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Frrar Page 12

by Layla Nash

  “I want you to come for me,” Frrar said gruffly before diving back into her.

  The build-up to Maisy’s climax gave way to an earth-shattering release. Her pussy throbbed one final time before wave after wave of ecstasy coursed through her in bright tremors. Maisy moaned, legs wrapping tightly around Frrar’s neck. His scales flamed bright violet, that same lustful purple and blue hue that almost launched her into round two full-body spasms.

  “That was…” Maisy struggled to catch her breath.

  Frrar cut her off with another passionate kiss. It reignited her passion until she moved languidly against him and returned the kiss to his fire. A quick peek between them confirmed her suspicions as his hard cock pressed against her, and Maisy swallowed a moan. Finally. She’d been waiting for him her entire life, even if she hadn’t known it.

  “Frrar,” Maisy whispered in between erratic kisses. “I want to make you come for me, too.”

  “Maisy,” Frrar groaned, pressing their bodies together. His cock slid firmly between her legs and Maisy’s insides turned to molten lava. She slipped her hand into his underclothes, but Frrar caught her wrist. “I need you.”

  Maisy was about to tell him that there was no rush when his eyes met hers and he added, “Now.”

  A tingle fluttered down her spine. Her legs parted instantly. “I want you inside me,” she said, less a statement than a plea.

  Frrar’s scales flashed again. In the span of a heartbeat, his cock was out, thick and bulging in his fist. Maisy bit her lip and spread her legs in welcome as his heavy hips forced her thighs apart even more. It wasn’t the sort of thing she often felt the courage to do in bed, but with Frrar, it felt good. Shedding her shyness felt natural. He wouldn’t judge her. He wanted her just like she was.

  There was something deliriously tantalizing about getting down and dirty with him.

  Chapter 22


  The contrast between Maisy’s demeanor before Frrar had gotten her off and after was staggering. He almost couldn’t believe it was happening until her swollen pussy was wide open and she was lying in wait for him.

  Fuck, he loved it when a woman showed him her wilder side.

  Without missing a beat, Frrar slid one long, thick finger, then two, into her channel. With his other hand, he stroked his cock to keep himself from losing his fucking mind at not plunging inside her. He hated waiting even another second before sinking into her wet head, but she felt too small and delicate to withstand the powerful fucking he longed for. Her body stretched around his fingers, still way too tight.

  He didn’t mind the problem at all, since the velvet walls of her sheath would hold him tighter still, but he didn’t want to hurt her.

  Maisy moaned as he moved his hand faster, her pussy drenched around his fingers. When he was satisfied that he wouldn’t hurt her, he withdrew his fingers and replaced them with the head of his cock, slowing pushing inside her.

  “Oh,” Maisy said, startled. “Frrar.”

  He wanted to rail into her hard and fast, he wanted to feel her soft and smooth under his weight, and he wanted her writhing against him as ecstasy stole her breath.

  Her channel clamped around him, very nearly forcing him out when he tried to sink deeper into her. Frrar groan, his scales rattling with pleasure. He forced his cock another inch into her clutching channel and Maisy made a soft, pained sound. Frrar gritted his teeth and tried to face the reality of having to stop. He’d die if he had to, but he couldn’t – couldn’t hurt her.

  When he paused, Maisy’s chest heaved with the effort of breathing and holding onto him. He started to retreat and resign himself to using only her hands and mouth, but Maisy managed to hook her leg around his waist. “Don’t go. Please. Keep going. I want to – to feel you.”

  Frrar groaned again and rested his forehead against hers. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” she murmured. Her hips moved and tilted, and he slid a little deeper. Her breath caught in a soft whimper, but she raked her nails across his scales and tried to impale herself.

  He thrust again, speeding up only incrementally as he relished in the raw, erotic heat between them. Maisy’s pussy was so gloriously wet that he finally slid home.

