Daddy's Perfect Princess (The Shape of Love Book 1)

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Daddy's Perfect Princess (The Shape of Love Book 1) Page 8

by Stella Moore

  “Get cleaned up and meet me in my office,” Fox said, turning on his heel and striding toward the back.

  “Shit,” she muttered under her breath, following him. She took a minute to wash her face and cool off before joining him in his office.

  He was sitting in his ratty office chair, watching her as she walked in and closed the door behind her. They locked eyes, staring each other down, then tension in the room so thick she could taste it.

  “Come here.”

  She hesitated, just a second, before slowly crossing the room to him. “Fox, please don’t spank me here,” she whispered. “Everyone will hear you.”

  “Everyone heard that f-bomb you dropped, so maybe that would be fair.”

  “It was an accident.” She knew she was whining, but she didn’t care. She would die if someone overheard her being punished

  “I’m not going to spank you, princess.” He stood and guided her to his chair, firmly pushing down on her shoulders so that she was forced to sit. “You’re going to sit here, in this chair, until closing time. Then you and I are going to talk.”

  “I’m not sitting here all night. I have things to do,” she protested, though she made no move to rise from the chair.

  “Do you? That’s funny, because I remember telling a certain little girl that she’s grounded this weekend.”

  Mindy squirmed in the chair. “I know, but I have errands, Fox. My life can’t just stop because you say I’m grounded.”

  “We can talk about that. After I close up shop. If you value your ability to sit comfortably, you will not move from that chair. Got it?”

  “Yeah,” she replied moodily.

  “What was that, little girl?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she corrected through clenched teeth.

  “Good girl. I’ll see you in a couple hours.”

  When he left, Mindy crossed her arms and glared at the pile of papers on the desk. It wasn’t fair that she had to sit here. And it wasn’t fair that he was being so mean to her.

  Guilt began to work its way through the anger and frustration. He wasn’t treating her any differently than he had the first couple of sessions. Or any differently than she’d heard him act with his other clients when she’d been able to catch snippets of the conversation.

  It hadn’t consciously occurred to her that she’d been expecting special treatment. She was expecting her daddy to show up, and she was pissed she’d gotten her trainer instead. Dammit. She owed him an apology, and she hoped it was enough to avoid him blistering her ass after everyone left.

  Well, she was going to be here for a while, so she might as well get some work done. Settling in, she began to sort through the papers she hadn’t gotten to the other day.

  She lost herself in the work, let the routine of it settle her. After a point, there really wasn’t anything else she could do without access to his computer. Sitting in the chair, she stared at it, as though she could will it to share its secrets with her.

  “This is ridiculous. I’m trying to do my job.” She started to stand, then changed her mind and dropped back into the chair. If she wanted to show Fox she was truly sorry and accepted his discipline, she needed to follow his orders. But she really wanted to get into that computer.

  Picking up her phone, she chewed on her bottom lip as she tapped out a text.

  Daddy, can you come here? I need to talk to you real quick.

  Thirty seconds later, the door to the office opened. “What’s up, princess?”

  She was back to princess instead of little girl, so maybe he wasn’t mad anymore. It gave her a little boost of courage. “I was working on your books, but I can’t go much further without access to your accounts and whatever else you have stored on here,” she tapped the monitor.

  “I left you in here to stew and you decided to work?”

  “No reason to waste several hours sitting around feeling sorry for myself.”

  He crossed the room in three strides, hauled her out of the chair by her upper arms and pressed his lips to hers in a kiss so hot she was surprised the papers beside them didn’t burst into flame. “I adore you. Just wanted you to know that.”

  She grinned up at him. “Even when I’m being a total brat about you doing the job I hired you to do?”

  He laughed, sliding his arms around her and pressing another steamy kiss to her lips. “Especially then. The guys gave me hell for that, you know. Getting cussed out by a pretty girl didn’t exactly help my image.”

