Minnie (Orlan Orphans Book 11)

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Minnie (Orlan Orphans Book 11) Page 8

by Kirsten Osbourne

  “You’re welcome. Your sister Penny helped me with that. She made them. I wanted to give you a present that would be something nice you could wear on a date,” Timothy said boldly.

  Minnie thought she had an idea where this was going, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up. “Hm. They’re beautiful, but I don’t have any dates planned. It’s a shame.”

  Timothy laughed. “I hope to change that, Minnie. I asked Cletus permission to ask you out on a date. I wanted to get your thoughts on the matter. Minnie Sanders, will you go out with me this Saturday evening?”

  Now, Minnie was doubting her ears. She had given up hope that Timothy Parker was interested in her in any way, and now he was asking her out on a date! She wondered when he had asked Cletus for this permission. She couldn’t believe Cletus hadn’t warned her!

  Suddenly, Minnie felt self-conscious. For the past few days, she hadn’t cared what she was wearing or what she looked like. Now, she felt shabby standing in front of Timothy in his well-tailored suit.

  Timothy sensed that Minnie felt unsure about something. He wanted to make sure she understood his intentions. “Minnie, I’ve been attracted to you since the moment I met you. You’re beautiful and kind, and I have fun any time I see you or talk to you. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to court you.”

  Minnie relaxed a little. “Nothing would give you greater pleasure, is that right?”

  Timothy blushed. “Nothing appropriate.”

  “We’ll have to see about that.” Minnie paused. “I do have one question for you.”

  “Anything.” Timothy prayed that she’d accept his invitation.

  “What took you so long to ask me on a date if you’ve felt this way since we met?” Minnie wondered.

  “Honestly, Minnie, it was Cletus that kept me from asking you out. He didn’t want us to become involved, and I wanted to respect his wishes. He and I had a good talk today, and he told me I could ask you.” Timothy hoped Minnie would understand.

  “Yes. He said something to me about that, too. No mixing business and family,” Minnie recalled.

  “Yes, that’s exactly right. Oh, and there was the small matter of three different men asking Cletus’s permission to ask you on a date! I didn’t think I had a chance,” Timothy reminded Minnie.

  Minnie laughed. “Trust me, the others never had a chance!”

  Timothy still hadn’t heard a ‘yes’ from Minnie, but he was feeling more positive because of her smile and light tone. “Is that so?”

  “Yes, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since I met you! And the others proved to me that they were really not good matches,” Minnie told Timothy.

  “I have to admit, I was pretty jealous,” Timothy confided.

  “Well, Abner doesn’t count. He’s constantly chasing after every girl in town,” Minnie explained. “Troy was nice enough, but he really wasn’t able to talk to me. I think communication is very important in a relationship. I couldn’t see a future for the two of us.”

  “What about that young man with the fancy automobile?” Timothy asked.

  Minnie laughed. “Well, he revealed his true character to me, and I did not like what I saw. He was very rude to people who worked for him, and I wasn’t impressed. I don’t feel like spending more time with him at all.”

  “Wow. Sounds like you’ve been through a lot in the past few weeks,” Timothy remarked.

  “I can truthfully say it’s been full of ups and downs.” Minnie shrugged.

  “I hope right now can count as an up.” Timothy looked at Minnie expectantly.

  Minnie smiled. “I would love to go out with you this Saturday. I look forward to it.”

  A wave of relief washed over Timothy. Just as he started to relax, a new fear set in. Now he had only a few days to plan the perfect date!

  Chapter 10

  Saturday morning and afternoon dragged on for Minnie. She couldn’t wait to go on her date with Timothy. Minnie’s sisters helped her prepare for her date. She bathed with a lilac-scented soap that Dorothy had given her for her birthday. Theresa braided her hair, and Katie wove a tiny bit of baby’s breath into each plait.

