Count on Me (Petal, Georgia)

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Count on Me (Petal, Georgia) Page 27

by Lauren Dane

They’d gotten through lunch and were drinking coffee and waiting for the check when Polly Chase came in. She saw them and came over.

  “Don’t you dare stand up.” Polly bent to hug Caroline gently. “How are you feeling, honey?”

  “I’m all right, thanks. Would you like to sit? We’re having some coffee and have also been talked into a brownie fresh from the oven.”

  Polly sat after giving Anne a hug. “Thank you. I’m glad I saw you in here. I ran into your grandmother today.”

  Caroline sighed and turned to face Polly better so she wasn’t stretching her back muscles. “That couldn’t have gone well.”

  “I was at the police station dropping canned food off. They’re having a food drive. Anyway, on my way back to the car I saw Abigail and she waved me over and I said how sorry I was that you’d been having such a rough time but how I was so happy to have you back in Petal after you’d been away from us so long.”

  Caroline could only imagine how that went.

  “She asked me about you, you know. I understand your grandmother has done and said some pretty unforgivable things and I’m not advocating for you to do anything but keep away from her. But I just wanted you to know that. Anyway I told her about the stitches and I urged her to look into her heart to find a way back to you because you’re not only a piece of their daughter, but you’re their oldest grandchild and you were so special. In the middle of that, Garrett Moseby comes sidling up all sneaky like. He dutifully reported that you’d merely done all this to yourself to make it look like your father was innocent and the real killer was out there still. And I said, Abigail, are you going to take a chance that this is some silly ploy? You don’t know that girl at all if you think she’d do something along those lines. She told him to hush up. I gave him a look. I should have boxed his ears but Shane says he can’t protect me from assault charges if I do it. Really the men in my life all conspire to keep me from having fun.”

  Caroline and Anne laughed. “I’m sad to hear it, but not surprised I guess. Thanks for letting me know.” She balled up her napkin. “I need to get back to the office. I have about a million calls and emails to return, and I have a meeting at four too. Mrs. Chase, I appreciate that you’d defend me. It means a lot. You and your husband have both been so welcoming and kind to me.”

  “Garrett Moseby is a creep who likes to tell your sister what to do, and with her big sister back in town, she’s got a good example of strong womanhood. You’re a threat to him and that’s why he’s acting like a jerk. He doesn’t believe any of this nonsense about the case or you faking things. He doesn’t want to lose Mindy to some sense and good advice. As for Abigail, I hope she comes around. I’d hate for her to lose out on you for stupid pride. Tell my handsome husband I said hello and I’m making him stroganoff for dinner, please.”

  “Will do.”

  They walked back to her building. “You didn’t have to walk me back here, you know,” Caroline said to Anne.

  “We started out on a bad note, but I like you. Not just as my friend’s girlfriend, but on your own you’re pretty cool. I’m just keeping an eye on you.”

  “And what about you?”

  “No one’s trying to kill me. Probably because I’m nicer.” Anne winked and Caroline scoffed. “Go on back inside. I’ll talk to you later. Thanks for lunch and don’t forget to tell Edward about stroganoff!”

  “Are you kidding me?” Caroline asked her investigator.

  “I have three decent enough leads. I followed each one. One person might have some journals about that time in his shed. He lived catty corner from your parents, and he said he always kept detailed notes about the day’s events. He offered them to the police at the time but they weren’t interested. The other was a bust and the last one.”

  He passed out a sheet of paper.

  “Her name is Joyce Marie Petitbone, and she’s eighty-seven years old and quite honestly the sharpest person over fifty I’ve ever met. She talked to me on the phone today for a few minutes. She lives in Riverton in a back house at her daughter’s home. She saw the television spot you did and wrote down the information and then forgot about it until day before yesterday. She lived here in Petal sixteen years ago, and she’s got something I think might be pretty major. But I want you to hear it and she only told me a tiny bit. I think she’d like the company, and she’s agreed to see you and one other person tomorrow at nine in the morning. She doesn’t truck with lateness, clothing that shows your lady business like a floozy or bad manners. She wanted me to underline all that.” He grinned. “She also wanted me to tell you she was partial to old-fashioned doughnuts.”

