Infinite Assassins: Daggerland Online Novel 2 A LITRPG Adventure

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Infinite Assassins: Daggerland Online Novel 2 A LITRPG Adventure Page 18

by Peter Meredith

  She sighed. “Of course not. But the Sun God sees much. His power is very great, and you would be wise to apologize when we reach the temple.”

  Now it was his turn to say, “You’re not acting like your usual self.” He gave her a closer look and saw the glint of gold hanging from a chain around her neck. It wasn’t the night and stars symbol that she normally wore. Before she could react, he grabbed the pendant hanging from her neck and held it up. It was the sun symbol of Apollo.

  “You’ve given up on her?” he asked.

  Amanda looked down in embarrassment. She had been the cleric of Elbereth, one of the chief goddesses of the elves. Unfortunately, Elbereth and all of the elven gods disappeared during the Battle of the Pit and hadn’t been heard from since. It was thought by most that The Infinite One destroyed them just as he had destroyed an entire army of heroes. For the last year, Amanda had hoped that the elven gods were only in hiding, perhaps recovering from their wounds.

  “You were in trouble,” Amanda admitted in a whisper, “and I couldn’t wait any longer for Elbereth.”

  Roan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Elbereth’s sacrifice had saved both of their lives and for a god that was not only tremendous but basically unheard of. Gods, even the good ones, used their clerics like pawns to further their own interests. Elbereth’s sacrifice had cemented a fanaticism in Amanda that had lasted until that night, apparently.

  The two were quiet for the rest of the short walk to the temple of Apollo. This time the outer gates were guarded by two stern-faced women in glittering mail. There was also an older human in white robes just inside the grounds.

  “Excellent work, Amanda,” he said, gazing up at Roan. “Has he brought a proper sacrifice?”

  “He has.” Amanda had been carrying the magic shield and one of the swords they had taken from the dead adventurers. She held them up the man.

  “Whoa!” Roan cried, grabbing the shield and sword and holding them in his arms as if they were favored toys and he a sulking toddler. “Hold on. I’m not sacrificing anything. These are mine.”

  Amanda looked embarrassed. “He’s not normally like this, Archbishop. It’s the class he’s chosen. He’s usually a man of great honor.”

  The archbishop smiled cryptically and said only, “Yes,” before turning on his heel and heading towards the temple itself. When Roan and Amanda didn’t immediately follow, he snapped his fingers. Amanda gave Roan’s arm a tug and pulled him along. Roan dragged his feet, his guilt heavy on his shoulders.

  “I assume you remember the way,” the archbishop said.

  “I didn’t kill any of your clerics,” Roan answered. “They were already dead. All I did was…all I did was what I had to. This is bigger than a few dead priests and some hurt feelings. Amanda will vouch for me.”

  The old man stopped in the doorway of the temple. “Do you really wish to drag Amanda into this? Whatever your reasons, good or evil, do not matter. You stole from the Sun God and the punishment for that is almost always death. Maybe a suitable offering will spare you.”

  Or I can turn around right now, Roan thought to himself. It wasn’t just his life on the line. He had Cricket to think about. Still, with Amanda giving him a pleading look, he brought the sword and shield to the altar. “Sorry about stealing your stuff,” he grumbled, not believing for a second that Apollo would come down and smite him.

  When the Sun God remained up on Mount Olympus or wherever it was he vacationed at this time of the year, Roan walked back to Amanda. “Looks like I’m forgiven. Can we go now?”

  “Not yet,” the archbishop said. “I need to know a few things first. Amanda insists that you are an implacable enemy of The Infinite One and yet your actions seem to suggest otherwise. You say that you killed no one, and yet it was your face that was revealed to me by the Sun God when I asked for guidance and revenge. Tell me everything and do not lie for I will know.”

  “Are you a player?” Roan asked. When the old man gave a small nod, Roan told him everything, including what was happening on the other side. “That is why I stole from the temple. I wanted to find a way to infiltrate Arching’s assassin group. I’ve managed to get in good with Tarranon the Red. He runs the Ghak territory where The Infinite One has a temple. But you already knew that, I’m sure, which leads me to wonder why you sent such a weak group to go after The Infinite One’s temple?”