  “I really am sorry, Fox. I realized after sitting here for a bit that I was expecting you to act like my daddy and not my trainer. That’s not fair to you, or me.”

  “Apology accepted. I’m always your daddy, princess. But yeah, sometimes I have to put that aside, like when you’re here training. Are you okay with that? I won’t be upset if you want to go to another gym.”

  Mindy shook her head. “I like it here. I’ll try to be better about not getting upset when you’re in trainer mode.”

  “That’s all I ask. It’s normal to get frustrated when you’re pushing through a tough workout. But the next time I hear an f-bomb drop out of that pretty little mouth, I’m going to wash it out with soap. Understood?”

  She stood on her toes so she could kiss him. “Understood.”

  Chapter 11

  Fox took the liberty of closing up early on Saturday since he didn’t have anybody on his docket for the afternoon. All his regulars had keys, so they could get in if they needed to. He showered and changed there to save himself a trip, then headed to the grocery store.

  He’d just grabbed a cart when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Checking the readout, he shook his head at the text from Mindy.

  I’m dying here. Can I please go run some errands? Please???

  He tapped out a response with a very firm no and telling her not to ask again. She’d pout, he had no doubt about that, but she’d just have to live with it.

  Maybe it made him a perverse creature, but he fucking loved this. Knowing she would do exactly as she was told and that he could put her over his knee if she didn’t had him rock hard just thinking about it. But more than just that, he loved taking care of her. Setting rules and guidelines for her to follow, not just because he wanted to but because it benefitted her was like a drug to him. He wasn’t a psychologist, so maybe it was really fucked up, but he didn’t care.

  With his shopping done, he packed the Jeep and drove out toward the north side of town. He’d gotten her address from the paperwork she’d filled out. Following the GPS, he stopped in front of a cute little blue house with an impeccable front yard. He hauled the bags out of the back and jogged up the front steps to ring the doorbell.

  “Jenna, for the last damn time, I’m not going out tonight!” She yanked the door open and her expression went from irritated to surprised to confused. “Fox? What are you doing here?”

  He held the bags up. “I brought dinner. Figured you might be getting hungry. You going to let me in or leave me standing outside like an idiot?”

  “Oh, um, sure.” She stepped back and held the door open, smoothing a hand over her hair. “Come on in.”

  “Thanks. Kitchen?”

  “Straight back. I’ll just… be right back.” She started to dart towards what he assumed was her bedroom, but he called her name, stopping her in her tracks.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I just,” she gestured helplessly to the baggy shirt and yoga pants she was wearing. “I’m not fit for company.”

  “You look fine to me. Sit your butt on the couch while I put these groceries away.”

  “Fox.” He wondered what it said about him that her whining didn’t annoy him. It was kind of cute. “Just let me change and fix my hair. Put some makeup on. I’m not presentable.”

  Setting the groceries on the counter, he turned and pinned her with his best ‘Daddy’ look. “Are you arguing with me, little girl?”

  The transformation always fascinated him. Her eyes went
wide, her bottom lip poked out into a slight pout, and her whole demeanor changed. “I’m not trying to argue, Daddy. Why can’t I change?”

  “Because I think you’re perfect like this. Now, go sit while it’s still comfortable for you.”

  Her whole face lit up. Even the smallest compliment from him seemed to have that impact on her. He loved it, but at the same time he wanted to know who had hurt her so badly that she was so desperate for affection.

  She darted back into the living room and plopped down on the couch. He watched from the corner of his eye as she pulled her hair from its current entrapment and desperately tried to finger comb it before piling it back on top of her head. He put the groceries away and joined her on the couch.

  “Did you really come over just to make me dinner?” she asked, suspicion written all over her face.

  “And to keep you company. Figured we could watch a movie, maybe neck on the couch.” He shot her a grin and she giggled.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you since I’m… you know.” Her adorable face turned pink and he began imagining that same flush on other parts of her body.

