Daddy's Perfect Princess (The Shape of Love Book 1)

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Daddy's Perfect Princess (The Shape of Love Book 1) Page 14

by Stella Moore

  “You look so pretty, laid out like that for me.” His voice was deeper, throatier in a way that told her he wanted her as much as she wanted him. “Daddy has a present for you.”

  She watched him as he crossed the room to the bag he’d dropped by the foot of the bed. He crouched down and pulled a few items from the bag. Her heart rate picked up again when she spotted the blindfold he’d used to surprise her at the waterfall.

  “Close your eyes, princess.”

  Obedient as a puppy, she closed her eyes. The silky material settled over her eyes, and she felt him tie it behind her head.

  “Put your hands out in front of you, with your wrists together.”

  Pushing aside the fear of the unknown, she held her hands out as instructed. Something rough pressed into her skin, then wrapped around her wrists.


  “Yeah, princess?”

  “I… never mind.”

  She jerked at the sharp slap to her thigh. “No. Tell me, Mindy. You can’t keep things from me right now. Do you need me to untie you?”

  “No, I don’t think so. But would you? If I don’t like it?”

  “If it gets to be too much, you know your safe word, right?”


  “There you go. But no, I’m not going to untie you just because you whine or say it’s uncomfortable. If it seems like it’s truly upsetting you, or you safeword, we can stop. Got it?”

  She wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about that, but she wasn’t going to stop just because they were a little outside her comfort zone. “Yes, Daddy. I get it.”

  “Good girl.” The bed dipped beside her, and a moment later she felt him tug on her arm. Instinct told her to pull away, to demand that he remove the blindfold. But desire told her to follow his lead. So she let him guide her over his lap. His hand settled on her bottom, lovingly stroking her bare skin until she sighed and let herself relax over his knees.

  She tensed again when he lifted his hand, anticipation wrapping around her like the ropes he’d used to bind her hands before he brought his hand down again with a thunderous crack. Was it actually louder, or did it just seem that way because she couldn’t see anything?

  He spanked her again, then paused to squeeze each of her cheeks. “Doing okay, princess?”

  “Mm hmm.”

  His hand connected with her bottom two more times, heavier and harder than before and she hissed at the unexpected burn. “Is that how you talk to me, little girl?”

  She was going to explode if he kept lecturing her in that deep, stern voice. “No, Daddy. I’m sorry.”

  His only response was to spank her again. This time he kept going, delivering measured, even swats that had her bottom burning—not to mention the other fires he was slowly stoking. Desperate for even a little relief, she pressed her hips into his leg. But Fox was apparently not having it. Grabbing her right cheek with his left hand, he swatted the extra sensitive skin that was normally hidden by the curve of her bottom until she cried out in protest. Switching to the other cheek, he delivered the same punishment.

  “Daddy decides when you get to come, princess. So stay still.”

  “Sorry, Daddy.” Even though her bottom burned, she relished every spank, every stern word.

  “Good girl.” His hand slipped between her thighs, then went still when he stroked her lips. “Did you shave for me, princess?”

  “I wanted to surprise you. Do you like it?”

  “I love it. I think you should keep it like this.”

  She moaned when he slipped a finger inside of her, his gentle caress sending little shocks of electricity through her. She wanted to come more than she’d ever wanted anything, but Fox didn’t seem to be in any hurry.

  When he pulled away from her, she nearly wept. “Fox, please!”

  He tapped something against her bottom. It was heavy, but flexible. What the hell? “Not yet, princess. I want to see this bottom glowing red before you get to come.”

  With that, he snapped whatever it was against her bottom. The pain was sharp and just short of agonizing. “Ow! What the fuck is that?”

  “Excuse me, little girl?”

  His voice had dropped to a low, dangerous growl and she trembled in response. “I’m sorry, Daddy! I didn’t mean it!”

  “Since I already have you here, I’m going to let you off with a spanking instead of washing your mouth out. Stay still.” His arm wrapped around her middle and he pinned her in place as the wicked implement slammed into her bottom. He aimed straight for the middle, and the shocking pain took her breath away.