  “Okay we’ll go meet her. But you can’t just not say what it is she knows.” Caroline might have to jump over this table and punch him in the face if he didn’t. She wisely kept that to herself though. For the moment.

  “She may have seen the murderer clean up.” Ron, her investigator, leaned in close. “Caroline, she’s old and she likes attention but she’s sharp and her memory is strong. She has a story to tell and my gut tells me you need to listen.”

  There was a ruckus then because everyone started talking and asking questions at the same time.

  Ron held his hand up. “I’ve told you pretty much all I know. She’s a little cagey because she wants to tell you herself. She lived in Petal until a year after the murder and then went to live in Riverton in the small house on her daughter’s property. She says she called the police about it, but they told her over the phone not to worry because they’d caught the killer.” He raised a shoulder and looked to Shane, who groaned.

  Edward patted his son’s shoulder. “You’ve made it better. That’s all you can do at this point.”

  “Why don’t I go over there? I’m pretty good with elderly women.” Shane had that voice people in charge used when they were trying to get the women out of the way.

  Ron shook his head. “She’s not going to talk to you, Shane. She wants to talk to Caroline. I did a records search on her. She’s exactly who she says she is. Her daughter and son-in-law have owned the house for nineteen years. He manages a flooring business, you know sells carpet and laminate stuff. Wife is an administrator at the school district. Joyce Marie was a lunch lady at the cafeteria at Petal Middle School for twenty years. She’s going to like Caroline. She’s going to talk to Caroline. She’ll let you flatter her, but she’s not going to give you that story.”

  “I’ll go. I want to hear what she has to say.” Caroline refused to get her hopes up. She’d had her heart broken enough times with horrible disappointment that she’d learned to not get invested. She’d treat whatever it was like a very unlikely-maybe thing until she learned for sure.

  “I’m coming too.” Royal gave her a look, daring her to argue.

  But she didn’t have to.

  Shane interrupted. “I’ll go with Caroline. Royal, I appreciate that you want to be with her and it’s probably not even a problem. But I’m a cop and you’re not. Hell, I’d rather none of you be involved in this. But after Caroline literally dodged a bullet yesterday, I have a feeling she’s quite capable of hitting the deck and letting me handle any funny business if it comes up.”

  “You can be assured that I would definitely hit the floor first and ask questions later at any sound resembling a gunshot.”

  Royal’s mouth was set. She knew he was pissed that he wasn’t going. But Caroline also knew he understood the reasons for it. In the end she was safer with Shane and that’s what mattered.

  Caroline thanked Ron and promised to keep him updated, and Shane made arrangements to pick her up at eight fifteen. He promised to stop and get doughnuts for Mrs. Petitbone. She wrapped her day up, turning off her computer and getting her bag and some work she’d do at home.


  She’d begun to think of Royal’s place as home. Every time they pulled up the long drive leading to the little rise the house sat on, she relaxed. It was like a weight being lifted. That house was solace and safety, and it had Ro
yal in it, which made it even better.

  Two months and she felt like she’d known him forever. He held the door for her and then took her hand. That too had simply become a natural thing. Touching him like he was hers. And as totally crazy as it seemed, he was.

  Shep waited in the outer room for them.

  Royal patted him on the shoulder. “Want to grab a bite? I was just about to take your sister out for burgers and rings because I’m a party animal like that.”

  “Are you sure we’re, you know, welcome at the Pumphouse after the fight with Benji?” Caroline asked quietly. “We can go to the Sands or El Cid.” The Honey Bear closed at six so their usual spot wasn’t available.

  Royal shrugged. “I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”

  “Aren’t you sick of drama?”

