Amber- Shadow Witch

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Amber- Shadow Witch Page 2

by D. R. Rosier

  Being subtle was a little more work. I threw out multiple threads of succubus energy to everyone around me, sending a very subtle message to them to stay away. A succubus controlled attraction, that meant both ways. I didn’t make myself unattractive, one of them might have even thought I was beautiful, but with the negative energy going out there would be no lust or desire to act on it.

  I could have used a blanket energy to do that, but I had to attract one of them, so it was a little more difficult as I built a line of energy to everyone around me. When I spotted Bryce I speared him with a tendril, but this time I fed a small amount of attraction, lust, and desire to it. A small nudge in the right direction. He was drinking a beer surrounded by his frat brothers.

  I walked slowly by and when he looked up I caught his eye. I smiled shyly, then blushed and dropped and face. Could I have just taken him? Sure, but I was staying under the radar, I didn’t want any suspicions of anything supernatural. If he’d dropped his jaw and followed me like a puppy people would wonder.

  I kept walking and found a place nearby to lean against the wall and look around with big eyes at how things were in college. It didn’t take him long to stand up and leave his circle of friends.

  “Hi, I’m Bryce,” he said looking down at me from his six foot height.

  I was impressed, his eyes barely flickered to my cleavage and he was looking right in my eyes.

  I smiled shyly and said with a light southern accent, “Brandi, this is a great party.”

  His eyes lit up and I felt good vibes coming from him as he checked me out as subtly as a turned on man could. That was a relief, I was glad he wasn’t an asshole, not that it would have stopped me, it’s just now I knew I’d enjoy it. I didn’t feel any guilt about setting out to seduce him for information either, I would be one of many one night stands in his mind from his college days, and he was getting succubus sex out of it, possibly the best sex in his life.

  Perhaps it was arrogant, but I felt I was giving him something with as much value as I was taking.

  He asked, “Where are you from, I love that accent.”

  I made a face, “Alabama, I’ve been trying to lose it, is it very bad?”

  He shook his head, “I like it. Have you been to a party here before?”

  I shook my head innocently, “No, I just transferred in the beginning of the semester.”

  I ramped up the connection just a little bit. His eyes didn’t quite glaze over, but he looked at me hungrily and I was getting a little damp myself.

  He smiled, “In that case can I show you around?”

  I nodded, took his arm and squeezed slightly, “I think I’d like that,” I said a little shyly.

  He showed me around the downstairs a little. By the time we hit the stairs so he could show me his room the sexual tension between us was pretty high. I even backed off on the tendril, not that it made much of a difference at this point. Still, he was somewhat of a gentleman, he hadn’t even tried for a grope yet.

  His room was a little messy, but cleaner than I had expected. He had a fridge, TV, and a laptop sitting on his desk along with a kindle reader. I assumed those were his text books.

  I turned and put a hand against his chest, looking up with wide innocent eyes. He clearly wanted me but looked a little nervous. Was he afraid he’d blow it? Or were one night stands not as common for him as I believed?

  He said softly, “I know I just met you Brandi, but can I…”

  I put a finger on his lips stopping his speech, blushed, and nodded. He bent his head down and I went to my toes to meet him.

  He moaned softly in my mouth as we kissed. It was a little awkward at first but we quickly found our rhythm and his hands were firm, warm, but gentle as he started to explore my body. It didn’t take me long to figure out he was one of the good ones, he’d be better off once this was done and I was gone. In the meantime I was going to enjoy this.

  He started to lift my shirt slowly, as if it was a question, I broke off our kiss and raised my arms over my head in answer. His shirt quickly followed and we were again joined at the lips, his strong hands felt so good against my skin, and I moaned lightly as he unsnapped my bra, the fabric loosened and he pushed the straps off my shoulders and down my arms with a light touch that sent a shiver down my spine.