  “Daddy, please! It hurts!”

  A full dozen later, she was gasping and shaking over his lap, her bottom aching like a rotten tooth. “Are you going to watch your language, little girl?”

  She sniffled and nodded. “Yes, Daddy. I’ll be good.”

  “We’ll see,” he said with a low chuckle before snapping the implement against her right cheek. Having felt what it was like to be punished with the strange paddle, the swat was almost a relief. But as he continued, the burn began to build until she was whimpering and squirming over his lap.

  “Does it hurt, princess?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered.

  “Poor baby. I think I know what will make you feel better. Sit up.”

  Eager to discover what he had in mind, she pushed herself to her knees. The bed moved again, and then he helped her to stand. In the next second, he was gently pushing her down to kneel in front of him.

  Without being told, she opened her mouth. Fox gripped her hair with one hand, holding her still while he guided his cock past her waiting lips. The moan he let escape thrilled her to no end. She used her tongue to tease him as he slowly moved in and out of her mouth.

  “Such a good girl,” he crooned in that low, velvety voice that went straight to her core.

  She was past caring about her own release. At this point, she wanted nothing more than to please him, despite the ache between her thighs begging for attention. If he wanted to let her come, he would. And if he didn’t, she would learn to live with it. Because he was Daddy, and Daddy made the rules. Her entire world was centered around that one, simple, shining truth as she focused on being a good girl and using her mouth to please him.

  The only warning she had that he was going to come was his hand tightening in her hair, and the way his body tensed just before his seed spilled into her mouth. He was saltier than other men she’d tasted. She fought the instinct to swallow, knowing from experience that she wasn’t a fan.

  But again, the choice wasn’t hers to make. “Swallow, princess. Or you won’t get your reward.”

  Unwilling to let her refusal be what kept her from release, she obediently swallowed, gagging only slightly as it went down.

  “Good girl. Daddy’s turn.”

  He pulled her to her feet, and pushed her backwards onto the bed. She didn’t even have a chance to recover before his mouth was on her, torturing and teasing her. Pleasure and pain were one and the same as she struggled against the waves of pleasure, desperate to obey his command not to come.

  “Daddy, please!” She cried when it finally became more than she could bear.

  He lifted his head, and she wished she could see his face. “You want to come, princess?”

  “Yes, please! It hurts!”

  “Who does this pretty little pussy belong to?”

  “You, Daddy!”

  “And this ass?” He squeezed both cheeks, hard enough to make her cry out.

  “You! It’s all yours, Fox. Daddy!”

  “Good girl. Come for me.”

  When his tongue flicked her clit again, her world unraveled. Shattered. She bucked against his mouth, screaming as he drew every last drop of pleasure from her body.

  The orgasm left her trembling, stunned by the sheer force of it. She whimpered when he pulled the blindfold off, but he just murmured soothingly to her as he untied her wrists and then gathered her to him. When the shock of
it wore off, she was rewarded with that lovely floating feeling she’d come to know so well. Yawning, she snuggled into his embrace as he stroked her hair.

  “You okay, princess?” he asked softly.

  “I’m excellent. That was… wow.”

  He chuckled. “Agreed. Why don’t you get some rest and we’ll figure out dinner when you wake up.”

  Since her eyelids were already falling, it wasn’t hard to agree with him. Tucked safely in his arms, she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 22

  By the time Mindy woke Monday morning, her muscles were sore in the most delicious way. Fox was already in the shower, as he wanted to get to the gym ahead of her for his usual checklist. On top of being sore, she was exhausted. They’d spent the rest of Saturday night in bed, followed by most of Sunday. She’d never in her life felt so deliciously and thoroughly used.

  She sat up in bed, forcing her eyes to open. Coffee. She needed coffee, desperately. Pulling on a robe, she wandered into the kitchen where the life-giving scent of her favorite brew wrapped itself around her mind. Fox must have put a pot on before he’d gotten in the shower.