  “You know, I sat in that room while you tossed yourself into a stranger’s house willy-nilly. But I kept my mouth shut because right is right and with Shane going it’s fine. He’s better with shooting someone in the face if they try to hurt you. You live in Petal, and I will not have you hiding because of what other people did. I’m with you. We’ll sit away from the windows. But we’re going to the Pumphouse, and we’re having a burger and rings and if anyone gets in my way when I’m trying to give that to you, God help them.”

  She smiled up at him. “Wow.”

  The deep lines of anger faded into a surprised—but pleased—smile. “I was inspired.”

  Shep sighed. “Can you two just not with all that? Jeez. You’re worse than tenth graders.”

  “I’m sorry to be such a trial.” Caroline winked, happy to be with both of them. “So you coming with us to have burgers and possibly a fight that ends with Grandmother having to pick you up from jail? I can pay your bail, but she’s your legal guardian.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  She hadn’t told either of them what Garrett had said to Polly, and it lay heavy on her mind as they had a relatively trouble-free dinner. Their server had asked after her, saying she’d heard about all the attacks. She’d received several smiles and a few waves.

  Of course she also got a few dark looks, and she couldn’t stop wondering if they’d heard from Garrett or his gossip and thought she’d actually be capable of faking all the horrible stuff that had happened to her.

  “You okay?” Royal asked her quietly when Shep headed to the bathroom. “I know this is a tense time, but you seem preoccupied, or more preoccupied than usual. People have seemed pretty okay tonight, did I miss something?”

  “No, everyone is fine. I just…I had lunch with Anne today. I think I forgot to say that. But anyway, it was fine so get that look off your face. Jeez. Polly came in right before we left, and she told me about this rumor Garrett is spreading. I don’t know if I should tell Shep, and I’m paranoid and wondering if people believe what he’s been saying. Oh and I may actually connect with the evidence that could clear my father’s name and send the real killer of my mother to prison. It’s a little overwhelming in my head right now.”

  “I know. I shouldn’t have suggested dinner out. I just don’t want you to hide. Fuck that asshole trying to make you hide in shame for something happening to you.”

  “No, it was good. I should be out and about. I should be hanging out with my brother. I should be sitting with you in a back booth pretending I didn’t see you steal those rings from my plate.”

  “As for telling Shep—because you will of course tell me on the way home—will it affect him somehow? Will he hear it eventually because all gossip gets around, it’s impossible to avoid it? And when he does, will it hurt him that you didn’t tell him first?”

  “Garrett is telling people I faked all this stuff to happen to me to make it look like my father is innocent.”

  “He what? I told him. I warned him what would happen if he kept this up.”


  “Okay. Whoa. While it would be incredibly satisfying to let you punch him, it’s a little busy just now. Also, if you punch him it involves you yet again in this bullshit.”

  Shep came back out and took a look at the two of them as he slid into the booth across from them. “What?”

  So she told them both the whole story, and at the end she held up both hands. “Shep, you have to go back home and you’ll be seeing Garrett and that’s why I told you.” Royal’s point about how he’d hear it eventually anyway was spot on. But she didn’t want any more of this to spill over into anyone else’s life if she could help it.

  “Yeah I’m going to see him. I’m going to see him and then I’m going to punch him.”

  “Well I’m so glad I told you then.” She leaned over the table. “Enrique Shepard Mendoza, be smart. You have a bright future ahead of you. Don’t screw it up by getting into some dick-measuring contest with a man with no dick and no spine. You got me? Our revenge for this is proving Dad innocent and putting Mom’s killer away. Garrett doesn’t matter. Not in the big picture.”

  “How can Mindy and Grandma let him do the stuff he does?”

  “Oh, honey, I don’t know what to tell you. I was raised by our mom. She taught me to respect myself and demand a partner who respected me too. But Mom didn’t raise Mindy. Not for long enough to make an impact. Abigail Lassiter raised her. And look, she didn’t have to. They stepped in and did what they were supposed to, I never fault them for that. But her vision of marriage and relationships is distinctly old school. I want you to understand something really important. Abigail Lassiter has her own opinions. No one tells her how to think. If she wanted to shut Garrett down, she could. She’s the true alpha there. Just keep your head down. Finish school. Spread your wings and go off to college.”

