The Stipulation (Volume Two)

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The Stipulation (Volume Two) Page 2

by M. L. Young


  As the night went on, I sat in my dorm room trying to get myself to focus on my books and finals, but it was all to no avail. All I could think about was Jerome telling me that Roman would be contacting me, and all I wanted to do was see my phone light up with a text message or call from him. I wanted to see his name pop up, prompting me to scramble as quickly as possible to see what he had to say to me. I know most people would just take the initiative to text him instead of waiting, but Roman was incredibly busy, and Jerome said he would contact me, and said nothing of the other way around. I had to respect not only that, but also the fact that Roman and I weren’t technically dating, and he wasn’t at my beck and call like a typical boyfriend would be. I was now his sugar baby, and if I wanted to keep this lifestyle then I would have to play by his rules, even if I didn’t like or agree with them.

  I sat around, looking at my book and trying to focus my eyes before it happened: he texted me. The screen on my phone, which I had right next to my book in case this actually happened, lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July, prompting me to grab my phone, my fingers slipping all around it in an act of quickness as I tried to click to see what he said.

  I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to contact you. I have been very busy with business and it was unfair for me to keep you waiting so long. I would like to pick you up on Saturday for a weekend together, if you are willing.

  He wants to spend a weekend with me? I had never spent a weekend alone with a guy before, and I wasn’t sure what it entailed exactly. I would normally ask Jillian, considering she’s spent tons of weekends with Steve—and a few other guys—but she wasn’t anywhere to be found. She claimed she had to study, but I knew she was most likely giving Steve some pleasure in one of the library study rooms. They’re into that kind of public sex.

  I waited ten minutes before replying to Roman, trying to give the impression that I wasn’t some desperate girl who had sat by her phone for the past week. I had to play it cool, and I told him I would cancel some things to be able to see him, even though the only thing I had planned was sitting in my bed eating chocolate ice cream and watching reality television.

  The date was set, and now I just had to figure out what was expected of me. I needed to talk to Jillian and Tara, and I badly needed to find out what a weekend alone with a guy would be like.

  I set down my phone, shut my book, and climbed into bed, lying down and crossing my legs as I closed my tired and strained eyes to try to both rest and envision what this weekend would really be like. Would we go out of the city and drive to some small and quaint town an hour away? Would we stay in bed and feed each other strawberries all weekend, never to get out except to shower together? Would we have countless hours and sessions of sex, or would we just sit there and enjoy each other’s company while we got to know each other even more? I had so many questions, not enough answers, and very little time before Saturday was set to creep up on me and change our relationship even further. Hopefully I wouldn’t mess this up and I’d able to keep him occupied and interested in me, for I was praying I’d never have to go back to that horrible job. I’d do whatever it took to make sure I stay a sugar baby and stay with Roman.

  Chapter Three

  I woke up on Saturday morning with the thoughts of what was going to transpire this weekend. I had sat through hell as I finished my finals; with the last one taking a brisk two hours to complete. I was only able to push through because of this weekend; knowing I was soon going to be whisked away somewhere great. Roman had texted me a little this week, but claimed he was very busy with work and never returned my texts until the next day. It was all good, though, because I knew pretty soon that roaring sports car would roll up and invite me in. Jillian was gone from the room as I woke up, most likely she stayed with Steve all night to celebrate the semester ending. She was set to leave sometime this weekend to go home for break, but she only lived fifteen minutes away, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. I knew she would be back to hang out—her parents always drove her crazy.

  We had surprisingly sunny skies, and the bits of snow that had fallen on Wednesday were now beginning to melt away just slightly as we were facing a strange heat wave for this time of year. I knew there had to be something different with the environment, because just last year there was snow piled up on the ground and sidewalks, compared to the barely there patches now.

  I got out of bed and started to figure out what outfits and things I wanted to bring with me for this weekend. Roman hadn’t really given me an exact time of when he was coming to get me, and I knew it could either be in an hour or in five. I wanted to make sure I was completely ready to go so I wouldn’t have to keep him waiting for me. My worst nightmare would be him driving off and leaving me to fend for myself this weekend. Nothing right now would be worse than my sugar daddy mad at me.

  Tara had bought me this naughty nurse uniform, saying it was essential to keep things spicy and livened up with Roman. I thought she only did it because she’s been with her sugar daddies for a while, and I’m sure they’ve had so much sex that they needed to do things to keep it exciting. Roman and I, though, have only had sex once, and things weren’t exactly stale or passionless. I thought about it, and decided to pack it at the bottom of my bag, just in case. I figured it wouldn’t take up much space in my bag and it’s better to be safe than sorry.


  I wore another short dress for my date and weekend with Roman. He seemed to love the last one so much that I thought he was going to explode when he took it off. This dress was a little tighter, though, and showed off and hugged all of my bodacious curves like nothing else I owned. It was black, and stopped just a few inches below my butt, meaning that one wrong move would give a free show to anyone that happened to be looking. If we went out to dinner, I was planning on dropping my napkin and having to bend over to pick it up. I wanted to see the expression on Roman’s face as he caught a glimpse up my dress. The whole thing would be so sexy and taboo that I knew it would drive him completely crazy. Men loved that kind of thing and I was planning on playing him like a fiddle to keep him interested in all of this.