  Frrar groaned more, favoring shallow thrusts to keep her on the edge until she could take all of him more forcefully. It wasn’t long until her legs wrapped around his hips and tried to drag him deeper still. “Please.”

  He growled in response. “Say that again.”

  Looking up at him with eyes like saucers, Maisy repeated in a husky voice, “Please.”

  Frrar pounded into her just once. He lifted her hands over her head and pinned her down. “Stay completely still,” he ordered.

  Maisy nodded and complied, completely submissive to his instructions and ready to receive him.

  Frrar surrendered to his base instincts. He hoisted her legs up in the air again, pressing her ankles to his shoulders so that he could pound into her at just the right angle. Without giving Maisy any warning, he thrust, fast and rough, deep inside her pussy.

  Chapter 23


  Maisy hadn’t been able to inhale and exhale before delirium set in again. She choked out a desperate moan and dug her heel into his shoulder. She squirmed and writhed with every quaking thrust, her hips bucking against Frrar’s groin. As deep as he was going, she wanted more.

  She wanted everything.

  A flurry of warm tingles swarmed over her skin. She looked up at Frrar, admiring the vibrant shade of his scales, and bent her knees so that each time he pummeled into her, she brushed against his spikes.

  There was nothing she wanted more at that very second than to feel his pulsing climax dripping out of her. Not a single thing.

  “Come for me,” Maisy begged. “Come in me. I want to feel you.”

  Frrar’s gaze bored down on her. Maisy gritted her teeth, waiting for his say-so to teeter over the edge. Their eyes locked for several beats and then Frrar’s hand was between her legs, rubbing her clit with brazen, wild intensity. A wave rose inside of her and she sunk her fingernails into the soft bedding underneath her.

  “Come for me,” she murmured.

  All Frrar managed in response was a sharp grunt, which turned into a deep moan. Maisy could hardly hold it in anymore: she squeezed her core around him, intensifying the pleasure that radiated through her with each of Frrar’s thrusts.

  Frrar roared and before it registered in Maisy’s mind, her entire body convulsed along with his, like their pleasure reverberated off of each other’s. He exploded inside her, his hips colliding against hers in one final, abrasive move. His entire body stiffened and then he shuddered, a string of ecstatic cursing escaping his lips.

  Maisy had thought that the moment she’d started shaking was when she’d have her second orgasm, but no. She was still dangling off the edge. Her pussy tightened around him and all she could think about was the look on his face as he fucked her, the tight, perfect fit of their bodies together, and the violent outburst of his orgasm.

  Frrar fingered her clit with incredible enthusiasm. The wave drrew closer and higher, unt...

  “You’re so fucking sexy when you’re hot for me,” Frrar said, voice low. “Let me see you come for me again.”

  Bliss erupted inside Maisy.

  Life had never been this good. Ever.

  Maisy lay limply on the bed as Frrar lay over her, his body radiating heat, and he gazed down at her with a lustful if sated look. She could hardly breathe as her eyes drooped, and the need to rest and recover from the previous few days’ events nearly overwhelmed her. She curled against the safety of Frrar’s body as she wondered what they would do next.

  The peacefulness and safety didn’t last long. Something crashed against the wall next door in her quarters, then the doors opened and someone shouted in the hall. Maisy scrambled to cover herself and find her clothes, though Frrar didn’t seem concerned about being discovered. She had almost g
otten her uniform top back on when the door opened and Faros loomed over them.

  The captain’s eyes narrowed as he looked at them; Maisy’s cheeks heated. From the state of the bed and the scent of sex and sweat, it was pretty damn clear what they’d been doing. Frrar just raised his eyebrows at his brother and waited for the other warrior to speak. Maisy’s heart pounded. What if they fought in that tiny room and she couldn’t get out of the way?

  “What are you doing in here?” Faros demanded, his attention on Maisy. He very impressively kept his gaze on her face, rather than the various parts of her that were still uncovered.

  “I’d think it was obvious,” Frrar said, yawning. “And you’re interrupting, so go on about your business and don’t worry about what we’re doing.”

