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Daddy's Perfect Princess (The Shape of Love Book 1)

Page 10

by Stella Moore

  Chapter 14

  Mindy glared at the number on her bathroom scale. An entire month of sticking to Fox’s plan, and what did she have to show for it? Two lousy pounds. With an irritated growl, she stepped off the scale and barely resisted the urge to kick it.

  The worst part was, she couldn’t even talk to Fox about it. He’d just tell her, as he already had, to ignore the scale. To focus on how her body felt, and how her clothes fit. So yeah, maybe her jeans weren’t quite as tight and she could run faster than she could at the beginning but still. How was she supposed to get her revenge body if she wasn’t losing weight?

  Her bottom tingled at the thought. If Fox had any idea she was still obsessed with impressing Todd, he’d have her ass. She’d kept that secret hidden away, assuring Fox she was in it for all the right reasons.

  Feeling dejected, she shot the scale one last evil look and went to curl up on her couch. Flipping on the TV, she searched for something to take her mind off her stubborn body. She had errands to run, but she didn’t feel like it now.

  Not finding anything she wanted to watch, she shut the TV off and grabbed her tablet. Maybe Fox was wrong. Maybe her body was different from the people he was used to working with and she should be on a different plan.

  Ugh. Just the word plan made her want to throw something. Not that she didn’t love a good plan. There was nothing more satisfying than a plan coming together. But that was the problem. The plan wasn’t coming together, at least not the way she wanted it to.

  Pulling up the search engine, she typed in diet not working and hit search. Jeez, everyone on the internet had an opinion. She was eating too much. Not eating enough. She should try low carb. Paleo. Clean eating. She should do more cardio. Less cardio. No cardio. All cardio.

  She was just about to give up and call Fox to confess her negative thoughts when an ad popped up. Curious, she clicked on it. A website immediately appeared, filled with dozens of nearly unbelievable before and after pictures. People boasting they’d lost ten, twenty, even fifty pounds in a matter of weeks. The same amount of time in which she’d lost two pounds. She clicked the button beckoning her to shop. No harm in looking, right?

  Pills. Powders. All manner of quick fixes, promising to do what sweating her ass off with Fox had yet to do.

  Fox would kill her if he found out. She had no doubt that he would whip her ass if he even thought she was using diet pills. But she was desperate. And the website promised it was safe. They couldn’t make bold claims like that if there were serious side effects, right?

  Before she could talk herself out of it, she added a bottle of pills to her cart and hit the checkout button. She had her credit card number memorized, so she didn’t even have to get up. She hit submit.

  There. No big deal, right? She’d keep working out with Fox. Maybe she’d start seeing some improvement before the pills came and she wouldn’t even need them.

  Feeling suddenly energetic, she set the tablet aside and hopped off the couch. She spent the next two hours cleaning her already spotless house to work off the nerves. When that didn’t work, she opted for a bath. She had a date with Fox, so it couldn’t hurt to start getting ready early.

  The bath helped a bit. She was at least feeling more relaxed, if not less guilty. “You have nothing to feel guilty about.” She lectured herself in the mirror as she carefully applied her makeup. “You’re a grown woman who can make decisions on her own.” A grown woman with a daddy who had no qualms about blistering her ass if she stepped so much as a toe out of line. But that was beside the point.

  She finished her makeup and spent the next hour searching for an outfit. The one she’d chosen for tonight didn’t fit right. Apparently, she’d lost the whole two pounds in her boobs. Her tops were sagging in weird places.

  The knock on her front door came just as she was pulling a dress over her head. Swearing under her breath, she wiggled into the dress and ran for the door. Fox was standing on the other side, and his normally cocky grin faded the second he saw her.

  “Goddamn, princess. You look incredible.”

  Mindy looked down. The dress was a vibrant purple that clung to her curves in a way she normally avoided. “I couldn’t find anything else to wear. I didn’t even think it was going to fit.”

  The cocky grin returned. “See? Progress. Told you the scale was a liar.”

