Operation: Married by Christmas

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Operation: Married by Christmas Page 2

by Debra Clopton

  “I’ve missed you too, Grandpa,” she said, blinking back tears, overwhelmed by how much. Fighting to control her emotions she smiled and nodded toward the others. “But, um, what’s with the show?” She lifted her eyebrow when her audience crowded closer then swamped her with enthusiastic hugs. She couldn’t get a word in as she was smothered, squeezed, cooed and clucked over. Her cheeks were even pinched by Esther Mae, making Haley feel six years old all over again.

  After a moment they stepped back and studied her again—as if they couldn’t believe she was really here. Haley studied them, too, knowing that to them she’d never grown up. She’d always been their little Haley Bell and it was obvious that she’d been right all those years ago to realize that some things would never change.

  To them she would always be the adorable little girl with the Shirley Temple hair who tripped over her shoelaces and knocked over the buffet table at church socials. Among a host of other mishaps that she’d never been able to live down while living in Mule Hollow.

  “We were all having coffee at Sam’s when Nate Talbert came in with the news that you’d come to town.” Robust in body and soul, Norma Sue beamed the broad smile Haley remembered so well.

  Haley leaned her head to the side. “Who’s Nate Talbert?”

  “Nate’s trailer was blocking the road,” Esther Mae offered, patting her short red hair. It had gotten flattened on one side during all the hugging. Haley noticed instantly that Esther Mae had had a make-over since the last time Haley had seen her. There was no forgetting the long hair Esther Mae had always teased and sprayed into a mountain on top of her head. There had always been the threat of a rock slide with the way she bobbed her head as she spoke. Now it was shorter, more-up-to-date and saucy—like Esther Mae herself.

  “Nate said you ran poor Will off, surprising him like that,” Stanley boomed. He, too, had a hearing problem.

  Ran him off!

  Haley’s shocked gaze met Applegate’s just as his bushy brows suddenly dipped together.

  “Youngin, what in the world do you have on?”

  “Oh!” Haley gasped as everyone’s attention dropped to the rumpled wedding dress she still wore. She cringed and wanted to crawl under the bed. Why, oh why, hadn’t she taken the time to change?

  Yes, she’d been dead on her feet, but this was really getting ridiculous. This was going to be one more Haley Bell tale to add to her already notorious dossier…. “Um, well—”

  “Look at that, Norma Sue. That is a wedding dress!” Esther Mae exclaimed. “Haley Bell’s been at it again. Again—”

  “Esther Mae, get a hold of yourself!” Norma Sue barked, rendering the room silent as she placed her hands on her ample hips and studied Haley. “Is that a wedding dress?”

  “Yes.” The word came out in a squeak as Haley dropped another year from six to five years old. This was not good. A month ago she had mentioned to Applegate that she was thinking about getting married. She was getting older, after all. But he’d gotten so agitated by the news that she hadn’t called him back to say she’d decided to go through with the wedding rather than wait. After all, she was a grown woman. It had been ten years and she’d grown up. She didn’t need him or the town telling her once more what she should and shouldn’t do.

  “You didn’t go through with it, did ya?” Applegate asked, his face drooping into a scowl.

  “No, Grandpa, once again I didn’t go through with it.” To her surprise a collective sigh passed from everyone in the room. Of course, she realized suddenly by their reactions, Applegate had shared with everyone that she’d been contemplating another wedding. One that didn’t include love.

  “I’m glad ya come to yor senses and didn’t go through with it,” he said, nodding his head. “Haley Bell, darlin’, you gotta love the one you marry and that’s all thar is to it.”

  “That’s right,” Stanley added. “Even if it takes lookin’ foolish a time or two fore ya know where yor heart belongs.”

  Haley bit her lip at that one. There was nothing like the brutal honesty a girl got from the ones who’d practically raised her. From the ones who might not ever let her grow up, but loved her in their own smothering way.

  She sighed, gazing from face to face…. Welcome home, Haley. Welcome home.