  The captain growled in irritation, eyes gleaming silver as he faced his brother. “I hate to inconvenience you.” He didn’t look away as he snapped at someone in the hall, “Nokx, take him to the brig.”

  The grim Xaravian edged into the crowded room and hauled the naked Frrar upright to drag out into the corridor. When the other male glanced back at her, Maisy flushed more and tried to adjust how she held her clothes to make sure more of her wasn’t hanging out. Frrar snarled in irritation and tried to fight the other male, his scales swirling into brilliant red, and a brawl erupted that knocked Maisy back into the bed.

  More Xaravians appeared to contain Frrar and drag him away, leaving Faros standing over Maisy as she slid into the rest of her uniform and tried to straighten her hair. A muscle jumped in the captain’s jaw. “I thought you had better sense.”

  She ignored the implications and instead folded her arms over her chest. “What do you want? Are you going to threaten me again?”

  “I can if that will get you to do as you’re told.” He waited, but when Maisy didn’t immediately agree, fuming, he tilted his head at the door. “My son is ill and growing sicker. The containment machines aren’t working. You will attend to him. After you clean yourself.”

  Maisy wanted to hit him with all of her strength; who the hell did he think he was? She clenched her jaw and glared at him. “I’ll check on him now. If he’s ill, there’s no time to waste.”

  Faros’s upper lip curled slightly as he eyed her. “You smell like Frrar. It is inappropriate to treat my son while—”

  “You’d rather your son died?” she said. She put steel in her voice, since she was also worried about Faryl. She wouldn’t forgive herself—or Faros—if the little boy died because his father was a territorial asshole. “Suffered a little more, just so you don’t have to remember that Frrar and I are…together?”

  She stumbled over the word, since it was mostly a lie; she didn’t know what she and Frrar were. There hadn’t been enough to time to figure it out. Maybe it was just a biological reaction to stress, near-death, lingering threats... The comfort of another warm body. Completely biology. Fight, flight, freeze, fuck. The four Fs of nature.

  Faros’s eyes narrowed, then he caught her upper arm and pulled her to the door. “Tread very carefully, Doctor. I am perfectly happy selling my brother to the Alliance if you don’t cooperate or try something stupid. Stop playing games. You need to save your own life right now by saving my son. My brother made his own choices and he’ll pay for them separately. Whether or not he ends up in an Alliance prison cell—or execution chamber—is entirely up to you.”

  Despite the dread sinking in her stomach, Maisy ignored him and instead focused on keeping Faryl alive long enough to make it to the hospital. Hopefully wherever the crew ended up taking Frrar gave the Xaravian enough time to come up with a plan to escape or contact the Galaxos. Her thoughts went to the communicator that Jess had given her, and she wondered where her bag ended up. If she could get to her bag and find a little privacy, then she could alert Jess to what was happening. Even if the Galaxos was too late to save her and Frrar, hopefully they could save the rebellion and the weapons from falling into the hands of the Alliance.

  She pasted a smile on her face as she walked into sick bay and approached where Faryl languished in his little pod, and got to work making the little boy feel better. Faros remained nearby, watching her more than his son, and Maisy pushed away the creeping feeling of being studied. There was no telling what the captain was thinking, and she didn’t have time to worry about it.

  Chapter 24


  The crew managed to subdue him a few corridors over from where Faros still spoke with Maisy, though at least some of the pirates looked regretful and apologized for hauling him away from his mate while another male stood over her. The apologies didn’t help him, not when they still followed orders.

  Nokx gave him a uniform to put on after they threw him into a makeshift brig near the engineering bay. Frrar had the presence of mind to roll his eyes that a pirate ship didn’t have a detention cell, then counted his blessings that they didn’t. He could escape from almost anywhere, with enough time and access to some makeshift tools, but he didn’t know how much time he had.

