True Calling

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True Calling Page 33

by Siobhan Davis

  We are on foot to the NSAF building when Agent Dale joins us. He’s dressed in a Novo Commander’s uniform, and he talks in very hushed tones as we continue our journey. He discreetly presses the disc into Cal’s hand and slides four magnetic chips to me. He takes our backpacks from us, and then leaves to assemble with the others. Cal and I exchange excited glances. “Zane, get ready!” I tell him.

  My body starts shaking as we mount the steps to the entrance of the building. I feel Cal tighten his grip on mine in an attempt to help steady my nerves. I cast a sideways glance at him, he’s cool as a cucumber. We sign in at the front desk and are directed by the Ranger to the scanning area. Cal keeps to my right, in arms length of the inner front wall. With my peripheral vision, I notice him secretly press the disc firmly to the wall.

  Nothing happens at first, and we trade apprehensive looks. The Ranger is motioning for me to move forward.

  Then, without any forewarning, all the power dies, and we’re plunged into stark darkness.

  All hell breaks loose.


  I’m momentarily dazed as the gunfire immediately breaks out. “Down,” Cal shouts at me as he pulls me roughly to the floor. It brings me to my senses, and I quickly fix the magnetic chip over his Vita before he applies the same to mine. The room is repeatedly lit up by flashes of illuminated strips and there’s a consistent recurring, zapping noise. Whatever form of weapons the rebels are using, they’re unfamiliar to me.

  “Zane, are the cell doors unlocked?”

  “Yes, I’m already making my way out.”

  “Keep’em Forward,” Agent Dale shouts out in our direction. My vision is slowly adjusting to the blackness and I spy several figures moving around the scanning area down the main corridor. A quick glance to my left confirms that the rebels have taken control of the front-of-house. They’re busy lining the dazed Rangers up against the wall, they appear inert and incapable of mounting any further defence.

  Cal and I sprint down the corridor after Agent Dale. “Here, for protection,” Agent Dale says as he turns without stopping and throws two weapons to Cal. He deftly catches both and hands one to me. I’ve never seen this weapon before, but the trigger mechanism looks similar to some of the weapons we’ve trained with, in the Academy.

  “Zane, where are you?” I ask.

  “On the stairwell,” he says and I focus on locating him. He’s trying to haul himself up the steps but the effort required is immense, he’s obviously in severe pain.

  “Zane needs help,” I tell Agent Dale.

  “Hold up,” he calls out to his team of soldiers and they come to an automatic standstill. He places a rectangular tablet on the wall and presses several buttons until a flashing red beacon is displayed on the screen. He zooms in with his finger and thumb and points to the red light. “There. Bate, Vida, Lagruen—case evac.,” he shouts directions at the three men who are furthest to the front, they immediately take off as instructed.

  Agent Dale flits through various other screens and locates a cluster of flashing beacons, all in the same vicinity. “The rest of you, come with me,” he says sharply as he grabs the tablet from the wall and nimbly throws it over his shoulder and into his bag.

  “What about Ben?” Cal asks as we obediently follow him left and down a wide corridor. “We’re en route to retrieve him,” he says, and it’s clear from his tone that he’s unhappy at being challenged in front of his team.

  As the first of our squad round the corner, we hear a burst of gunfire followed by the slump of a body. “Assume the position,” Agent Dale shouts out, and everyone instantly pans flat to the wall and hunkers down looking for some refuge. Cal and I scoot up towards the nearest door, and he forces it open with the full strength of his body. I rush in and break the glass panel on the door with the butt of my weapon. We position ourselves at either side, weapons drawn and ready. Two other soldiers jump forward into the room as the burst of gunfire edges ever closer. “Recedo, NOW,” screams Agent Dale. A tall, sandy-haired woman darts out of the room opposite us holding a dome-shaped high-tech device. She presses a switch on the side, and the device lights up, emitting a luminous far-reaching laser beam. She targets an approaching Ranger, and the laser beam shoots forward. The Ranger drops to the ground, and his weapon has completely ... evaporated! She continues this pattern in a sweeping gesture as Agent Dale and some of his men cover her from the sides. “Secure,” Agent Dale calls out and the man and woman in our room motion that it’s safe for us to exit.