  Will stared at the eight-foot sheet of steel that was the canvas for his art. Intently he studied the scene he’d just finished chalking out. It was a small herd of cattle grazing beneath several oak trees. Once he cut it out with his plasma cutter, the welding torch he used, he would mount it in a frame of steel bars. After grinding the edges and adding a black powder coating, it would become an entrance gate for a wealthy ranch owner out of Wyoming.

  “So, can you do it?”

  Will turned back to Norma Sue and Esther Mae waiting impatiently for an answer. They’d arrived only moments before beaming with excitement. He’d known he was in for it the instant he saw Norma Sue’s truck winding up his drive. This day had started out on the wrong foot with his early morning run-in with Haley and now this….

  “Norma Sue, I’d like to help with the Christmas production, but like I said, I have commitments.”

  “Well, it’s really not a lot that we need,” Esther Mae whined, her feelings obviously hurt as she glanced from him to her cohort. “Tell him, Norma.”

  Norma Sue cleared her throat. “Right. Will, all we need is some simple welding. Mind you, it needs to look good, and you are the best there is when it comes to welding.”

  “Oh, yes. That’s the truth,” Esther Mae chimed in, nodding. “And we need just a little, teeny bit of drawing, too.” She waved toward the chalk scene. “And everybody knows you can draw anything.”

  Will was no greenhorn, and he knew these two were only getting started with their persuasive tactics. He didn’t have time; he was telling the truth. For despite the snow job, he had great respect for the two ladies in front of him and felt guilty turning them down. After all, he’d moved back to Mule Hollow because he’d read about the way the ladies and their friends were trying to keep their town on the map, and he admired their efforts.

  He’d also felt an obligation to come home. He had a business that could thrive from any locale, so it just didn’t feel right to stay away any longer. He figured the least he could do was give back to the community that had given him so much growing up. In truth, he’d missed Mule Hollow. He’d decided it was high time to put the ghost of his past behind him, and that could only be done if he came back to Mule Hollow and faced at least part of it.

  He studied their beaming faces. “Well, maybe I could find some extra time—”

  “That’s our boy!” Norma Sue exclaimed and slapped him on the back so hard he choked. “We knew you’d come through for us.”

  His eyes watered as he struggled for air, nodding along with them. He was a wimp and they knew it. Still, he couldn’t help smiling back at them…after he finally stopped choking.

  On her second morning in Mule Hollow, Haley was awakened at sunup by Applegate. He was on his way to Sam’s but wanted her to come to the diner around nine for breakfast with him. Sam’s Diner had been the mainstay of the community for as long as she could remember. She agreed to breakfast without a fight. Sam’s eggs were to die for and his coffee…Well, there wasn’t anything like Sam’s coffee.

  At eight o’clock she called her office and spoke to her assistant. Sugar relayed the consensus of the office—it was exactly what Haley had believed it would be. “Girl, if you’re crazy enough to walk out on a free ride like Lincoln Billings,” Sugar said, “then you’ve obviously gone off the deep end and need a break. And a therapist!”

  Financially, Haley could afford the time off, but career-wise she felt vulnerable. She imagined that her employers were wondering if the stress of working with their high-end clientele was getting to her. Sure, they were being cooperative, but she knew they wouldn’t wait long for her to return. Haley knew firsthand how competitive the market was. They had to keep up or lose out. If
she couldn’t cut it, they’d be forced to find someone who could.

  Haley pushed the pressure aside and focused on taking it one day at a time. She’d been working at the speed of light for so long it was going to be hard for her to slow down, even for a little while. But something deep inside of her was telling Haley she had to back off. And she was just tired enough to listen.

  Promptly at nine she drove into town and was shocked at what she saw. Mule Hollow had changed so dramatically that she was rendered speechless. Main Street had always been a straight shot of wood-fronted buildings dissected by a county road with a few adjacent buildings and anchored on the far end by the majestic turreted home of Adela Ledbetter. It had always had the look of an old western town. When one was approaching Mule Hollow, it stood out on the horizon like a weathered plank fence with a few broken boards. When she’d left, most buildings had been vacant and so worn that it was depressing. Today, her first glimpse of the rainbow of color was so vivid she gasped with shock.