  Then his hands were on me, teasing the flesh of my firm but soft breasts, I gasped as he pinched a nipple. Tingling raced from his touch to my molten core. I ran my hands down his chest, over his abs and worked on his pants. We were both breathing heavily now, stealing glances at each other’s bodies but always returning to eye contact.

  He led me backwards toward the bed and laid me down on it gently, but his eyes burned with naked need and desire. He kissed my breasts one at a time, kneading the flesh with his fingers. He hadn’t even touched my core and I was so close to orgasm already, just on the cusp of it. I could see he was hard as a rock, I expected him to ravage me. I was a one night stand, playing a stupid young girl with eyes too big for the real world.

  But it didn’t feel that way anymore, he was so gentle and seemed as concerned for my pleasure as his own. He shocked and surprised me when he started to kiss his way down my stomach toward my core. I moaned in anticipation, my wet heat tingled in anticipation and my body jumped when I felt his warm breath against my silken folds, my clit ached for his attention.

  His tongue brushed me lightly and my body jumped, my core clenched tightly and when he licked me again I shook and cried out in pleasure and release. Dear goddess, I wanted to keep him. Then I felt his finger slip between my folds and into my velvety sheath as his mouth sucked in my hood, his tongue stole beneath and flicked my clit lightly extending my pleasure.

  He stayed down there for a while, both too long and not nearly long enough. When he stood he pulled my body to the edge of the bed and lined himself up.

  Then he met my eyes and looked at me in question, like I would stop him now?

  My voice was a whimper, “Please.”

  I started to wonder who was seducing who.

  He smiled and speared me, I could see the pleasure on his face as my silken wet core wrapped him tightly within me. I was careful not to work my pelvic muscles too much, especially the ones only a succubus has, after all I was just a normal eighteen year old girl tonight. I felt a little guilty about that. If I ever wanted a lover, it would be a man much like this. He gave off good vibes, and was extremely solicitous in bed.

  I gasped when he started to take his pleasure. The wet friction of his pounding kept me close to the edge. He wasn’t overly rough, but it was clear it was his turn to take his pleasure, and I did what I could to make sure he enjoyed it. Not that I wasn’t enjoying the hell out of it too. I reached up and started to play with my breasts since he was out of reach. I pulled and pinched my nipples, kneading the generous flesh.

  I could tell he really liked it, his stare settled there as he pumped into me while I swiveled my hips to meet his every thrust. I smiled naughtily and pulled up on my breast, and gave one of my nipples a nice lick while looking up at him through my eyelashes. That threw him over the edge and I followed. I felt him fill me as my silken pleasure washed over his length, soaking him with my essence. The life energy that poured into me was strong and pure and I let it fill me up.

  He collapsed onto the bed next to me and said, “You’re amazing Brandi,” a little tiredly.

  I smiled and give him a kiss and caressed his face as he fell asleep. I took just enough energy to make him pass out. I felt a little guilty now, not for giving him pleasure of course, or for feeding on him. He would be fine, more than fine after some sleep. Why did his father have to be an ass?

  I was already touching him, so diving into his mind was easy. It was why I was here after all. His father was not a good man like he was. I tried to stay out of memories unrelated to why I was here, all the ones with his father seemed to have a bitter flavor. Carl Dunhurst wasn’t an evil man, he just hated supernaturals with a burning rage
that would never die.

  Bryce and his father had often argued about it. His mother had died in a robbery involving a demon, of the fire wielding kind. She had burned to death, to the laughs of sadistic amusement of the demon that did it. It probably should have turned up in the research but I hadn’t seen it, but Carl definitely believed his own press releases.

  All demons weren’t bad of course, but the ones with power that went bad were the worst. I had the ability of demon fire, but I hardly ever used it, preferring my witch powers or even succubus powers to stop someone.

  As far as being an angel, I was a quarter angel but really had no powers that way. Although powerful angels could use fire as well, so it wasn’t a sure thing. I didn’t have the healing gift, but that was okay, I could still do that as a witch if in a different manner.