  “I didn’t. Those orders did not come from this temple or from any temple within the boundaries of my jurisdiction, which includes all of the lands from here to the Pelinors.”

  Roan started to get a sinking feeling in his belly. “If you didn’t issue the orders, then where did they come from?”

  The old man grinned his yellowed teeth showing with what Roan could swear was a touch of evil. “That’s what you’re going to find out.”

  Chapter 19

  The Temple of Apollo, Oberast

  “And why would I do this for you?” Roan demanded. “This sounds like a job for you and your followers.”

  “Which now includes Amanda,” the archbishop said. “I would think that since you two are in a relationship, you would be concerned for her safety.”

  A growl of anger escaped Roan. “If we were on the other side I’d…” Amanda cleared her throat and Roan had to bite back the threat. “I care about Lady Amanda of Water Fell, but I love Amanda Waterfall and that’s why I’m not going to get mixed up in your temple issues. You heard what I told you about Arching. He’s killed at least seven people and right now the only thing keeping Amanda alive is the fact that she’s on the other side of the country and not a part of any of this. And I’m going to keep it that way.”

  “But she is a part of it already,” the archbishop cried. “There is a direct connection. She has just become a cleric of Apollo and now there’s a sudden flare up between two religions? Don’t you see that this isn’t coincidence? Don’t you see the danger to her and to all of us, or are you so wrapped up with what’s happening to you that you are now blind?”

  Roan’s hands were knotted into fists, and once more Amanda had to put a hand on his shoulder. He came close to brushing it off and he was pretty sure that if he had the archbishop, old or not, would have killed him.

  “Oh please,” Roan sniffed. “You’re not in danger. You had a few basement dwellers get tricked into an adventure they barely survived. Arching or whoever it is assassinating people are not going to go out of their way to hurt a few gamers. And if they were to, it’s all the more reason to stay out of this. And you, too Amanda. I didn’t tell you where I was or what I was doing for a reason. I’m trying to protect you.”

  She finally spoke. “I understand but you are in too much danger to do this alone. Besides, I agree with the archbishop, someone or something is trying pull me into this mess. I decided to change my allegiance to the Sun God and not an hour later, these adventurers attack the Infinite One’s temple. And you just happen to run into one of the guys in the party? No, this was a setup.”

  Roan had to agree. “And it’s why you’re done, Amanda.”

  “She’s not done,” the archbishop said. “She has a duty to her god.”

  “What’s your name on the other side?” Roan asked the archbishop. When he asked why Roan wanted to know, Roan told him, “So I can tell Arching who’s after him. I just want to see how devoted you are to your god when it’s your real life on the line.” The archbishop was powerful in Daggerland, but on the other side he was just as weak as anyone else. He clamped his jaws shut. Roan, feeling flush with this minor victory, turned to Amanda. “I want you to clock out. I’ll call you when I get safely back in Ghak territory.”

  “I can’t, I’m sorry. You won’t make it alone.” When his face started to cloud over again she said, “At least stay here in the temple for a little while until things start to calm down.”

  He was bone tired, there was no denying that fact. He let himself be drawn along to one of the same rooms he had rummaged through the day before. It was now e
mpty and almost sterile in its cleanliness.

  “Sleep,” Amanda said, kissing him. “I’ll watch over you.” He trusted her completely and quickly dropped away into a dreamless sleep. When he woke, it was late afternoon; close to four, judging by the length of the shadows. He would have to get moving if he wanted to cross back into Ghak territory before his time expired.