  There was the bright pink building she’d read about in Molly Popp’s weekly newspaper column—it still amazed her that her home had a syndicated weekly column written about it. Not only did she read it, but it was sometimes breakroom talk at the office. Haley stared at the pink hair salon surrounded by all of the other colorfully painted buildings. It had taken a newcomer, Lacy Brown, to help liven up Mule Hollow. Her building, the one that had sparked the change, stood out like a flamingo in a spring bouquet. Haley was floored and saddened by the new upbeat appearance….

  Not saddened that such a wonderful thing had happened, but that she’d been in such a hurry to leave the dying town behind ten years earlier that she hadn’t seen any value in it. It saddened her that it took an outsider to see the potential. It saddened her to realize that she hadn’t stuck around to help revitalize her home town. Guilt at her selfishness began to leak in around the corners of the memory. Then again, she was the town’s little Haley Bell, who would have listened to her if she’d suggested that they paint the town blue and pink?

  No one would have. They would have patted her on the head and had a good chuckle.

  Cutting the thought off, she turned into the parking space in front of Sam’s Diner. She had gotten where she was in her career by adhering to a strict set of rules. She didn’t look back…. At least she tried not to look back. Still, memories stole up on her at times, forcing her to push them away in order to focus on achieving her new goals. Looking back stole energy away from her forward progress, from achieving her future. Looking back was not productive. And Haley was very productive.

  Aside from that, she knew firsthand that sometimes looking back hurt far too much.

  Then why had she come home?

  That question was ridiculous. She’d come to see her grandpa. Hadn’t she? She’d come home to rest. Or was she searching for something? Something that had caused this restlessness that had stolen over her in the last few months.

  She was almost to the steps when she heard someone call her name. Spinning around, she saw Brady Cannon striding across the street. Brady had been ahead of her in school and loved to pick on her growing up. He was now the sheriff of the town and had recently married. Applegate said he was as happy as a rabbit in a carrot patch. Looking at him now, Haley believed it.

  “I heard you were in town, Haley Bell, Haley Bell,” he said, smiling.

  Despite how she’d hated the teasing “Haley Bell” chant growing up, Haley laughed as he swept her into a bear hug. It seemed like a thousand years since she’d heard the familiar chant that he and his friends—including Will Sutton—used as they followed her around tugging on her pigtails. Nothing had given them more pleasure than to tease her when she did something they thought was funny.

  “How are you?” he continued as he let her loose and stared down at her.

  Brady was one of the tallest men she’d ever met. A giant of a guy who had always wanted to escape Mule Hollow the same way she did. He’d done it, too, and now he was back. She wondered what had changed his mind and brought him back. She wanted to ask him, but now wasn’t the time.

  “I’m doing okay,” she said, tipping her head up to see his face.

  “Okay? From what Applegate tells us, you’re setting the world on fire out there in the land of the rich and famous. Just like you dreamed.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s a living.”

  He studied her. “Is that a little disenchantment I hear in that reply?”

  What could she say to that? “Maybe. Not sure,” she admitted. “But whatever you do, please don’t tell Applegate or he’ll start a campaign to get me to move back home.”

  “And would that be so bad?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know.” She glanced down the street. “Things certainly have changed since I left.”

  Brady smiled. “Things are looking up for our little metropolis.”

  He looked so happy. Haley studied him. “Sheriff, I believe marriage agrees with you.”

  “God has really blessed me, Haley. I don’t regret being a cop in Houston, but it took coming back to Mule Hollow for me to find my heart.”

  “Are you sure you’re the same guy who used to torment me and dream of leaving Mule Hollow behind?”

  He grinned. “Do I sound sappy?”

  “Oh, yeah. But nice. It’s got to be a great feeling. Not that I would know…” Her voice trailed off, letting the rest go.

  “It’s obvious you made the right decision calling off another wedding.”

  Haley frowned. “What?”

  Brady’s eyes twinkled. “Yes, I know about it. You know how fast word spreads. What I’m saying is, if you’d loved the guy like I love Dottie then you’d understand the sappiness. And you’d be on your honeymoon right now rather than standing here in the middle of Mule Hollow talking to me.”