  Her brother’s expression darkened. “He’s not just insulting you with this. He’s insulting me too. And anyone else who knows the truth.”

  She nodded at her brother. “Yep. But he’s irrelevant, and he’ll use you, me, whoever, to be relevant. He’s a small, weak man who thinks he’s far stronger and tougher than he is. He’ll get his. But you are relevant. Do you see? You have a future full of options. In the end, you’re worth ten of him. And he knows it. So fuck him. Unless he comes at you, just avoid him and do your thing.”

  “I don’t know. Honestly I’m seriously pissed. She’s on my case about seeing you and hanging out with you. Wants to know what we talk about. I’d have told her if she hadn’t been so dictatorial about it. Garrett is at the house with Mindy. He now calls them Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa is mad a lot. I think he and Grandma are fighting. I hate that Garrett comes into my house and is trying to poison them. I don’t like that he’d say that about you when you’re being terrorized.”

  “It’s your life and your fists. I get that you’re mad. I do. I’m mad too. I’m just used to triage and to keeping my eye on the big picture. He’s nothing and no one.”

  He didn’t make promises and she didn’t make him. He was nearly grown and would do what he wanted anyway.

  “You know, it’s the fact that Garrett is irrelevant and nothing that makes me want to punch him most.” Royal had been pretty quiet on the way home but once he’d started to change his clothes, he began speaking.

  She put lotion on her hands as she looked up from where she’d been reading something for work.

  “See, I told him. I told him nearly two months ago that if he could not slow his tongue and quit bringing you up, he and I would have a problem. Then he started that shit at the Pumphouse and egged Benji on, and now he’s telling everyone that you’re a liar who faked attacks on herself to make it look like her dad was innocent. I have a big problem here, Caro.”

  She blew out a breath.

  “I told him. And he ran off after the thing at the Pumphouse. I need to make it my mission to bump into him so we can talk this out.”

  “If you do that you could get arrested. He’s not worth that.”

  “No. Caroline, I am respectful of what you need to do with this. I stand back even when my brain is screaming at me to duct tape you
and keep you in bed until this guy is picked up. But I know you need to do it. And I know you make big allowances for how I feel about stuff as it is. I appreciate it. You don’t have to but you do anyway.”

  “Because I love you.”

  He smiled, bending down to kiss her. “Good. Another thing I appreciate. I love you too.”

  “But you’re going to punch him anyway.”

  He nodded. “Yes. More than once. I’m sorry my choices are hurting your feelings. But yes.”

  “My feelings aren’t hurt. To be totally honest, I’m flattered and it makes me feel all giggly and tingly when you want to punch someone to protect or avenge me. But I hate it anyway because while I am absolutely sure you’re capable of winning with one arm tied behind your back, I don’t like anyone trying to hurt you. I don’t like a big fuss being made and everyone looking at me. More than they already do. You push and it opens you up to negative attention.” It mattered to him because he was deeply woven into Petal. Far more than she was, and she didn’t want him estranging himself from everything he’d ever known to avenge her.

  But when she said that he just turned and sighed. “Caroline, do you think I’d want people in my life who’d think it was okay for a grown man to run over town and tell stories out of school about my woman? I have friends who are worthy of that friendship. I don’t care about anyone else other than you. Got me?”

  She nodded, giving a wobbly smile. “I’ve cried a lot in the last few months. I’m a wimp.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Oh yes, you’re such a wimp for crying three times in the midst of someone trying to kill you to shut you up, of being on the outs with your mom’s people, all this change in your life.”

  “Are you mocking me?”

  He took the files from her hands. “I’d rather fuck you. Carefully of course so we don’t pull your stitches.”

  “Other than onion rings, this is the best offer I’ve had all night.”

  He knelt on the floor between her thighs as he reached out to cup the back of her neck and pull her closer.


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