  First there was the matter of his character to attend to. With a thought, he brought up his character sheet:

  Character Name: Ratchet

  Class & Level: Rogue - Level 4

  Race: Human

  Alignment: Neutral Evil

  Experience Points: 4095 XP To Next Level: 6000

  Strength – Dexterity – Constitution

  S: 16(+3) D: 15(+2) C: 17(+3)

  Intelligence – Wisdom – Charisma

  I: 16(+3) W: 16(+3) C: 16(+3)


  Armor: 13(15) Hit Points: 33/33

  Initiative: +2Speed: 12

  SAVING THROWS: Will: 4 Fortitude: 4 Reflex: 5


  GOLD: 1118.4





  Dagger +1

  Hand Crossbow


  Studded Leather


  Potion(Unknown) x10

  Healing Potion * Magic Wand

  Magic Rings x2 * Scrolls x3

  Magic Sword x1


  Quiver * Bolts x14

  Backpack * Cloak

  Matches * Waterskin

  Pouches x2

  Thieves Tools * 20 pairs of thumbs

  Common Jewelry * Sapphire


  † Spells Known †


  Tier 1 Spells:

  Tier 2 Spells:

  † Spells Prepared †


  Tier 1 Spells:

  Tier 2 Spells:



  Name - Bonus – Damage

  Rapier +5 1-6+3

  Dagger +7 1-6 +4


  Locate Traps

  Lucky Roll

  Sneak Attack +2D6

  Trap Awareness

  Spirit Dodge


  Skills: Balancing +4, Bluff +4, Climb Walls +6, Enable/Disable Traps +5, Disguise Self +6, Hide in Shadow +6, Jump +6, Move Silently +5, Pick Lock +5, Search +6, Sleight of Hand +4, Spot +4, Use Magic Item +5

  Adding +1 to one of his abilities had been foremost on his mind until that is, he saw that his alignment had changed. He had started the game as a lawful evil thief and now he was neutral evil. It was true that he had not been doing much that could be considered lawful, though in this case the term lawful was closer to “ordered.”

  When he thought of lawful evil, he thought of Nazis or very meticulous serial killers. Chaotic evil characters were hot-tempered, vicious, opportunistic and above all, unpredictable. Arsonists were frequently chaotic evil.

  It made him wonder if he could become accidentally good. “I hope not,” he muttered, thinking it would ruin all the hard work he had put into burning down a good chunk of the city. He set aside the ethical conundrum and quickly added the plus to his dexterity, giving himself a 16, which added to both his armor class, his reflex saving throws and his attack bonuses.

  Next he went about allocating his skill points. One went to Balance, Climb Walls, Disable Traps, Disguise Self, Hide in Shadow, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Lock, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot and Use Magic Item.

  When he was finished, he pulled out the magic gear he had taken from the adventurers and gave them a once over, however the only thing he could figure out was that one of the rings was an Asari Ring of Defense +2. He stuck it on his finger and went in search of Amanda who was seated outside his room studying a scroll of her own.

  When she smiled at him, it was with her usual brightness. “There’s still time to change things out. You don’t have to remain a thief. I was talking with the Archbishop and he said if you were to come back as a cleric, he would take you in even if you came back as an elf.”

  “You like me better as an elf?”

  She shrugged. “You’re not as grim. It’s just a thought, Roan. You may not see it or even feel it, but your soul is becoming dark and the further along this path you go, the darker it will get. Evil players are evil people. Normally they bring their evil with them to Daggerland, but that is not always the case. Sometimes it goes the other way.”

  “I know what I’m doing.”

  “Haven’t you heard those very same words from FBI agents who later become addicted to the very evil they were trying to eradicate?”

  A lecture wasn’t the greeting he had been expecting and he could feel the heat of his anger rising within him. He could feel his evil pulsing—the very thing Amanda was warning against. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he said, “That’s one of the reasons I need you back in California and not in Daggerland. One of the things that will push me over the edge is someone threatening you. I don’t know what I’d do.”

  A sigh escaped her. “You don’t have to worry about me, the Archbishop has ordered me to stay on the grounds until he says otherwise. And, since you won’t help him find out who issued the orders to attack The Infinite One’s temple, you are to be escorted out of the gate as soon as you wake.”

  “I have to get moving, anyway, but before I go, can you look at these items?” Roan opened his pack and she nosed through the contents.

