Daddy's Perfect Princess (The Shape of Love Book 1)

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Daddy's Perfect Princess (The Shape of Love Book 1) Page 4

by Stella Moore

  “Squats. Right. Okay.” She followed him to a mat and carefully listened to his instructions as he demonstrated the proper form. Placing her feet shoulder width apart, her toes slightly turned out, she lowered her butt as far as she was able.

  “Lower,” he grunted at her.

  “Pretty sure I don’t bend that way,” she said, trying to keep the annoyance she felt out of her voice.

  “That’s why you’re here, princess. Now go lower.”

  A part of her rebelled instantly at his tone. But the submissive she’d buried so deeply rejoiced and pushed her to obey. And the logical part of her joined in, reminding her that this was what she’d asked for. Someone to push her to succeed so she could show her asshole ex what he’d missed out on. So, she went lower.

  Fox took her through squats, some arm exercise she couldn’t remember the name of, push-ups, another weird arm exercise with weights so wimpy he’d had to dig them out of the back room, and finally the infamous plank. Which had sounded easy enough until she’d gotten in to position. How the hell was just laying still so difficult?

  When she was finished, he took her through a quick cool down and she stumbled to the back to change. Being the only woman in the gym was a decided advantage. She stripped down to her birthday suit, relishing the privacy, and stepped into the blissfully hot shower. It took her far longer than usual to get ready, and she let out a steady stream of swear words as she struggled to zip up her skirt.

  “Someone should wash your mouth out, princess.”

  Mindy screamed and stumbled backwards at the gruff pronouncement, tripping over her bag and landing flat on her appreciable ass on the floor. Fox was standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest, glaring at her. “You gave me a fucking heart attack! What are you doing in here?”

  His frown deepened at her outburst. “I heard you in here cussing like a sailor and wanted to come check on you.” He stalked over and held out a hand. She reluctantly placed her hand in his and within seconds she was on her feet again. The sudden change sent her head spinning, and she staggered right into his unyielding chest.

  “Whoa. Easy, princess.” He gently guided her to a bench. “You okay? Did you hit your head?”

  “No.” She sent him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “Probably just low blood sugar. Need to grab some breakfast when I get to work.”

  “Are you telling me you didn’t eat before a work out?”

  He didn’t yell. On the contrary, his voice had dropped to a tone that she instinctively recognized as infinitely more dangerous. “Um, I mean, not exactly,” she said softly.

  “Why the hell would you do something so goddamn stupid? Sit here and don’t you dare move a muscle.”

  That inner war raged again, and again she obeyed. Checking her watch, she resisted the urge to swear and instead shot a quick text to her boss letting her know she’d be in late.

  Fox reappeared a few minutes later with a bar of some kind in his hand. He shoved it at her and straddled the bench next to her, watching like a hawk as she unwrapped it and took a tentative bite. Fox nodded approvingly. She resigned herself to eating the whole disgusting thing.

  “So here’s the deal,” he began as she munched on the bar. “I wrote up a meal plan for you and I’ve included the timing for when these meals should be eaten. You will follow this plan to the letter unless I say otherwise, or you’re out on your ass, deal or no deal. If you want to kill yourself, it sure as shit ain’t going to be in my gym. Do we have an understanding?”

  She nodded, and at his pointed look added a quiet “Yes, sir.” His eyes flashed, but she wasn’t deluded enough to think it was lust or anything like it.

  “Good. Feeling better?”

  She nodded again.

  “I’ll see you again Wednesday. In the meantime, follow the plan. I’ll know if you don’t and there will be hell to pay.” With that parting shot, he leveraged himself off the bench and strode out of the locker room.

  Mindy gave herself time to settle, nibbling away at the protein bar until her system had calmed. The man caused a visceral reaction in her, and everything about him pulled at the little girl inside of her. But she’d accepted long ago that some fantasies weren’t ever going to come true, and she’d made her peace with having a conventional, vanilla relationship.

  So why, for the first time in ages, did she feel that hollow longing she’d thought she had so thoroughly buried?