  Bryce had been in the dean’s mansion of course, so I took the location of the master bath from his mind and opened a portal. I stepped through long enough to grab a hair from his hairbrush and stepped back through letting the portal close behind me. I carefully got the small baggie out of my pants, put the hair in it and put it back in my pocket, then got back in bed with Bryce.

  Bryce really was a good one, I didn’t want to just leave him passed out. I also really wanted to have more sex with him before I had to leave. So I took him in my mouth, and fed him just enough energy to wake up his libido. It was for purely physical reasons that he woke up a minute later as I brought him to the edge, and over it, quickly.

  I spent another hour with him for a couple of more rounds before I left. I was able to skim from the rest of the frat house, got enough energy to get me full, fill my crystals, and leave Bryce awake and feeling great when I left. He asked me for my number but I put him off and said I’d be around.

  A part of me wanted to see him again, but it would never work. When I got home I labeled the bag with a number, I wouldn’t forget which number I assigned to Carl and putting his name on it would be foolish. I put it up in the secret compartment I had in the wall of the living room that held hundreds of others, I could use the hair to look into Carl’s memories later.

  I didn’t want to ruin the warm glow I felt from being with the man’s son. I didn’t want to ruin it with the cesspool of a mind I was sure I would find. Instead I went to sleep, quite content, sated, and relaxed…

  Chapter 4

  I was back to my normal self and at work. I was dressed in a conservative gray skirt and white blouse with two inch heels. I’d taken the time to go through Carl’s mind and report earlier that morning. Cat told me she would take care of it. The saddest part was Carl really wasn’t a villain. He loved his son, and had loved his wife like breathing. His mistake was blaming a whole race for the actions of one person, and letting that poison his soul.

  Still, feeling sorry for him didn’t mean we shouldn’t stop him from entering politics.

  We were sitting at the staff table waiting for Bill to come in. I wasn’t sure what my next job would be with the CIA. I felt a surge of annoyance from my right.

  Susan Marnell was another field agent. She was twenty eight and hated me with a passion. Yay inter-office politics. I had to give her some slack, I understood why she hated me, but I gave no quarter of course. She was one of the rising stars in the agency and used to get all the hard jobs in our division, as well as the accolades.

  Then I came along two years ago, five years younger, and doing just as well if not better. I’d have preferred a more team approach with her, but the competition was only friendly from my side. To be fair, I didn’t want to be promoted out of the field, it would be harder to do my second job if I was stuck behind a desk all the time.

  Across from me was Terrance Salberg, we all called him Terry. He wasn’t a field operative, he was field support. If anything went wrong he was the one that fed us Intel to adjust or get out. Of course, exit strategies weren’t an issue for me since I could open portals, but the rest of it was quite useful.

  Terry was twenty six, with black hair and green eyes. He had one of those faces that seemed to always be happy and he looked trustworthy. His personality matched as well, he was a fun person to get a beer or two with. We had a friendship going and I knew he had a little crush on me. I liked him too, but I was afraid to sleep with him. If, or when it blew up in my face, I’d still have to work with him.

  Yes, even a succubus had rules about inter-office romances.

  Sitting next to him, across from Susan was Dennis Attlis. He was fifty two, looked twenty four in human terms, and the only other supernatural agent in our division. An angel, he was about five foot ten, blond hair and blue eyes. He was also a total pig and kept trying to get me in bed. He tried to hide it behind banter, but he was too slimy and it would be a cold day in hell before I let that happen.

  Bill came in the office and shut the door with a foot. He was carrying a bunch of papers in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

  “Good morning everyone,” he pushed a folder to each of us.

  I opened it and saw a rather attractive woman in her thirties. Her name was Mia… something I couldn’t pronounce. She worked for the Chinese state in advanced fusion. Bill cleared his throat so I looked up guiltily.

