

  Malcolm's eyes dilated, causing me to step back from his anger. "I sent them insane? I tried to appease them by letting them have their fun with you.
Do you think I wanted to share you? I had no choice because you kept stirring them up. Had you gotten with child like a good woman, I wouldn't have had to fight them off all the time."

  "Full-blood women can't bear children. Every Lycan knows that! The tradition to find our mates is there to protect our packs. I've met the Liderii. They told me it was your fault the pack became violent and insane because you didn't follow tradition."

  Malcolm stepped back half a step. "Full-blood?"

  "Yes. I'm pure Lycan."

  "That can't be right."

  "I assure you, I'm pure Lycan."

  Jaw clenching, Malcolm glared at me, his eyes angrier than they were a moment before. "I didn't know."

  "It wouldn't have mattered. What you did to me when I was fourteen showed you didn't care. You conquered my father, and you raped me as another way to conquer him. You didn't care what or who I was, just that I was the Alpha's daughter."

  "Being mated has given you a backbone, Viridia." Grinning maliciously, Malcolm struck his belt across my face with a loud snap.

  Falling backward and to the side from the impact, my eyes filled with tears, blinding me. Yanked up, Malcolm threw me on my stomach on the bed. Pinning my hands behind my back, Malcolm strapped them together with his belt.

  "I heard you know how to shift to claws now, so let's make sure you can't slash me open again."

  "No, Malcolm, please don't do this?"

  "Goddess! Can you shut her up? She's so weak and pathetic." My head whipped to the door as Howard walked into my bedroom like he lived here. He hadn't just called Malcolm, he brought him here.

  Rolling me onto my back, Malcolm smirked. "I like her pleading; it turns me on."

  Snatching the towel, he yanked it off me, throwing it aside. Caressing the scar over my side, Malcolm lowered his fingers to touch the brand he'd given me when I was fourteen.

  "See this? This marks you mine, Viridia. I don't care if you met your mate, in fact, that works in my favor because now your pheromones won't send the pack mad."

  "She'll be dead after tonight, it won't matter." Tugging his shirt over his head, Howard leaned over my face and spat in my mouth. "I warned you what would happen if I got you alone, Bitch."


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