  All the Rangers lie motionless on the floor, completely weaponless.

  “Are they dead?” Cal asks.

  “No, just temporarily stunned,” Agent Dale says as he maneuvers his way around the immobile bodies. “Quickly, forward team,” he shouts out as he gestures with his arm for us to follow him.

  Cal grabs my upper arms and whispers, “Don’t leave my side.”

  I nod my head in silent agreement.

  We’re descending the stairs at a rapid pace when we happen across the next group of Rangers. They instantly open fire and a shot narrowly misses the side of my head. Cal has his weapon drawn and retaliates; the Ranger drops to the floor. The soldier with the Recedo weapon advances forward and sweeps the stairwell until all our opponents are unmoving. We pick our way over the bodies and continue down to Level 2.

  We hear a huge ruckus emerging as we approach the Level 2 cell area. Agent Dale directs us to stop and push back. He retrieves the tablet from his backpack and secures it to the wall, he types in several commands, and slowly the image appears on the screen. The prisoners are out of their individual cells, but the main gate has been secured manually and three Rangers stand on guard. The prisoners are extremely agitated and pulling on the gate. There are a few limp bodies strewn on the floor, but it’s unclear if they are simply unconscious or dead. Agent Dale whispers to three of his men and the four of them rush around the corner. We see the action on the screen as the Rangers are overpowered and stunned into submission.

  “Stand at the far back wall,” Agent Dale calls out to the prisoners and they immediately retreat. I hear a massive explosion following by rousing cheers, and a throng of people start pushing past us up the stairs. Cal grabs my hand, and we thrust our way through. Cal spots him first, and he runs forward, never once letting go of my hand. “Ben, you’re all right,” he says in relief as he grabs his friend into a hug. I’m shocked at Ben’s condition, he’s severally malnourished and so thin I fear Cal could break him unintentionally.

  “We need to disperse now Cadet Remus,” Agent Dale says.

  “OK, I’ll carry him out of here.” I affix the magnetic chip to Ben’s neck and kiss him softly on the cheek.

  “It’s good to see you,” I tell him. Agent Dale is urgently prodding us forward. Cal releases his grip on my hand, and grabs Ben up and over his shoulders, we hurriedly move out.

  “Zane, are you out?” I enquire.

  “Not quite,” he says, so I hone in on his location. He’s on the floor, in a small room, alone.

  “Where are the soldiers?”

  “I don’t know, they never arrived. I heard Rangers approaching, and took cover. I don’t have the strength to go on, leave without me,” he says.

  “No way, stay there, I’m coming.”

  “Agent Dale, your men never made it to Zane, he can’t make it on his own.” He instantly takes out the tablet and has located Zane in seconds.

  “Right, Mendes, Canvert, you’re with me. Agent Leena,” he says to the sandy- haired woman in charge of the Recedo, “take over, get this group to the extraction point and we’ll meet you there.”

  “I’m coming with you,” I say.

  “No, Ariana,” Cal says decisively, “Agent Dale will get him out.”

  “Cal, I can’t leave without him, please,” I plead. His jaw tenses, and then he exhales loudly.

  “OK, but I’m coming too.” I don’t object because I think it’s far safer for us to stay together.

, can you take over?” Cal asks the musclebound soldier on his right, he quickly obliges and hoists Ben over his shoulders. Ben is barely coherent, and I don’t think he even notices when Cal and I sprint off.

  “Zane, we’re on our way.”

  We have to make our way back up to the original corridor and move down the east wing in order to descend the correct stairwell to reach Zane. Thankfully, we don’t run into any other Rangers, but we can hear the unmistakable sound of gunfire reverberating in other parts of the building. “We need to get out of here ASAP,” Agent Dale says, “we won’t be able to hold them off much longer, and the power could be operational any second.” We all automatically quicken our pace.

  Zane is in a room halfway down the stairwell; it’s some kind of maintenance storage area. He’s passed out, curled up on the stone floor amidst row after row of boxes and equipment. “Zane, can you walk?” I ask him gently as I shake him awake.

  “Not without help,” he says feebly. Cal steps forward and helps to get him into a standing position.