  Edna Petunia helped Minnie pick out a lovely blouse and skirt to wear and let her borrow a necklace Cletus had bought her as a gift. She also wore the beautiful silk gloves from Penny as Timothy had asked. “Remember, Minnie, if he does anything you don’t like, you come right home, and Cletus and I will deal with him.”

  Minnie smiled. “I don’t think that will be necessary, Edna Petunia, but thank you.”

  “You never know with young men these days. They don’t make them like they used to,” Edna Petunia complained. The girls knew when Edna Petunia spoke like this, it meant she had a story to tell about how this generation’s young men paled in comparison to the young men of her generation.

  “Cletus can attest to it. Timothy is different. He has excellent manners and is respectful of all my wishes,” Minnie reassured her adoptive mother.

  “Hm. Well, you know where we’ll be this evening,” Edna Petunia said. Minnie smiled. She knew Edna Petunia was just looking out for her. Her parents could be so overprotective sometimes!

  The hours ticked by slowly. Minnie tried to play a few games with her sisters to distract herself, but she wasn’t able to concentrate for very long. She kept imagining Timothy’s arms wrapped around her own, or his lips pressing against hers. Every time she thought of him, she got shivers down her spine and felt flushed. She had to get a glass of cold water to cool herself down.

  Finally, the appointed hour arrived. Timothy drove up with his normal horse and another horse pulling a wagon.

  Minnie was impressed. “Since when do you have a wagon?”

  Timothy grinned. “Since earlier today. I ran a few errands, and finding a more permanent mode of transportation was important.”

  “Why is that?” Minnie asked.

  “One horse isn’t going to be big enough for me and my future wife and children.”

  Minnie could feel her face turning red. She wished she had kept some of that cold water. She longed for Timothy’s touch so badly that it hurt, but she tried to act calm. “Wife and children? My, this is an interesting first date.”

  “The first of many, I hope. Also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you that you look stunning tonight.” Timothy admired Minnie’s hair and clothes.

  “Thank you.” Minnie felt so wonderful listening to Timothy’s compliments. She could get used to this.

  Timothy helped Minnie climb into the wagon. Cletus and Edna Petunia came out to see them off. Timothy shook both of their hands and thanked Cletus again for his trust in him.

  “Don’t make me regret it, son,” Cletus said sternly. Minnie fought back a giggle. Cletus had the biggest heart of anyone she knew. But he also was very good at playing the role of the grumpy, overprotective father. And though he hadn’t been tested recently, she knew he meant it. If anyone truly harmed one of his daughters, they would regret it. Still, she knew that wouldn’t be necessary with Timothy. She’d managed to find one of the good ones.

  Timothy and Minnie waved goodbye to Cletus and Edna Petunia as they set off.

  “I realized I never asked. Where are we going?” Minnie asked once they were moving.

  “It’s a surprise.” Timothy smiled.

  Minnie felt a thrill of excitement. She knew she shouldn’t get her hopes up on a first date, but she couldn’t help it. She had a very good feeling about Timothy already.

  The sun had just begun to set, and the sky was a beautiful mix of colors. Timothy parked the wagon in a small wooded area near Main Street and tied the horses to a post. He helped Minnie down from the wagon, then got a picnic basket from the back.

  “I hope you like what I brought,” Timothy said shyly. He unpacked a blanket and set it down on the ground, then pulled out a loaf of bread, a small ball of butter, a few jars of jam, and some apples. “I like this spot because the sunset looks beautiful, and once the sun goes
down fully, we’ll be able to see the stars.”

  “Thank you.” Minnie was impressed. “All of this looks delicious.”

  Timothy looked relieved as he began unwrapping the food and utensils he’d brought. “I’m so glad you agreed to come out with me tonight. I wasn’t sure you would be interested.”

  “Really? I tried to send you a hint that day we had lunch in Cletus’s office!” Minnie exclaimed. “I thought you were simply not interested in me!”

  “How could you think that? I’ve been interested in you since the very first day we met.” Timothy grinned at Minnie.