  As I packed my final toiletries and zipped up the bag, Roman texted me saying he’d be outside in around an hour. I smiled, giddy as could be, and slipped off my shoes so I could sit on my bed and wait. Now that I finally had a time, I knew he was going to plague my empty and impressionable mind as I tried imagining what this weekend had in store for us. Maybe I’d walk down and find him in boating attire, telling me we were going to go sail around Spain for the weekend. Maybe he’d be dressed in a fancy suit, telling me we were heading to Vegas for the weekend and staying in the biggest and fanciest suite the Strip had to offer. I knew all of these options were a little farfetched, but when your sugar daddy was a successful and powerful millionaire, nothing really was that farfetched. I could be going anywhere in the world, and I knew that within a short hour I would be finding out where he was whisking me away to.


  I grabbed my small pink bag with white polka dots, and headed downstairs since Roman said he was only a couple minutes away. The lobby was starting to die down as everybody that was leaving for break was now either at their homes or on their way there. There were a few people still waiting at the doors, trying to stay out of the cold wind as they waited for their parents to pick them up.

  I walked outside and to my usual spot, only to find Roman sitting there waiting for me. I picked up my pace and shuffled to the car, hoping I wouldn’t slip and fall on some rogue piece of black ice. He popped the trunk for me, a small one given the size of the car, and I set my things in and climbed into the front seat as I felt the warm air blowing out of the vent as it clashed against my bare legs.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, putting the car into drive.

  “Thank you, you look pretty handsome yourself,” I said with a smirk as my cheeks flamed.

  Roman took his hand off the shift lever and rubbed my bare and goos
e bump laden thigh as shivers ran through my body. His touch was so magical and enchanting, almost as if he were placing a spell over me. Just feeling his skin against mine after the time we’ve been apart was like ecstasy; a feeling I never wanted to lose.

  Roman began to drive away as he took his hand off my thigh and back onto the steering wheel. I was a little bummed, for all I wanted was him to rub my lonely thigh for as long as we were in this car. Actually, what I wanted to do was grab him and feel his lips against mine, but I had to be a lady and wait until later tonight before I could get frisky.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as we pulled out of the university.

  “My place,” he said as he glanced at me slyly.

  I smiled as I felt a rush of lust shoot through my patiently waiting body.


  As we arrived at Roman’s house, he had the place set up just for us. We walked in from the garage—with his hand resting on my back while his fingers danced along my spine—the lights were dimmed and I could hear very faint music playing from the living room.

  He set my bag at the bottom of the grand staircase and grabbed my hand as he led me into the living room, where a fire had been started and his stereo was pumping out soft and romantic music just loud enough to be heard.

  “Everything is so nice,” I said as I sat down on the large leather couch, my legs crossed as my dress rode up and barely exposed my apple bottom.

  Roman smiled and walked into the kitchen, likely to go and grab us some drinks so we could enjoy this ambiance even more than we already were. I watched the fire as it crackled, small pieces of ash flying upward and out the chimney above. The window behind me let in a small sensation of chill as the fire battled it to keep me warm.

  “Here we go,” Roman said, regaining my attention, as I watched him walk over.

  He had a silver platter in his hands, filled with drinks and food. There were strawberries, chocolate-covered bananas, and whipped cream. He set the platter atop his coffee table and sat close to me, handing me a glass of champagne, the same kind as before. He clinked his glass against mine, and I tried to swallow and keep down the disgusting champagne with a smile on my face, trying to make him think I loved the taste.


  Even though I barely drank half a glass of champagne, the alcohol had started to kick in a little. We had begun to get more comfortable with each other, his arm around me as his fingers lingered through my hair and down my neck.

  Roman used his free hand to push my hair behind my ear, leaning in, his breath beating against my neck as he slowly kissed it, sending shivers down my body. I closed my eyes, my breathing getting heavier as his hand dropped from my shoulder and began caressing my trembling thigh, giving me the sensations I had dreamt about since I had last been intimate with him.

  “Do you like that?” he whispered before gently teasing my earlobe.

  “Don’t stop,” I replied, my voice barely audible as my body began to shiver from pleasure.

  Minutes passed as Roman kept kissing and nibbling on my neck before leaning forward and grabbing a chocolate-covered strawberry by the leaves. He put it up to my lips as they suctioned around it seductively, my teeth biting into it as he pulled it away.

  “You’re so sexy when you eat them like that,” he said as he adjusted himself, likely having to push aside his raging erection.

  I smiled and leaned forward to grab a chocolate-covered banana from the platter. If he thought me eating a strawberry was sexy and seductive, just wait until he saw me suck on a banana.

  Roman looked at me carefully, I could almost hear his heart beating through his chest. I tried to hold back a smile as I imagined the chemicals releasing through his brain in the grandest of ways. He wanted to see what I was going to do with this banana. I could tell he wasn’t going to do a single thing to get in the way of me putting it into my mouth. He would sit there staring for an hour if it meant five seconds of him getting turned on like no other.