  “Grounded, princess. You’re grounded.” Her blush deepened at his words and she nodded silently. “And why are you grounded?”

  She looked down and picked at a thread on her pants. “Because I didn’t come right home like you told me to.” She looked up at him through her eyelashes and he nearly gave in. Jesus, she was adorable. “I’m really sorry, Daddy.”

  “I know, princess. Why don’t you pick out a movie for us to watch?”

  Again, her entire face went bright with happiness. “Any movie I want?”

  Resigned to a night filled with brooding heroes and boring storylines, he nodded. “Your choice.”

  She grabbed the remote from the basket she had on the side table, he assumed for that very reason, and flipped the TV on. It didn’t take her long to settle on a movie, and her choice surprised him.


  She turned her head to look at him, hurt shining in her eyes. “You said whatever I wanted. Why am I in trouble?”

  “I didn’t say you were in trouble.”

  Mindy shook her head. “You only say my name like that when I’m in trouble. If you didn’t mean it, you shouldn’t have said I could pick.”

  “Stop and rewind, princess. You’re not in trouble. But you’re sure this is the movie you want to watch?”

  She rolled her eyes and he resisted the temptation to pull her over his lap. “Yes. Why?”

  “I just figured you’d want something more, I don’t know, girlie.”

  She turned on the couch, facing him fully, her eyes serious. “Fox. There’s something you should know about me.”

  What the fuck was happening? “Okay.”

  She leaned forward until their faces were inches apart. “I. Despise. Chick. Flicks.”

  It took a moment to process. She said it so seriously, the words didn’t quite click for him. When they did, he threw his head back and laughed. “Okay, princess. If people getting blown up makes you happy, then let’s do it.”

  She grinned and pressed a loud kiss to his mouth before snuggling up under his arm and turning the movie on. “I’ve been wanting to see this for months.”

  “Just didn’t have the time?”

  “No. You really want to know?”

  “That sounds like there’s a story there. So yes, I want to know.”

  “Todd hates action movies. Says they’re a waste of time and money. He used to lecture me endlessly about it. At first, I would watch them when it was just me, but I eventually stopped altogether. I couldn’t be Mrs. Todd Allen if I had a secret addiction to cheesy action flicks.”

  Fox waited a few heartbeats before answering. She didn’t deserve the fury he felt, and if he let loose too soon, it would end up dumping all over her. “Todd sounds like a Grade-A douchebag.”

  She giggled and burrowed closer. “He was. I didn’t really see it until after he dumped me. I feel like I should write him a thank you note for rescuing me from himself.”

  The idea of her having any contact at all with the jerk made Fox feel decidedly violent. He did his best to keep his voice even and calm when he responded. “The best revenge is living a good life. Or something.”

  She laughed and playfully drilled a finger into his side. “Living well is the best revenge. George Herbert. Now hush so I can watch my man.”

  “Your man? What am I?”

  “My consolation prize.” She shrieked when he flipped her on her back and tickled her mercilessly. “Uncle!” She screamed, doing her best to wiggle away.

  “Consolation prize, my ass. I could take any of these guys in a fight.”

  Still giggling, she curled up beside him again and rewound the movie. “Of course you could, Daddy.” But he heard her distinctly lustful sigh when the bald action star reappeared on the screen.


  They watched the movie in a companionable silence, and when it was over, Fox’s stomach reminded them it was time to eat. Sitting at the small island in the carefully decorated kitchen, Mindy watched him cook. “You know, maybe being grounded isn’t so bad after all,” she said, mischief dancing in her eyes.

  Fox sent her a look and she just shrugged. “I got a ton of stuff done around the house, you came over and not only watched a movie but let me pick, and now you’re making dinner. I don’t think you’re supposed to spoil people when they’re grounded.”

  “Well next time I suppose I’ll have to think of something better.” He glanced over and saw her eyes locked on her phone screen. “Loss of phone privileges, perhaps.”