  “I don’t know all of the potions, but these two light blue potions are Potions of Flying. The darker blue one is a potion of Water Breathing. Let’s see the sword.” She held it close to her face as if either sniffing it or listening to it. She then ran her hand across the edge. “It’s a Doom blade. It’s attuned to our plane of existence. It is more powerful and deals extra damage against any creature not of this world.”

  Now that she had named the magic behind the blade, it suddenly became obvious to Roan: Extra-Planar Doom Sword +3. It was a long sword, a weapon that he wasn’t actually proficient with. If he used it, he would incur a penalty of -1 per attack. After the mediocre results he’d had with the rapier it was a penalty he would gladly accept.

  She picked up the wand, but could only shrug after her inspection. The same reaction occurred after she went over the rest of the items. When she was done, he offered her whatever she wanted. She turned down the offer which led to an awkward silence as they stared at each other. Eventually, they both knew he couldn’t stay any longer. “Be careful,” she said.

  “It’s just a game, right?”


  With the sun setting slowly behind him, Roan moved through K Street territory as quickly as he dared. Around him a few ruined buildings still vented smoke and the late afternoon was hazy and grey.

  There were people sleeping in the streets, their few possessions scraped around them so they wouldn’t be so easily stolen. Roan didn’t like looking at them. They were homeless because of him and unexpected guilt coated his insides like grease.

  He blamed Amanda for the upsetting sensation. She had always been a goody-two-shoes and her judging eyes had been like lamps illuminating his evil soul, seemingly for all the world to know. “Did she tell Wendell or Covington?” he wondered aloud. “What about Assistant Director Hernandez?” A groan escaped him as he envisioned going back to the real world only to face an intervention.

  It was a ludicrous and paranoid thought. Of course, with a city’s worth of villains after him, paranoia was a natural state for a slinking thief. The closer he got to Ghak territory, the more he slunk, watching everyone and everything. There were still many, many thugs lounging about being surly and snappish to the sad locals.

  After the long night they were red-eyed and filled with yawns that came frequently. Roan, on the other hand, felt strong a
nd rested. He briefly considered using one of his potions of flying, only it felt like a waste especially when he had a seventeen constitution and a fresh set of legs.

  He hoped he wouldn’t have to run at all, but as he came closer to the boundary between the two territories, someone yelled out, “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

  “Disneyland,” he answered. “It’s doctor’s orders.”

  The confusing answer earned him a further ten feet towards the boundary, at which point it became obvious that he was crossing over. A veritable crowd of K Street Killers chased him right into Ghak lands, whereupon a huge fight broke out between two criminal gangs. Roan didn’t care a whit who won the fight. In his mind, it would be a win for the entire world if the two sides wiped each other out.

  After a couple of blocks, Roan stopped running and became wary and paranoid once more. The Ghaks were no saints.

  Although he still had little over an hour to present his thumbs, he didn’t dawdle. He went straight away to the textile factory and found Corvo waiting for him. The thief looked disappointed to see Roan.

  “Damn,” Corvo groaned as he eased out of the shadows. “The odds were five to one you weren’t going to make it and I went with the sure money.”

  “How much did you lose?”

  Corvo grimaced. “Three thousand.” Perhaps with a little more anger than he would have normally shown, he frisked Roan, making little noises of approval at the magic items he had accumulated—he frowned as he counted the twenty pairs of thumbs in the soggy bag. Roan had to stifle the opposite reaction.

  Tarranon Thumb Quest complete (XP +2000).

  Congratulations! You are now a Level Five Rogue and have gained the following bonuses:

  Increased Hit Points(+8)

  Special Ability: Sneak Attack Triple Damage

  You have +11 skill points to allocate

  Once more the experience point total seemed oddly, but wonderfully high. Keep up the good work, Sariah, Roan thought to himself. He then quickly assigned his extra skill points, adding one to each of the following: Balancing, Climb Walls, Enable/Disable Traps, Disguise Self, Hide in Shadow, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Lock, Search, Spot, Use Magic Item.


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