  With the banana wedged firmly between my fingers, I brought it to my mouth and slowly inserted it in, the thick chocolate-covered banana stretching my lips as I gave him a seductive stare.

  Roman placed his hand on his rock hard erection, moving it slightly as he watched me; likely imagining it was him instead of the banana.

  “You make me crazy,” he said, his voice a low growl.

  “Good,” I replied as I took the banana out of my mouth.


  Roman took me up to his bedroom, but for whatever reason, kept himself from touching me. It was as if downstairs was just foreplay, and he wanted to wait until some other time to finish me off. I would say I was mad, but it kind of turned me on, like he was trying to build me up so when he did make a move we would both explode with passion and pent up lust. I was just hoping, praying actually, that he would seduce me soon, for all I could think about now was him inside of me.

  Chapter Four

  I woke up the next morning, my core begging for satisfaction as Roman had teased me all night long. I wasn’t sure if this was some sick plan of his, to keep me wanting him more than anything, but I knew I needed him soon before I exploded. I had never been teased so much in my life, with him resisting any kind of sexual closeness, instead opting to just kiss and tickle each other with these feathers he had brought out. I thought things would get kinky, ultimately leading to sex, but it just led to him smiling and cuddling me as we went to sleep. While we lay in bed, him in his boxers and me in just a pair of small pink panties with no bra, I thought about just grabbing his cock while he was sleeping and shoving it down my throat, almost forcing him to give it to me, but I didn’t. He must’ve had a reason for making me wait, and I wanted to see what that reason was.

  I woke up before he did, seeing his morning wood propping up a tent in his boxers, making me think I was back at camp. I wanted it so badly, and as my hands crept under the covers closer and closer, he woke up slowly and greeted me with a smile, unaware of how close my hand was to his raging erection.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he said as he stretched his entire body from head to toe.

  “Good morning, you,” I replied with a playful smile.

  I had the covers against my breasts, obscuring them from view as if I were a present he would be forced to unwrap. I was willing to let him unwrap me if I was able to unwrap his big present down below his waist. He looked at me with a smile, brushing my golden hair behind my ear as if he were admiring me like a goddess.

  “Feel like brunch?” he asked, as my stomach rumbled a little.

  “Depends what’s on the menu,” I replied as I glanced down at his erection.

  Roman smiled; obviously knowing exactly what was on my mind. My lust and passion for him hadn’t subsided in the least bit since last night, and I was licking my lips for his cock like a dog watching a bone being waved over its head.

  “Let’s go take a shower and get ready,” he said as he got out of bed, grabbing my hand and guiding me to his en suite.

  The bathroom, a large mix of marble and chrome, was huge and empowering. The tiled floor was heated underneath, and the shower must’ve been big enough to fit ten people with ease. There were multiple showerheads inside the massive stall, and Roman turned them all on, the water quickly heating up as a few bits of steam filled the expansive bathroom.

  Roman checked the temperature of the water before turning back to me with hooded eyes. He took off his boxers, his erection shooting out like a wound-up spring as it flung up and down before stopping. I watched it, mesmerized by its sheer girth as I slid my panties down to the heated tiles below. Roman stuck his hand out, and guided me into the mist as the warm water pelted my cold body, my blood starting to get warmer and heat me up.

  I stood close to Roman, my hand resting on his shoulder as I felt his rock hard cock rubbing against my pussy. I was gripping his shaft like a suction cup. All I wanted was to just get it inside me already. The foreplay was over, and I wanted him to bend me over and just give
it to me. He ran his masculine hands down my sides, moving to my supple bottom, and slapping it, a faint red handprint being left in its wake.

  “Mm.” I moaned slightly as I bit my lower lip in pleasure.

  Roman kissed me just as my teeth let go of my lip, the sparks flying as our tongues danced together as if they were doing a waltz. My fingers laced through his hair, pulling it back as I kissed his neck and started to rain kisses on his body, my lips trailing down his chest, across his abs, and stopping at his stiff cock. I got on my knees, looking up at him as the drops of water enveloped us both and steam rose from the ground. I grabbed the base of his shaft and held it firmly as my tongue teased the tip before placing it in my mouth. I lowered my eyes and saw his toes curl and his knees shake, as the foreplay from last night must have affected him just as much as it did me. He was bursting at the seams just like I was, and I knew this was something his body had been waiting for since our last rendezvous.

  Roman placed his hands on my head, almost guiding me up and down his monstrous cock like I wouldn’t be able to handle it without his guidance. I looked up a few times, seeing his eyes closed and his mouth wide open, as if the pleasure was too intense for him to even take. As I was watching him squirm, which turned me on to no other, he opened his eyes and looked down at me before grabbing my hands and helping me up.

  “I want you,” he said as he kissed me passionately, his fingers running down my stomach.

  Roman grabbed my hips, flipping me around in a flash before my hands were against the glass walls of the shower stall. My hair, completely wet from the water and steam, was twirled around and held tightly in his left hand as his right hand squeezed my bottom firmly.


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