  She was late, but thankfully her boss was relatively laid back about arrival and departure times as long as the work got done. Mindy routinely outperformed the rest of her team, so Gail was more than willing to let a late arrival slide here and there.

  Gail stopped by Mindy’s cube a few minutes after she arrived. “So, can I be nosy and ask why you’re late?” she asked with a grin, leaning against the side of the cube.

  “I joined a gym. Well, actually, I got a personal trainer and today was our first session. So if you see me sleeping under the desk just come give me a kick.”

  “A personal trainer, huh? Is he yummy?” Gail asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

  Mindy giggled. “Very. Kind of a jerk but I guess they have to be. But he’s tall, muscles the size of my head, a scruffy beard.”

  Gail made a show of fanning herself. “Get pics. Lots and lots of pics. You can be late every day as long as you send me pictures.”

  Mindy didn’t bother to mention that she was pretty sure Fox would boot her out on her ass for even thinking of it. She just laughed and promised to try.

  She was tempted to work through lunch, but she hadn’t brought anything to eat, and Fox’s words about sticking to his plan were still ringing in her ears. So she texted Jenna and made plans to meet at noon.

  Since she’d pretty much buried herself in work the moment she’d walked in the door, she hadn’t moved from her desk in hours. When she stood to leave for lunch, every fiber in her body protested. “Fucking hell,” she muttered as she staggered from her desk. As soon as the words had left her mouth she remembered Fox’s admonition that she should have her mouth washed out. The throbbing between her thighs had nothing to do with the workout that morning and everything to do with the workout she wished he was giving her. Her vibrator was going to be getting a lot of action over the next few weeks until she could convince her body that nothing was going to happen with the sinfully sexy Fox.

  Mindy hobbled to the elevator. She’d considered taking the stairs more often to help with the whole getting in shape plan, but if she tried now she had a feeling she’d just end up tumbling head first down all six flights. Thank God the restaurant where she was meeting Jenna was only a block away.

  Surprisingly, the walk helped loosen her muscles. She was still sore as hell, but she wasn’t nearly as stiff by the time she reached the restaurant. Jenna was running late, as usual, so Mindy went ahead and grabbed a table. Jenna rushed in nearly ten minutes after the agreed upon time and slid into the booth like a runner sliding into home.

  “Sorry! Sorry! Crazy ass day. Oh you ordered me a pop already? You’re a doll.” Jenna gulped down half the glass without taking a breath.

  “And food. Chicken carbonara for you, grilled chicken for me.”

  “I love you, kid. So, tell me about the training session. How was it?”

  “Killer. I can barely walk. But I think it’ll be good for me.” She debated telling Jenna about her exchange with Fox at the very end, but decided against it. Jenna knew a lot of her secrets when it came to Mindy’s kinky interests, but she didn’t know how badly Mindy craved a man’s discipline. In Jenna’s mind, it was all just sexy games.

  “So you’re going to keep it up?”

  “Yeah, I figure I’ll give it a go, see what happens. It was kind of fun.”

  Jenna snorted. “I’m sure the smoking hot trainer doesn’t hurt.”

  “That has nothing to do with anything,” Mindy replied primly. “Besides, that would never happen.”

  “Why not?”

; Mindy rolled her eyes. “Please, a guy like that is looking for a woman who belongs on the cover of… whatever magazine fitness people read. And I just got out of a serious relationship. I need time to be by myself before I move on to someone else.”

  “You need someone to cleanse your palette. And who better than a guy who’s a walking wet dream? Something raw and physical is just what you need.”

  Mindy shook her head. “Absolutely not. And it’s a moot point. Let’s talk about you. What’s got you so busy today?”

  “Just the usual. I picked up a few new clients, outside of my work at the hospital. Met with a mom of a little girl today, cute as a button. The girl, not the mom. The girl is on the spectrum and mom heard about me from a friend who’s kid I treated. So, yeah, I’m busy. But it’s a good thing.”