  His words brought the guilt rushing back and she almost confessed. But there was no use getting in trouble for something she hadn’t really even done yet, so she bit her tongue and forced a smile.

  “Let me grab my purse and shoes and we can go.” She turned but was spun back around to face him. Strong arms hooked under her own, lifting her so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

  “Fox, put me down! I’m too heavy!” Panic tightened her chest as she imagined him collapsing under her weight.

  “Hush, princess. I’d hate to have to punish you before I get to taste that pretty pink pussy.”

  His tone said he wouldn’t hate it as much as he said, but she clamped her mouth shut anyway. She didn’t want to be punished. The other thing he mentioned sounded much better. But…


  “Yeah, princess?”

  “Um, I’ve never… I mean, nobody’s ever been down there.”

  He stopped in the middle of her living room and stared at her in shock. “What? Nobody? Why?”

  She shrugged. “I never asked. I was too embarrassed.”

  His shock slowly transformed to wicked pleasure. “Oh, princess. I’m going to really enjoy being your first.”

  Her heart raced at his words. He carried her into the bedroom, and laid her down on the bed. “I’m going to make you scream,” he promised, pressing hot, wet kisses to her neck. “And when you’re done, I’m going to make you come again. And when you’re weak and trembling, I’m going to fuck you and make you come again.”

  She was already at weak and trembling, so she just nodded silently. He pushed the dress up over her hips, his large, rough hands brushing over the stomach she so desperately hated. Slowly, inch by torturous inch, he peeled her panties over her hips, down her thighs and finally flung them across the room. He knelt in front of the bed, hooked his arms under her knees, and yanked her to the edge of the mattress. Mindy gasped, thrilled by the show of power and strength.

  He didn’t dive in, as she’d expected. Apparently, he wanted to take his time. He started at her knees, pressing gentle kisses to the sensitive skin of her inner thighs as he worked his way up.

  By the time she felt his hot breath on her curls, she was ready to scream. And when he used his tongue to open her to him, she shuddered at the wash of sensation.

  “Fox, please,” she whispered, lifting her hips in search of him.

  “Patience, princess. Your first time should be something you remember.” His low chuckle vibrated against her clit and she groaned with frustration. Then his tongue was on her again, and her entire world became the rush of pleasure between her thighs.

  He took his time tasting her, using his tongue to give her pleasure unlike anything she’d known before, lazily teasing her until she broke down and begged for release.

  “Daddy, please! It’s too much!”

  Digging his fingers into her hips, he held her firmly as he continued to torture her, his wicked tongue bringing her closer and closer to release until she finally surrendered, the pleasure exploding like a sunburst inside of her as she bucked beneath him, screaming his name.

  “Again.” The word was a harsh, guttural growl, the only warning she had before he began to feast again, pleasure and pain weaving together until they were one and the same.

  “I can’t. I can’t. Stop!” She arched beneath him, but her escape attempt only served to press her sensitive clit more firmly against his mouth.

  He ignored her, anchoring her in place as he ate his fill. And when she crested again, everything inside of her went molten.

  She lay there panting, whimpering from the sensory
overload as he stood and stripped. He hooked her knees over his shoulders as he pushed into her, his cock pressing against her already shattered nerves. He kept her immobilized, driving deeper into her than she’d thought possible.

  “One more time, princess.”

  He needn’t have bothered. There was nothing she could do to stem the flood of sensation as he moved inside of her. And when she clenched around him, giving in to the flood one final time, his roar of release echoed in her ears.

  Chapter 15

  She was floating. On what, she didn’t know, but she was floating and it was lovely. She wanted to float here forever.

  But her body began to grow heavy and she wasn’t floating so much as she was draped across something. Something hard. And uncomfortable. Frowning, she moved around, trying to find a comfortable position.

  “Somebody’s finally awake.”

  Fox. She grinned and shifted to look up at him. Her dress was still bunched around her waist, and they were stretched out on the bed together with her half on top of him.