  The idea warmed her as much as the coffee did. She dreamed of waking up just like this every morning, each of them with their own routines that twined together to make their own perfect happy ever after.

  “You look happy.”

  She turned at his voice, and despite her flagging energy, every cell in her body felt pulled to him. She wanted him again. “I’m very happy. Coffee?”

  She’d meant to pour him a cup, but he simply walked over and plucked hers out of her hands and took a deep gulp. He coughed and scowled at the mug before handing it back to her. “What the hell did you do to that coffee, princess?”

  She hid her grin with the mug. “Skim milk. Two Splendas.”

  Shaking his head and laughing at her, he poured his own cup. “Meet me at the gym?”

  “I don’t suppose I could get a pass based on the strenuous workout we had this weekend?”

  “Not a chance, princess. And don’t be late, or I’ll have to spank you.”

  She deliberately rolled her eyes so that he could see her. “You’ll find a reason to spank me anyway.”

  “True,” he replied with a cocky grin. “See you in a bit. I love you.”

  Oh, how she hoped her heart would always sing like this when she heard those words from his lips. “I love you, too. I’ll be on time.”

  With a last lingering kiss, he disappeared into the bedroom to get dressed and then out the door. Mindy finished her coffee and then drank a second, but the caffeine didn’t seem to be kicking in. She hadn’t really been joking when she’d asked for the day off. Going to the gym when she was already worn out had no appeal. Pouring a third cup, her gaze landed on the cabinet where she’d stashed the diet pills.

  They’d given her a decent energy bump over the weekend. And she’d even lost the pounds she’d gained back after her night out with Jenna. All without any side effects. With a shrug, she twisted the lid off and dumped a pill into her hand. Popping it into her mouth, she washed it down with the rest of her coffee. Putting the lid back on the bottle, she stashed it back in the cabinet and went to get ready for the gym. By the time she arrived, the pills had worked their magic and she was her happy, bouncy self again.

  “Treadmill, princess,” Fox said as soon as she returned from the locker room.

  Humming happily to herself, Mindy hopped on and bumped the pace up to where she knew he would expect it to be. Feeling a little surge of energy, she bumped it up another couple notches.

  “Well look at you, Speedy Gonzales,” he said, grinning at her from his position beside the treadmill.

  “Good sex and coffee,” she quipped, ignoring the slight twinge of guilt.

  “And breakfast?”

  “Of course. I learned that lesson already.”

  A man she recognized as one of Fox’s regulars glanced over at her and snorted out a laugh. She felt herself blush hotly, but Fox either didn’t notice or didn’t care.

  “Good girl,” he replied gruffly.

  She breezed through the warmup, pleased that it was getting easier each time. Fox put her through her paces, but her energy didn’t wane, despite her muscles screaming at her.

  Fox was waiting for her when she got out of the shower, a habit he’d taken up not long after they’d started sleeping together. “Plans for today?” It was another habit he’d started a few weeks back. She supposed some women might bristle at their man wanting to know their every move, but she loved it. It gave her warm fuzzy feelings every time he asked.

  “Work, of course. Lunch with Jenna. Probably go right home after.”

  “I have a late appointment, but I can come over after if you want.”

  An idea popped in her head. Her instinct was immediately to reject it. She hadn’t weighed the pros and cons, or made any kind of plan. But maybe there was something to be said for spontaneity. It had served her pretty well so far.

  “You know, since you’ve been staying over so often, it would probably be a good idea to keep some clothes at my place. Like, all of them.”

  The room grew heavy with his silence. “You want me to move in?” he asked after a long pause.

  “Yes.” She turned her back to him. “Zip me up?”

  He tugged the zipper of her dress into place and spun her back around to face him. An emotion she couldn’t quite place filled his eyes. “You want me to move in. Just like that? No plan, no checklists, no long discussions about the ramifications or what ifs?”