  Jenna was a music therapist who worked part time at a psychiatric hospital and took on private clients as well. She’d come a long way from the rocker chick she’d been in college. “That’s awesome, Jen. How’re things at the hospital?”

  “Honestly, thinking about… Oh, thank God, food. Anyway,” she continued after the food had been delivered, “I’m thinking about leaving the hospital. It’s so much red tape, you know?”

  “Do you have the client base for that?”

  “Getting there. I’m not ready to take that leap yet, but I’m pretty close to it. It’s just exhausting.”

  “Well, you do what you have to do. You know the offer to move in with me still stands if money gets tight.”

  “You’re sweet, but I don’t think it’ll come to that. So, when do you see Foxy Fox again?”

  “Wednesday. And it’s strictly business. So just chill.”

  “If you say so. But I still think you’re missing a hell of an opportunity there.”

  “It’s only a missed opportunity if he’s interested. It’s just business.” No matter how gorgeous and commanding and panty-droppingly delicious he might be. It just wasn’t going to happen.

  Chapter 6

  Tuesday morning Mindy woke up to screaming muscles. She’d started—and stopped, then started again—enough workout programs in her time to know that she just had to push through. Whimpering, she dragged herself out of bed and into the shower, running the water as hot as she could stand it. By the time the water ran cold, she was feeling halfway human again. Wrapping herself up in her fluffy robe, she trudged to the kitchen to make breakfast, per Fox’s instructions. The idea of cooking eggs was nearly more than she could stand, and she seriously considered just grabbing one of the ever-present muffins at work when she arrived.

  But she wasn’t going to get where she wanted to be by ignoring Fox’s plan. So she made the damn eggs and ate them standing up, since she couldn’t quite convince her legs to perform the necessary movements to sit in a chair.

  With breakfast finished, she slowly, painstakingly dressed for work. The idea of holding her arms over her head long enough to blow dry her hair made her want to weep, so she settled for pinning it up in an uncomplicated bun. Deciding that was as good as she was going to get, she gave herself a final once over and headed out.

  Getting in the car was agony, but she made it. And she’d almost made it to work when she got stuck at the light in front of her favorite coffee place. She glanced to the side, then jerked her gaze back to the light. Why the hell was the damn thing taking so long? Her gaze slid to the right again, and her mouth began to water. Surely one small mocha wasn’t going to completely undo all her hard work, right? She could get it with soy milk and no whip. That would kill like, half the calories right there.

  No. She would stick to the plan. The plan that was all eggs and grilled meat and nothing fun.

  “Goddammit!” Smacking her hand against the steering wheel, she flipped the turn signal and whipped her car into the parking lot. Getting out of the car wasn’t as bad as getting in had been, perhaps thanks to the promise of chocolatey coffee goodness awaiting her.

  Still mentally berating herself, she walked inside and stood in line. She was two people from the cashier when a deep, familiar voice sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Mornin’, princess.”

  Mindy closed her eyes. No. This was absolutely not happening. She had not just been caught about to cheat on her diet on the second freaking day by her personal trainer. Forcing a bright smile, she turned. There was Fox, right behind her, arms crossed over his chest, smirking down at her.

  “Good morning, Fox. How are you?”

  “Can’t complain. You?”

  She had many complaints, but she’d be damned if she was going to share any of them with him. “Good. I’m good. Aren’t you usually at the gym by now?”

  “Tuesdays are my standing days off. My assistant manager holds down the fort for me.”

  “Oh. Cool. So.” She glanced around, desperate for something to talk about. “Um, getting coffee?”

  His lips twitched with obvious amusement. “It is a coffee shop, so yeah. And you?”

  Of course he would ask. She felt her cheeks warm under his piercing gaze, and she prayed they weren’t as red as they felt. “Same. Can’t really function without the stuff, you know?”

  “Mmm.” His eyes flicked upward and he jerked his chin up. “Your turn, princess.”

  Mindy turned and stepped forward to the cashier. To her shock and dismay, Fox stepped up directly behind her. “Me and the lady on the same tab.”