  “It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that we’re together now.” Minnie laughed.

  “And I intend to keep it that way.” Timothy stared at her, pretending to be stern, and they both burst into laughter.

  Minnie felt free to say anything in front of Timothy. She didn’t feel like she needed to be on her best behavior. She could relax and just be herself without any pressure to act like someone she was not.

  Pink, red, and purple light danced across the sky as Minnie and Timothy ate their supper. They talked and laughed for hours as the sun went down and it grew dark.

  A few stars shone brightly in the night sky, and Timothy scooted a little closer to Minnie so they could both see the stars. As he brushed against her, Minnie felt a tingling sensation all across her body.

  “Minnie Sanders, I want to be with you every moment of the day,” Timothy whispered into her ear, setting off another wave of tingling.

  “That’s what I want, too,” Minnie replied softly.

  Timothy buried his face into Minnie’s hair and inhaled deeply. He loved the smell of this woman. Well, technically, he loved everything about this woman, but her smell was also incredibly lovely.

  Timothy and Minnie stayed seated like that for some time, enjoying the closeness of each other’s company. Finally, Timothy couldn’t take it anymore.

  He lowered his head and began kissing Minnie passionately. Minnie was surprised at first but soon began to kiss back. Though she had never been kissed before, his tongue pressing against hers was suddenly the most natural thing in the world.

  Timothy caressed Minnie’s arms with his hands. He wanted to go further, but he stopped himself. He moaned in pleasure, feeling her slight, warm body against his.

  “There’s so much more I want to do to you,” Timothy confided.

  Minnie groaned. “I want that, too, but obviously, we can’t.”

  Timothy sighed. “I know you’re right, but pulling myself away from you feels so wrong.”

  “I know exactly what you mean.” Minnie’s body longed for more attention from Timothy. She wanted to feel his hands all over her body, to feel his lips caressing every inch of her.

  Timothy struggled to catch his breath. “The effect you have on me is crazy.”

  “I could say the same thing about you.” Minnie couldn’t believe how right everything felt. When she had been on her dates with Troy and John David, she had felt no physical connection to them. Now, it felt like she and Timothy were linked by something magnetic. Everywhere he went, she wanted to go.

  “I’m going to have to stop myself before I do something foolish and get us both in trouble.” Timothy exhaled.

  “I appreciate that,” Minnie told him. “As you know, my family and I are very traditional.”

  “I wish we didn’t have to stop, though.”

  “I have an idea,” Minnie said. “Please stand up.”

  Timothy stood up, confused.

  Minnie moved the picnic basket to the middle of the blanket. “I don’t want our date to end. I want to keep talking to you. But I think we need a barrier between us.”

  Minnie sat on one side of the basket, and she gestured for Timothy to have a seat on the other side. Timothy grinned. He was just thrilled the night didn’t have to end.

  Timothy and Minnie spent hours talking and laughing as the night went on. Timothy couldn’t believe how strong their conversation was. He and Minnie were compatible on everything, from activities they enjoyed to foods they liked to the value of hard work and perseverance.

  After a few hours, Timothy worked up the nerve to ask another question he’d had in mind for a while. “Minnie Sanders, this is going to sound nuts, but please hear me out. I’ve had my eye on you since I came to this town, and I know I’ll never meet another woman who is more perfect for me. I know this is our first date, but will you marry me?”

  Minnie couldn’t believe it! She pushed the picnic basket out of the way and kissed Timothy square on the lips. “Yes!”

  Timothy breathed a huge sigh of relief. He had been a little nervous that Minnie would have thought he was strange for proposing so quickly, but then he remembered a few stories Cletus had told him about his other daughters. Apparently, quick marriage proposals were somewhat common for the Sanders girls. Timothy hoped there would be a short engagement as well. He couldn’t wait to make Minnie Sanders his bride.