  “May is what she prefers to be called. One of our agents believes she wants to defect. The government there makes her feel unappreciated and stifled. She’s a genius, but that’s a little like saying a Rolls Royce is a simple car. From what I understand is she has applications in fusion that will revolutionize energy production, she is tired of being treated as if she is owned and her inventions being squashed in favor of the status quo.

  “She feels we might be able to offer her a way to get her inventions out, make money, and improve the world. Apparently cheap and clean fusion is just one of many advances that her country has suppressed, although that may be the largest one.”

  He looked around the table as if to ensure we are all on the same page.

  “Amber, I want you to go talk to her, verify she wants to leave, and then get her out. Dennis, I want you to interface with the State department, get her a new identity and whatever else she may need. Terry, work with Amber and figure out how she is going to make contact and where based on this file. Lastly, Susan, this will be your asset. You’ll do the debrief when she comes in and be her CIA contact in the future. That’s it, make it happen.”

  I could feel how angry Susan was, I was sure she wanted to go in and get her, but my abilities as a witch made the choice obvious. She should have been happy being in charge of the debrief, arguably that was more important than playing transport, but she wasn’t. Well, I didn’t have to like her either, I just had to work with her.

  The room broke up and Terry said to me, “Why don’t we both go over it, we can grab lunch and discuss it then?”

  I agreed and went back to my desk. It took some time to read over the report and do some research. I had some ideas on where to approach her when I was finished, but it could wait until lunch. Another thing was in the last two years I’d never had an assignment in China.

  “Cat, you got a sec?”

  She replied, “What do you need?”

  I replied with a mind smile, “Chinese lessons?”

  I knew some mandarin, but not that much. But knowledge was memories, and witches are very good with memories.

  Cat sent, “Sure, give me a second. I have the seven major dialects running around in this brain of mine somewhere.”

  She always sounds a little scatter brained, I’m not dumb enough to believe it. I felt the memories come at me and closed my eyes as I processed them. It took me almost ten minutes of actual time, subjectively it took my magic a very long time to adopt the memories. I realized why quickly, there was a lot more in here. I wasn’t sure, but I think she sent me every language she knew.

  Which was probably all of them.

  I sent, “Thanks!”

  I got a bemused feeling in return and suppressed rolling my eyes. I supposed it was much better
than the arrogance which she had truly earned, so I didn’t complain…

  Terry picked me up at my office before twelve and we went into D.C. for lunch, a little sushi place that made my mouth water. Normally there would be security concerns with our planned discussion happening in public, but I was a witch and could easily ensure the privacy of our conversation.

  Terry asked in a relaxed voice, “So when are you going to let me take you on a real date.”

  I frowned, not quite expecting the question. Although I supposed I shouldn’t be surprised.

  “I thought we were here to talk about the operation,” I dodged.

  I really did like him, but workplace dating seemed unwise, if or when it didn’t work out... Of course, in every other way it would be ideal, I could actually talk to him about my job.

  He shrugged, “I get it, but don’t you think we could be professional if it didn’t work out?”

  Damn, apparently he was a no dodging zone today. Time to bring out the guns.

  “Well, I think most people that do office dating think that, and often believe it’s true. Until the break up anyway. Then it becomes bitch this, and asshole that. Plus, you know I’m not like most girls and have needs. That would put even more pressure on us. There is another reason beyond the obvious. You’re also my field support, you need to determine risk verse reward and then put me in harm’s way, another thing that would be complicated by an intimate relationship.”

  I wondered who I was trying to convince, I really did enjoy his company.

  He frowned, “If it worked I could always transfer to another division. So that last one doesn’t count.”

  I made a face, “But you’re the only one I like in our division, besides the boss I mean, what if some idiot transfers in.”

  He started laughing, “That’s a little weak.”

  It was a weak argument, but he relented, at least for now by dropping the subject.

  We discussed the possibilities for tonight. We figured she was under electronic surveillance at home and in the office. I could probably block it, but that would tip them off something was up. It was important to talk to her first and make sure she wanted to go, this wasn’t a kidnapping…


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