  She whipped around and nearly bumped her nose into his impressive chest. “Oh, that’s not necessary. I can get it.”

  Fox leaned down, so their noses almost touched. “I’m buying, princess. Now, order whatever you want and quit holding up the line.”

  Whatever she wanted? No way was she going to order her stupid, sugar-laden drink with him watching. But she couldn’t think with him so close. Her entire being had focused on him, like a moth being pulled against its will toward a bug-zapper. “Whatever I want?” She repeated like a complete moron.

  He grinned, the first genuine smile she’d ever seen from him, and she nearly melted into a puddle at his feet.

  “Yeah, princess. Go ahead and order.”

  Like the obedient little girl she’d always dreamed of being, she turned back to the cashier. “Um, large coffee. The medium roast. Two Splenda, skim milk.” She stepped just to the side so Fox could place his order. Coffee. Black. Of course. How else would a man who’s entire being screamed bad ass drink his coffee?

  Fox paid and they moved down the counter to wait on their drinks. “So you always stop here in the mornings?” he asked as they waited.

  “No. Just something I treat myself to occasionally.”

  His eyes narrowed, and her heart raced. What had she said? And why was it so fucking sexy to imagine being in trouble for it? To imagine that he might grab her by the arm, and march her outside where he would find a somewhat secluded spot to bend her over and…

  “You treat yourself to a coffee with two Splenda and skim milk?”

  Oh. Oh. “Uh, I mean, not always. But sometimes, yeah.” It wasn’t a lie. She did, occasionally, order what she’d just ordered.

  He took a step in, and her breath stuck in her throat. “And is that why you came in here today, princess?”

  It took her brain a solid thirty seconds to process the question. “Yes,” she whispered. Okay, that was a lie, but he didn’t need to know that. It was none of his business. And she wouldn’t have had to lie if he hadn’t insisted on buying her drink in the first place.

  His eyes darkened, and she nearly confessed everything on the spot. Luckily, her drink order came up, saving her from further interrogation. She snatched the cup, smiled at the server and mumbled her thanks to Fox before ducking around him and racing out to her car. Inside, she sipped her coffee, wishing fervently that she’d been able to order the drink she’d really wanted. She desperately needed a shot of chocolate to soothe her nerves right now.

  Fox watched as Mindy scurried out of the coffee shop, her round hips swaying with eac
h step. The skirt she’d chosen perfectly molded itself to the curve of her bottom and her long, shapely legs.

  She’d lied to him. That single thought branded itself in his mind. Taking his cup from the barista, he sipped it as he considered his next move. He was going to have her, one way or another. He’d decided that the second she’d looked up at him with her big blue eyes all unfocused and glassy when he’d told her to order whatever she wanted. And if he was very smart, or very lucky, he might get to show her what happened to little girls who told lies.

  Chapter 7

  Wednesday morning the soreness was better, though she still wondered how the hell she was supposed to do more than stare at a dumbbell. She went through what she had mentally dubbed her workout day routine and made it to the gym nearly fifteen minutes early. Fox was nowhere to be seen, so she went ahead and stashed her bag in the locker room.

  He still wasn’t in the main room when she returned, so she took the opportunity to wander the area. There were several framed photographs and awards decorating the walls. Dozens of different bodybuilders, some of them with their arm slung around a grinning Fox’s shoulder as they held up a trophy or a medal. None of Fox himself competing, which she considered interesting. Either he’d never actually competed himself, or he found his clients’ achievements to be more worth bragging rights.

  “Ready to go, princess?”

  She was proud of herself for not jumping a foot in the air at the sound of his voice. He was standing by the treadmill when she turned around, and she inwardly groaned. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Good. Ten minutes.”

  The warmup wasn’t as excruciating as she’d expected, and she was pleased to feel looser by the time it was done. He took her through another grueling workout with different exercises from what he’d used on Monday. When he was finished torturing her, she limped back to the locker room to shower and change. When she limped back out, he said something to the guy he was working with and jogged over to her.


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