  “That was really nice.”

  He smiled down at her, running his hand over her hair. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “I did.” She frowned. “Was it okay? I don’t like, taste weird or anything?”

  “You tell me.” He flipped her over, pinning her beneath him and kissed her, his tongue tangling with hers. The taste of her own honey on his lips was like forbidden fruit, exotic and sweet. And kind of spicy.

  “So?” He asked when he lifted his head.

  “I don’t really have a frame of reference,” she reminded him with a giggle.

  “Well, I do. And I say you’re delicious. Speaking of delicious things, I’m starving.” He rolled off of her, and pulled her to the side of the bed. “Get dressed so we can go to dinner.”

  “If you’ll remember, I was dressed. And then you got all handsy.” She bent down to pick up her underwear, then shot back up when his hand connected heavily with her backside. “Ow! What was that for?”

  Fox shrugged. “Because I wanted to. Have I ever told you how utterly spankable your ass is?”

  She wondered if she’d ever lose that warm, snuggly feeling she got from his compliments. “No. But feel free to tell me whenever you want.”

  He yanked her to him, his hands cupping the ass in question. “Your ass is a work of art. Every time you walk into my gym wearing those damn leggings, it takes every ounce of willpower I have to not drag you into the shower and fuck you senseless. I nearly punched one of my regulars in the face for looking a little too long when you were on the treadmill the other day. Your ass makes me want to do violent, dirty things.”

  “Ah, I would have accepted ‘you have a cute butt’ but that was nice, too.”

  He barked out a laugh and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “Get dressed, princess. I’ll stroke your ego some more when we get home.”

  “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”

  “Just get dressed.” He growled, planting another hearty smack on her bottom.

  It took half an hour and a short but painful trip over his knee for Mindy to feel ready to leave the house. Apparently being hungry significantly shortened Fox’s fuse, she thought sourly as she tried to get comfortable in his Jeep with her bottom still burning.

  “Where do you want to eat, princess?”

  Mindy sighed quietly. It was hard to stay annoyed with him when he called her princess. “I don’t know. I’m fine with whatever.”



  “I’ve heard good things about the Whitefin. Ever been?”

  She tried to ignore the sinking feeling in her stomach. “A few times. It’s nice.” They might not even run into Todd. Probably wouldn’t. She checked the clock and felt the weight lift a little. It was nearly eight, and Todd rarely ate later than six-thirty if he could help it. Jesus, how had she ever imagined she was in love with someone so predictable and boring?

  “Excellent.” There was a pause, a suddenly heavy and uncomfortable silence. “So, there’s a thing this weekend.”

  “A thing?”

  “Yeah. At my parents’ house. My mom decided a few years ago that she loves to entertain, so now they have these monthly barbecues. Family, friends from church, stuff like that. Want to come?”

  “That sounds like kind of a big deal. Are you sure you want me to come?”

  Without warning, he flipped his turn signal on and whipped the Jeep onto the shoulder, throwing it in park. He turned to face her. “I’m only going to say this one more time, so you better pay attention, little girl. Are you listening to me?”

  Mindy nodded, unsure of where this was going. “If I offer you something, I’m sure. If I ask you to come somewhere with me, I’m sure. The next time you ask me if I’m sure about something like this, there’s going to be hell to pay. Understood?”

  “But…” she trailed off at the flash of anger in his eyes. “Yes. I understand.”

  “Good girl. I’m not playing games with you, Mindy. And it’s insulting for you to continually think I am, or would. I’m getting real tired of it.”

  She lowered her eyes, unable to continue holding his gaze. “Sorry, Daddy.”

  He linked his fingers with hers, lifting her hand to his lips. “It’s okay, princess. Just try to have some faith in me. Okay?”


  “Barbecue tomorrow?”

  “Let me think about it.”