  He had to fight back a smile at her indignant gasp. “You wouldn’t!”

  “Sure I would. But only if you’re especially naughty.”

  “I won’t be. Promise.”

  They’d see about that. The adult Mindy was mature, responsible, organized, and careful. Little girl Mindy was another story altogether. She was basically the perfect blend for him. Something she said nagged at him, though. “Did you ever get grounded when you were younger?”

  He’d been watching her, so he saw the flicker of unease cross her face. “Why would you ask that?”

  “You said you don’t think you’re supposed to spoil people when they’re grounded. So, what? Were you somebody’s little princess who couldn’t be punished?” he asked teasingly.


  The short, curt response got his attention. He put down the knife he’d been using to chop vegetables and focused his attention solely on her. “What’s the deal, then?”

  “It’s nothing really bad,” she said with a shrug. “My dad ran off when I was about eight and my mom ended up working three jobs just to keep us afloat. It was just me and her, so it wasn’t so bad. But she was never home so I was on my own a lot. It was kind of chaotic. And lonely.”

  Hence her obsessive need for organization and rules. “That sounds rough.”

  “It is what it is. My mom is great, I don’t want you to think otherwise. My childhood wasn’t like, traumatic or anything. It just wasn’t very stable.”

  Well now he felt like a complete ass. “I’m sorry, princess.”

  She shrugged again. “Nothing to be sorry for. It made me who I am, and aside from occasionally being a neurotic mess, I turned out okay. What’s your family like?”

  He grinned. “Pretty much the polar opposite. Both of my parents are Marines. Dad is still active duty. Our house ran like clockwork.”

  “I see you rebelled,” she said dryly, making him laugh.

  “I did, when I was younger. Got grounded plenty, so I know how this works.” He winked and she smiled shyly in return. “Grew out of it before I graduated high school.”

  “Did you serve?”

  “No. Wanted to, but my parents talked me out of it. They’re proud of their service, but they wanted something different for me. My original plan was to become a doctor.”

  She grinned at that. “Dr. Wa
shburn. Has a nice ring to it. What happened?”

  “Didn’t love it. I started lifting weights in high school and I became obsessed with the process. Learned everything I could on my own and then started taking classes. One thing led to another and here I am.”

  “Yes, here you are. Daddy?”

  Her voice had gone so soft it was hard to hear her. “Yeah, princess?”

  “Are you staying over tonight?”

  “You want me to?”

  She nodded.

  “Then yeah. I’ll stay over.”

  Chapter 12

  “Rise and shine, princess.”

  Mindy opened one eye to glare at Fox, who was standing by the bed, grinning down at her. “Timezit?” she grumbled.

  “Nearly five. I have a surprise for you. Get dressed and I’ll make some breakfast.”

  “Nearly five? On a Sunday? No.” Yanking the covers over her head, she burrowed back into their warmth with the hopes of getting at least two more hours of sleep.

  Apparently, Daddy had other plans. Fox pulled the covers off and slapped her naked backside. With a yelp, she sat up and narrowed her eyes at him. “What’s going on?”

  “I told you, I have a surprise for you. I laid out some clothes.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Be a good girl and get dressed like Daddy told you.”

  Resigned to whatever it was he had in mind, she got ready, dressing in the yoga pants and tank top he’d set out for her. “Is this part of being grounded?” she asked when she walked into the kitchen.

  Fox looked over at her, one eyebrow raised. “No. I told you, I have a surprise for you. But if you’re going to keep whining about it, I can cancel the surprise and you can spend the day pouting at home.”

  “Sorry. What’s the surprise?”

  “Can’t tell you yet. Sit.”

  She sat at the table and he joined her, setting two heaping plates on the table. “You’re going to need some extra energy,” he said in response to her questioning look.

  “For what? Come on, give me a hint,” she said when he silently began eating. “Please, Daddy?”


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