  A few weeks later, it was a beautiful, hot summer day. The people of Nowhere, dressed in their finest, set up dozens of dishes on picnic tables outside the local church.

  “Attention!” Katie Sanders cried. “The ceremony is about to begin!”

  The townspeople swarmed into the church. As organ music began to play, everyone quieted. At the back of the church, Minnie Sanders appeared, escorted by her father, Cletus. Minnie wore a stunning white silk gown and the white silk gloves Timothy had given her. Her hair fell in soft curls around her shoulders. She looked more beautiful than even Timothy had dreamed she would.

  Timothy beamed at his beautiful bride. He knew they didn’t have to wait much longer, but he simply couldn’t stand another moment not being married to Minnie. The past few weeks had been challenging enough, trying to coordinate plans for his family to attend a wedding in Nowhere and trying to figure out how to plan a wedding for one of the Sanders daughters.

  Edna Petunia had gone back and forth on whether or not she wanted to help with the wedding a dozen times. In the end, she had settled for baking a cake and allowing Minnie and Timothy to make the rest of the decisions.

  Timothy had allowed Minnie and her sisters to take over, and he had to hand it to them. Everything was perfect. Then again, there was only one thing that mattered. At the end of the day, he’d be married to Minnie Sanders.

  Cletus walked Minnie down the aisle and shook Timothy’s hand.

  As Pastor Micah began the familiar service, Minnie beamed at the congregation. She didn’t know what she had done to deserve such a wonderful life, and it was only just beginning.


  Six months later, Minnie waved goodbye to her sister and came back into the house carrying a box. She loved the house Timothy had purchased for them just after they’d gotten married. He had used his savings from his new job and a small gift from his parents to purchase a large, rambling farmhouse near where Penny and Tom lived. The farmhouse needed some work, so each weekend for the past six months, Timothy and several of his brothers-in-law and nephews had lovingly fixed up nearly every room in the house.

  Now, Minnie had a huge kitchen that she loved, a wonderful parlor full of comfortable furniture, and several bedrooms in case guests wanted to visit. She also had a few plans for filling up those bedrooms with children.

  Timothy came into the parlor and saw the box Minnie was carrying. He took it from her. “Where would you like me to put this?”

  Minnie smiled gratefully at her husband. She still couldn’t believe her luck to be married to such a good man. “Thank you. Over on the desk would be great.”

  Timothy set the box down on the desk. “What’s in here, anyway? It’s very light.”

  “Oh, just a few things Dorothy thought might come in handy for me,” Minnie said casually.

  Timothy was curious. “Oh, for the house?”

  “Not quite.” Minnie grinned.

  “Clothes for you?” Timothy guessed.

  Minnie giggled. “You’re
very close, but the clothes in that box aren’t for me.”

  Now Timothy was puzzled.

  Minnie walked over to him. “Why don’t you open the box?”

  Timothy was completely lost, but he did as Minnie suggested. He pulled out the first thing his hand felt in the box and held it up. It was an elaborate white christening gown designed for an infant. Timothy gasped. “You don’t mean—?”

  Minnie beamed. “Yes. We’re going to have a baby!”

  Timothy’s mouth dropped open. Starting a family with Minnie was everything he had ever wanted. “I’m so happy! I love you!”

  “I love you, too.” Minnie walked over to Timothy and placed his hand on her stomach. It was still flat. Dr. Harvey had guessed she was about three months along, but Minnie knew from watching her sisters go through pregnancy that that soon wouldn’t be the case.

  Minnie sighed happily as Timothy wrapped his arms around her and covered her in kisses. Everything had worked out exactly right. She had married her perfect man, and they were about to start the family she’d always dreamed of.

  About the Author


  Also by Kirsten Osbourne

  If you enjoyed this book and would like to receive emails when Kirsten has new books out, please text ‘Bob’ to 42828.

  For a complete list of Kirsten’s works head to her website wwww.kirstenandmorganna.com




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