  “Put one arm around Ariana, and one around me,” he instructs Zane.

  “We’ll head up front, but stay tight to the rear,” Agent Dale orders us. We nod in assent as we start to make our way back up the stairwell. We’ve just reached the top when the lights flash brightly indicating the return of power to the facility. “Plan B,” Agent Dale says.

  “What’s Plan B?” Cal ventures to ask.

  “We can’t exit now through any of the main access points, so we’ll have to go out through the ventilation tunnels. There’s one on this side of the building. It’s imperative that we get to the tunnel entry point quickly before we’re detected. Move out now,” he says.

  Mendes or Canvert acts as lookout, I’m not sure which one, there wasn’t time for formal introductions. He motions that it’s safe, and we all pile out. I’m starting to buckle under the pressure of carrying Zane, despite the fact that he’s clearly weak, his weight is too much for me, even shared. I nearly fall as my knees give out, but using every last ounce of energy, I force myself back up before I keel over. “I’ll take him,” Cal says as he grabs Zane fully and lifts him over his back. Agent Dale comes to an abrupt halt, and unlocking his weapon, he fires a round at the silver metal grid that’s secured to the wall a few feet over our heads. The impact leaves a glaring hole in the grid that is large enough for us to move through.

  “Quick, everyone up,” he says as he holds his hands together to lift us up, one at a time. Cal shunts me up first, and I experience a fretful minute until first Zane, and then Cal, are securely in the tunnel. Cal reaches down and pulls Agent Dale up swiftly. We hear the sound of footsteps getting nearer. No one needs an order to know that we need to get out of here fast. The tunnel isn’t high enough to walk through, so we have to hunch down on all fours and crawl forward. Zane’s much slower than the rest of us, but gradually we inch our way ahead and eventually, I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

  Mendes and Canvert jump out first and scout the area.


  Cal lowers me down next, and I feel strong arms catch me. Agent Dale follows suit. Cal is lowering Zane when he’s suddenly jerked back, and he loses his grip. Agent Dale reacts rapidly and catches Zane before he plunges to the ground, and certain injury.

  “Cal,” I cry out in alarm. I hear distinct sounds of a scuffle in the tunnel. “Help him!” I turn and scream at Agent Dale.

  “We can’t reach him from this position, and if we stop to try then we’ll all get captured. We need to get to the extraction point now,” he says. Just then Cal appears at the opening, and he throws his legs out, ready to jump. A pair of arms extend and grab him forcefully back. Time is suspended as I stare in slow motion at his retreating form.

  “No, Cal!” I shout, and the tears are running unchecked down my face.

  “Get her out of here now!” Cal shouts out. Someone grabs me under the arms, and takes off running. I kick and scream with all my might.

  “No, no, let me go, let me go to him,” I screech and I dig my nails into my jailer’s arm, but he doesn’t falter. The last thing I hear before I black out is Cal screaming, “I love you Ariana.”


  I’m drowning, and the water permeates all facial orifices as I struggle to breathe.

  “Open your eyes Ari.”

  “Ari, wake up,” he says more urgently. I sluggishly open my eyes, and see Zane peering over me. I slowly lift myself up on my elbows and wipe the water from my eyes and hair. Zane is holding a plastic bottle in his hand.

  “Thanks for the shower,” I say smartly before the reality of the situation hits me, and I’m crippled with gut-wrenching pain. “Cal,” I whisper, hoping desperately that it’s all been a dream. My stomach retches and I throw up all over Zane’s boots. He pours some water over his feet and then hands the remainder to me to drink.

  “Ari, I’m so sorry, but we don’t have time to think about this now, time is running out. Cal wants you to get to safety,” he says as he extends his arm to help me up. All I want to do is shut my eyes and never wake up, but then Cal’s sacrifice will have been in vain. I force myself to stand up.

  “Cadet Skyee, I know you’ve had a shock, but we have to get out of here now,” Agent Dale says urgently.

  “Lead on,” I say numbly.