  “True. I guess I just can’t help wondering if there is something wrong with me. You know? Three tries and I’m still running. Needless to say, I’m giving up on weddings.”

  Brady surprised her by giving her a quick hug.

  “Don’t do that. Life isn’t a straight road, Haley. You might be surprised at where its twists and turns may lead you. Believe it or not, God is in control. Come on inside. I didn’t mean to keep you away from your breakfast.”

  “I have missed Sam’s eggs,” she admitted.

  “They’ve only gotten better over the years. He’s pretty sappy himself these days since he and Adela tied the knot. It’s not Adela Ledbetter anymore, but finally Adela Greene.”

  “I think that is so wonderful after all these years,” Haley said as he held the swinging door open for her and she stepped inside. There was no place on earth that smelled like Sam’s combination of coffee, eggs and the scent of old pine wood floors. Memories crashed though Haley’s mind in such a vivid wave that she came to a dead halt.

  As did every conversation in the diner.

  Chapter Three

  Okay, so why did she feel like the prodigal daughter? The question drummed through Haley’s head as every eye in Sam’s gave her the once-over. First up, then down, painstakingly slow, she felt the gazes moving over her. Of course, she’d expected it. She knew she looked out of place in her black silk pantsuit and her four-inch heels. She was, to say the least, overdressed. But she only had what was in her suitcase. A suitcase packed with honeymoon outfits…. And since she and Lincoln had been headed for the Riviera, her outfits were not exactly what you would classify as everyday Mule Hollow attire.

  She wasn’t a blusher. Instead, she lifted her chin, feeling as if someone had hit the pause button on the movie of her life.

  She saw cowboys she’d grown up with and a few faces she’d never seen before smiling at her. Not surprising was the fact that even though she didn’t know all the faces, it was clear from their expressions that they knew exactly who she was. It wasn’t all cowboys, either. There were women in the mix looking her up and down, too. There were Esther Mae and Norma Sue grinning like possums. And th
eir buddy, sweet Adela with her shining blue eyes and white wispy hair, smiling kindly as if she knew what thin ice Haley was skating on. Because Mule Hollow was too small to have its own school they’d always shared a centrally located school about twenty miles away with two other small communities. Looking around the room, she was startled to see cowboys she recognized. Obviously the cowboy way had had more of a pull on them than the girls, because she didn’t recognize any of the women. No wonder Norma Sue and the others had resorted to advertising for women to move to town.

  And they were smiling, too. As if they were more than glad to be living and breathing Mule Hollow air. As if they could live here for the rest of their lives.

  Suddenly, as if the pause button had been released, the diner erupted into sound and movement. Yet Haley’s mind continued to move in slow motion as everyone started clapping and shouting.

  “Surprise!” They all yelled together. It was only then that she understood the reason Applegate had insisted she meet him at the diner. This was her welcome home gathering!

  Grinning, Brady looked down at her. “I was running a bit late out there.”

  “You could have warned me,” Haley said out of the corner of her mouth, trying to quell her sudden sense of vulnerability.

  “And ruined all their fun? My job is to keep the peace around here.”

  Chuckling, he watched as Haley was engulfed by a herd of old friends.

  Sitting at the counter, Will watched the town welcome Haley. They’d done something similar when he’d moved back to town. There was nothing like the warmth of Mule Hollow. It was a place where once you belonged, you always belonged. But watching Haley’s shell-shocked expression, he couldn’t help wondering if the feeling was mutual.

  Haley had created quite a life for herself in California, and by the almost robotic way she was receiving the hugs from everyone he was more than certain that she didn’t share their feeling that she had “come home.” Some things never changed.

  She looked great, though. Will couldn’t deny that the years had been good to Haley. Her skin glowed and her golden hair gleamed in the light like polished brass, setting off her green eyes. She had the most amazing eyes, big and expressive, they dominated her oval face. When she smiled though, when she really smiled, it was as if she lit up the world. At least that was how it had felt to him.


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