  How well he knew her. She leaned into him, lifting her face for a kiss. “I love you. That’s all the plan I need.”

  “Then I guess I’m moving in.”

  “Excellent!” She pressed a loud kiss to his lips. “Oh, can you pick up a gallon of milk on your way home? We’re almost out.”

  His laughter followed her out of the locker room, and she hummed happily to herself all the way to work. She was still floating when she met Jenna for lunch.

  “You seem rather chipper for a Monday,” Jenna said with a sly grin when she slid into the booth.

  “I am rather chipper. I’m in love, Fox is moving in, and you’re only five minutes late. It’s a damn good day.”

  “Whoa.” Jenna stared at her. “Repeat that?”

  “The part where you’re only five minutes late? I know, I’m shocked too.”

  “Uh, no, but thanks for noticing. The part where Fox is moving in? As in, with you? In your house?”

  Mindy wondered if it was possible to smile too much. “Yes. He mentioned coming over tonight so I mentioned he should bring clothes. All of his clothes.”

  “Who the hell are you and what have you done with my bestie?”

  “I’m trying to be more spontaneous. I’m liking the results so far.”

  Jenna shook her head. “I’m all for spontaneous but holy crap. This is… wow. You’re sure?”

  “Yes. And no.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Yes, I’m sure I want him to move in. No, I’m not sure if it will last. But you know what? I want to try anyway. And you of all people should know how huge that is for me.”

  Jenna’s expression softened. “I do, kid.”

  Mindy sighed happily. “It’s just so perfect right now. And I know it won’t always be perfect, but I’m okay with that. We’ll work through the not-so-perfect parts.”

  The tears shining in Jenna’s eyes shocked her. Mindy couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen Jenna cry. “I love you, kid. I’m happy for you.”

  “I’m happy for me, too.”

  On her way home, Mindy decided they needed something special to celebrate moving in together. She stopped by the grocery store and picked up the ingredients she’d need for her chicken carbonara. Standing in the checkout line, her gaze was inevitably drawn towards the candy display. She was already having pasta. What more harm could a candy bar do? Grabbing a plain milk chocola
te bar, she tossed it onto the belt with her other purchases and checked out.

  In the car, she opened the bar and bit in. Munching happily, she drove home. She was halfway there when the guilt hit. She’d been so good about not giving into impulse buys lately. Fox would be so disappointed.

  Unless, of course, he never found out. She could hide the evidence, and take another one of her diet pills, and it would be like it never happened at all. Cheered by that thought, she finished the candy bar and shoved the wrapper in her purse to dispose of at home.

  After she’d unpacked the groceries, she grabbed a bottle of water and another pill which she quickly swallowed before starting dinner. And if her heart seemed to be beating a tiny bit faster again, it was probably just excitement. After all, she and Fox were taking a huge step tonight.

  She grinned at the thought. He was moving in. And he loved her. And she loved him. Jesus, could life get any more perfect? Maybe if they were getting married, but she wasn’t going to obsess over that. She was going to focus on enjoying where they were now.

  Fox walked in just as she was finishing dinner. “I could get used to this.”

  Mindy glanced over and raised an eyebrow at him. “To what, exactly?”

  He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck. “Coming home to you. Especially when you’re standing in the kitchen in these skimpy shorts and the place smells like heaven. What’s for dinner?”

  “Chicken carbonara.” Her tummy did a quick twist in anticipation of his lecture. “I know it’s not on plan, but I thought we could celebrate.”

  “I’m not mad, princess. It smells amazing. And that’s why we have that twenty percent, remember? But if you’re stressed about it, I could always give you a spanking to help you out.”

  She squeezed her thighs together to try and alleviate the ache his words caused. “Maybe after dinner. There’s a bottle of wine in the fridge if you want to get it.”

  “Wine on a work night? Somebody’s feeling naughty. Where’s your corkscrew?”

  She started to point to the cabinet, then realized with horror that it was where she’d stashed her diet pills. “I’ll get it, I know what it looks like.”


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