  Nokx searched the room to make sure there weren’t any openings or tools, but he was far more interested in getting lunch and making sure none of the others ate all of the meat. Frrar stood back as the other Xaravian locked the doors and engaged a containment shield across the hall outside. He held his breath and counted the time it would take for Nokx to hurry on his way, then waited another minute for safety.

  Then Frrar got to work. The vents were too small to crawl through, although Maisy could have fit, but they provided a few scraps of metal and wire that he could use. Frrar forced his way through one of the floor panels and found the door controls. Disabling the automatic open-close process took more effort than he thought, since the Sraibur was somewhat more advanced than what he was used to working on in the Galaxos, but he eventually got the doors to open manually so they wouldn’t spring open when he disengaged the locks.

  He sweated through the uniform by the time he got the locks undone and the doors dragged open enough to check the corridor for guards. At least the pirates had confidence in their ship keeping him locked up, since none of them lingered in the vicinity. Frrar shook his head; if he ever captained a ship, he’d have a proper brig installed to make sure troublemakers stayed contained.

  The engineering bay waited two turns and three corridors away; it felt like an eternity passed as he navigated the short distance, his ears straining for any sounds of approaching crew. He wondered how Maisy was coping and whether Faros threatened her further. He made mental notes for all the ways he planned to make his brother pay for scaring her, and slid into the engineering bay with renewed focus.

  The ship had shifted into faster-than-light speed sometime while he’d been unconscious from the stunner, and he went to the navigation center to evaluate where they were headed. Though he didn’t recognize the coordinates, Frrar assumed the ship was headed to a rendezvous with the Alliance. Not if he had anything to do with it.

  Frrar definitely wasn’t a navigator. He liked machines and weapons and design, not star maps and distance calculations and radar signatures. He knew enough of the basics to reprogram a new destination into the navigation system though, with a gradual course correction that no one should notice until they saw the actual coordinates. The rebel base he targeted would definitely be able to disable and capture the Sraibur; he just needed to get a signal or message to the rebel ships in the vicinity, or the Galaxos itself.

  The system asked for confirmation and began the slow reorientation of the ship as Frrar stood back, breathing a little easier. At least they wouldn’t be headed directly into an Alliance ambush. He looked around the engineering bay and searched for another way to protect Maisy in case someone figured out the navigation changes and course corrected again. He needed to keep her safe, even if it meant forfeiting his own life.

  He looked around for inspiration and his gaze landed on the panel that showed the weight and status of the storage crates in the cargo bay. The weapons. If Faros didn’t
have the weapons, then he couldn’t trade them to the Alliance; he’d have to trade something else. He knew Faros wouldn’t hesitate to send him to his death, but Frrar had to hope that the pirate wouldn’t also condemn Maisy to a short life in the custody of her former employers. Besides, Faros needed Maisy to keep his son alive.

  Frrar took a deep breath and searched through the controls for the cargo bay ejection protocol. A ship as advanced as the Sraibur had to have sufficient self-protection controls to enable dumping a potentially dangerous cargo immediately. He just had to figure it out before anyone discovered him missing from the makeshift brig.

  Chapter 25


  It took far too long for Maisy to stabilize Faryl; the little boy’s scales remained pale and soft, unlike the vibrant colors that radiated from his father’s worry and grief. She tried not to have too much sympathy for Faros, though it was difficult to remember when faced with the real possibility that he would lose his son. The Xaravian would sacrifice the lives of thousands of beings he didn’t know to save a single life that he knew and loved. She understood, even if she wished she didn’t.

  Faros remained in the sick bay the entire time, watching her and his son, and finally Maisy went to wash her hands and rearrange her hair after she was certain Faryl was out of immediate danger. She didn’t look at the pirate captain. “He’s growing weaker. He’ll recover from this bout, but I’m not sure how much more he’ll survive.”

  Faros growled but didn’t move, and it morphed into a keen of grief. His scales flattened and dimmed, and the captain’s eyes glazed over. It was as if he’d never considered that the boy would actually pass away, and being confronted with the likelihood undid him.


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