  Releasing her hand, he pulled back onto the road. They pulled into the Whitefin a few minutes later, and Mindy tried to nonchalantly check the cars in the parking lot as they walked to the front door. She didn’t see Todd’s, but he always used the valet, and she couldn’t see all of the valet lot from her vantage point.

  They were seated relatively quickly, much to her relief. The pain from her last spanking had faded, but she couldn’t sit still.

  Fox studied the menu. “So you’ve been here. What’s good?”

  “Anything but the poached salmon.”

  He glanced up, the corner of his mouth quirked up in a small smile. “Not a salmon fan, huh?”

  “No, not really.” That was a lie. She loved salmon. She just couldn’t stand to sit across from one more person who ordered the poached fucking salmon.

  “What are you getting?”

  “The grouper with a side salad, probably,” she answered, doing her best not to sulk.

  “You don’t sound too excited about it. What do you want, Mindy?”

  She smiled reluctantly. “The lobster mac and cheese.”

  “Then order that. It sounds delicious.”


  She froze. Oh no. No, no, no. Across from her, Fox glanced up at their visitor, then at her. Mindy forced her gaze up to the single person she had hoped she wouldn’t see.

  “Hi, Todd.”

  How was it that he looked the same, but completely different? Had he always been so… pasty?

  “You’re looking well. I see you’re finally taking your health seriously.”

  The words didn’t quite make sense at first, as though her brain couldn’t comprehend that he’d actually said that to her. Luckily, she was saved from responding by Fox’s low growl.

  “Who’s this, princess?”

  Todd’s eyes went wide and he looked from her to Fox and then back again. “Princess?”

  “Yeah, princess. I don’t think we’ve met.” Fox pushed to his feet. Between the extra six inches of height and probably at least a hundred more pounds of pure muscle, he dwarfed the interloper. “I’m Fox, Mindy’s boyfriend. You are?”

  “Todd. Mindy and I are, um, friends.”

  Fox looked over at her, his eyes going wide with feigned surprise. “You’re friends with this guy, princess?”

  The ridiculousness of it gave her a boost of confidence. “Not really. He’s kind of an asshole, actually.”

  There was a definite pride shining from Fox’s eyes. “Yeah?” He turned back t
o Todd. “Doesn’t sound like my girl is very interested in being your friend, Todd. So how about you scurry back to whatever hole you crawled out of and let us enjoy our dinner in peace. Sound good?”

  Todd looked from one to the other with his mouth slightly open, like a goldfish watching a tennis match. He eventually stormed off without another word. When he’d gone, Fox returned to his seat.

  “So. Lobster mac and cheese, huh?”

  She stared at him for a minute before bursting into delighted laughter. “What time is the barbecue tomorrow?”

  He grinned. “I’ll pick you up at ten.”

  Chapter 16

  She was ready at nine, and spent the next forty- five minutes pacing the living room, second guessing all of her choices. Was she underdressed? Overdressed? Too proper? Too slutty? Did she look like a sausage in this top? And her makeup. Why had she thought winged eyeliner was appropriate for a family barbecue?

  She’d just decided to start over when the doorbell rang. “Give me ten minutes!” She called through the door.

  “Not a chance. Open up, princess.”

  She knew that tone. That was the daddy tone that said she had better obey or risk getting her ass busted. With a sigh, she opened the door. “Ten minutes. I just need ten minutes to change.”

  “Why? You look great.”

  “I look like a sausage and I winged my eyeliner. I winged my eyeliner, Fox.” She could hear the hysteria in her voice, but she was helpless to stop it.

  “I don’t know what that means, but I do know you look perfect.” He pulled her into his arms, and she tried to relax, to let the safety and comfort of his embrace settle her like it always did, but it didn’t work.

  “Guess we should go,” she said quietly.

  “Not yet.” Fox put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around, then marched her into the living room. He sat on her couch and pulled her closer to stand between his legs. When he unsnapped her jeans, Mindy felt a wave of panic.

  “Wait! What did I do?”

  He smiled up at her, pulling the zipper down. “Nothing. You just seem a little tense.”


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