  Mendes and Canvert assist Zane as we sprint forward, dodging carefully between various outbuildings, using the structures to conceal us as we head out in an easterly direction. Leaving the confines of NSAF behind, all I can see are miles and miles of desert stretching out in front of us. It feels terribly exposed, but I don’t question Agent Dale, he seems to know what he’s doing. I spot a storm cloud building to the north. Upon closer inspection, I notice that it’s a vehicle coming in our direction. “Over there,” I yell to Agent Dale as I point with my hand outstretched. He pulls down his NVGs and fastens them over his eyes.

  “That’s our ride,” he says confidently. We slow down and wait for the approaching vehicle to reach us.

  A man rolls out of the front passenger side of the rovercraft and speedily opens the back door. We all climb in, and I help Zane up beside me.

  I can’t summon any outward emotion, but I spend the entire journey locked inside the commotion brewing in my head. All I can think about is Cal. What are they doing to him now? What are their plans for him? Will I ever see him again? A sharp, piercing pain stabs my heart. Zane sits silently beside me, and I respect him for giving me my privacy, however, when he takes my hand gently in his I harshly push it away. I know I’m being unfair, he was only trying to console me, but the only person I allow touch me is Cal, and it’s too sore a reminder.

  I absently twiddle the ring on my finger and promise solemnly that I won’t give up on Cal, whatever it takes, I’ll find a way to get him out. If it’s the last thing I do, I swear to myself. I already feel his absence acutely, and I long to have his comforting arms around me.

  The vehicle jerks to a sudden halt and the doors are opened in quick succession. Zane struggles to get out unaided, so I squeeze myself past him and jump out first. I offer my hand, which he gladly takes, and I help ease him out of the vehicle; he’s still very weak, but his spirit is stronger. I place his arm around my shoulder, and I secure my arm around his back to help steady him and we walk towards the waiting stealth-craft at a reasonable pace.

  Once inside the main cabin Agent Dale directs me to a seat near the front of the craft. Raina is seated to my left, and she rises to greet me. “Deacon, you’re safe,” I say, with relief, as I spot him sitting the other side of Raina. I lean over and give him a comforting hug. “Are you OK?” I ask.

  “Yeah, this is so cool,” he says enthusiastically, I smile weakly. Zane sits down on the other side of me, and he’s immediately handed a laptop.

  “He’s too weak,” I say, and Agent Dale can tell by my icy expression that I strongly object.

  “Agreed, but we need him to de-activate the force field or there’s no w
ay we’re getting off this stinking planet,” he says fervently.

  “It’s OK, Ari, I can manage.”

  “Can you get him something to eat and drink,” I ask.

  “Of course. Agent Leena, can you attend to that?” he asks his efficient second in command. She automatically stands and moves about the cabin.

  I suddenly remember the others. “Where’s my mom and Lily, Mel and Ben?” I ask Agent Dale urgently.

  “Ben’s on board, he’s being treated in the medical room. Commander De Luca is in charge of extracting the others, we’re still waiting for his arrival,” he says. I can sense the tension underlying his words.

  “Has something gone wrong?”

  “We don’t know.”

  “Can’t you contact him?” I ask.

  “No, that could put them in jeopardy. We’ll give them ten more minutes,” he says.

  “NO!” I shout this so loudly that everyone stops talking and looks in my direction. “We’re not leaving without them, I’m not leaving without them,” I say firmly, but more quietly. Agent Dale starts to respond but then glances in Zane’s direction and stops, he purses his lips instead. Agent Leena appears by my side and she hands a box to me.

  “Something for you both to eat,” she says kindly. This is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to observe her up close, she is much younger than I’d initially estimated. She has four, maybe five years on me, tops. I figured she was older because she was so cool and confident under pressure back in NSAF. “I can search for Commander De Luca,” she says directly to Agent Dale.

  “That’s not even up for discussion,” he glares at her unhappily. I’m touched by this stranger’s kindness and bravery. I mouth a silent “Thank you.” She acknowledges me with a gesture of her head before re-taking her seat.

  Zane is furiously tapping away at the keyboard, and I know he won’t stop to eat, so I place small morsels of food in his mouth. I raise the bottle of water to his lips, to allow him take sips. My hand is trembling from the sense of dread I feel, I just know that something has gone terribly wrong. Suddenly Zane turns and looks at me with a strange expression. “What?” I ask him silently.


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